View Full Version : New sensations (knights/masters please read [Open])

May 30th, 2003, 06:48:25 AM
Kueller was on his daily run through the marshy swamplands of Abergadoo-Rae. He was not of the native race, he was human. This made him uncomfortable. He felt the others akwardness around him. This made him all the more uncomfortable. He was quite young, still in his late teens. He could remember little of his childhood but often had nightmares of a terrible thing happening to his parents. There would be a red bar of light and then a horrible black face. He would wake up screaming.
Kueller ducked suddenly as a wild animal flew over his head and into the tree. He didn't know how he had known it was coming, he just did. He ran back towards the village as the animal got up. The animal was called a mivok. Very dangerous. And it was on his heels, literally. He fell to the ground and the mivok was upon him, covering him in drool. He prepared himself for his death.

But it never came. He opened his eyes and the mivok was dead. Kueller cried out with joy, and he pushed the mivok off himself. He didn't know what had happened and then, as if a thousand people had punched him at once, he felt something. Another presence. He had never felt such a sensation before.
Kueller looked up and saw a figure standing in the shadow.

The figure stuck out his hand and Kueller took it, thinking there wasn't any reason not to. The figure was a tall and burly man, who looked like he had been round the galaxy a few times.
"Thank you, I guess. How did you know I was in trouble? And who are you?" Kueller asked in the politeset manner possible.
"I felt you in trouble, through the Force."
"The what?" forgetting his manners completely. The man went through a lengthy explanation of the Force. Including Knights, Masters and Padawans.
"Are you a Jedi Knight?" Kueller asked.
"No I came here to view the library. It is quite substancial. I am just a force sensitive. So are you."
"Yes thats how I felt you. Have you ever felt anyones emotions or seen the future?" When he came to think of it he had, but never thought about it. He'd thought it was normal.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because you have nothing to live for here. You should become--"
"A Jedi?"
Kueller still looked unsure, "Why should I leave my life?"
"The real question is: Why should you keep it?"
Kueller stayed silent and looked into the distance. He never knew who his parents were, adopted by the people of Abergadoo-Rae at an early age. Always wondering, never knowing. He didn't fit in here.
"How do I go about becoming a Jedi?"
"Follow me."

The man led him through the village to a minor spaceport.
"You never answered my second question," Kueller said and seeing the bemused look on the man's face said, "Who are you?"
"I am a traveller from Coruscant. My name is Ralle Lare. I often come to Abergadoo-Rae, it has one of the biggest libraries in the Galaxy."
"And where are you taking me? Where is the Jedi recruitment place?"
"The Jedi recruitment centre is on Coruscant. the Spaceport I am taking you to is where my ship is. From there we will fly to a Spaceport on Coruscant: A day's hyper drive from here. The spaceport on Coruscant is near the Jedi recruitment centre. You can walk it." They apporoched a big ship and Ralle said, "This is my ship," he pointed past the big ship to a small Corellian freighter, heavily modified. It looked to Kueller like a YT-1000.
The inside was simple, no entertainment, only a couple of bunks. They had stopped by at Kueller's house to pick up his small collection of belonings and fairly substantial amount of currency.
Kueller spent most of the trip in his bunk, thinking over the massive decision he had made. He wasn't going to mess this up.
When they came to land Kueller came to the cockpit.
"You ready?"
"I'll never be ready. But if we aren't willing to take risks then man wouldn't have made out of the primidial slime aeons ago."
Ralle laughed, "You gonna be a great Jedi."
I sure hope so, Kueller thought.
When they landed Kueller stepped down the ramp and turned ready for his new life. Where he had meaning.
"Hey Kueller, take this," Ralle threw him some keys.
"What are these for?"
"A good luck present. Read the label on the key fob." It read "Parknig space 59".
"A speeder? But why? Won't you need it?"
Ralle didn't answer, he just said, "We'll meet again. And when we do remember i want see lots of pictures!" And with that he went up into the ship and warmed up the engine. Kueller walked away towards the Speeder park.

The speeder park was packed though his speeder was close to the entrance. He found it quickly. It looked expensive and new. Something told Kueller that there was something Ralle hadn't told him about Ralle's occupation. He got in the speeder and drove towards the place marked on his Global Positioning Satellite--The Jedi Recruitment Centre. It was busy but not packed. None were wearing Jedi cloaks so he guessed there were no knights or Masters in the area. The people around him were from all sections of the social ladder. From Rich men to poor women and vice versa. Someone who particularly caught his eye was a young lady wearing 'revealing clothes'. Kueller turned and sat down. Not sure what he should do. there didn't seem to be a kiosk or anything. He appreciated this chance to get used to his surroundings, get his head back in place.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:39:20 AM
As was the usual case, Dasquian was over-seeing the admittance of new applicants to the Order. He had just finished dealing with another student’s acceptance into the folds of the Jedi Order when another potential arrived. The boy sat down and glanced around, looking a little bit lost. Seeing this and deciding to act upon it, Dasquian approached and bowed his head in greeting.

“Good afternoon. I’m Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Can I help you with something?”

Jun 1st, 2003, 10:42:01 AM
"I'm not sure. What would you suggest for some one who's not sure they should be here?"
He seemed nice enough. This was a very high compliment from Kueller. He seldom trusted anyone unless he knew them well.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:45:07 AM
“Well if you are considering joining the Jedi, you must be sure that you want to be here. Only through total determination do we achieve what we strive for,” Dasquian replied – it was a rather cryptic evasive response, but he hoped it would bring something out in this unsure person.

Jun 1st, 2003, 10:49:59 AM
Not the reply Kueller was hoping for, but if he was going to be a Jedi he should be determined. And he was, he knew that.
"I am determined but it's been a kind of crazy 24 hours. I do want to be a Jedi." There it was he said it, despite everything.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:57:06 AM
Dasquian nodded, smiling slightly.

“And why do you want to be a Jedi?”

Jun 1st, 2003, 12:13:42 PM
Politely inqusitive, like Kueller just more trustful. A Jedi Knight.
"I want a meaning in my life, to help people. A challenge perhaps." He wanted to ask, Who are you? But didn't think it was going to leave a good impression.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:36:52 PM
Dasquian nodded as he listened.

“Tell me what you understand the role of a Jedi is.”

Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:39:17 PM
"To keep peace, order. To defend not to attack. Moreover to understand the difference between those two things." Kueller looked up, "To protect."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:44:15 PM
“Almost correct. You cannot rely solely upon defense as a Jedi, for it will lead only to defeat. You must respond and attack also where it is necessary.”

Dasquian folded his arms over his chest and continued.

“And what do you understand of the Force?”

Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:49:37 PM
"Very little. As it seems the whole of mankind does. What I do know is that it surrounds us, binds us. It threads the whole of the galaxy together." Kueller smiled, it felt good. "We are symbionts of the Force. I s'pose everyone is Force sensitive to an extent. Jedi just manipultes it as it manipulates them. I beleive the common mistake is to believe that we summon the Force, though, it is already there."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:52:18 PM
A slow nod, and the topic changed.

“It is because of this, among things, that people perceive Jedi – sometimes – as dangerous. Many people dislike the Jedi and what they stand for, and strive to eliminate us from the galaxy. As a Jedi you would face this danger daily. Do you think you could cope living like this?”

Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:57:13 PM
Kueller thought before answering, "Let me tell you something. I came from the planet Abergadoo-Rae. It was lovely some of the time. But every morning, almost, I would wake up sweating after having a nightmare about how my parents died. This de-sensitiesed me almost to fear and anger. if something attacked me on my morning run, I would fight it off. the majority of the time anyway," he smiled. "I beleive I could face any terror." He considered and said, "Almost."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:24:13 PM
A silence fell for a moment, as Dasquian formulated what he would say next, a little taken aback by the response given.

“I have only one more question to ask …”

A faint smile came over him.

“What is your name, Padawan?”

Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:25:01 PM
"Kueller. And yours Knight?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:28:10 PM
“Dasquian,” he repeated.

“I think I can safely welcome you into the ranks of our order now. You training won’t begin immediately, as we will need to find a Master for you – however in the mean time you are free to explore the grounds. I would advise visiting the Living Quarters, if you do not already have residence and Master Yoghurts bar and grill.”

Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:29:44 PM
"Yep looks like I'm gunna need a place to stay. Mail me if you find a master for me." Kueller smiled. "Nice to meet you."