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Vega Van-Derveld
May 30th, 2003, 03:47:10 AM
[OOC: This isn’t a combat thread. Please PM me if you want to join.]

“Civilian craft, identify yourself.”

“Shuttle Gavourden requesting access to Kuat Passenger Port.”

“Roger that, Gavourden. Transmitting co-ordinates for dome 4, landing pad 14.”

The engines of the Tribune-class Shuttle fired a pale blue as the ship moved from its static position towards the slowly opening entrance to the port. As the auto-pilot took over, with a couple of the ‘stadts guards manning the helm to make sure everything went alright, the two passengers retired to sit down. Vega slouched into a chair and pulled his glass from across the table, taking a sip before he grinned.

“I’ve never visit Kuat before. I hear the yards here are scores bigger than those TSE used to employ. We’ll have to try and get a peek at the production area.”

Darius smirked faintly. Sometimes, Vega thought, Darius seemed to act as though he was the elder of the pair – not in a challenging sense, but rather he would paternally advise Vega. It was vaguely unnerving.

“Which company are we going to be purchasing from? Kuat Drive Yards?”

“No, no. They mass produce and don’t allow for any alterations to be made to models. No, Hera gave me a hand with this one… recommended a company who specialize in this sort of craft.”

Glancing to the side, out of the window, Vega saw the edge of the gigantic dome passing by, closing in behind the shuttle. Up front, at the controls, the guards were in communication with the control staff for the landing area, who was directing them down onto their landing spot.

Pulling a crumpled note out of his pocket, Vega quickly skim-read the details on it.

“Turrel Enterprises. They have an office somewhere inside the transfer zone, so once we’re out of the hub dome we should hopefully be able to catch a cab over there.”

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:43:42 AM
"Sounds all sorted to me."

He reached for a comms panel and called up the small squad of 'specials' he had detailed for the journey.

"Our 'able' assistants have been notified, they'll rendevous once we have completed the transactions and we are ready to depart."

A yawn escaped his lips as he settled deeper into his seat; the trip had gone largely without incident, but Darius was always wary of clones piloting his vessels, especially the clones he had not selected for his own guard, for whatever reason.

"Well, asside from a little 'infiltration' into the production centre, this shouldnt take long right? Just a little walk through the showrooms, a few personal tweeks to the model here and there and the trip home..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:07:40 AM
Vega just nodded, and stood up as he felt a tremor run through the ship. The engines cut out and a loud hiss of relief was given by the craft as it safely touched down against the landing pad. Crew outside were already moving to stabilize the vehicle, but were stopped rather quickly by a troop of strangely identical looking people who rang an ominous perimeter around the vessel.

Darius and Vega disembarked and stroll leisurely across the walkway that would lead them to the main vein of the dome. Traders stood spotted around the place, boasting their company’s policies and waving fliers into the air, pawning them off onto anyone they could. A quick glance around for an advertiser from Turrel Enterprises was fruitless, and so Vega decided to approach what appeared to be an information desk to ask for help.

“Can I help you, sir?”

“Yes. Point me in the direction of Turrel Enterprises, would you?”

The cheerful face behind the desk rattled off something on the keyboard in front of her, and nodded off down the larger walkway that lead to the main hub dome. She explained, as quickly as humanly possible, that a representative from the company usually held a ‘post’, as it were, just inside the main gate of the central dome. Vega thanked her and turned away, looking to the walkway – it must have been at least a mile long.

“You’ve got to be kidding me…”

It was pointed out to Vega moments later, by the helpful woman behind him, that a shuttle ran between the domes. Minutes later the two Lupine were boarding for the brief journey.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:42:51 AM
Cramped into the vehicle with all of the other cattle, Darius found himself standing in the press. To his left, a bothan, his fur rippling with displeasure, to his back was a party of chittering children and at his right, the familiar presence of his father.

The long confinement to Fascinataru had worn away Darius' tolerance to crowds and what he deemed excessive noise.

As the shuttle jolted forward, he found himself entangled in the bleached locks of some faceless young woman; without even a backwards glance she continued her commlink conversation.

"This is beginning to grate father."

A toss of her head sent more of the discoloured hair flying into Darius face; he felt his blood beginning to warm. His irritation grew as the noise, not only of her shrill laughter but she had started chewing. He noticed a discarded gum wrapper fall to the floor.


The noise of her mastication seemed to echo inside Darius' head. Soon he was locked into the rhythm, even imagining the white ball, rolling inside her maw.


Her tempo had changed, so had the pitch of her conversation, it seemed to have reached a level when she didnt breathe, like a stream of conciousness, all of her thoughts spilling out into the air.
Darius could feel his skin crawl and his cheek begin to twich.

He looked down at his hands, the nails had grown sharply out, forming his favourite killing tools; his face split into a grin, no mirth, just lips pulled back from teeth.


The doors sprang open and the passengers streamed away.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 4th, 2003, 11:18:14 AM
Stepping out into a rush of heat, with the spring-coiled Darius following – eyes still locked on the back of the blonde bimbo head – Vega inhaled deeply. The smell of fuel filled the air; a rich oily smell that, when viewed with Lupine, was a heavy smog of brown over the whole of the dome.

The dome – what an impressive sight. It seemed to stretch infinitely above, never reach a conclusion. All around were small offices, meeting places, eateries and all manners of places, most of which Vega had no imagined he would see here. He took a few steps forward, narrowly avoiding a luggage transport that sped past him at break-neck speeder.

“Bloody idiot-..”

“Can I help you, sir?” a voice squealed, shrieking out the lips of a chirpy looking young woman.

“Turrel Enterprises?”

“Oh yes sir! Right over there sir!”

She motioned a clipboard over to one of the larger segments of the dome, where a cadre of well dressed figures stood outside conversing with customers. One, a man with a sharp white suite and long blonde hair, was currently unoccupied – Vega and Darius approached him.

Felix D'eath
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:15:20 PM
Felix turned his back to the gaggle of toadies.

His day, so far had been pretty rough; a call at seven in the morning, courtesy of his employer, had shattered the only decent sleep he had had in a fortnight.

With the tactical 'merger' that he had been left to preside over and the labour troubles that had plagued the Ladie's turnover for the quater, it had been a wholly stressful time.

If only they had capitulated and settled for that ten percent wage reduction.....

That was one white suit Felix would never be able to wear again.

He sighed deeply, praying that his gifts had reached the right people and the unusual biological waste would pass unnoticed into the system, along with all of the other troublesome garbage.

Glancing up from his diary, he caught sight of two men, making a beeline for him.

Oh my...

The larger of two carried himself with a predatory air, the smaller, redhead, seemed to dominate the room, posessing everything his haughty gaze raked over.

They dont look like security, possibly enforcers...damn hutts, i shall have pay them a visit in due course...

Sliding the knife down from his wrist sheathe into his palm, he smiled his brightest most charming smile.

"Good day gentlemen! Welcome to Turrel Enterprises, I am mister D'eath."

He paused and looked closely at the two faces; while by no means free from hostile intent, he had the feeling that it was the sort of intent one had to live with. He slid the dagger back into place.

"How may I help you?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 7th, 2003, 11:57:25 AM
Vega suppressed a laugh at the mans name, giving him a once over glance before asserting a confident, and faintly domineering, posture, with his arms folded over his chest.

“We’re looking for a ship, surprisingly. A yacht, which can be customized, preferably with weapons.”

Flashing an insincere fanged smile, he continued.

“Do you think you can help us, Mr. D’eath?”

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:56:47 AM
A close examination of the man standing before them revealed a personage of excellent taste. The white suite he wore, was from one of Coruscant's finest tailors, Darius recognised the cut immediately; the import cost alone for such an item made the man if not wealthy, then very-very well off.

Behind the exceptionally authentic veneer of a warm reception, Darius could see the mans eyes working systematically over both his father and himself; the pale orbs travelled the length of his body, seeming to see everything, down to the blaster hidden underneath his coat.

Looking over to Vega, Darius could see the distane that his father had for this individual; it could not even really be called distane, he treated him like all other servants, like nonentities, there to serve him and him alone and then to be discarded. The man, Felix however, was no common servant, he looked like he had simply slipped into the role for an afternoon, and the benifit of Vega.

No deference; the shoulders remained square, he stood face to face with the impressive lupine, meeting his eye and keeping his features always charming and calm, however much discourtesy Vega piled on.

Cutting across the dialogue, Darius placed a hand on his fathers shoulder.

"Please forgive us Mister D'eath, we have forgotten our manners in our absence from society."

He smiled with genuine warmth at the white suited individual; he noticed with some admiration that the man had drawn and was now in the process of sheathing a concieled weapon; he continued with greater respect.

"My name is Darius and this is my father, The Lord Vega Van-Derveld."

Felix D'eath
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:16:40 AM
Oh gods this is awful, this crature wants the whole world, shoved into a tiny package and still be able to outstrip an imperial cruser at sublight speed...

Dispare had come early as he began to take the particulars from the nameless man. A comprehensive leasure suite, an overpowered powerplant and drive system and a weapons system that seemed more suited to outright assault rather than minor defence.

I dont even know the mans name, how am i supposed to place an order without a name...

As he continued tapping down specifications onto a datapad, he felt the eyes of the redhead searing over him.

Yes, that is a Sillaian suit mister X thank you for noticing...and you will never look as good in one as I do...

As 'red' shifted slightly, Felix tensed imperceptably, ready for the attack he had suspected; his weapons were away now, he couldnt defend himself and cursed his foolishness.

"My name is Darius and this is my father, The Lord Vega Van-Derveld."

The redhead said.

It took all of Felix' self control to prevent his demenour slipping.

This is some kind of joke, these oafs cannot be....surely not related to.....the Lady herself?

"Gentlemen, I apologise, I must check some of these specifications."

Clicking his heels, he sketched a bow and walked briskly away.

They cant be....can they?? No no no...too much of a coincidence, I had better check it with the Lady.

Tapping into a commsbooth, he dialed up his employers private residence.

"Grace...there is something you need to see, come to the Turrel front entrance; either you will laugh with me, or this ends our association...either way, you need to be here, I wouldnt call otherwise, you know that."

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:34:50 AM
The view from her private residence was simply, exquisite. To gain property that faced the terraformed planet was at a premium. Too many stations orbiting made for too much clutter around Kaut, but when you have as much money as she did, it didn't matter. Grace Van-Derveld could purchase anything her little heart desired.

She was only half hearing Angela, her secretary, review her dictation inside her office. The woman was competent, reliable, a nice face to look and have around. Normally a minor detail, like declining an engagement, Angela would have taken care of herself but there was little work for Grace today. Minor annoyances like these were at least something to do until the board meeting later tonight that dealt with the merger and labor problems. Hopefully Felix took care of the more, subtle details of the problem, before tonight.

" .... And so, it is with great regret that I must decline your invitation to the charity auction, Senator Kaelrel. Please accept this donation to your cause as compensation and I hope that we can schedule an appointment in the near future to meet with each other personally." The secretary recited from off the data-pad and looked up at the back of her bosses creme colored leather chair. "Is that all Ma'am?"

"Yes, I believe so. Fill in any details as usual." Her eyes caught the attention of a storm that was forming near the northern continent. the clouds were swirling together in a tight formation, growing from grey to black, threatening rain. She really loved her view. Smiling, Grace leaned back to enjoy the show. "That's all for.... beep beep beep Now." It came out as a growl. "Get that for me, Angela, and tell them to bugger off."

"Of course, Ma'am." Angela stood up and pressed the red button on Grace's comm unit and raised a brow at Felix's face. "This isn't a good time ..." But Felix didn't get give her a chance to tell him to go to hell. Angela was in a state of quandary, not knowing what to do. She looked up at Grace, who had turned around. Her boss was staring at the screen, musing something over. Angela let go of a breath she was holding, Glad she's not angry.

"All right.' Grace announced and stood up. "I'll be there. Lucky for you, Felix dear, that I'm in a curious mood. Be there in fifteen." She closed the comm off and walked off, Angela quickly following on her heels. "Get my personal shuttle ready."

Fifteen minutes later, no more, no less, a white shuttle pulled up in front of Turrel Enterprises. The door opened for Grace automatically and she stepped out, flipping her long blonde hair away from her shoulder. She had opted for her usual custom made white business suit and matching leather trench coat for this little -visit-. Already the hustle of buss el of the area slowed to a stop for a second as her employees were stopped stunned that there boss was personally here ... unscheduled. Those that were smart, caught themselves and continued to wherever it was they were going; and if they weren't going anywhere, they tried to make themselves scarce. "Hrmp." Always the hourly workers acted that way. Grace removed her sunglasses, revealing uncaring icy blue eyes, and looked for her assistant. She found him conversing with uncharacteristic looking men, in her eyes. "This shouldn't take too long, Jord."

Her driver acknowledged her simply with a 'Yes Ma'am," as Grace was already walking towards the group of men. Various greetings of "Hello Miss Van-Derveld' 'Good to see you Miss Van-Derveld' greeted her ears by brave workers along the way until she was facing Felix.

"All right, this better be good." The blonde looked to him expectantly and turned an inquisitive eye at the red-head and bleach blonde. These weren't simple riff raff. The had an arrogant quality about them both that just permeated the area. She could respect that but if Felix called her here just to meet some customers, there would be hell to pay.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:42:08 AM
“Is there a problem, Mr D’Eath? I was hoping to get this business transaction over as quickly and smoothly as possible. I do have other matters to attend to,”

The arrival of - what he guessed – was the mans boss was trivial, at best. It didn’t matter who was in charge to Vega. All that he needed from them was a ship, not an overview of their company’s hierarchy. None the less he found himself staring a second too longer than he should of at the woman, his brow furrowing slightly.

If there was one thing he prided himself on it was knowing the Garou population of the core worlds well, and this woman he did not recognize at all, though he was fairly sure from her appearance – and indeed scent – that she too was of feral blood.

Felix D'eath
Jun 8th, 2003, 11:50:33 AM
"I believe there is something you all need to discuss."

He leaned into his employer

"These two claim to be Van-Dervelds...i dont see how this is possible, but i thought you better see it for yourself...

He cleared his throat, all too concious of how badly this could turn out for him, if he had misjudged the situation.

Pah man, when was the last time you made a mistake...

"Gentlemen...This is my employer Miss Grace Van-Derveld."

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:18:16 PM
Well, she was correct about him being a customer. That was a mark of disfavor for Felix, especially how the blonde was looking at her. That disappointed frown did not go unnoticed.

Felix started the deliberations by whispering to her that these two claimed to be Van-Dervelds.

Grace's mirth couldn't be contained as her assistant announced to the gentlement who she was. "Yes, so obviously we have a problem here." A thin white brow raised as her voice turned cold. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:30:20 PM
A chuckle escaped from Darius' lips.

"A problem certainly...and how exactly have we missed an errant Van-Derveld."

Smiling to himself, he flashed a grin across at the woman known as Grace.

"Well then, I suppose if we already know eachothers last names; I am Darius, and this is my father Lord Vega."

He extended a hand, not expecting it to be shaken.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:36:47 PM
A tightening of the throat, then furrowing of the brow, followed by a quiet growl. What Vega disliked – no, abhorred – more than not knowing of Garou was not knowing of his own … family. There were three times of Van-Derveld, he had learnt – those who understood and sided with him, those who worked with his father, and those who were dead. This Grace was not a member of the latter group, yet, and so this begged the question just who was she, if indeed she was a Van-Derveld at all.

“How odd to find another with the same name as us, Darius,” he mused aloud.

“It is such an uncommon name, after all…”

His eyes were alight with anger, though his lips showed a smile, albeit a serpentine one.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:49:51 PM
Grace's brow went a little higher at the offered hand, which of course, was ignored. "Darius and Lord Vega. How ... quaint." So they were nobles or self appointed ones.

Her ears picked up on Vega's growl and that raised some suspiscion. It wasn't the fact that he did it, it was the way it was done. "Yes, it is uncommon ..." agreeing with the statement that was mostly directed at Darius. If Vega was hoping that his angry posture would hope to scare Grace into submission, he was going to be quite disappointed. She stood her ground, lips tightly pursed together in thought and annoyance. Her father was elusive, never given the chance to meeting him. Her mother had only hit the hightlights of their ... relationship, if you could call it that, when she was old enough to understand. "... but one that my Father owned, so being his daughter, I have the right to using."

Felix D'eath
Jun 8th, 2003, 12:53:44 PM
The rage that boiled inside of the huge blonde washed over Felix in huge waves, he could feel it like a fire.

The contrast with the younger of the pair was colossal; Darius mearly treated it as a joke, however; he felt that Darius could probably find something to laugh at in a slaughter-house.

Especially in a slaughter-house...just keep the big one calm...

Praying that the seemingly relaxed Darius would prove to be a calming influence, Felix palmed his knife back into his palm.

This is going to be like a toothpick against a charging bear...ah well

Smiling again; Felix shifted slightly, moving more towards the youth and a little bit forward of Miss Van-Derveld.

"Perhaps we should repair to...a quieter place, we have several empty conference rooms back at the office."

Not to mention a small army of security...

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:27:07 PM
Darius winced inwardly as the woman kept speaking.

He could feel the anger in his father graduate to rage and he moved in closer to him, mentally taking his fathers hand and willing him to not tare the woman apart.

Eyes moving from his father to Grace, he could certainly see a few similarities; the unbending personalities were only one, the hair colour another and while Vega's emotion was visible, Darius could feel high emotion in Grace also.

He smiled again, hoping that he could release some of the tension from the highly volatile situation.

We do not need an incident here father...

"Yes indeed, it is an unusual name, one which we have all lived with for years now, happily unaware of eachother; I dont see, for the moment, how anything has changed, we have all simply been given an education."

He noticed that Felix had moved into a more defensible position and had again armed himself, he could feel nothing but admiration for his bravery, however pointless.

"I think that moving this off the streets would be a good idea, but not to your premises, a more neutral establishment...any reasonable resteraunts, i'm famished?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:35:53 PM
For all we know this could be another of my father’s waifs, whose sole purpose here is to screw us over, Vega’s paranoia hissed into Darius’ mind, egged on by the murky intentions of Mr D’eath.

“A restaurant sounds like an excellent idea, somewhere quiet,” the Lupine voiced, adding, “where we can talk.”

Thoughts of purchasing the yacht were temporarily shuffled back to being low importance.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:42:15 PM
Darius had manners. At least one of them did. "Very well. Felix ... make the arrangments as we go."

She turned on her heels in a dismissive manner and headed towards her shuttle. There was something unspoken between those two and Grace didn't like it. Maybe they were here to sully her name and ruin her business. Was it really a coincedence that two beings show up at her doorstep claiming to be Van-Dervelds when an important board meeting was happening tonight?

The driver saw his boss coming back with Felix and two unknown men. It was his business to ask any questions and opened the shuttle doors for Grace and her guests.

Felix D'eath
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:12:27 PM
He almost sagged with relief.

The tension left the closely packed group as they split up; briskly following Grace, he tapped out a booking for the closest and most acceptable resteraunt.

Sitting down, he reviewed the situation. Where they were eating had a large security force and it was not unknown for Grace to take buisness partners there.

Damnit, that oaf Bracker better remember that favour he owes me...

Several messages to the establishments security chief ensured a isolated booth with a sprinkling of covert strongarms within calling distance.

"We will be dining at the Solaris club; i am sure it will meet our needs adequately."

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:37:52 PM
The easy capitulation of both sides had made the situation much less volatile.

Catching Felix' eye he sent a conspiratorial grin in his direction.

"That sounds like a pretty good place to me, i could go for some steak."

Stepping into the shuttle, Darius slid across the luxurient uphosltry and closed his eyes leaning back and extending his power.

The other passengers he gently brused over; the driver was of no consequence, Felix was awash with relief but he could see something devious in that mind, flickering behind the surface. Grace was an icy lake to all intents and purposes.

The force wasnt needed to decipher Vegas mood.

Lets just resolve this, without incident, i dont trust that D'eath creature...besides, we might like to return to this planet at a later date, we could do without a criminal record and the attendant wanted posters...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 9th, 2003, 10:49:26 AM
Their arrival at the restaurant couldn’t have been any sooner. Felix had tried to facilitate some degree of conversation on the journey there, though it seemed only Darius was willing to participate. The group exited their transport and, lead by Felix, entered the eatery. A glance around and Vega smiled faintly; the smell of the food within the room causing his stomach to rumble a little.

The Lupine looked to Grace, still smiling slightly, though quickly righted this as he noticed the woman looking back at him.

“So much for getting this over with quickly..”

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 9th, 2003, 08:41:33 PM
She stuck close to Felix, not trusting either of her 'long last family' members, if they really were that. Unfortunately, Grace's own perceptive nature could pin point a lot of physical similarities between her and Vega, and would she dare admit, personality traits? Right now his nose was enjoying that delicious smells that were coming from the kitchen. It actually turned his sour mood into something more personable until he spotted that she was looking at him, smirking in her own right. "This way gentleman."

A human male dressed in the finest of silk suits, greeted Grace with open arms. The two chatted back and forth with some simple pleasantries with Allen before he escorted them through the main room of the club, pass the crystal glass walkway that lead to the bar and into the private booths in back. Felix had done well to conceal a simple, but effective, security force. She recognized a lot of Bracker's people along the way.

Walking into the room screamed a ridiculous amount of money from the paintings on the wall to the Andorian silk napkins on the table. Tasteful and extravagant. He set down four menus and two waiters cleared out the extra settings that weren't needed.

Grace slipped off her trench and handed it over to Allen "I'll take the usual Tarakeen Brandy." She sighed softly and motioned to the 'Van-Dervelds. "And anything they want as well."

Felix D'eath
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:48:32 AM
Seating himself near Grace, Felix sent up a prayer of thanks for the wide table that seperated him from his fellow diners.

A feeling of calm settled over Felix as he settled into the plush leather chair.

Back to the wall, doors and windows in plain sight and nothing behind me...just like mother taught me...

With all of his adversaries infront of him and nothing but solid wall behind him, Felix felt his usual assurance return. From his vantage he could see right back into the kitchens and to where the chief of security had ensconsed himself, keeping a bleery eye on the strange dinner guests that Miss Van-Derveld had brought.

Oh gods...he cant be drunk now...pah, it wont matter anyway...if these two want us dead, a sober Bracker cant help us...

The strange affability of Darius was puzzling though, so unlike the contorted anger of his father.

"Yes, drinks...Vodka double shot."

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 10th, 2003, 10:05:54 AM

He didnt look up, his eyes were too intent on both Grace and Felix.

Again the similarities of Vega and Grace were quite apparent as was the selfassurance; only a medical test would truly determine the true origines of the glacial woman, however, getting her to submit to such a test would be difficult Darius thought.

Father, I really dont know what this woman is...difficult to read, try some questions, ask about her family...try and break the ice somewhat, if we get her trust we could get her blood tested and resolve this all the quicker...

"And some of that delightful oozing steak i saw float past, quickly..."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 11th, 2003, 08:42:15 AM
Vega nodded to the waiter at Darius’ request, and asked for just a pitcher of water – if there was one thing they didn’t want it was to get plum-drunk.

“So,” absently toying with the napkin in front of him, without looking at it, Vega shifted to lean forward somewhat.

“… How long ago did father- … your father leave you?”

Judging by Diego’s track record it would have been no more than a day after the girl’s birth.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 11th, 2003, 09:08:53 AM
That slip of the tongue was interesting. Somewhere inside that pompous mind, Vega was already convinced that they were related. Not only that, but if they shared the same father, it would make the two of them siblings. Of course, only a blood test could confirm such suspicions. Perhaps Felix could arrange something if Grace would be able to convince the Van-Dervelds to provide a sample. Their attitudes were probably going to make that difficult.

"My father left a few days after I was born. Mother told me he left without a trace, but could always be found nearby incase there was trouble with the pregnancy." The waiter returned quite promptly with the drinks, serving Grace and Felix first. Her eyes stayed upon the 'Lords's' face when she picked up her glass of brandy. "And ... you?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 14th, 2003, 03:43:46 AM
“He stayed with us up until I was about … 14, then deserted mother and myself on a slave planet,”

It wasn’t obvious whether or not having Diego stay with Vega was a good thing. On the one hand he taught the boy things, but on the other he was essentially the catalyst that lead to Vega joining the Sith Empire and becoming what he was today. Not that the Lupine held a grudge, of course.

“… You haven’t been in contact with him, or any … family since then, have you?”

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:42:08 AM
She found this fascinating. On one hand, Vega was acting as if the cruel reality that they were related was the truth. On the other hand, he was trying to deny the truth by playing the pronoun game with her, not using any names to cover the apparent truth.

"No, I haven't. Why..." Interrupted by the returning waiter, her taut face glared up at him as he asked if they were ready to order. "Ithorian salad and Alengrane steak. Medium rare."

He unconsciously swallowed at the venom in Grace's voice and took the rest of the orders so he could remove his presence quickly. "As I was saying, why is there no name attached to our elusive father. Afraid I might know his name?" A slight smirk of victory crossed her lips before taking another sip of her brandy.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 15th, 2003, 11:52:54 AM
“Rather, wary that you might not know.”

Vega ordered for both himself and Darius in one.

“You must understand, Grace. Our family is not one of smiles, sweetness and light, as you no doubt have deduced. Our paranoia-…”

A nudge from Darius, and Vega corrected, “My paranoia towards you is entirely justified by the fact that on more than one occasion, a figure has claimed to be of our bloodline and done so for the simply purpose of infiltrating and destroying our ties with one another.”

He gestured his hands out, as though emphasizing a point.

“My… apologies.”

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 15th, 2003, 12:13:41 PM
Cautious, rightfully so, and it pained Grace to admit that Vega sounded like he was telling her the truth. A truth that had a familiar ring to her as well. "Funny that you should mention that. I might not have the closeness of a family bond as you, but I do have priorities. Priorities that include firstly, and lastly, with my company. I found it quite odd that you two show up when there is ..." Blue eyes glanced over at Felix for the correct word, "... small difficulty that I am having. I thought you were here to spy on me as well."

She unfolded the napkin by her place setting as the familiar smell of Ithorian vegetables caught her nose. The waiter arrived with appetizers and her salad not too long after. "As you can see, I've rather been busy in my twenty seven odd years in building a financial empire, then to worry about if there were more Van-Dervelds sired by Diego. Mother was more important to me then that."

Dropping her father's name like that would confirm if Vega was telling the truth by his reaction, as she speared some lettuce with her fork.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 15th, 2003, 12:35:08 PM
The scent of the salad didn’t entice Vega in the slightest. If the food hadn’t once walked the earth on its own two – or four - legs, he didn’t usually find it appealing. As Grace had expected, however, there was a flicker of something behind Vega’s eyes at the mention of the word Diego.

“Understandable. Our family isn’t one you can exactly be proud of, is it?”

Turning to his son, Darius smiled knowingly.

“That aside, if you are who you say you are, whether you like it or not you will have our attention. Call it spying if you will. I just have a morbid curiosity about things like this.”

Curiosity and, perhaps, that pack gene that was in him kicking in, telling him to look out for his kin. Twenty seven years old made Grace two years older than Vega himself. He smirked.

“You have made quite an impressive mark with this … little business of yours. Don’t you have any other goals in life other than selling ships?”

It astounded him, always, when Van-Derveld felt the need to stray from the path of the Force. In his opinion it came to them all like a second nature.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 16th, 2003, 09:32:25 AM
Family not to be proud of? That caused a tightening of her brows together in serious thought. Already the Van-Derveld genes had produced something within her that had made life difficult until controlled, but by the way Vega was talking, he meant something else.

The conversation was continuing however. There would be time to think on those issues later, when this was all sorted out. "Speaking of which. All these 'if's". Those can be cleared up accordingly with a simple blood test. I know that thought has crossed your mind so there is no reason to dance around that any longer at this point.

As for your curiosity ..." A small drop of dressing had missed its mark and Grace paused to rid herself of the stain. "... I believe that such curiosity extends from me to you as well. I guess that would be my only goal now.' She made certain that her attention was not centered on Vega anymore, that Darius was included. "Getting to know all of you better."

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 17th, 2003, 02:45:38 PM
The sparring between Grace and Vega was becoming drawn out and frankly tedious; the solution was as simple as 'procuring' a drop of blood and putting that in the hands of any reasonably competent first term medical student with the correct equiptment.

As the pale eyes swept over him, he roused himself to sociability.

"Yes, indeed, familliarisation with an unknown quantity is always a good plan."

Flashing his teeth, he regretted the overly analytical words almost instantly.

"Well, I suppose my first question will be, what exactly do you do here, what is your buisness?"

Pulling his sabres and laying them on the table, he nonchalantly sliced into his steak.

"I think you can guess ours without the customary three tries."

Felix D'eath
Jun 17th, 2003, 02:54:27 PM
At the production of the renowned weapons, Felix lent back in his chair.


"Ah, mercenary work is it?"

Praying fervently that the inane giggle he tacked on the end of his question would quietly religate it to benieth answering, Felix speared a leaf of lettuce.

"Miss Van-Derveld is truly the most ecclectic buisnesswoman I have ever had the fortune to work for. I myself, manage the human resources she has at her disposal, and that isnt even the biggest field she is involved in."

Sipping a handy water glass.

"Trade goods, a whole array of warehouses and property rentals; small vessel production and repairs, even providing the staff for customer relations work; just as i was this morning, the list is almost endless."

Flicking a glance at the Lady, he hoped he had left her enough to parle with.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 20th, 2003, 09:07:48 AM
“Which is exactly why we’re here,” Vega reminded Darius, with a slight frown.

“To purchase one of these vessels – and no, we aren’t mercenaries,” the scowl deepened somewhat, as he folded his arms over the table – manners were not Vega’s strong point.

“We are Force users,” he added, looking directly at Felix as he felt the mans concern swell up, his thoughts darting between one thing and another as he tried to finalize on one train that would not flush him out as being nervous.

The distasteful look was quickly smoothed over by a smile however, as Vega sat back and looked to Grace. Mentally he had decided he liked her, now. He took a few bites from his steak and wondered whether or not Daiquiri would like this new sister – but he was getting ahead of himself there.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:01:09 AM
"My dear Felix, Vega has actually caught you off your game today." She scolded him in a teasing manner, pushing aside her finished salad. Darius was a brash lad for certain but his actions provided more information about her little newfound family here. Jedi and Sith had often fought over this territory with intense tenacity. The shipping yards were quite a valuable commodity to any empire and was the perfect little settling point for her Enterprises. She never dealt with Force users openly, only in high profile meetings were her competition would like to use then to glean information not spoken at the table; easily countered with a hired one of her own. It was a sad showing of the galaxy that such tactics were used. Whatever happened to the good old days of regular good old fashion corporate spying?

She twirled the knife in her hand, a bad habit true but a fun one, and cut into her steak. "Well, at least our little misunderstanding has a happy ending for me." Grace's smile lit up her face in an endearing manner. "What can I do for my dear, Brother?" She had to admit, Vega wasn't all that bad.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 20th, 2003, 10:11:08 AM
“I was hoping to get one of those yachts, you know the type,” he emphasized his point by jabbing at the air with his fork – which he then promptly turned back around to snap the piece of meat off of it. He chewed hungrily and then added, still with half a mouthful:

“Luxurious, the works… but with the necessary addition of a few defensive measures, if you catch my drift.”

Another moment to swallow down the steak, “Guns, basically.”

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 20th, 2003, 08:39:47 PM
A thin white brow rose up high, "Maybe Felix was right about you being mercenaries." Then Grace chortled as Vega started to get that look again. "Kidding. Guns are quite vague. How much artillery are we talking about?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 22nd, 2003, 09:07:28 AM
“Just enough to get us out of any awkward situation we might be in,” he replied, ‘the look’ that Grace had noted slipping away.

“It’s primarily meant to be a ship for just … relaxing on, but there’s no harm in putting a few pieces of artillery on it. After all, someone might decide they don’t like us one day,” Vega added the last comment with a grin.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 22nd, 2003, 11:55:23 AM
"Ah." Grace understood and mirrored his grin. "Completely understandable. Felix?" She looked towards her assistant. "I don't believe it would be difficult to fullfill their request? I mean after all, it would be a better way to start off this new found relationship." Which still needed to be properly determined but at this point, it would be a formality. Again, Vega was her attention. "How much money are we talking so Felix can make the proper arrangements?"

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 22nd, 2003, 02:32:14 PM
Sweeping his blades back onto his belt, Darius accelerated from his relaxed repose, to ridgid attention. To his satisfaction, he noticed his fellows jump a little.

Fixing Felix with a stare, he grinned widely.

Fishing a datachip from his pocket, he flicked it across table toward the white suit. To Felix credit, the chip was fielded without the batt of an eyelid.

"All of the specifications are there, concussion shielding, the upgraded propultion package and a small turbolaser blister."

Pausing, he shot a searching gaze at the middle manager.

"There must also be an old imperial compatable slave unit included therein."

Looking over to Grace

"I'm sure the name Van-Derveld has never suffered from monentary restraint in your branch, the same is true in ours, do whatever is required to obtain that particular slave unit, its important."

Chuckling to himself, he lowered his voice to a stage whisper.

"And this is the part we normaly guarantee the deaths of friends, family, pets, if the order isnt to our satisfaction; i'll just dispense with that this time."

The laughter sailed across the dining hall.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 02:25:28 AM
“… Yes. What Darius said.”

Vega grinned. Darius had a flair with words that he hadn’t quite mastered so he was quite happy for the redhead to do the talking at this point. After all, he seemed to have more technical know-how than his father – which wasn’t difficult when the Lupine hadn’t exactly actively pursued the subject.

Felix D'eath
Jun 26th, 2003, 03:26:58 PM
Always posessed of above average reflexes, Felix mearly raised his free hand and felt the soft percussion of the chip, his other hand speared a slice of tomato and brought it to his lips.

The redhead gave a shortlist of his requests and made what he assumed to be a joke; the other diners laughed, Felix slotted the datachip into his datapad, the information spilled out.

Glorying in the newly integrated systems, Felix constructed a framework at the table, fleshed it out with all of Darius' specifications and transmitted to the yards.

With a small satisfied smile, felix tuned himself back into the conversation.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:25:01 PM
Darius obviously possessed more social charm then his father, though Felix wasn't impressed, but she was having a good time. "I thank you for that exclusion," Grace finished laughing and returned to being professional. Money was involved at this point, and held out a hand to Felix who put a datapad in her hand. Running over the list of items that were requested, including the type of yachy wanted, Grace skimmed Felix's notes on the time and money required to fullfill this order. It was going to be quite pricey.

She keyed in a number and tossed it to Vega. At the bottom in red, the asking price was 500,000 credits. "In the interest of good relations, I've knocked down the price considerably. Half now and half when it is delivered?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 5th, 2003, 08:39:31 AM
Vega looked over the data pad with a slight frown. It wasn’t that he was disappointed or angry, just that his knowledge of pricing and such things wasn’t quite up to scratch. Darius seemed to approve, however, nodding as he looked over his fathers shoulder. Vega glanced back up, and smiled thinly.

“Excellent. I’ll leave the co-ordinates to our home in here.”

A few taps at the pad and Vega returned it to Grace, now with the location of Fascinataru and the Clan Van-Derveld back account number (courtesy once again of Darius’ memory) tagged on at the bottom of the ship specifics.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jul 6th, 2003, 07:12:33 PM
With one last bite of her meal, she whiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin and tossed it on the plate, finished. Grace tried to remove some nasty bits of morsels from between her teeth as she looked over the data-pad. "Hmm. Two things. One, you didn't leave a time when this was to be finished. Two.." She locked eyes with her 'Brother' for this one, "I have never even heard of this place where you live. How long has the Van-Dervelds been there?"

Darius Van-Derveld
Jul 7th, 2003, 05:20:42 AM
Darius eyes locked with Grace's; bringing to bare the look he reserved for people who tried to make jokes but hopelessly mangled them in the telling.
His mouth twiched at the edges, not even a smile, just a muscle locked in limbo between tight and relaxed.

Sitting up, Darius leaned partway across the table, making a line for Grace, before sweeping up a pitcher of water; the beads of sweat on Felix brow were now huge.

The cool water hit is tongue and he brought the pitcher down sharpely, making the already nervous Felix hop a little in his place.

"The contract will be fulfilled before we depart,"

Darius glared at his father, who seemingly had forgotten the plans made before the destraction of Grace came along.

"You will devote all of your resources to it and you will provide a full tank of gas on delivery of the keys."

Some spluttered protest seemed to gather itself from his other diners, but a sharp chop of his hand seemed to cut it off.

"I know my machine parts, surely you dont think us so backward that we would approach such a purchase without research beforehand; the cost to us, even with your most generous subsidy is still excessive, far beyond what we could negoteate elsewhere; suffice it to say, our methods of barganing have been reduced due to these most curious circumstances."

Seeming to remember the point he was trying to make, Darius looked at both Grace and her lacky.

"The terms of our agreement are binding," a chuckle of dry mirth escaped his lips, "A prompt compleation of work is little to ask for."

Looking directly at Grace, he flashed a bright smile;

"Fascinataru has always been there, but, if you had not heard of the other Van-Derveld family, I dont think a little planet would be any easier to notice, suffice it to say, we wont require delivery, but you will need somewhere to post the blood test results."

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 7th, 2003, 09:16:11 AM
“We will require delivery,” Vega snapped, interrupting Darius’ last words.

He shot the redhead a glare that would have killed if it could have. Vega saw no reason to be so frank and hostile towards Grace, not when she quite possibly was his sister. Then again, he wasn’t the one in the family with the history of fratricide. A little bitterness still lingering in his tone, he returned his gaze to his sibling.

“I have the utmost faith in you. I am sure the service you provide will be more than adequate,” he added, before looking once more towards Darius, his chiding tone entering his sons mind.

Civil, boy.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jul 8th, 2003, 04:40:32 AM
Expediencey and efficiency, Father.

The well worn glare that Vega had always reserved just for him, passed over Darius as if it was no more than a gentle breeze; he matched his fathers look.

"Very well, I shall order the troops to make their own way home."

Sniffing boredly, Darius pulled a second datapad from his coat and began perusing his further fleet expansions.

Grace Van-Derveld
Jul 10th, 2003, 10:07:30 PM
That was it. Darius shift in mood to show his true nature was enough for Grace to throw the data-pad back at the duo and have them thrown out. There was no legally binding agreement here. No credits had been transferred, therefore this deal meant nothing, and if the whelp continued on this venture, Grace was quite sure Felix would find great pleasure in sicking the lawyers on these two.

But, it wouldn't have to come to that. It wasn't just Vega scolding his son, but how he did it. Then there was that way he looked at her, as if they were equals. "Of course, Vega." Grace pressed the keypad and the transfer was complete. She would bind this agreement and go to this Fascinataru. There were more family members to meet and the tests. Can't forget the tests.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jul 24th, 2003, 01:35:20 AM
Exhaling a short, sharp breath, Vega brought his hands together and nodded.

“Are we done here then? I wanted to get back to the ‘stadt before the afternoon.”