View Full Version : Warrior's Respite - First Vacation

Telan Desaria
May 28th, 2003, 04:55:53 PM
Bakura System
Imperial Rapier-class Gunship X-19

“ We’ll have spacial reversion in three minutes, Admiral.”

A sigh replied to the open comm. frequency, followed by a brief acknowledgement. With a yawn and flash of ivory teeth, Grand Admiral Desaria closed an ancient text from which he read. Bound by the hide of a slain predator and composed on pages made of thinned and softened bark, the feel of its cover was a welcome touch compared to the steel and plastics ever-present on an Imperial warship.

The snap of the Admiral’s jaws coming together was the only sound that could be heard as he came out of his body’s uncontrollable quest for breath; gently he replaced the book atop the shined glass surface of the table from whence it came. Uncrossing his legs, Desaria drew himself to full height, barely a tenth-meter from the bulkhead above. One deft motion later, the white tunic of an Imperial Grand Admiral lay neatly over the arm of a reclining chair.

“ Your opinion, Lawrence?”

A meter-tall personal droid assigned to the Grand Admiral titled ‘his’ squarish head. “ The same as earlier, sir,” he metallically replied.

“ You think I should dress more casually?”

“ I do indeed. A vacation is no place to be formal.”

The Grand Admiral prepared to bluster, then mentally brought to his conscious attention the fact that he was alone. More pressing, his vacation would soon begin. Indeed, the droid was right.

“ True, but I am going to Bakura. It has been a Rebel world for decades, and though she is officially neutral, I cannot shirk totally my responsibility as a representative of the Empire. I must convey her power and might and grace to all with whom I speak.”

“ For that, then, I agree.”

Smiling was becoming a dangerous habit for the Lord Baron, but one he could grow accustomed to. Perhaps it would be better for Fleet morale if he showed more…emotion.

To complete his outfit, the breeches almost unanimously associated with the Imperial military hierarchy, disappeared from Desaria’s legs. In their place fell the trousers to a well tailored suit, striped plain black cloth and slightly reflective, like-colored strands. The closed-collar dress shirt which went standard with any Officer’s ensemble gave way to a similarly designed but more stylish one of dark purple. Through the collar, Desaria strung a white satin tie to match the handkerchief on the left side of his double-breasted jacket. With great care, he completed the lacing of hand-made shoes, polished with the fervor of any career soldier.

Desaria turned when fully dressed to a full length mirror situated between two open viewport on the port-side of the ship. His emerald eyes blazed as they did; his hair remained parted down the center but was slicked back like a Corellian gangster of ole.

Not bad at all.

Starlines outside the ship slowly faded into the panorama of a back-water metropolis. A station lazily drifted above, with scant traffic between it and the world below. Five powerful cruiser-sized vessels of the planetary militia maneuvered amongst themselves in a show – routine combat drills to the experienced eye.

“ We have arrived at Bakura, Admiral. We’ve broadcast the required information and all is in order. A limited guard has been approved and we are cleared for entry. Planetary Control says welcome to Bakura.”

“ Very good, Captain. Take us down.”

Gaeriel Captison
May 29th, 2003, 09:19:40 PM
"Message has been sent, Ma'am."

Gaeriel, the Prime Minister of Bakura, nodded to the Communications Officer. "Excellent. I'm surprised that Desaria wished to come to Bakura, but this is still a good day for Bakura." She looked away from the computer screen towards the officer with a proud smile. "Our hard work is paying off, as well as our stance. Tell the Grand Admiral that I am looking forward to meeting him as he arrives in the space port."

"Will do, Ma'am." His fingers danced across the keypad to relay the message as Gaeriel ordered an honor guard to be assembled. This was their first high profile visit since getting the planet back in order. Word would get out of what was going on out here and that would bring more commerce to her planet. It was going to go as smooth as she could possibly make it.

Telan Desaria
May 30th, 2003, 06:52:02 AM
With only light turbulence encountered, the Imperial gunship descended through the planetary atmosphere and began to make its circular descent on Salis-Daar, long-time capital of the world the Empire forget.

Repulosr-lift vehicle traffic abounded more than the Grand Admiral would have though as he watched through the occasion viewport. The trip to the ship's land-sude gangway was not as long as an Imperial officer was used to - Destroyers, cruisers, and even Imperial frigates dwarfed the small vessel in sheer size, a tribute to the creeping gigantism in Imperial design, ever opposite of the Empire itself's size.

" We have surface contact. Prime Minister Captison has assembled a guard. Shall I give the order to assemble a more formal escort?" asked the ship's captain, a young female Ensign.

" Negative, Captain," Desaria replied, giving her what was always entitled a ship's commander's rank, regardless of grade. " What I have is fine. I am here for a vacation, not diplomacy."

Several pneumatic pumps could be heard screeching to life from within the bulkhead, obviously unused for some time.l Pressed more and more into Fleet picket duty or planetary defense roles, the gunships saw less and less of the raiding and assault they had been designed for.

A whoosh of the door and Desaria stepped into an anteroom with two men in tow. Another turning of gears and sprockets emanated before the hull-side hatch disappeared above. Outside natural light encompassed all in a late-morning haze. The world was unhumid and temperate, making the finely tailored suit he was wearing more than bearable - with the wind, it was comfortable.

Behind the Grand Admiral walked another man in a less opulent but equally expensive suit of blue. So well-designed was it that the dual blasters in shoulder holsters under the jacket were not outlined by the teal fabric. Ther other man to exit the gunship donned long-shorts, the going style for Rim-ward adolescents. The man himself was middle-aged - for a standard human - but had the boyish face half befitting his chronological rating. Over a bluging torso he donned a firey orange shirt with no sleeves and a one-strapped napsack. Without orders, he disappared almost immediately from view. He slipped through the land pad's guards and control scanners, becoming quickly absorbd by the teeming mass of the city's population.

A Guard of Honor had been assembled and amidst them stood a tall woman of exquisite beauty, a firm body and set figure displaying great anguish to anyman who dared call her a day over tweny.

As she approached, the Grand Admiral did not address her, he did not bluster, and he did not act with the self-righteous pomposity that so-frequently permeated his personality. Instead he simply bowed and awaited her to speak first. This was her world, and he was the guest.

Gaeriel Captison
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:41:22 PM
Gaeriel was rather surprised at the Grand Admiral's dignity and respect. Some in the Empire, splinter groups and all, always seemed to hold an air of arrogance about them no matter where they went. Here, Telan was honorable enough to acknowledge her position and place here on Bakura. There was a smile that reflected the one she was carrying inwardly. So far, things were going smoothly. The day was still young though and her thoughts strayed to another visitor that called this world home. If those two met, things could get rather hairy possibly. It all depended on how the conversation went, but she would not go out of her way to keep them away from each other. That was just not her way.

Thoughts for another time. Her voice was strong and commanding, but was welcoming none the less. The honor guard in perfect succinct motion, stood at attention, weapons resting upon their right shoulders. "Well met Grand Admiral Desaria. I am Gaeriel Capitson, Prime Minister of Bakura, and its people welcome you to share in our world."

Telan Desaria
Jun 4th, 2003, 06:27:35 PM
" Thank you, Madame Prime Minister."

Desaria bowed anew, this time placing his arm at his midsection as he descended for regal effect. When he erected himself again, he regarded the stately woman ahead of him. She was an attractive woman in her own right, and were it not for his Centaurian nature, he may have socially called on her.

" Madame, might you be so kind as to recommend to me your best hotel. Spare no expense, fair Madam, for credits are no issue."

A twinkle barely discernable in his eye, the vacationing Imperial Grand Admiral smiled.

Gaeriel Captison
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:55:50 PM
"I already had the arrangements made since you were kind enough to provide the necessary information on who was accompanying you Grand Admiral." An assistant stepped toward and bowed in respect to the entourage before handing over a leather bound folder to the Prime Minister. "Your rooms are at the Embassy Hotel." She handed the folder over to Telan. "Keys for you and your group, a break down of the hotel's accommodations, and a data-pad of the city, with the surrounding areas will be found inside."

Her formality broke with a pleasant smile. Telan reminded her greatly of her husband Pter, who was also an Imperial Officer at one time. His life was taken too soon by the invading Sith Empire. "I hope that wasn't too presumptuous of me."

Telan Desaria
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:40:08 PM
The Lord Baron inhaled deeply, taking in the pure Salis Daar air. On Thyferra, the humidity made every breath an exercise except for when in-doors, in which case the cool recycled air was almost stale to the sniff. The environmental controls abaord the Fleet's warships was no better, making the atmosphere more than pleasant.

" Not presumptuous at all, Madam Governor. I appreciate your thoroughness. With such beautiful surroundings" - Desaria spread his arms to encompass the mountainous panorama around them, the stiff shoulder boards of his suit jacket bunhing as he did - " it is amazing you are not a metropolis by now. Tourism would increase your population a thousand-fold."

Mentally, after he had made his remark and allowed it to hang in the space between the Grand Admiral and the Bakuran Prime Minister, he slapped himself. Such a comment was a military-industrial analysis, the very type of thing he was trying to avoid.

" Will you accompany me the suite, Madam Governor? Even with Imperial aristocrats about me constantly, I rarely get to enjoy the company of a Lady whose grace is not forced and manner not stifling."

Gaeriel Captison
Jun 9th, 2003, 08:56:17 PM
The only reaction to such an insensitive comment was merely a raised brow and a look that implored the Grand Admiral to try again. She wasn't going to let a little slip of the tongue turn the situation sour. Telan just wasn't the type of man to remove himself from his military persona all too often.

His ability to repair small damages quickly with a smooth tongue was impressive. It was hard to say no. "How could I say no to that?" She fell in beside the Grand Admiral as the two guardsman nearest to her lead the way towards the Embassy. "Besides, we could talk more about this interesting vision you had of my planet...." Everything about her voice and face showed no expression whatsoever. It was as if his words really did insult the Prime Minister. The slight twitch of her mouth that preempted her smile told him otherwise.

Telan Desaria
Jun 10th, 2003, 03:36:11 PM
Desaria seriously considered answering her with some brash and equally uninformed statement about economic politics. Such was a realm a Grand Admiral had no business whatsoever entering. A gust of wind kicked up a cool breeze about them, pulling the Baron's tie out of line. He moved one hand to straighten it and another to tighten it at the collar. He had been saved.

" How long have you been Governor here, Madam. Someone of your beauty does not belong manackled to a desk."

Gaeriel Captison
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:20:56 PM
She was going to tred carefully. His flattery now could be a set-up for some sort of political positioning. As much as Telan was a pleasant reminder of Pter, her mind had to be focused. "You could say I was born into this position. My Uncle Yeorg was the Prime Minister before me until his passing. I do not see it in the way you have put it, Grand Admiral. I love this planet. It is my home and I am proud to serve it in this capacity to guarantee my people what they deserve after being oppressed by the Sith Empire for years. Many do not understand our stance but they did not live through the tyranny we did."

Telan Desaria
Jun 11th, 2003, 03:54:33 PM
" Tyranny is the product of a righteous bringer of order corrupted by another force. I have observed it first hand, and you as well as your planet have my sympathy."

Desaria realized he had inadvertantly stepping in a puddle, and quickly swicthed his axis of attack. His charm had been off for far too long for it be as sharp as it once had been. The Lord Baron of Raenoria, before leaving the Centaurian Martial Academy for Imperial military service, had been quite the playboy. War had dulled that mysterious sense.

" Please, Madam Governor, let us set aside my commission, political affiliation, and class. Call me Telan."

The uneasy situation Desaria had created with his full-fledged and unsuccessful attempt to act urbane had stretched on; the small mob of people, the Bakuran guards and their Imperial guests, had strolled into the center of Salis Daar itself, the buildings reaching into the sky around them. People recognized their Prime Minister from news broadcasts and stopped to glare. Those who recognized the Grand Admiral stopped to stare.

Gaeriel Captison
Jun 15th, 2003, 12:37:46 PM
There was something about the military that made every word or phrase that seemed harsh, when in fact it was the only way that the being knew how to speak. Growing up in the political circles that permeated her life, Gaeriel was usually adept in deciphering what were hidden meanings within words spoken, if there were indeed any. It was easy to tell that the Grand Admiral had not been off a Star Destroyer in some time to merely be himself.

A flaw easy to forgive. "Very well, Telan. You can call me Gaeriel." She turned silent momentarily to acknowledge her people, that were less stunned, in a verbal greeting or wave. She could see that some of her people did not watch the news yesterday when the announcement that Grand Admiral Telan Desaria was stopping by for an informal visit. Either that or they were too amazed that the broadcast was actually telling the truth as in perfect file, Imperial and Bakurian Troops walked in file around their Prime Minister.

Telan Desaria
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:04:28 PM
" Gaeriel, I admire your stamina. Let us hope my stay to be the first of many."

The various people had moved about, the faces around the Admiral changing with every second. There was not time for him to greet though he doubted any wanted to. They had reached the hotel and were standing before it rising, red-carpeted stairs. The Admirals guards moved up and parted the doors, but were waved off by their master.

Desaria moved forward, passing the Prime Minister in a single bound up three small ledges. He stood there in his regal suit and opened the door himself. Moved to the side by his shielded forearm, it remained ajar for the beautiful woman in his company. Such was the act of a gentleman. He bowed and bade her enter.

Gaeriel Captison
Jun 25th, 2003, 08:21:54 AM
A sideways nod of thanks came before she followed the Admiral up the stairway and into the hotel side by side. The manager had done a beautiful job in preparing for the Grand Admiral's visit. The foyer to the hotel was spotless and the smell of fresh flowers scented the air just enough to make you feel as if you were near the banks of the West River. Assistants were in line ready to move all the luggage to their proper rooms.

Gaeriel reached her hands around her back to wrap on around the other in a less formal manner, her voice was sincerely apologetic. "You must forgive me ahead of time since I will not be able to stay as long as I would have liked today. You're timing coincides with another who has returned home to bring more supplies from Coruscant to assist in our growth." Her eyes, one green and one grey, opened met his with a small smile. "Perhaps we can continue this tomorrow once I see that you are settled?"

Telan Desaria
Jul 14th, 2003, 07:16:22 PM
" I would be delighted."

Gaeriel Captison
Jul 23rd, 2003, 03:35:12 PM
"Excellent. I'll make...." She was interrupted by her personal comm and annoyance surprisingly crossed her face. "I'm sorry. One moment."

Gaeriel moved a few steps away to take the call. "This better be important. Go ahead."

Apologies Ma'am. I would not have bothered you but this was important. Jedi Knight Tarkin had arrived earlier then expected with the shipment from Coruscant. She wanted to make sure you knew right away.

She wondered how much of the conversation Desaria had overheard. "That is certainly good news. Once I make sure that the Admiral is settled, I'll make my way to the spaceport. When I leave the hotel, I'll comm in."

Very good Prime Minister. I'll personally inform Jedi Knight Tarkin of it. Control Tower out.

Turning off the comm, she put it away and straightened her stance, preparing for anything that the Admiral asked. The name Tarkin was infamous amongst the Imperial remnants, spoken with respect and awe even today.

The bell hops were ready to take the lift up to the penthouse suite and Gaeriel returned to Desaria's side and smiled. "Ready to go on up?"

Telan Desaria
Jul 23rd, 2003, 06:46:57 PM
The Grand Admiral felt a twinge of guilt as he realized he had been listening in on the madam's conversation. her comm unit was an outmoded one by Imperial standards and was unusually loud, but that did not give him the right to intrude into her communicatory privacy. Nevertheless, the mere mention of that family's name was enough if not to assauge the guilt, then to delay it.

" Madam Gaeriel, I could not help but overhear. A Tarkin will arrive? I know this is supposed to be my vacation, but I would forever anger myself if I did not chose to meet a descandant of one of the Empire's greatest heroes. Could a meeting be arranged?"

Gaeriel Captison
Jul 24th, 2003, 09:51:27 PM
Time to try and deter the Admiral, but she had a feeling her attempt was going to fail. "Not just any Tarkin, Telan ... Jedi Knight Navaria Tarkin of the Jedi Order. Considering the shakey past of the Empire and the Jedi, are you sure you want me to arrange a meeting with her?" Not to mention she was Council, but that wasn't the reason Desaria's eyes lit up. Then there was the question if Navaria wanted to meet with the Admiral..

Telan Desaria
Aug 4th, 2003, 05:41:05 PM
The large expanse of the air that had ever so slightly settled before the Admiral's mouth found itself hurling towards his lungs at hyperspeeds as he gasped. There was little precedent for the emotion he felt traversing his nervous system: was he shocked? Or was he angry?

Enraged might have been more close to the truth.

" A Jedi? If I remember Grand Moff Tarkin's military record correctly, his posting directly before the Ghorman massacre was as military liaison to the Inquisitoriate - the men who hunted Jedi! How could one of his descendants possess any Force talents, let alone desires? You must have been duped, Gaeriel. A Tarkin would never become a Jedi willingly."

Disbelief won out.

Gaeriel Captison
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:06:41 PM
There were a lot of other Imperials that were too keenly interesting in this conversation. Just what she wanted to avoid but such is life. And poor Telan, he was not taking this news easy. The disbelief in his voice was so upsetting to her. She would have to convince him otherwise, and maybe disway a meeting.

"Admiral," the formality was not an accident,"Jedi Tarkin is my friend and a dear hero to the people of Bakura. Her valor and skill, not to mention Force abilities, have been witnessed by myself and many others." The pride in her voice told Telan that these two were good friends.

Telan Desaria
Aug 6th, 2003, 03:16:08 PM
I am a nobleman. I am a Grand Admiral of the Empire. Discipline to the last.

Desaria did his best to assume a posture of relaxation as the two stood in the center of a grand lobby. The news was indeed shocking, and to the last heartbreaking. To believe something one's entire life then to have such illusions proven to be false crushed every ounce of faith the Baron had ever placed in legend.

" I understand. She is no doubt doing all she can to protect her home."

Desaria used his right hand to adjust the silken tie that hung so perfectly from his agily muscled neck. " Will you join me for dinner?"

Despite the pleasant spin he trying to place on things, the hurt was too much to bear.

Gaeriel Captison
Aug 18th, 2003, 08:13:21 PM
The frown that came was long and heavy; so heavy she could feel its weight and it was quite a burden. Telan didn't have to say anything for Gaeriel to know that she had hurt him. Not intentionally and she was trying to avoid this revelation from the very start. She wasn't sure what to say but in this company, surrounded by Imperial and Bakurians alike, dinner was perhaps best. Navaria would understand. "I would be delighted to, Telan."