View Full Version : We need a board wide FAQ

Marcus Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 02:40:20 AM
Covering procedures, facts, who, what's and when,s roules of forums, etc.

Anyone feel game enough to try to produce something?

Morgan Evanar
May 29th, 2003, 05:29:17 AM
Oh snap, 42020 smoke weed every day.

(not right now.)

Navaria Tarkin
May 29th, 2003, 09:44:33 AM
question ... did something happen to desire a FAQ?

May 29th, 2003, 01:24:31 PM
I'm confused... I thought we already had a FAQ for GJO? Or did I totally dream that up? :huh

EDIT: Oh wait... you said BOARD WIDE... as in for ALL of SWF? But I thought we already had one of those? :huh :huh

Oy... losing... my... mind... >_<

Marcus Telcontar
May 29th, 2003, 04:13:27 PM
Ummm...we do have a board wide FAQ for GJO already....?

Nothing in particular prompted it, it just have newbies, it'll be a good idea to have one to say how we do business and cover things like ranks, promotions, etc

Figrin D'an
May 29th, 2003, 05:19:18 PM

well, if we make a list of things that said FAQ should cover, and examine parts of the other little FAQ's that have been put together over the years that should be included... I'd be willing to put something together for review.

Figrin D'an
May 30th, 2003, 10:07:17 PM
Update: I'm working on this... I have a pretty good start, but it'll take some time to think about all the little tidbits and rules to put into it. I'll post my draft when I feel it's close to complete, then everyone can review it and make suggestions.

Figrin D'an
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:34:47 PM
Update #2: Alright... I think my first draft is ready to go. I'm going to post it in a seperate thread for the rest of you to read. I'll also upload the notepad file that I have, so that you can edit it and submit your potential changes.