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Solomon Daenal
May 28th, 2003, 10:32:04 AM
Solomon allowed the cigar to leisurely rest on the corner of his mouth, intently watching the swarming masses through wisps of smoke. He could not help but to wonder how long the crowd had waited. Daenal took a small metallic chair for himself some four hours prior, yet the throngs of adoring had already gathered. Each waited in labored anticipation for a single man, soon to grace their faded, stone streets with his indomitable presence.

Then, a trumpet sounded and all of Naboo seemed to lift its voice in one accord, save the enormous gentlemen seated just beyond the flocks. Confetti fell like rain, blanketing the ground in brilliant colors. A choir took to song accompanied by a full orchestra. Amid the chaos a distinct, ordered beat of marching troopers could be heard. Finally, their conquering champion emerged.

Anthony Torgonas – philanthropist, war hero, and triumphant politician – he rode aboard his personal hover craft at a pinnacle so that all could praise his wondrous deeds and give sustenance to his growing ego. So intoxicated with fame and a king’s welcome, he knew nothing of the true peril that was soon to come. For one man knew what lie beneath Torgonas immaculate façade - the blood which bought prestige. Many wished vengeance on this man, but none so more than Solomon.

Solomon Daenal
Jun 4th, 2003, 11:13:52 AM
Daenal gave a slight nod to a handful of rough looking gentlemen huddled a few feet to Solomon’s right. The unspoken command was received, loud and clear, sending the brash group of thugs into action. Each man sifted into the swelled masses until they were indistinguishable from any other parade attendee.

When the moment was just right the first cohort threw a punch knocking one random citizen to the ground. This assault was soon followed by others like it. Soon, fighting spread like cancer, engulfing all present. The once peaceful procession erupted into riots. Shouting, curses, and violent cries rent the joyous gathering.

As the struggle intensified, a burly tattooed hood approached Solomon where he sat. Daenal, feeling the man’s presence upon him, spoke without turning to acknowledge the other.

“Your boys do good work.” He tossed a bundle of credits over his shoulder to the second man, rose from his chair, and disappeared into an alley.

Vynn Frost
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:10:21 PM
:: Solomon didn't stay long enough to see the second man that caught the bag. He left and with that the hood came off and the tattoed hood went to the ground with a blaster hole through him. Vynn turned his head to watch the man go down deeper into the alley.::

Mine do better.

:: Frost smiled and reholstered his gun as he began to give a slow chase. Solomon would go a bit further and notice four men waiting for him at the end of the alley.

~at the end of the alley~

Solomon spots four men, two men facing him and the other two looking out into the chaotic streets. They all had riot control guns and were all dressed in black, the two facing him were watching him intently and tapped a comlink on his collar and spoke quickly.::

Sir, we have him in sight.

:: The reply came back.::

Good, I'll be there in a moment. Don't let him leave. Frost out.

:: He nodded with a Yes Sir and then held his gun up to Solomon.::

Just stay where you are.

Solomon Daenal
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:07:38 PM
“What’s going on down there?!” Torgonas demanded, shouting at the Captain of his guard.

“We’re not sure yet sir, but it seems as though several unexplained fights have sprouted.” Came the answer. Torgonas’ Captain was a well-trained and highly skilled soldier. He often exhibited wisdom beyond his youthful years. This time would be no exception. “Don’t worry Mr. Torgonas. I have already deployed several squads to investigate and quell these uprisings. We will have those responsible in custody momentarily.”

The floating platform descended, bringing it just above a neighboring two story flat.

“However sir,...” the young officer continued “...we must get you to safety.”

As the hover craft docked, several armed military personnel stormed toward them, taking up defensive positions along the rooftop.

“These men will escort you to a safe house.”


The enormous Daenal turned to face his would be captor.

“Who might you be, boyo?” Solomon gently puffed away at his cigar.

Vynn Frost
Jun 4th, 2003, 04:18:33 PM
No one of severe importance, you can call me Frost. You are Mr. Daenal, are you not? Good. We have a few questions for you.

:: Vynn stood far enough away to keep his blaster at use. He kept it at his side. Not trying to appear hostile but knowing it wasn't going to work too well. He held up one black gloved hand before Solomon.::

Seriously, we don't want any trouble. Just a few questions, an offer that you might not want to pass up and than you can go.

:: The scarred face of Vynn twisted in a sincere smile. A commlink at his collar buzzed to life as it emitted this probably too loud message.::

... Sir, we report Torgonas is on the move, repeat, Torgonas is on the move...

:: Vynn's face didn't change at all.::

Solomon Daenal
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:31:34 PM
Solomon, overhearing Vynn’s com message, sneered.

“Well whatever you have to say, make it quick.” He crossed his arms allowing their colossal biceps to bulge through the sleeves of his jacket. “I have…business…to settle.”

Vynn Frost
Jun 4th, 2003, 10:58:02 PM
:: Vynn noted the man's response to the comm link. His sense of anxiety increasing and his irises changing. Good. This was the man they had been looking for.::

Follow me, this will be very quick.

:: He turned moving backwards until Vynn reached a musty old door. He knocked three times and than kicked it, the door opened and Vynn walked in. From the direction Vynn and Daenal had come, three men now stood with riot guns pointed at Daenal. Solomon was politely ushered into a room with one light that made a bright circle over a table and dimly lit the rest of the room. Frost sat down at one side in one stiff chair and offered the other to the large man. Both chairs and the table wouldn't move at all, being stapled into the ground.::

Don't worry about Torgonas. He's under watch and won't get too far. Especially if you plan on finishing it.

Solomon Daenal
Jun 5th, 2003, 09:16:04 AM
A simple nod was the only indication Daenal had even heard Vynn’s statement. Lethal silence continue to cripple their dialogue as Solomon warily scanned the room, making note of every detail. His cigar waxed short while tension mounted.

Finally, shooting his new acquaintance a chilling glare, the large man broke from silence. “You know, I gotta be honest with ya.” Daenal’s left hand slid along his leg, under the table. “This whole situation...” he continued “...reeks of Imps.”

Vynn Frost
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:55:48 AM
It doesn't matter. Whether we are Imps or not, we can help you get Torgonas. We just require background. You obviously have something against him, setting up that chaos outside for a reason. Excuse us for disturbing any current plans, but there's a bigger hierarchy we need to see before Torgonas is dealt with.

We just need information on Torgonas. We know some of what he's done. We know the hero/philanthropist is actually under suspicion of several murders and a few other things we're not priviledged to give out. Either way, it wouldn't matter since he's out of our Jurisdiction. The New Republic sees him as a hero and a symbol head which can help lead the people in their causes. We see this as a possible tool against us and are required to get rid of him. Unfortunately I can't just use up all the budget here and not have a good enough reason. I need what you know and then we can go to business.

:: Vynn sat back. He was letting a lot out. But then again, he wasn't too afraid. He was noting everything at the moment on the man, and on of the men standing beside him was scratching his leg, meaning Solomon's hand was suspiciously at his leg. Frost didn't take chances. The others all had rifles or blasters aimed, riot guns had no accuracy and cross fire would be a bad thing to note on a mission report.::

Solomon Daenal
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:01:32 PM
What began as a thin smirk grew to thunderous laughter and Solomon eased his hand back into plain view.

“Imagine that - Imps wanting my help.” His words were riddled with mirth.

By this time the smoldering tobacco in his mouth had run its course and he tossed it aside. Reaching around his waist, Daenal drew out yet another long, tan cigar. A quick flash then the mild flame a lighter illuminated his visage.

“So,” He said, a bit garbled by the cigar. “what do you want to know about Tony?”


“I want men stationed here, here, and here. Sergeant, move your squad into position here and push these people back. We must regain order!” The Captain barked his orders to the rest of the guard.

“Captain, Sir.” A thin framed Lieutenant called. “We’re receiving reports of a large, red haired male who is suspected of instigating the riots.”

The Captain seemed gripped by sheer disbelief. “Bring him to me.”

Vynn Frost
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:48:53 PM
:: Vynn smiled, good. Imagine that, Imps wanted his help? I wanted to pull out a list of other sources and slam it in his face before sticking a blaster up his nose at full and pulling the trigger. But Vynn decided that was just a bad notion off the start.

Frost looked at Solomon to see one of the special ops tapping her commlink out of his peripheral vision. He nodded as he tapped the commlink at his collar, pulling it off and setting it on the table as it buzzed to life.::

# Colonel Frost... Daenal under suspicion... Repeat Daenal under suspicion... #

:: He left the commlink there and made a gesture with his hand to Solomon, motioning to the commlink.::

See, we don't have much time. If they spotted you. There's only one place they would've seen you and thats not too far from here. Let's get started. If you wouldn't mind, what do you have against Torgonas and then follow all that up with what you know of his... other accomplishments he wouldn't want to be so recognized for.

:: Frost looked away for a moment to nod to groups of people on each side of him. They all began to move out, one side going up a fleet of stairs and out a door across a catwalk above Frost and the other goes out another door into the streets.::

Solomon Daenal
Jun 7th, 2003, 02:16:49 PM
The chair groaned under Solomon’s weight, as he leaned back into it.

“Well, let’s see.” He began.

“I met Tony when I was eighteen. He was an up and coming crime lord then, dabbling in everything from drugs to assassinations. But slavery was his favorite, God knows why. He has or at least had a lot of connections with the Hutts.”

Daenal tipped his head back and smiled, staring past the ceiling to a time long since past.

“He took me under his wing. Trained me to be thug. Ya might say he taught me everything I know.”

Taking the cigar from his mouth he blew a sharp, stream of smoke up and into the solitary light fixture.

“Well years went by and I worked my way up in his organization. I made it all the way to the top, became Tony’s right hand man. Yeah we were tight then.”

Solomon’s smile faded.

“But I guess that was part of the problem.” He said, tapping the end of his cigar to remove the burnt portion. “Ya see there’s a big price to be paid, for a position like that. I had built myself up a nice pile of charges and warrants; especially with the Empire.

“Well, the day came when Tony figured he’d make more money and power if he went legit, but that meant he’d have to drop guys like me. The whole image thing.

“So, he sold me out for a bundle of change. Turned me in to the Imps and forgot all about me. Too bad, cause I ain’t forgot about him.”

He dropped his head once more, to leer at Vynn.

“That about sum it up for ya?”

Vynn Frost
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:33:23 AM
:: I nodded.::

At least we know more of it now. After reading what happened, I suspected it was something like that. Taxes wise and in other reports, Mr. Torgonas seemed to be living a very wealthy life yet have no money in the bank or to pay taxes with. A question that I'm sure the electronic filing system never thought to come up with. And then his change to a more government life, his turn in of a wanted criminal... All gave him high regards for the New Republic recruiter, I assure you.

And now he is a New Republic hero. Surprised? I'm not. The glorious human can often be found almost as filthy as an alien. Well, all heroes must come to an end, Mr. Daenal. As I'm sure you want him to. Our goals are the same now. We have the rest we need on file.

Now the rest of our bargain, what time we might've taken from you in your endeavours to get revenge on Mr. Torgonas. We can get you to him, even give you the means if need be. But we need this man dead. Bottom line.

:: Vynn stood, his hand sliding up his scar slowly and then back down before he looked back at Daenal. He reached and picked the commlink up, replacing it on his collar. He motioned to the open door to the side.::

We're leaving now. The transport is outside, we don't have much time before he becomes unreachable for a little while. At least until the award ceremony, that would be our next window of oppurtunity if this one fails, and it won't. Shall we?

Solomon Daenal
Jun 9th, 2003, 08:13:46 PM
"Whatever help you wanna give is fine with me." He said, breathing an irritated sigh. "You just make sure to keep your grunts outta my way."