View Full Version : Truth or Dare : I dare you to find an empty room!(OPEN)

Camdyn Fields
May 29th, 2003, 11:59:34 AM
Camdyn Fields stood in the main hall of the Jedi living quarters, her arms loaded down with luggage and a stack of boxes behind her. All her worldly possessions had been packed, and after a tearful good-bye and promises of week-end and holiday visits home, she was finally here. Ready to be a Jedi.

Sage Hazzard, a Jedi Master, had shown her to the recruitment center, explained that she would eventually be contacted by a "tutor" who would teach her...things. Jedi things. Hopefully it would be fun. :uhoh

She lugged her bags towards a large information sign with a map, and leaned in close, squinting as she read the fine print.
She sighed, letting the bags drop with a thud on the floor.

"I'll never find an empty room...|I "

Jakob Burton
May 29th, 2003, 07:21:54 PM
Across the room from the young woman, Jake was busy. The spherical droids floated around him, and he was busy in footwork, stepping and criss-crossing and skipping and spinning and repeating the processes in no particular order. The twin blades of his black and white sabers struck the beams emitted from the training droids. Jake's eyes were closed, and the Mind's Eye was in effect, helping him to "see" every oncoming beam and give him the time to react to it. He began to bore and simply said the word, and the droids sped to an unbelievable speed, zipping and crossing each other's paths to blast at Jake. Amazingly, he was keeping up, and getting even faster than they were. As his speed increased, his form shifted slightly. He seemed more ripped than usual, his muscles bulging as he reacted. His teeth, white and clenched, seemed sharper, more feral. His hair, already unruly, seemed even more wild, a creature of its own, seeming to lengthen and thicken as he moved. He continued the motions, striking at every single beam, laughing as he did so.

Quay'Na Rakai
May 29th, 2003, 09:43:25 PM
Padawan learner, Quay'Na Rakai closed the door to the old room that she and her former master, Ira Valko shared.

Jax, her ferret laid himself as flat as he could across her shoulders, he wasn't used to the place yet. But, then again neither was she.

She walked down the corridor and saw a young girl standing by the information board, with a ton of luggage.

"Hi, would you like some help?" She asked politely.

Camdyn Fields
May 30th, 2003, 04:56:41 PM
She noticed the guy doing...weird things out of the corner of her eye when she heard a polite and friendly sounding voice behind her. She turned, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips before she put on a smile.

"Uh, I think so. I'm trying to find a room. I'm new here and have like, no clue where anything is," She gestured to the info board with a nod as she bent down to pick up her bags. "And that thing isn't any help."

Adjusting the strap of her duffle bag on her shoulder, she held out a hand. "I'm Camdyn."

Jakob Burton
May 30th, 2003, 08:00:07 PM
Jake, hearing the voices, focused on the conversation, and in doing so, lost focus on the targets. He managed to block every single bolt coming at him, but overcompensated, and sliced into every spherical droid. Six orbs blew apart with a small collective bang. The shrapnel hit Jake, stinging and burning, but he grimaced, ignoring it. He decided to walk to the conversation, waiting for them to finish. While he does so, Jake steps so quietly that the newbie didn't even hear him, even when he picked up her bags and slung them over his shoulders. His words probably startled her, but Jake thought it slightly humorous.

"I'll take these for ya, miss. And if you'll follow me, I'll help find ya the room. That is, if they don't mind."

At his mention of they, Jake nodded to the pink-dressed, polite, not-as-new newbie with a smile of charm and slyness all in one movement.

Quay'Na Rakai
May 31st, 2003, 02:25:07 AM
Quay'Na raised an eyebrow towards the sweaty guy as she shook the girl's hand. "I'm Quay'Na. It's nice to meet you and I do know of a room that is available, if you want it." She straightened out the folds of her Jedi tunic as her ferret raised it's head. "This is Jax, he's glad to meet you too."

Camdyn Fields
May 31st, 2003, 03:20:30 PM
"Hiya Jax," Camdyn smiled and gave a little wave to the ferret. "Nice to meet you too. And you are?"

She too raised an eyebrow at the guy who was carrying some of her things. He wasn't that bad looking, but seemed to have that "lookit-me-I'm-so-great" attitude. She gave him a little wink and took her bags from him, smiling sweetly. "Could you be a dear and carry my boxes? I can handle the bags, but those boxes are awfully heavy. Quay'Na can lead the way to a room."

She turned slightly so she could look at both of them. "I'd really appreciate the help."

Quay'Na Rakai
May 31st, 2003, 08:49:12 PM
Quay'Na nodded. "Of course, it's this way. Actually it's the room I just left." She told her as Jax flattened himself back down by her collar. She still held the code key in her hand and started walking back down from where she had come from. They stopped in front of one of the doors and she opened it with the key. "This used to be the room I shared with my former master. It's a very nice one, I'm sure it will suit your needs." Quay'Na turned on the lights. "It was just cleaned and repainted and has a giant walk in closet."

Jakob Burton
May 31st, 2003, 10:18:20 PM
Jake smiled as he spoke to the newbies.

"I'm Jakob Burton, but most call me Jake. And sure, the boxes are no trouble."

Jake picked up many of the boxes with little or no trouble, carrying them as he followed the two women down the hall. The others he simply used the Force to drag them behind to save the extra trip. As they entered the room, Jake released his Force-grip from the boxes, setting down the ones in his arms and physically moving the ones from behind him into the room.

"Wow, nice room."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 1st, 2003, 07:04:25 PM
Camdyn looked around the room, her smile widening as she took it all in. The walls had been painted a light beige, and it was immaculately clean.
"Yeah, it's great. Are you sure it's okay if I take this one?" She set her bags down on the sofa that was in the small sitting area. She went to help Jake with the boxes, bring them into the center of the room. "I mean, it used to be for a Master, wouldn't one of them like it?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 1st, 2003, 07:35:44 PM
"I believe that once a room is evactuated, anyone can claim them." Quay'Na answered as she glanced around the room. "My former Master and I had this room for nearly five years. But, we rarely were ever here, so I'm sure that the Jedi will be glad to have someone here who will actually be living in it."

She glanced at Jake. "I'm sorry, if I were rude earlier, Jake. I just don't care to attempt to make a new friend only to be shut out by another. If you get what I mean. I've just arrived back here as well and I basically don't know anyone either. Besides that, maybe you can show me some of your saber practice later."

Jakob Burton
Jun 2nd, 2003, 08:29:33 PM
"It's fine. My social graces aren't as good as that of others......I didn't have very many friends my own age or peer."

Jake smiled, even at the fact that he didn't have any friends that were his age as a child. Where he was born and raised, there weren't any kids.....they should've never been in that kind of environment.

"Also, I apologize. It was just that I don't usually address unless there was a need. And you had a handle on everything, save for the luggage, Quay'Na. And sure, I'd be willing to help anyone out, but you might gain a few injuries.....I've been trained with any weapons, including the saber, since I was a kid. It was my job...........So tell me, what brings y'all to GJO?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 2nd, 2003, 09:09:42 PM
"Well," Quay'Na began. "I came here five years ago under Master Ira Valko. She took me on as her Padawan learner. You see, my uncle had somehow realized that I had some kind of special powers with animals. He believed it to be Jedi powers, my parents thought he was crazy, but allowed him to contact the Jedi just to prove he was wrong."

Jax raised his head as she patted it gently. "Unfortunately, my parents were wrong and Ira knew I was Force sensitive. My parents were hot, they wanted me to be a big fighter pilot, even had me signed up for some stupid pilot academy. But, it wasn't my thing....animals were. So, I left and when I did my parents told me not to come back."

Quay'Na sighed as she glanced around the room. "Ira helped me a great deal, she believed in me. Almost more than I believed in myself. But, she's gone now, she passed away while we were on a mission a couple of weeks ago and so here I am back again. And I've recently been assigned a new master."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 2nd, 2003, 09:32:23 PM
Camdyn frowned, folding her arms loosely across her stomach.

"I'm sorry, Quay'Na, I'm sure she was a great lady..." She didn't really know what to say. She had never had anyone close to her die before. To say Camdyn had a good childhood would be the understatement of the century. An only child raised in middle-class Coruscant, by two parents with normal jobs who spoiled her rotten. She had the best of everything and untill she had meet Sage, she was just an average college student. Who was Force sensitive.
"So, who's your new master? I still don't have one, but I was told I'd be getting one sometime soon."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 3rd, 2003, 05:07:54 AM
"Master Sage Hazzard. I believe I'll be learning a great deal from him." Quay'Na answered, glad to have finally met some other Padawans. "Master Sage had given ownership of this room to me, since it had been Master Ira's, but...I couldn't stay here. Just too many memories for me to do so. I don't think, he'll mind if I give it to you."

Jakob Burton
Jun 9th, 2003, 08:45:59 PM
"Man, it seems a lot of people here have it rough.....I had a rather interesting childhood myself....raised to compete, raised to fight, raised to win. Being the son of an 'entertainer' wasn't too easy.....but now I found some answers and some kin here at GJO, and have decided to try and improve my technique as a fighter, as well as to find the limits of my heritage."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:01:41 AM
She frowned again at Quay's story, and more at Jakes, while wondering what kind of shrink the Jedi's must have to go see.

"Well, it's a great room, and I'd have to thank you both again for helping me" :D "I just hope I can get to school from here!"

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 15th, 2003, 07:27:32 AM
"Well, that's definitely not my department, Camdyn." Quay'Na admitted skeptically. "I've not been able to explore much of the temple myself. I can find the dining facilities, a couple of training rooms and that's about it."

"Perhaps...if we were to find a guide to show us around?" She kindly looked at Jake and then back at Camdyn. "Unless, you need to unpack first. I'm sure we can do it later."

Camdyn Fields
Jun 15th, 2003, 08:02:10 PM
"We should just go exploring!"

Her bags were promptly dropped on the floor, and she soon had Jake and Quay by the wrists, leading them out of the room. "Let's just go and hang out, look around ourselves. It can't be THAT big!"

Jakob Burton
Jun 15th, 2003, 08:28:01 PM
"Well, you might be suprised, Camdyn. It's pretty big....."

Jake turns to leave, speaking to them over his shoulders.

"Follow me."

OOC: It would be a better idea now if we began a single thread in each place that you have combined-ly not been in. Just let me know OOC where your CHARACTERS have and have NOT been.

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 16th, 2003, 08:28:56 PM
The three new friends had just begun to walk down the corridor when Quay'Na's comlink chimed.

She retrieved it from her belt and looked at it. "It's my Master. Excuse me."

Quay'Na stepped away for a moment. "Yes, Master?" She asked quietly.

"I've arranged a training session for us in twenty minutes. Meet me in training room two-eighty-four." The Jedi Master informed her.

"Of course, Master." Quay'Na answered back and then clicked off the comlink.

Replacing it back to her belt, she looked at her friends and sighed. "Well, I guess my exploration will have to wait. I need to go. It was really great to meet you two." She turned to leave, but stopped abruptly and faced them again.

"By the way, Jake. Are you familiar with the Room of a thousand Fountains? Reason is, my former master used to speak of it as one of the most relaxing places you could go to in the Temple. I was thinking of going there in the morning to meditate, you two are welcome to join me ifyou'd like. That is, once I ask my Master where it's located at."

Jakob Burton
Jun 18th, 2003, 01:03:13 PM
"Ok, sounds fun."

Quay'Na Rakai
Jun 18th, 2003, 09:01:48 PM
Quay'Na nodded and smiled. "Okay, I'll see you there in the morning, gotta go." She turned and hurried off.