View Full Version : Star Wars Combine

May 30th, 2003, 09:11:00 AM
You will join >D or suffer the Wrath of Me o_O


It is currently being reformated for new version called Darkness, but some of the old system still works...If you are looking for a group to join than Join the Infinite Dark - Smugglers, soon to be Corporate Sector Authority - Government...We are known for being cool group ;) :crack :zzz

May 30th, 2003, 06:17:52 PM
No thank you.

Marcus Telcontar
May 30th, 2003, 07:39:29 PM
No way. Not the Combine. Been there, done that.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 31st, 2003, 02:49:04 AM
How many lame links can we get in a week?

Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:32:02 AM
LoL...Lame? Obviously a non SW Lover...Most be one of those Star Trek peps I hear so much about...

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:03:57 AM
Lame as in, "Wow, look, it's spam."

And, I believe the word you were looking for was "peeps", not "peps" I'm not sure what a "pep" is, other than a horrible Archie Comic series from the mid eighties.

Listen, pallie, I like Star Wars, that's the reason I'm here. Odds are that if I wanted to be on your thing, I would be there. But I like being ehre better, so here I stay. As for Star Trek, if it's not TNG, I don't particularily care for it.

I also don't particularily care for being annoyed with threads that only exist to promote other sites when the one we are on has apparently been thriving for years already.

Darth Viscera
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:37:57 AM
LoL...Lame? Obviously a non SW Lover...Most be one of those Star Trek peps I hear so much about...

Yeah, that's why we're all here at swfans, because we hate sw. :rolleyes

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jun 2nd, 2003, 02:26:13 AM
Visc, I think he was talking to me, but you do raise a good point.

And, Asmodeus, don't piss off the furry.

Jun 2nd, 2003, 05:09:27 AM
I'm sure that you will get your point across much better if you insult me instead. Proceed, please.

Silus Xilarian
Jun 2nd, 2003, 08:15:06 AM
Agent Charley's a doormat, Id totally insult him if I were you.

Pierce Tondry
Jun 2nd, 2003, 08:24:44 AM
... said the right-honorable man-whore. :)

Regardless, Mr Asmodeus, spammy off-site game links posted by people the general public doesn't really know are generally frowned upon. Please respect the wishes of the posters not to have material pushed or solicited on them.

Jun 2nd, 2003, 10:02:26 AM
Yes...Peps was spelling mistake....It should have been Peeps...I am a complete moron because I forgot an e....You caught me big guy...Woo...I better just go stick a 357 to my head and blow what little brain I have left...Must be hard finding small faults in people and exploiting them? Its real nice community you got here...Attack the newcomer

Actually I was only talking to Mr Fuzball....As first words out of his mouth are "Your Lame"...Now I posted it because this is SW Site and it says Fans of Star Wars on it, but as soon as someone says hey check out this game it seems decent...I can understand "No Thank you", "Not for me", but noone appreciates being called lame....And SWC has been around for over 3 years....

Its a game you know an activite you do for fun...

Spam? Nah its not spam due to the fact it has a purpose and that I did it once....Now if I posted in the wrong section I am sorry...

Spamming would be something like this:

| ____|| | | | | / | / \ \ / /
| |__ | | | | `---/ / `---/ / \ \/ /
| __| | | | | / / / / \_ _/
| | | `--' | / /----. / /----. | |
|__| \______/ /________| /________| |__|

.______ __ __ .__ __. .__ __. ____ ____
| _ \ | | | | | \ | | | \ | | \ \ / /
| |_) | | | | | | \| | | \| | \ \/ /
| _ < | | | | | . ` | | . ` | \_ _/
| |_) | | `--' | | |\ | | |\ | | |
|______/ \______/ |__| \__| |__| \__| |__|

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 2nd, 2003, 10:18:29 AM
I'm slightly glad that I can't read that...o_O

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 10:36:51 AM
Fuzzy bunny :)

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:11:15 PM
Mr. Devil-name, please point out just when I called you lame.

Go on, I'll wait.

I never called you lame, only your link, big difference. In fact, I didn't even insult you at all, now that I look at it; I merely corrected a typo and put an amusing bit of trivia next to that correction, then went on to explain that I only like ST: TNG in the ST realm, and that I do not like being anooyed.

I'm still not quite sure where you thought I directly insulted you.

As far as "Attack the newcomer", I believe you fail to have misunderstood the rules when you signed up, as I do belive that there is a rule that says no spamming. Spamming is doign nothing to help the board, and mindlessly tossing out links to plug your own site. By using the Archie Comic refrence, I was hoping you might get a bit of humor out of it. Perhaps I should ahve included the "Lord of the Peeps" link about the marshmallow Easter treats set in the LotR world.

The first words out of my mouth were never, "your lame", and in fact, I will even quote myself to prove it:

How many lame links can we get in a week?

Yes, I do see the word "lame", but the word "your" never does appear. Unless of course you pull letters from other words, but that doesn't count. If you're going to try and make me feel bad, at least do so with a reason you can back up. I also said what I said because only two days prior we had another spammer come and simply toss out links to his own board, and I was growing rather tired of it.

Oh, and one last thing, this picture is of a Gray Mongoose, not a fuzzy bunny. Thank you, and I hope you have a pleasant afternoon.

Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:20:14 PM
Bunnies are fuzzy anyway aren't they? And what's the diference between a fuzzy bunny and a grey mongoose? No i'll tell you what it is it's a grey rabbit. No, no a fuzzy mongoose. Peps is a wake up pill that makes you act like you've had the whole India's worth of coffee.


Figrin D'an
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:20:24 PM
Don't feed the trolls or spammers, please. :)

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:26:00 PM
I wasn't feeding him, only correcting a false accusation, and making sure he did not feel as if I had insulted him. I even wished him well.

Telan Desaria
Jun 4th, 2003, 05:07:45 PM
Never been to SWCombine. Do they have a strong Empire in need of Admirals> Does it have many members? I shall go immediately and begin posting recruitment threads all over the place...


Honestly -

I am happy here. If I were not, I would go. Perhaps spamming should be outlawed and just a listing posted and updated. This would save us space and wasted time writing useless, insulting, and utterly pointless posts.

Silus Xilarian
Jun 6th, 2003, 06:15:27 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
This would save us space and wasted time writing useless, insulting, and utterly pointless posts.

But then I'd be out of a job :(

Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 6th, 2003, 09:49:38 AM
The people here who know me OOC all know that I'm really a very nice person. In character, I'm as mean as they come around here. But in real-life, I'm a very easy going person.

I don't get involved in threads like this hardly ever. Just ask all the Moderaters and everyone else and they'll tell you. But the way you come in here, and your delivery.

I for one don't like you. If you want to come here and RP, then I welcome you. But if you're gonna be wise to the people the RP here, MY people, then you aren't welcome here. Stay on your side of the fence and don't come back.

That's it, that's all.

Ka' el Darcverse
Jun 6th, 2003, 10:12:08 AM
:: Steps in ::

In Aso-whatever's defense, by the very rules of our boards and this forum his first post was not spam. It was simply a link to a game site and a promotion for said game. In fact this is in no way a competing community as it is set entirely different from ours. He posted in only one forum and the proper one at that unless I missed some moderators moving his thread or deleting it in other forums. So he is not actually breaking any rules. However his preceding posts and his lack of posting elsewhere is troubling because he has yet to provide the board with any positive input other than to promote his own site, which may or may not be caused by the reception he recieved.

Calling anyone's work lame though not calling them lame is generally taken as a direct insult by said person. Sej if someone saw you post a thread to show off a new drawing of yours and said "Oh great just what we need, another lame furry." (let me say that I've yet to see a piece of yours that I didn't like) Would you not take offence? Perhaps not, perhaps you are thicker skinned than most, but I know that if someone said something like that to me I would take it personally and hence I feel empathy for this person.


You sir are new. The first thing you post is a link to an alternative site. You've yet to contribute to our community other than to promote your Combine and have a very one-sided war of wits with some of the more respected members of our community. Do not be expected to be welcome with open arms, not only is that an unrealistic expectation, it is down right foolish. You have now dug a hole for yourself that you will not be able to fight your way out of, you went from having my sympathy after reading the first few responses to your seemingly congenial thread to my disgust at your ignorant antics.

Suggestion: Delete said account and start over as someone else.

Thank you and please come again.

Jun 9th, 2003, 12:05:02 AM
Actually the Community is just as big as yours here around 2200-2400...And I wasn't trying to spam you guys...If I had known you guys to all be so nice and pleasant than I would have posted a few 100 post every min....But I'm not spammer...I made this one topic talking about a RPG game...Do you see me making more topics? Nope...Why because I'm not spammer...

Ka' el Darcverse I apologize to you and wise for your forgiveness...I just wish I met you earlier in my short adventure on your forums...As for the rest of you who from the start who openly attacked me before giving me much of a chance Ha ha ha ha..

Let me clarify something really quick...The site I posted link to is not owned by me or anyway moderated by me...When I first came here it was from a link of another site that described the site as a community of Star Wars Fans...So I figured "Oh, Interesting maybe I should tell them about the online RPG game I play" So I came here and made a quick link because it was early in morning and I was on my way out the door...And from the general attacks of the post calling the link Lame and what not I could tell you didn't even take the time to look at it and just figured it was another lame person trying to get traffic to his generally lame site that had absolutely no damn content to it except for few words and picture or two....LoL...I re-read my original post...LoL...Horrible way I put it. Anyway If any of you are interested feel free to join the game...Game...Game...Game....Did I say that right? Oh yes...It is a game

I didn't figure me posting that would somehow result in you guys losing all your members....I had no intention of stealing your members....My only goal from post was to meet some cool people who like Star Wars...But I only meet Ka' el Darcverse who was very cool and has reason to not like me because he only got to see one side of me...Ka' el Darcverse perhaps we can talk...I'd like to get to know you and you get to know me better...Any person who take min. to step back and look at the whole picture and not take one side right off the bat deserves a pat on the back...:spank

As for the rest of you... :Poke

Morgan Evanar
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:43:11 AM
Want a rack of baby? Cause we've got, y'know, babies on racks.

They taste like chicken.

Jun 9th, 2003, 09:04:35 AM
Alot of us are fairly seasoned and have seen the Combine aaages ago, and decided it wasn't worth our time. I'm fairly spartan on things that occupy my free time, and I have to choose where I spend it.

Dae Jinn
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:12:57 PM
A combine makes me think of Farm equipment o_O

I'm sure your board is nice, but I prefer Fans for rping. Good luck with your board though. :)

Majo Sabre
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:29:42 PM
I'm trying to find a Fantasy RP, or Rival Schools.

So no SW for me now, but it's nice you thought of us, G'Luck.

Ace McCloud
Jun 10th, 2003, 05:26:22 PM
yea i did combine once, gawd it sucks - you might as well be putting outwar links all around o_O

Ace McCloud
Jun 10th, 2003, 05:29:40 PM
Originally posted by Majo Sabre
I'm trying to find a Fantasy RP, or Rival Schools.

So no SW for me now, but it's nice you thought of us, G'Luck.

Try www.invisionfree.com/forums/realms_of_darkness its small but its fun, its in a slow period right now cuz everyone is having their own little personal affairs right now.

www.invisionfree.com/forums/magarren is good too, its converting from another web domain so the game isnt fully up yet but you can still RP - its medieval fantasy.

and Uhh http://roj.soulsofjustice.net/index.php if youre good, I dont like it too much though

Jun 10th, 2003, 11:36:16 PM
Yeah...It did suck a while back because the game wasn't completed...They are putting a new system up so it will be a lot better...:zzz

Telan Desaria
Jun 11th, 2003, 04:50:52 PM
What is the state of your Empire?

Jun 12th, 2003, 12:54:27 PM
Uh... Why is Luke farming a homestad?

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 16th, 2003, 07:38:18 PM
Ugh...the Combine was the most annoying, unresponsive, unfun piece of junk I've ever used. I gave it up months ago.

Jun 18th, 2003, 09:57:20 AM
LoL...Lion you talk as if it is some kind of program....And you act as if mouths ago it was finished or something...

Telan Desaria
Jun 19th, 2003, 06:12:44 PM

Park Kraken
Jun 23rd, 2003, 05:39:47 PM
I think I used to play it some time ago. Did it have that ICIS Interface? I remember trying to apply for a job somewhere to raise money, but no one would hire me, so I just clicked on advertising links to raise about 50 credits a day. I stopped it because it was going to take me a LOOONNNGGG time in order to afford to buy even the smallest ship, although I still have the interface installed.