View Full Version : Everybody Please Hear My Plee....

Dark Lord Rivin
May 29th, 2003, 01:59:41 PM
I am in need of the help of all members of the board. I am in jepordy of loosing all the work that I have done with this Character. I have been working with this Character since 1992 in short stories, and RPGs with my friends. In 1997 I was ask by one of my friends to bring Rivin to TalkCity, then to the Ez-boards. I stopped Rping on Talkcity and the Ezboard in 2000 and since then all the work I did at Talkcity and the Ezboard were deleated.

I came here about 4 months ago under the Refrence of the same friend that got me to Talkcity. I started the character Shanaria Fabool at that time. and I have been enjoying myself ever since. About 1 month ago I decided to bring Rivin to these boards as a Sith Lord that will never join any group. In the 3 months prior to that I was searching the boards here for ANYTHING saying that I could not start him as a Sith Lord. I did not find anything. So I made the character.

A few days ago I was PMed by one of the moderators telling me that there IS a rule saying that I could not have Rivin as a Sith Lord without dated internet documention. I tryed to find all the stuff I did on the Ezboards but the boards I was posting on have since been deleted due to lack of use. and that the things I did on Talkcity went down when Talkcity went down. I asked SWFans.net if the pages upon pages of short stories I did with Rivin would be good enough. Here is his responce....

SWFans.Net wrote on Yesterday 12:41 AM:
Considering that this is not a rule typically enforced by the administration, and instead is enforced as a rule of common sense amongst the community members themselves, (it has been for nearly 5 years now). I would suggest that you take this issue up with them in the OOC forum. It’s an issue of fairness. We have had many people come from Talk City with characters that are new to our RP Universe, and not once has any of them been able to keep the rank they had obtained there because they could not show documented and dated proof that said characters were slowly developed over time.

If you don't want to take the issue up with the entire community as a whole then I would suggest that any material that you find you use to begin RPing this character to the point you need it to be, progressing slowly in forums associated with the SW-Fans.Net forums.

It would not be fair to the other former Talk City members who started fresh and took a great deal of time re-earning their ranks in our system for you to bring in this character and not develop it as they had to do with their own, nor would it be fair to the others who have spent years on the SW-Fans.Net forums developing their characters.

I can grant an exception though; If you only use this character and the subordinate apprentice character in the Storytelling Forum where the threads are closed (invite only) meaning you have the permission of the person you are RPing with to use this character, then there shouldn't be a problem, but in open to all threads in the SW-Fans.Net RP forum the character could not be allowed to be granted immediate Sith Lord status.

It is possible that the rest of the community may see things differently than me, so the option of bringing this all up in public to gauge their opinions is of course still open to you.

There are a the options I have to offer. txt docs don't meet the need for dated material in my eyes, in this situation.

I now bring this into Open disscusion. I still want to use Rivin in other rooms other than Storytelling, and I am willing to take the time to type my short storys in RP format and turn them into Flashback theads. If this was any other character that I play I would not argue with starting over. But I have been using Rivin for so long that he has become the darker side of my personality and thus a part of me. He has been deveolping at the same rate as my personality, and as I see thing, it would be impossible for me to start over with him.

Please help me with this matter.

:thumbup If you wish him to live

:thumbdown To kill him.

Rivin awaits your sentance.

May 29th, 2003, 02:09:56 PM
:thumbs up .... If you can do the flash backs :)

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2003, 02:14:48 PM
Having been one to develop characters over a long period of time, and cannot always prove it myself, I agree that you should be able to keep him.

Dae Jinn
May 29th, 2003, 02:31:47 PM
If you can prove he has the background training to make him a Sith Lord, maybe you would be able to keep that rank. It doesn't quite seem fair, because others have had to start from scratch. Even if you do have short-stories, you only have your own word, not an rp made up of others, or a Master saying you've completed enough training/tasks to become a Sith Lord.

I have worked hard on my character, Dae, as everyone here has with their own characters. I know what it's like to go looking for old threads and having them lost/deleted. But I don't find this fair. IMO, when you start a character at Fans, you're starting from scratch. People who have been here for years working on their characters deserve and have worked hard for the ranks they have.

So, I say no, because it wouldn't be fair to others, and if we make an acception for you, then we'd have to make it for everyone else. And Common Sense rules would go out the window.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 29th, 2003, 02:36:47 PM
Keep the char, no automatica Sith Lord stasis.

Chats aren't the boards. Different place, different background, ergo ranks don't pass over - at least that's how I think it's always worked.


Zatania Duvall
May 29th, 2003, 02:41:42 PM

I agree with the others on the whole flashback thing. DO a bunch of stories and post them to make more sense of your character's background. This way you'll still put the work forth that most others have to earn their ranks, then it'll still make sense that you have that rank. :)

I never knew you could keep your old ranks from ezboard. o.O If I had known that, I'd be a Sith Knight. LOL But oh well, I enjoy the hard work.

I really don't see a problem with it, as long as you make it work for everyone else through these flashbacks that you're speaking of. If you just up and killed the character or started over, it'd make little sense, and would probably ruin story lines for many others you roleplay with.

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 02:42:21 PM
:thumbsup I've RPed with Rivin before over the years. I'm the one who referred him to at TC, EZBoard, and here. I know how much work he has put into his character and I personnally would hate to see it all go to waste.

Dae Jinn
May 29th, 2003, 02:51:38 PM
I never knew you could keep your old ranks from ezboard. o.O If I had known that, I'd be a Sith Knight. LOL But oh well, I enjoy the hard work.

You can't, hence this thread. :)

EDIT -- Meaning, if you weren't a Sith Knight on Fans while it was at ezboard, you can't magically be one now. :lol

May 29th, 2003, 02:58:16 PM
Generally, it's been an unstated rule that your rank only counts here if you've developed your character here. This is to prevent an influx of people starting off brand new characters as Sith Lords / Jedi Masters who have never RPed here before.

While I believe that Rivin may have genuinely worked to get his character to the status he's at, irrefutable evidence would go a long way towards convincing me that he should keep his rank. It would be too easy for someone, in the future, to say "Hey, I'm at Jedi Master at such-and-such board. I can't provide proof, but I assure you that I worked hard to get here. Since you made an exception for that other guy and let him keep his rank, I should be able to as well, right?"

Zatania Duvall
May 29th, 2003, 02:59:45 PM
Gah thats confusing. Good thing I really don't care about the rank thing. All I care about is storyline, not power. :D

But in his case, if he were to change how his character is after roleplaying as he has been (for how long on Swfans?), it would be really confusing for characters that have interacted with him.

May 29th, 2003, 03:00:03 PM
ya, thats already been brought up with one of my other chars, without the documented history, its nothing, not being mean or anything, its just rules so that you can't just pop up and say you're a Sith Maser of the force, thats in the FAQ

I haven't seen Riven doing much here, and if he's not part of a group, I don't see him affecting much, but if you're that attached to him, keep him, he's your story, but all the history is gonna do is give you you're rank, you can still be just as bad without the rank methinks, smae person, just not a sith masta

Lady Vader
May 29th, 2003, 03:00:57 PM

I seem to recall Rivin posting at SWF while it was at ezboard... and I think he was a Master at the time.

Of course, I could be thinking up phantoms...

Also, Rivin, did you always go by the name Dark Lord Rivin while on EZ and TC? Or did you use another name such as Darth Rivin?

The Preacha
May 29th, 2003, 03:12:40 PM
I agree with Dae.

A friend of mine (in fact the very person who brought me to SWfans) worked very hard on a Jedi character pushing him all the way to Master status. However, the character was on another board and when he attempted to bring the Jedi over to these forums he was denied his status.

I feel this is a dangerous precident to set. A change in policy now may open the door for those who would seek to abuse the priviledge not to mention countless others who may feel cheated.

I understand your position, Rivin, but I still feel the policy should be upheld.

I vote no.


Dark Lord Rivin
May 29th, 2003, 03:44:02 PM
Zatania: As Rivin, I have been at This board for a month.

Fiend: Where in the FAQS does it say that? I looked actively for 3 months. Rivin Already has an apprentice. And from my understanding a Sith Lord could be a knight or master...

LV: Darth Rivin was the name he started with in 1992. I know I used him under Dark Lord Rivin at the Ezboards , but I don't recall if I made a nick as Darth Rivin.... If I did, it wasn't long for very long that I used that nick.

Zatania Duvall
May 29th, 2003, 03:50:24 PM
Hmm.. Others do have points about others feeling cheated, but it seems that some of those others don't mind as long as Rivin does a flashback. Maybe if he were required to do a certain amount of words/threads/or even a time period (like a month or more) of flashbacks, it would make a good compromise.

Marcus Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 04:01:11 PM
My opinion is this.

If you can prove you have roleplayed and have evidence, then as far as the Jedi are concerned, you can have Jedi Knight status, if you warrant it. . You can NOT have Master status, becuase achieveing Master status is a great deal more difficult. GJO has probably the highest statndard for Master rank. The rank can not be achieved in any other way than the trial. No one can call him or herself a Master without that trial.

However, your not a Jedi.

My personal view is that you keep the character, but at Sith Knight. High ranks here are very hard to get, much harder than in other places. We have higher standards. In some places, those that call themselves Sith Masters would be struggling to be Sith Warriors here.

Yur somewhat different because you have been here and already shown you can put two words together. If you were someone newly arrived, I'd be much more tough and likely to say no.

so :thumbup with the proviso of Sith Knight rank for now.

PS remind me, but I think the ranks for Sith here go Apprentice, warrior, Knight, Lord, Master.....?

PPS _ Oh ummm... there is another way. Talk to TSO. See what they say and if they are willing to PYA. If TSO are willing to acknowledge rank. A rank needs to be acknowledged by one of the official groups., especially the high ones. But anyway, if you have proof of RP experience, then Sith Knight is where you should be. Calling yourself Lord is just a name. Hell, Darth Turbogeek used to be a Jedi Master :) Names mean nothing, actions are what prove you.

Dark Lord Rivin
May 29th, 2003, 04:12:04 PM
I thought that 'Lord' was just a title. Not a rank. I always thought that Lord ment they were a Leader.... Sorta Like a Crime Lord is a leader of a criminal orginization(sp?).

Marcus Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 04:17:02 PM
It's a rank here. But if your name is Lord, it's no biggie. As I said, Darth Turbogeek was a Jedi Master

Dark Lord Rivin
May 29th, 2003, 04:30:46 PM
Ok....As long as I still can have Rivin as the teacher of Lord (Sith Apprentice/Crime Lord) Talzen, I have no problem with Rivin being a Sith Knight. In my mind He was never a Master. As I said before, I though a Sith Lord was ether a Knight or Master. I have always thought of him as a Knight calling himself a Lord....

(FYI)I have already converted half of my first story with Rivin into an RP format. It is already 6 pages long and he is only halfway through his first training class.

Zasz Grimm
May 29th, 2003, 05:53:46 PM
I am excessively late in replying to this, and I apologize.

I was someone who transferred over to SWfans a very, very long time ago as Zasz from talkcity. When I did so, I started from the beginning, it's sensible. Different timelines, different universes. Sure, I can understand the time you put into him, but about when I brought Zasz over to Ezboard / SWfans from TC, in chat his rank was easily Lord.

I started at Apprentice. It's only fair to start over, to those who have RP'd in SWfans for so long.


I say this as a person who has crossed over from different roleplaying Universes to here.

Kitty McQuade
May 29th, 2003, 06:25:48 PM
I brought my Jedi character Soolin into this game with Jedi Knight status, simply because at the time I was suffering from burn out and wanted to play in a different mode. The reason was I simply didn't have the time to develop a character from Padawan to Knight. So I came up with a different approach, and came up with a whole backstory for her.

For the moment, I've kept her on the fringes of GJO, but I'm hoping to get more interaction going with people who are interested.

I'm still not sure how well accepted she is, but I haven't gotten flat out denials either, so hopeful I'll get my flashback stories going this summer too.

So what I'm trying to say is I think it's ok as long as you don't play too intrusively, if that makes any sense.

May 29th, 2003, 06:29:26 PM

Lilaena De'Ville
May 29th, 2003, 06:38:04 PM
Other people have been forced to start from the bottom. I see unfortunately no reason to rethink that policy. :\

LV: if Rivin had been RPed at the swfans ezboard, then the threads would be here at this board, as we had not lost any of the old threads from ezboard in our transfer to sw-fans.net.

If a backstory is written I think it would be acceptable to allow Rivin as a Knight, but not a Sith Lord (which has been used as a rank, although none of our remaining Sith groups do so now). Also, I would ask that someone from the Sith groups "test" Rivin for his Knight status.

Dae Jinn
May 29th, 2003, 06:44:25 PM
Good idea.

I was thinking if they read his backstory, and then they could see if he would be a Lord by Fans standards. But the Knight status thing sounds good to me.

Marcus Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 07:06:25 PM
The policy of start agains really depends on the group. I know that I've given people the opiton to be Knights at GJO if they wanted - most actually have chosen to start again, surprisingly. The only people really gvien Knight rank in the last few years has been Soojin and Helenias, because of their RP record.

But then again, we've known their record well. Still, given the choice, it's been my experience most seem to want to start from zero, even if they are justified in starting higher. Odd that.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 29th, 2003, 07:10:04 PM
She already stated that Rivin will not be a member of any group.

Marcus Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 07:17:43 PM
Yes, but if TSO's willing to warrant the rank, then the discussion can be closed off. That to me is preferable.

Kitty McQuade
May 29th, 2003, 07:21:55 PM
Soojin? Never heard of her.

Marcus Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 07:24:01 PM

The tpyo Masther strikes again

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
May 29th, 2003, 07:27:25 PM

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
May 29th, 2003, 08:14:23 PM
I dont remember a lot about the character Rivin but I do remember the nic from TalkCity, so I can verify that char's 'existence' from back then.

What if another Sith Master here were to offer a trial for him? The other Sith Master's could put their heads together and say yea or nay on his performance?

Just a thought.

Zasz Grimm
May 29th, 2003, 08:55:31 PM
I still do not think a test would be fair at all. If this were true, then anyone could ask to be tested. That their character should be lord.

Would it be fair if I asked you to impliment such a test on my character, Andraq Novkar, who was at the status of sith knight at TalkCity, simply because I wanted him to have that rank here?

Or, to anyone who comes around asking, will you administer a test for them, so that they can have a more powerful rank? I don't think it would be fair to my characters, or other characters who have had to roleplay out their ascension. With time.

I don't know you, Rivin, I don't remember the character. Please, take no offense for what I'm saying, I'm just giving my point of view.

Nathanial K'cansce
May 29th, 2003, 09:15:07 PM
Gonna have to go with Thumbs down.

Since this board has been running a long time, I do see the need for someone, techincally a newbie at [b]this[/i] board to be starting out with a high rank. There would be no purpose. Start from the bottom, and work your way up.

LV: I think the Riven name you are thinking about was Rama's Darth name alter ego thing. *not sure of the real name, but knows it was close to Riven*

a Sith Lord (which has been used as a rank, although none of our remaining Sith groups do so now).

Truth. *thinks Snack is the only one on the boards, who is relatively active, who has the rank of Sith Lord. Could be mistaken*

Nayala Palain
May 29th, 2003, 10:40:24 PM
I am right there with ya ZASZ cause seeing how you and I came from TC around, not to far from one another to the Boards. I had to start over. And I was at TC long enough to make Sith Master. Hell I even trained others to a higher rank. But when I got here, I had to start over.

I worked my Butt off to make Athena a Master again and I have. I dont see why all of my hard work has to be thrown out of the window when his is in the option of being heard.

I know and remeber Rivin from TC, I cant say he was skilled enough for Sith Lord. Maybe a Sith Knight but nothing higher. And More people then not have to start from the bottom and work up.

Honestly, I liked the rule of starting over cause At CHAT the peeps here where not there.. Granted some of my best friends are from Chat and are here. IE. DAIQ, HERA, Aley, Dale! (MY SISTA's!!)

And I am sure they for the most part did some kind of restart.

Sorry Rivin I say NEGITAVE! thumbs DOWN on the Idea.

Morgan Evanar
May 29th, 2003, 10:42:22 PM
Down. Everyone here pretty much starts from the bottom.

Lord Soth
May 29th, 2003, 10:51:18 PM
Amen Athena,...Well said...I have to whole heartedly agree with you there. No offence to you bro, but like others here at SWfan's, we've all worked hard to get where we are with our CHR's. I myself have worked on Soth for nearly three RL year's to get him where he is now...My opinion on this is, there should be some legit RP's your CHR's have been in to prove your claim to "rank" like the other's here are saying...Other then that, to be fair to the one's that "have started over" and those that have worked hard to get where they are...You should do the same.


Dark Lord Rivin
May 29th, 2003, 11:30:58 PM
As I said earlier. It would be almost imposibile for me to start over with this character.

This character is 3 years older than Public Access Internet (Came out about 1995).

There was nothing saying on the boards that I couldn't choose the rank of a person that I was bringing in, as long as I didn't join a group.

First Day I posted with him he had a sig that said Sith Lord in big letters.

I played with him AS a Sith Lord for a month before I was told I could not.

I would be happy with Sith Knight

I am willing to do the threads needed to prove that I have done a lot of work with this character.

Please I feel so close to this character, that rejecting him would be the same as rejecting me. I don't want that. I have been having a lot of fun here... until this happend.

It's not like I am just asking for the rank and expecting to get it. I have been working my bum off over these last 3 days, getting only 3 hours sleep each night, just so I could find ALL the work I have done on him, Order that into cronological order, and start typing it out an RP format. I have been call up friends that helped me devlop Rivin into what he is. I have called in favors, to get back stories that I gave away as gifts.

I am willing to spend the Days/Weeks/Months needed to display every little bit of Rivin's life. I have put most of my life into this character. All I ask for is the right to prove myself through the flashback threads. If after the flashback threads you still wish to Trash Rivin.... Then I will understand.... And I will leave. I can not RP with people that won't except my personality, And Rivin IS a large chunk of my personality.

If there had been something easy to find saying I HAD to start at the bottom, I never would have brought Rivin to SWFans. But he is here now and involved. And I want to solve this so the majorty are happy.

Thank you to all of you that are suport my request. I really appreacate it. And will miss you when I'm turned down.


Dark Lord Rivin / Shanaria Fabool / Neyasha / Leten Snat / Lord Talzen / Thug

Figrin D'an
May 29th, 2003, 11:45:35 PM
I see little issue with using some of those short stories as a basis for reestablishing the character. But, to allow a character to enter the RP realm with the kind of status and ability that is synonymous with that of Sith Lord is hard to justify. Sorry. In my opinion, if you want to use the character here, you'll need rebuild him from the beginning.

imported_Terran Starek
May 29th, 2003, 11:59:51 PM
Ok, while the last post is seemingly one of closure, I have to speak up here, because I think that this issue is important to us all. Please do not take the following as offensive. Take it simply as it is; an opinion.

Firstly, I would state that I had no experience with Online Role-Playing until I came to Fans; however, I have table-top role-played all my life. I still have original D & D character sheets in an old D & D binder. Not only that, but my group and I role-played Star Wars quite a bit. Terran Starek (my character) developed from a Jedi padawan with a blaster to an angry Dark-sider with a chip on his shoulder to a well-respected Jedi Knight, beforeI eventually quit playing him when he was declared a Master. I have written over 25 pages of Microsoft Word chronicling his life and his adventures. I have sketched pictures, done art, even done a very short film starring as him (with my friends). He has become one of my favorite fictional characters developed on my own and an important part of my love of Star Wars.

Not one single word of this applies to these boards.

Everyone starts out at square one. It's just that simple. It's only fair, and it's the only way to prevent all kinds of problems/quarells/rule evaluations/etc. I had to start over, and so many others did, that it just isn't right nor is it setting a good precedent(whoever mentioned that previoulsy) to allow someone to walk in and take a rank that they feel justified--out of our universe--for having.

Secondly, I think that if you are indeed allowed to keep rank by means of using flashback RPS to legitimize the process, I believe that you should not do any more threads that represent your present rank or anything in the future. All the groundwork needs to be established before you can move forward. This may sound redundant, but it's something I think adds to the legitamacy of your move. If you can make some proof before you push anything further, people will be more willing to accept it.

Lastly, I think you are taking this too far on a personal level. No one here does not appreciate your personality or your presence on the boards. To claim that limitting (for the time being) or placing rules--that everyone else has willingly or unwillingly conceeded to--on your character is hurting you or affecting you as a person is on the whole startling and causes me to worry about you. I would hope that you can deal with this in a mature manner--as you have already proven by examining the rules and handling business with a moderator.

As a result, my vote is: :thumbdown

That's my two cents, and it's probably worth less than that. Do not take this account personaly, as it is merely in the interest of the rules and of fairness to all. I think you've done a good job with Shanaria. :)

Sage Hazzard
May 30th, 2003, 01:26:35 AM
Did you say Rivin will not be a member of a group, but rather a roaming Sith? In that case, I don't even see a need for a title. Just call yourself a Sith and leave it at that. Why would you even have a rank, if you're a loner? The rank system here is based on ability for writing and for your character's abilities. When someone's a Sith Lord/Knight/whatever they are expected to have a greater grasp over the Force. They can kick more butt. It has to do with experience with the group. If you have no group, you don't need a rank. As long as you develop the powers slowly over time, which I wouldn't think would be a problem, you should still be able to RP as your fav character. Just don't have him be able to switch people's brains off and levitate and you should be fine.

So, in closing, I say neither nay or yay. Just cut the "Lord/Knight" rank and be a loner Sith, but take it a slow with your power growth.

Soolin Anjhurin
May 30th, 2003, 08:46:18 AM
This situation is also why, in my case, I neither claim for Soolin an official membership within GJO in my sig or otherwise, and I also keep myself off the list for training Padawans.

It's actually proving to be more difficult to play this way, because I've been leery of getting getting a negative backlash from people. But at the same time I have a definate story that I want to tell with Soolin, and I hope peeps will like what I do.

Sorry to hjijack the thread, but the issue is something that I've worried about with Soolin for awhile now. Whether or not she would be accepted as a legitamite character. This is one reason why I haven't done a whole lot with her.

Now on the flipside of the argument, I agree. If someone came in here as a Lord just because they wanted to, I would be furious, because I fought long and hard IC & OOC to bring Sith Kat/Sorsha to the place where she is now.

Dark Lord Rivin
May 30th, 2003, 08:52:29 AM
Ok Let me try to get this across a little more bluntly....


I'm more concerned about the Skill level... I don't want him to have to learn everthing over again. As long as it is know that he is not an apprentice, and able to teach the person he has AS HIS apprentice. Thats all I want SKILL.

A little later today I will start the first flashback. I'm going to be NPCing all the other people in the story.

and Terran alot of people worry at how involved I get when I take on a Character. It's part of who I am.

Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2003, 09:21:08 AM
Rank = skill

You can't have skills without having progressed through some sort of ranking system, really - i.e. an apprentice rank couldn't have the skill of a master.

Dark Lord Rivin
May 30th, 2003, 09:35:52 AM
OK.... How does this sound.... Rivin will stay in Storytelling as he is untll I have given enough background to astablish skill greater than that of an apprentice. I request that somebody from TSO reads my flashbacks, and rates my rank at the end of them.

So I'm going to go and Open the flood gates to my personality and go start the flashbacks....

Lilaena De'Ville
May 30th, 2003, 10:53:27 AM
Just for sanity's sake:

Thumbs up: 8

Thumbs down: 16

(I counted Sage as one vote for either side)

The idea of a test coupled with backstory in ST was brought up by several people.

I am willing to spend the Days/Weeks/Months needed to display every little bit of Rivin's life.If this is true, why not RP his lifestory...again?

And in no way was this a personal attack on you, so you shouldn't even think that.

Kelt Simoson
May 30th, 2003, 10:55:23 AM

Dark Lord Rivin
May 30th, 2003, 11:06:15 AM
If this is true, why not RP his lifestory...again?

That is excatly what the Flashbacks are doing. Just the other Charaters are NPC's

If you want to go see the first one so far....

Here it is.... (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=29664)

May 30th, 2003, 11:28:58 AM
rank just shows skill, those not affiliated with a group don't have to call themselves a knight or apprentice or master, but they are usually considered the equavilent to something, if you're skill is so important to you, and you're character is so much a part of you, why don't you just start the character over, rp his into coming "skill" with everyone here on the board like everyone else does, and than be able to fully claim "Sith Master Skillz", flashbacks seem kinda pointless, just start him over, rp his character now with other people instead of going back to past memories with all NPCs, I'm just suggesting this cuz than you could get to know more people and your character would be more familiar with the boards, if your devoted to spend days/weeks/months, than as LD was saying, just rp it, don't worry about flashbacks :D

Dae Jinn
May 30th, 2003, 11:35:06 AM
And, it's more fun. You can learn all the same skills and he'll still be yours, but how others rp will affect him too. :)

Dark Lord Rivin
May 30th, 2003, 11:36:13 AM
I would rather do the flashbacks.... That way I don't have to rely on others to post. And Also with the flashbacks I don't have to change the Character. If I RPed his past with others, that would change the inner essence of the Character.... That is what I want to avoid.

May 30th, 2003, 11:53:11 AM
and even after asking for people's vote on the situation and the majority of it all giving a resounding No here and there, you still persist? people achieve "Masta Skillz" after doing so much with other people here and now you get to come in, rp out "flashbacks" of your own devise and build up your character equivalent in power to a Sith master? Why didn't I think of that? :D :crack :lol

Oh thats right, I always thought it was against the rules or something like that... mneh, something like that ;)

Dae Jinn
May 30th, 2003, 11:56:19 AM
Riven - Do what you like, within reason. If you do the flashback thing, put a lot of effort into details. :)

May 30th, 2003, 11:59:24 AM
Ouch I'm hurt, I almost hope you're kidding :D I mean Dae, us being so good friends, I do love you so too, :lol I have no idea of what you're speaking of?

And yeah Riven, I'm just saying it would seem fun to rp out with the people here but if the admins and mods don't have a problem with it, who's really stopping you?? :D

Figrin D'an
May 30th, 2003, 12:05:18 PM
If I RPed his past with others, that would change the inner essence of the Character.... That is what I want to avoid.

Well, no offense, but being part of a larger roleplaying community means that your character will inexorably be affected and changed by the others with whom you RP. That's part of the fun, IMO. Unless you intend on keeping this character completely isolated from the rest of the RP realm, you may find that there will be incongruence and incompatabilty between aspects of your character's background and this Star Wars RP universe. By interacting with it from the intial stages of the character's development, these things can be avoided. You may find that you'll have to rework portions of your character's backstory anyway to fit with certain conventions that are generally accepted here.

It seems that your intent was to proceed, regardless of the opinion of your peers, so this entire discussion appears to be moot at this point.

Dark Lord Rivin
May 30th, 2003, 12:10:23 PM
I will do my best to put in as much detail as I can. I invite people to PM me if they think I nead more detail in any place in my story. If I get a PM asking for More Details I will edit and add more detail.

I may be a little slower in posting as all my other Characters, because this one is "My Baby".

I also would like to ask that this rule of starting as an apprentice is added to the FAQ's in an easy to see place. Just so another person comes in that is as attached to their character as I am to mine(I don't think that's likely), won't cause this to happen all over again.

Figrin... I don't mind him being effected AFTER I get him past Apprentice. but before that He was isolated.

Nathanial K'cansce
May 30th, 2003, 12:23:21 PM
I also would like to ask that this rule of starting as an apprentice is added to the FAQ's in an easy to see place


Don't expect to be popular if you come in thinking you are the best and blare it out. There are people here who have seen that hundreds of times, and they won't think much of you. Also, if you are an apprentice, dont expect to have the abilities equivalent of a Master. Common sense tells us you can't. The best roleplayers learn as they play. They slowly develop their characters, allowing them to grow over time. That adds fun and realism to the whole experience.

That, to me, basically states it. I'm in no way saying that you are coming here and stating that you are the best and ect, cause you're not. But asking your initial question in your first post was like asking to start out with the skills of a Lord. That just really doesn't fly.

I can see it acceptable if you start with "apprentice" type skills, and then work your way up from there, but I've never really bought the whole flashback thing. If other people do, fine. But to me, by being able to do flashbacks about those earlier years of training only means that others, who are new to SWF will be able to say they can do the exact same thing, write out flashbacks about their earlier training and then be able to start out as Knight skill or higher.

I personally find something wrong with that.

Since you know what the character is like, how you want him to turn out and all that jazz, why not just RP it out in our current time line? Flashbacks, in essence, are needless in Force/skills progression and to me, only offer a shortcut around quoted rule.

Dae Jinn
May 30th, 2003, 12:57:39 PM
Since you know what the character is like, how you want him to turn out and all that jazz, why not just RP it out in our current time line? Flashbacks, in essence, are needless in Force/skills progression and to me, only offer a shortcut around quoted rule.

Preach on, Snack! :D

And Fiend, I wasn't joking. You god-mode. End of story.

Aaron Belargic
May 30th, 2003, 12:59:13 PM
Since we're on the subject of that, why don't we address it :D

May 30th, 2003, 01:19:57 PM
if you got an issue with me than pm me about it or start a whole different thread, so that it doesn't hijack Rivin's purpose of the thread and help Rivin with the posting experience while at the boards, I'm sure Rivin doesn't want a whole other arguement going on over Fiend while people are giving info on how to help out Rivin

Dae Jinn
May 30th, 2003, 01:35:34 PM
Oh, don't worry. We will. :D

Back to Rivin now.

May 30th, 2003, 02:05:41 PM
If a backstory is written I think it would be acceptable to allow Rivin as a Knight, but not a Sith Lord (which has been used as a rank, although none of our remaining Sith groups do so now).

Do you mean Knight or Lord? Cause at TSO Knight is used as the "middle" rank, while Master/Lord is the "top" rank (we basically categorize Master and Lord together to make the ranking simpler... also to avoid confusion).

Also, I would ask that someone from the Sith groups "test" Rivin for his Knight status.

I guess something could be arranged, but not by me. I'm too swamped as it is. :x

Dark Lord Rivin
May 30th, 2003, 02:07:16 PM
OK.... HOW CAN I DO THIS THEN... If I can't do the flashbacks. I don't want him to hook up with a Master here because part of the what made him what he is, is him killing his master and setting off on his own. He was trained in VERY painful ways, and given almost no instructions... he spent half of his training locked in a cave with 3 other students and his Master. After he gets out he kills his mother and sister by skinning them alive with his lightsaber then slowly chops off peices of them. The other half of his training came from the books from his master's hideout.

He will not let himself join any groups, He likes to work alone, and he strives for money and power, because as a child he was never aloud to have money and was forced to do all the work.

He Hates all females but doesn't tend to show it untill he gets them alone. Then he does NASTY PaINfUll things to the girl's body.
He is best with his lightsabers, and by this time can use two.

The way his apprentice (Lord Talzen) comes into the scene, is he comes across a crime lord that has force potental and takes him on as a student, under the conditions that he makes the final say in the criminal orginization.

How can I redo all this stuff with out the flashbacks!! How can I Do All this with out changing the personality by having him interact with others during the time he was supose to have been locked away?

Please Tell me how.... Because the flashbacks are the only way I can see it happen...

Solomon Daenal
May 30th, 2003, 02:14:01 PM
*Tugs at collar.*

Gettin' kinda heated in here. Isn't it?

Just a suggestion (take it or leave it) some of you might want to take a step back, CALM DOWN, collect your thoughts, then post.


Sage Hazzard
May 30th, 2003, 11:37:40 PM
Well, I have a suggestion.

You could start off RPing in private RPs, where you RP killing your Master/etc. It doesn't need to be in flashbacks, just have it happen now. RP in the here and now, but keep it a closed RP if you don't want interference. Then, he can still take on an apprentice. He's not part of a group, so no one's ranked him or decides if he can take on a pupil. And if I was a crime lord, anybody who could float something would probably catch my eye. Especially if I wanted more power. So, even if you aren't super powerful, you can still teach him. Just only what you know. Then, you can do various RPs where your character learns new skills, etc. and then you can pass that on to your apprentice. All in this timeline.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 06:28:41 AM
Sage's suggestion is sound.

Dark Lord Rivin
Jun 2nd, 2003, 03:55:27 PM
Yes it does sound good.... But Lady Vader has asked me to post as a recrut at TSO.... I'm going to see what that road will give me first.

Thank you all for your help with this matter.