View Full Version : A Shadowed Path....

May 28th, 2003, 09:51:31 AM
Kei sat among the dregs of society, playing out the game she had started days ago. Tired eyes, glassy, and tense, watching for any cheating that would occur. The huge pile of money that sat in front of the beautiful woman had been dwindling fast, and it was not something that happened often. Kei was loosing hands as fast as they could be dealt, and she knew the dealer was paid off. She could not walk away without being killed, and besides she had bet by far more than the sum set before her.

The man across from her leered, his eyes scanning her body with obvious lust. The one asset she had never had to bet before. Well maybe once, but there had been a ship involved, and she knew that she could not loose. Sighing softly, Kei sat forward, her cold eyes scanning the other players. Sweating foreheads, and shifting eyes told her that they had no hand at all. Her face remained impassive, her brow dry. She had trained long ago not to give away the small flutter of panic that grew in her chest.

"Deal it.... “She said in crisp tones, trying to keep from glancing over the leering cheater licking his fleshy lips. She wondered if she was going to have to kill this one. She had no intention of sharing her bed with him. She needed a way out and fast....

Maxim Vasilijev
May 28th, 2003, 02:56:44 PM
He wasn’t here to gamble. Here was here on a mission, actually, to observe the powers of a deck of cards. It wasn’t just any deck of cards, but one that had been mentioned in numerous ancient tomes. He’d read about them in the library at the Sith Order when he’d been looking up a bit of information on sith magic. It was a new hobby of his, having begun when he’d met the Warlock, one of the newest additions to the Sith Order. Sith magic and the archaic magic practiced by the old man himself.

These cards were rumored to have dark powers and had been used in ancient times. And he wanted to speak with the one who used them. Unfortunately, the one who possessed them had moved on a different casino, and so now he was passing through on his way out.

Only, he paused. He was a young man, and on any given occasion, found it difficult to pass up checking out good looking women. It was a pile of wavy hair tumbling loosely over the shoulders of one in particular that he noticed. And more, it was her profile that stopped him in his tracks.


She had been a close friend of his while he’d been at the university. Though he’d hung out mostly with the guys he played sports with, he’d met her in one of his classes and by the simple fact that they sat near each other on the first day, had ended up as lab partners. This simple acquaintance had turned into more than that – a friendship with a potential for more. Only, neither he nor her seemed to pick up on that.

He stood behind her for a while, just watching. And for the first time in a while, the scowl faded from his face. He hadnt seen her since he’d disappeared from school at the end of spring break – and he wasn’t sure if she’d be happy to see him, or slug him for having disappeared and not called to let her know he was ok.

He noticed the leers of the men around her, and instantly the instinct to protect her flared. She wasn’t his girlfriend – but she was a good friend – one he happened to find attractive. And he’d always been jealous of the other men in her life – though he wouldn’t have admitted it to her or anyone else.

“Well they really have hit an all time low around here….letting women in on men’s games…” He commented. This was said with a smirk that he attempted to suppress. He said this only because they’d been gambling together before, and the last man who’d said such a thing had ended up in rather rough shape. If he was lucky, she’d at least recognize his voice in time to stop that dangerous right hook of hers.

May 29th, 2003, 10:44:42 AM
“Well they really have hit an all time low around here….letting women in on men’s games…”

Her eyes narrowed slightly at the insult, but the look of irritation faded fast as the voice clicked in her head. His voice, the one that had held her attention in school. Not that he knew it, she had never let on how much she had wanted him. Instead they had become fast friends. There was flirtation on both parts but neither had made the move to make it more than friendship.

Kei had been devastated when he had just up and disappeared. She had thought something happened to him. Both had a way of getting into as much trouble as possible, and both had found themselves close to being expelled many times for there antics. There grades alone kept them from that fateful end. Kei for the first time in many years felt tears sting her eye, which she suppressed quickly, he was alive and well that was what mattered.

Kei pushed her red locks behind her shoulder, glancing from the corner of her eye at Max. "Well they sunk low enough to let you in anyway." She quipped back, her crooked grin making her eyes twinkle.

"I owe you a beating." She said with a mock scowl. Her eyes running over his face, and body. "He is even better looking than before, damn him." She thought to herself. When they had met they had become very close, and Kei found herself wanting to jump up and hug him. She suppressed that to, what would he think of the tuff girl who had fought beside him in many bar scraps if she did that....

(The men at the table growled and muttered in anger at the interrupted game. The one who had been leering at her scowled at both of the long time friends. By his face you could tell he had no intention of giving up Kei after he won her favors..."

Maxim Vasilijev
May 29th, 2003, 12:27:50 PM
Oh, it hadnt been his grades that kept him in. He hadnt exactly let her on to that. She was the smarter of the two of them, though had he actually applied himself he might have been fine.

No, it had been the fact that he was on school on a scholarship for sports. And it had been his coach that had managed to keep Maxim in school. His grades hadnt been anything to write home about.

Around her, he had let the facade of being one of the guys drop. He'd let her catch a glimpse of what he was really like beneath the cocky attitude everyone else had known.

His hand snuck around her waist and he leaned over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of her cards. He raised an eyebrow and nodded, as if in approval, though he was not even close to liking them. She had a bad hand. A really, terrible hand.

“No hug, huh?” He asked, flirting with her.

“I guess I deserve it after up and disappearing….” He added, the tone of his voice changing instantly to a more solemn tone that expressed that he had felt bad about not calling her. He’d just been….well….there had been a lot going on and he’d wanted to put that phase of his life behind him. For once and for all.

His gaze lifted from her cards catching the eye of the one who’d been leering. And out of reflex, his hand came to his saber, lifting it from his belt and setting it on the table, his hand locked over it. His dark eyes settled on the man, an open challenge.

“You got time to catch up when you finish this hand?” He asked, his words meant for Kei, though his gaze was still pinned on the man across from he and Kei.

May 29th, 2003, 01:43:45 PM
When his arms snaked around her waist, her eyes closed against his touch. Her mouth going dry as it always had when he touched her in any way. She had not realized that the feelings were still there, that they still held such sway over her.

“No hug, huh?”

Kei's eyes shot open at the words, swallowing hard she tried to regain a semblance of control. Her body tensed slightly. She had always wanted to tell him how she felt but his friendship meant more, and besides she didn’t think he felt the same way...

"A hug...... I will hug you when I pay you back for cutting out on me.... and after this hand is played out." She muttered softly, her tone soft but heavy with her thoughts.

"Besides this guy thinks he is going to win this hand, and I am the bet." She said in a low growl. Leaning back into his chest as she used to do, her voice low, only loud enough for Max to hear.

"You gotta get me outa this one. The dealer is cheating, and my hand is played out." The familiar times they had shared came rushing back. The many times they had saved one another, and gotten out of the trouble that seemed to follow them.

"Just like old times huh...." Her rueful grin lit her eyes as she looked up at him, dropping a wink before biting his chin gently the way she used to.....

Maxim Vasilijev
May 29th, 2003, 02:51:55 PM
Yes. Just like old times. Only now he had been trained well enough in the force to be able to probe the minds of those weaker than him. Those who were not trained to protect their thoughts as he now was. And Keira was right, the dealer was cheating.

He didn’t have to watch his mouth around her. She’d been around him enough to know he could be course, and if he wanted to be downright vulgar and rude. And this was one of those times.

Four letter words rolled easily off the tip of his tongue as she announced that she was the bet. Oh she’d get a good tongue lashing for sure once he had her away from these guys.

He shook his head, unable to comprehend how she’d expected to get out of this one. Not quite sure himself how…though there were a few possibilities.

He had to get the guy to fold. Had to get the guy to believe Kei had a better hand. And this would be done by something he had practiced his entire life – mind manipulation. This was one thing that was not new to him. It was the one thing that set him apart from his twin brother.

“You’re all set. Just hold on.” He muttered quietly to her as his gaze continued to focus on the one leering at Keira. A moment later he looked away, a small smirk on his lips.

He wished he’d learned a bit about illusions – this would be the next thing he asked his master, Lady Vader, to teach him. But this would work just as well, for fortunately the one who thought he would win the hand was as simple as it came.

For some time, the man stared and stared at his cards and then finally set them down on the table in front of him.

“I fold.” He stated, sounding not altogether convinced and somewhat confused about the words as they slipped out of his mouth. He had a near perfect hand, yet, something was telling him to fold.

Keira leaned back again against his chest peering up at him with an expression that he characterized as triumphant. She knew this trick of his, though he had made her promise she wouldnt tell anyone she knew about it.

It felt good to be around her again. Even better to feel her body against his. But theywere friends he reminded himself, just friends. Afterall, a girl who was interested in him wouldnt have come to his door at the later hours of the night to complain to him about the date she'd had that night. She wouldnt tell him about men she found attractive while they were walking across campus together. And conversly, he couldnt really be interested in her that way, could he? She wasnt his type, was she? He'd never dated a girl capable of throwing a baseball properly, nevermind throw a punch hard enough to knock a man out.

But he liked being around Keira. This, he had no doubts about.

May 29th, 2003, 08:10:35 PM
Kei didn’t bat an eye at his vulgarities. She was more than accustomed to it, not just from him but from those she chose to hang around with. "Too many drunken bar room fights to blush now." She smirked slightly. He did have a way with words, she had to give him that.

“You’re all set. Just hold on.”

Kei nodded, her head bobbing against his chest. One she had fallen asleep on time and again. Brushing her hands across her eyes she tried to get the thought out of her head, as well as the memory of it. "Now is not the time Kei." She muttered softly.

Her grin widened at the familiar empty, and confused look on the leering mans face. She never questioned how or why, Kei just took it as it was. Her trust had always been complete when it came to Max. Leaning forward Kei raked the winning in. She stood, her smile growing by the second.

"Well boys it’s been fun. Let's do it again sometime..." She turned to Max, dropping him a wink. "Come on handsome, I'll buy you dinner and a drink." She said wrapping her arm into his, and walking swiftly away from the table. She knew any second all hell was going to break loose, it always did.

"Hurry Max I think there figuring it out." She said glancing sidelong at him. "Or are you going to vanish again." Showing a slight irritation at his disappearing before....

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 08:13:28 AM
He winced at her comment. He could hear, and though she might not have realized it, he could feel the hurt and perhaps even anger in her voice. But there wasn’t time. Not now.

“We’ve gotta get out of here.” He stated, his voice carrying a tone that she likely knew well. One that was concerned for her safety and for his. They’d been in this sort of situation enough for both of them to know.

He slipped his arm out of hers, preferring to put his arm protectively over her shoulder, her hand slipping comfortably around his waist. And then out the doors of the nearest exit they went. Once outside, they slipped down a side alley and mingled in with the busy crowds on the next street.

Once there, Maxim seemed to relax a bit, subtly slipping his saber back to his belt. This he had not carried when he had known Kei at school. This was a new addition since joining the Sith order.

“What were you thinking?” He demanded once they seemed to have blended in with everyone. This was typical of him. She would get into trouble, he would get her out of it and lecture him. It was silly really, since she often did the same thing for him.

“Do you realize what could have happened back there?” His voice was heated, though his arm remained protectively slung over her shoulder.

May 30th, 2003, 09:06:45 AM
Kei moved in pace with Max, their strides carrying them quickly into the crowds where they would be relatively safe. His arm slipping over her shoulder was a comforting feeling. Though utterly familiar, she had forgotten how much she had missed it. Cutting her eyes to the side she watched him clip his saber onto his belt. Kei's eyes shot up to look at his face, a questioning one on hers. She would not question it until later, when they had more time to talk.

“What were you thinking?”

With those words, and the tone in his voice Kei stopped dead in her tracks. A look of hurt in her eyes and a scowl on her lips. There had been many occasions that she had pulled him from trouble, and he her. But this time it brought no smile, this time she wondered just where he got off asking....

“Do you realize what could have happened back there?”

His arm was still slung over her shoulder, but not for long. His next words made her hot temper flare. He could read it well enough in her stance, and the way her eyes blazed. Grabbing his fingers she flung his arm from her bare shoulder.

"Well Max I suppose I would have lost..... And then I suppose I would have had to sleep with the guy. Though since you think I am stupid, why don't you tell me if that sounds about right." She growled out, her hands on her hips, eyes narrowed. There was nothing odd about the scene, not to her, nor to Max. They had always argued, always fought over the crazy things they did well on there own. Neither thinking of all the stuff they did together.

"Where the hell do you get off talking to me like that? You didn’t even have the decency to let me know you were alive. No instead you just took off, and forgot that your best friend would worry." She stopped her bottom lip pouched out as it always did when she was upset or utterly angry. He knew the look well. It was the one she got before throwing her infamous right hook.....

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 09:47:35 AM
People gave them a bit of distance, the angry pair looking like scorned lovers as they faced of against one another in the middle of the sidewalk. Some people rudely passed in front of them, ignored by both Maxim and Keira as they stared angrily at each other.

“I didn’t say I thought you were stupid.” He muttered in response, though he knew his words had certainly insinuated that he thought such a thing. In truth, he didn’t. He knew she was anything but stupid, but sometimes she lacked a little control when it came to keeping out of trouble. Not that he was one to talk.

“And I get off talking to you like that because I care about Keira. And you’re right, I didn’t have the decency to contact you and Im sorry and I’ll explain in a little while when we don’t have a hundred people watching us argue with each other!” This was all replied to in an angry, perhaps louder than normal sort of voice. They had a way of getting the other going rather easily, both being rather tempermental from the get go.

He reached for her arm, as if to take her by the elbow and lead her off somewhere. It was an assuming gesture, yes, but he knew her well enough that he could do such a thing. Even if she chose to shrug it off, which she usually did, it would probably make her soften towards him just a bit.

There was something about a simple touch between them that seemed to always reconnect them.

May 30th, 2003, 09:59:32 AM
Keira bit her lip biting back a retort that had been building with each word he spoke. But his touch stopped her, though she found herself wanting to jerk away from him, she stopped. His touch had always soothed her, it had always brought her back to reality. The fact that he said he cared, that she still mattered to him made her heart stop aching.

Kei didn’t know if he realized how hurt she had been by his disappearing act. How he had made her cry. Crying was not something the girl did often, she in fact could not remember crying since being a child. She had the appearance of someone soft, and gentle, though she had a big heart she was in truth as hard as nails.

"Look Max......" She stopped not wanting to say the things that pressed against her mind.

"Come on let’s go somewhere else before I slug you in front of all these people, and make you look bad." She muttered, the glimmer in her eye bring back his memory at her wicked sense of humor. As they walked, both still feeling angry, her lip still pouched out, leaving him the impression that she perhaps was going to give him her right hook, Kei looked at him from the side of her eye. Studying his face, one who had become so utterly familiar, and one she had come to love more than anyone else. His friendship was dear to her, Kei felt tears sting her eyes, and she quickly glanced away.

"Damn you....." She whispered softly. The fact that he had brought tears to her eyes yet again only made her madder. Her hot temper matched the red hair she sported. She had a feeling this was going to be a helluva long night......

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 11:30:12 AM
He knew he’d been a jerk not to get in touch with her. If anyone would have supported him through it all, Keira would have been the one and he should have known it. And he felt bad, he really did. He just wasn’t all that great about showing it.

He wouldn’t have been surprised if she refused to forgive him. She was one to hold a grudge and he knew it would be a while, perhaps, before things were 100% right again. But it was so easy with her – for some reason, things between them always had a way of righting themselves.

They walked only a bit further before he pulled open to the door to a tavern. He held the door for her, and then once inside took her hand in his and led the way to a quiet booth in the back of the room.

They settled in and he looked at her from across the table. She looked as beautiful as she always had, and he couldn’t help but grin at her, happy to be back around her again.

“So did you walk at graduation….?” He asked, thinking briefly about the fact that he would have graduated with her had he stuck around. They would have partied all night the night before as they’d talked about a million times.

The waitress dropped by with glasses of water and menus and then left them to talk.

His dark eyes looked across the table to her and he reached out to pick up a menu. As he did, their fingertips touched, and he was struck by the familiar, yet shocking senstation.

"Im sorry." He added in the quiet silence. He knew sorry wouldtn exactly do it in terms of an explanation, but he did want to at least offer it. He was sorry. Not sorry he'd done what he did - leaving school to join the order, but sory that he'd hurt her, worried her...left her.

May 30th, 2003, 12:27:43 PM
Kei settled into the seat across from him, graceful, womanly as always. Her manners as always impeccable. She had been taught well but it did not quench the fiery sprit she always had. It was perhaps that very thing that drew them together, that had bonded them as fast friends. They both thumbed there noses at propriety, at what was expected of them. They both instead chose there own paths.

Picking up the menu she thumbed through it, her eyes occasionally peeking up over the rim, crinkled at the corners, unable to hide the smile behind the tattered menu. No matter how angry she was at his leaving her heart had always kept him close, as it always would.

“So did you walk at graduation….?”

She chuckled softly, wishing he could have been there to see it, to have taken the walk with her. She had expected it, had in fact planed to tell him how she felt on that very night. Now that moment was lost....

"I did...... I walked it, and I felt you there with me. Of course in memory of you I turned and thumbed my nose at the teachers." She laughed again but this time it had an underlying hurt to it.

She looked away quickly from his eyes that knew her to well. "What of you Max? What have you been doing? I see you wear a saber.... You haven’t gone Jedi on me have you?" She knew better, the Jedi would have shut there doors and ran screaming in horror at the sight of her Max. His raw emotion alone was enough to fix that. Kei ignored the sorry, unsure as to what to say to it. There had never been a need for a sorry between them until now....

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 12:55:28 PM
He rolled his eyes at the suggestion that he might have gone jedi on her. He reached for his water and took a healthy slug, not bothering to give that comment any more credit than it was due.

“I thought about you.” He began, tapping his fingers on the pint glass, “On graduation day.” And about a million other times, but this he coulnt bring himself to tell her.

He shifted slightly.

“I almost called then, but I figured…..” He shrugged, his next words trying to lighten the mood.

“I figured you’d probably dropped your com device in the toilet again.” He stated, referring to a time when she’d been inebriated enough to have lost her com in the ladies room of a bar.

He hadnt been any better that night, drinking enough that he’d actually passed out standing up, his fall giving him a shiner the next day that Kei had taken credit for until it had finally gone away.

He felt her kick his shin beneath the table. It wasn’t hard, and rather it was teasing, and he grinned, feeling at ease with her.

“I joined a group called the Sith Order.” He told her, “And Ive got a lot to tell you about that. But that’s only a part of it…”

He tossed the menu down in front of him, already knowing what he’d order.

“I was kind of busy dealing with this girl who claimed I was the father of her baby.” He knew she was going to give him an earful for this one. She was always giving him a hard time when he told her about the girls he dated. The same as he did to her for the guys she dated. He held a hand up to her lips as she opened it to begin her tirade.

“It wasn’t me.” He stated. “It was my brother.”

Which likely would have been quite shocking to her, as his brother was the ‘good’ twin of the two of them. One who likely wouldn’t have been expected to have done such a thing.

May 30th, 2003, 01:08:51 PM
Kei was tempted to bite his hand that stilled her words but the fact he explained that it was his brother was enough to stop her.

"You brother huh? Who would have figured that? Now you on the other hand.... I am surprised you don't have little Max's and Maxine’s running around everywhere." She quipped back. It always brought out the rougher side of her when ever he spoke of the women in his life. Though she was no better about telling him of her conquests. She had always figured it didn’t bother him to hear it.

"A Sith huh? Well well.... Congrats Max you finally found a group who would put up with your crap. So have you gone all straight laced, or can you still hold your own. Not that I can't drink you under the table literally." She said reminding him of the time when they had both drank so much they had slid under the table to finish off there drinks.

Any lady friends in your life....." She said casting her eyes away, as she nervously played with the rim of her glass. Hoping he would say no.....

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 01:20:36 PM
“Jesus, Kei. The last thing I could handle would be kids.” He retorted, horrified at even a mention of them. He pushed her glass of water towards her.

“Don’t ever mention that in front of me again. You should wash your mouth out with soap for mentioning crap like that…” He added with a bit of a smirk. Some day perhaps, but right now, that was the farthest thing from his mind.

He smiled at the memory that she had mentioned, remembering…sort of..that night very well. It had ended with the two of them passing out on the couch in his room. But then, that happened often. They’d slept – in the true meaning of sleep – together plenty of times – it was just the sort of friendship that they had.
Each of them being comfortable enough with the other that such things weren’t a big deal. Besides, it was a long trek across campus to where her dorm was.

He shook his head and sighed at the mention of lady friends.

“Naw, not since I joined the order.” He replied, showing a hint of humility. He wasn’t exactly chaste in his involvements with women – but the episode with his brother and the fact that he’d been busy with training putting a bit of a damper on conquests of that sort.

“What about you?” He asked, though he wasnt sure he really wanted to hear her answer. It was difficult to suppress the jealousy he always felt when she went on and on about her encounters in the past.

May 30th, 2003, 01:33:28 PM
Kei giggled slightly at his descriptive words about kids. She to felt the same way. The thought of having kids made her shudder. "What a world this would be to have little versions of us running around." She grimaced and winked.

A relieved sigh escaped her when he said there were no ladies in his life. She had not realized how much she had been hoping. Kei sat back in her chair, relaxing. She for the first time in a long time felt completely at ease, she had missed the security, and friendship he offered.

“What about you?”

"There have been a few. Nothing to write home about, but hey you know me never have been able to settle. Though there was this one, he became a little too possessive, and I had to teach him a small lesson about hitting a woman." She chuckled at the memory. The little lesson had been a knife in his heart. She still had the scar above her eye brow which utterly pissed her off.

"So what do you think Max.... Wanna try to out drink me again? See if you still have any guts left?" She said changing the subject. "My flats not to far from here. We can grab what we need after we eat, and head off to my room, make a night of it like we used to...."

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 01:48:27 PM
His expression darkened rather visibly at the mention of other men. Particularly one that hit her. Yes, she could take care of herself, but that didn’t make it any easier to hear. And though he shouldn’t have, he did reach out to try to probe her thoughts. He didn’t go deep, not wanting to invade her privacy, but without trying really, it was only moment before he was picking up a bit too easily on the image of the one who had done it – the one who was the cause of the scar just about her…

“What the?!” Curse words stringing along after it as he leaned across the table, his hand reaching out and entangling in her hair as he made her lean towards him a bit to check out the scar over he eyebrow.

“Are you kidding me?” He demanded, releasing her and shaking his head, his temper flaring.

“I wish you’d stop going for those guys…” He commented, his cheeks flushing a bit in his anger. And what, start dating guys like you?! he half expected her to come back with as a sarcastic response.

For the moment, he ignored her suggestion of going to her place to drink – of course he would – but there were more pressing matters first.

“He’s not still bothering you is he?” He hadnt probed this deep. There were boundaries - at least with her - that he respected.

May 30th, 2003, 01:59:34 PM
Kei slapped at his arm when he pulled her forward. His expression dark at the sight of the scar on her brow. She had a good mind to plant her blade in his hand if he pulled her hair again. She had done it before, and it would not faze her to do it again. Though the last time had been an accident.

"How in the hell..... How did you know about the scar, and what do you mean go for guys like that. We can’t always have who we really want Max." She snapped her mouth closed at her last words. Anger having made her almost say too much.

"He won’t be bothering anyone, ever again. I can take care of myself in case you have forgotten." She said in a biting tone, her arms crossed over her chest in defensive irritation.

"Besides, you have no room to talk. Look at all the lovely choices you made. Most of them being whores. Not like you ever looked in the right direction. When did you get so high and mighty anyway? It never bothered you before about whom I dated... “She muttered under her breath, trying to control her flaring temper.

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 02:18:47 PM
“Yeah, well, you never came home with a scar on your forehead from one of them before either!” He snapped right back, just as defensive as she was.

“And they weren’t whores Kei, they just happened to easy.” He added, as if this somehow made a difference at all.

He was silent for a moment, glaring at her the same way she was glaring at him.

“Im not being high and mighty.” This statement was made in the silence between them, and Kei seemed to refuse to speak anything more.

He sighed.

He didn’t tell her how he knew about the scar – she would have slapped him if he admitted that to her. Would have slapped him hard – that is, if she didn’t punch him instead.

“Look, I just….”

He glanced away and then back to her. And then it hit him what she’d said. He wouldn’t do it again. Ever again. He resisted the urge to find out what had really happened. She’d tell him later anyway, when she got good and drunk.

“Ive always cared, Kei, about who you were dating. That’s not fair to say that.”

May 30th, 2003, 02:35:54 PM
Kei rolled her eyes at his statement the they were just easy. Giving him an exasperated sigh. She knew it had been an unfair statement about him not caring. Kei knew he had always cared about her safety but she was unwilling to give in at this point.

"If you cared Max you shoulda stuck around. Not that I need anyone to save my butt..." She said bluntly, as was her nature. She was still hurt by his leaving, and it showed plainly.

She brought her fingers up in an unconscious gesture fingering the scar. She was still curious as to how he knew about it. Shrugging she figured she would get it out of him once he was good and drunk.

"Let's not fight Max. It's been a long time since I have seen you, let's just go have some fun like we used to do." She was not even going to mention the new man who had attached himself to her. A full on stalker she had taken home once on a drunken night. One who had given her all kinds of hell. No need to mention it because it wouldn’t be to long before she took care of it herself.

They both were magnets for trouble, they both knew it. She figured why fight it. "Besides it's been awhile since I knocked you flat, and we both need to be good and drunk so you have an even chance when we wrestle." She said teasingly. Trying to lighten the mood. She never had been able to stay angry at him for long.....

Maxim Vasilijev
May 30th, 2003, 02:46:55 PM
He met her gaze, his cheeks warm as she mentioned the fact that if he cared he should have stuck around. Or at least let her know where he was, he knew. He knew he’d been a real jerk to not have contacted her. And more, it bothered him because he had hurt her. This showed plainly in the way she was reacting.

He stood up and reached into his back pocket. Pulling out his wallet he tossed a few credits down for the simple inconvenience of the waitress, and reached for Kei’s hand.

“C’mon….” He suggested.

“Lets just go back to your place, order takeout and catch up…”

He offered her a small smile as a bit of a peace offering. He didnt want to fight with her either. Not tonight. And she was right, he had no right to pop back into her life and try to tell her what she should and shouldnt be doing.

“It seems Ive got a lot of explaining to do.” He added with a wink. When she joined him, his arm found its way over her shoulders again, pulling her close to him, squeezing her in a reassuring gesture that turned into a hug. And there they held each other for a bit of time before they moved apart again.

And then they moved for the door. He paused only long enough to thank the waitress and apologize for the inconvenience, and then they left, Kei leading the way to her flat.

“Did you get your own place or do you have a roommate?” He asked her as they walked along.

He had missed her. He had really missed her.

May 30th, 2003, 08:10:33 PM
Kei found herself enveloped in his hug. It had been far too long since she had felt this way. He always made her feel safe, but it was not just that. It felt like coming home. She clung to him for a moment, sorely tempted to spill her guts. But as always pride got in the way and held her tongue still.

"Yes you do have a lot of explaining to do, and I am sure it is a very interesting story. One best told drunk." She laughed as they made there way out of the restaurant. She took comfort in the familiar weight of his big arm draped over her slender shoulder. They had walked this way many times in the past, well stumbling for the most part. She had missed him, more than she thought.

“Did you get your own place or do you have a roommate?”

She paused, a small grimace lacing her pretty face. "Well I had one. He uh went away. There may be a guy sitting on the steps. Just walk by Max and ignore him ok." She said with a glimmer in her eye. One he knew very well.

"I mean it, so far he has been slightly harmless. So ignore him." She nudged him with her elbow, to strengthen what she was saying. She was small, and slight of build...... But she could tear into anyone who messed too much. She had no worries about the nut that wouldn’t leave, and she most certainly didn’t want Max to know more than he needed to. Not till they were both trashed anyway.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 2nd, 2003, 02:42:46 PM
He chuckled for a moment. Most stories were better told when drunk, in his opinion. At least, some of the stories he’d shared with Keira over the years. It was funny how she fit right there next to him. She was the perfect height to drape his arm over her shoulder and somehow, their strides always matched perfectly, so that when they walked, it was one fluid movement – together.

At her suggestion to ignore the harmless guy sitting on the front steps he lokoed down at her to give her a sidelong glance – one that firmly disapproved.

“So far….?” He asked, the end of the sentence lilting enough to turn it into a question.

“Kei, how long has this guy been hanging out there?” He demanded, though it wasn’t with the anger of earlier. Rather this time it was an investigative sort of questioning, one that tempered concern with a sound mind and a firm hand on emotions.

“And better yet, why is he hanging around…?”

It wasn’t jealously that flared. Not just yet. In fact, he did his best to remind himself that he had no right to be upset over anything that she did. She was his friend, though at times that word was a tough one to swallow.

He realized that his friendship with her wasn’t any normal friendship. He was aware enough in regards to that. But he was oblivious to the fact that she would have been the perfect woman for him. Maybe someday, it would hit him in the face. Hard. And he’d get a clue. And if he was lucky, it wouldn’t be too late.

Jun 2nd, 2003, 03:34:59 PM
Kei tilted her head up at him giving him a grin. Her eyes twinkling with mischief. It felt so good to her to be next to him again. To feel his arm, and hear his voice. They fit together as if they had never been apart. It was too bad he saw her as nothing more than a friend.

“So far….?”

"Well yes So far silly. Men have a way of getting weird on you when they don't get what they want. Well most men." She amended lightly.

"He has been around for....hmmmm.... Bout three or so months now. My little shadow, I do believe he thinks himself in love." She said in mock horror. She giggled and it broke the effect. Kei sighed in contentment, her head lying against his chest as they walked.

"So Max, tell me..... Have I changed much since you last saw me? You seemed to have changed some."

They entered the small walk way that led to her flat. Her ever present stalker was no where to be seen. She fished out her small key card, and opened the door....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 3rd, 2003, 06:26:12 AM
He’d been about to lecture her a bit on the fact that having a stalker wasn’t exactly a safe – or humorous thing whe she changed the subject. He knew that she knew it was a problem – and this was her typical way of brushing it off. He could lecture all he wanted, but the only effect it would have would be to piss her off. And he wasn’t exactly the lecturing type. He understood her attitude towards it and would likely have acted the same way about six months ago. Today, with his training in the Sith order, his anger always a bit closer to the surface than before, he wouldn’t have overlooked the guy. He would have killed him had he still been sitting there.

But he wasn’t and Maxim settled instead for following Keira into her apartment and continuing their easy conversation.

He shrugged, stepping inside and closing the door behind them.

“Yeah, Ive changed a little, I guess.” He admitted.

“The whole situation with my brother really….screwed me up for a while.” He said this as he moved into her kitchen area, reaching for the handle of the refrigerator and peering inside. This was typical of the two of them – what was his was hers, and likewise, what was hers was his.

He reached for two bottles of beer and closed the door, moving to rummage through drawers for a bottle opener that she fluidly handed to him. It was a dance between them. Both knowing the steps and walking them naturally together in a perfect rhythm.

He handed her one of the bottles and in toast, they clinked bottles to being together again. In the small kitchen, he leaned against the counter, Keira hopping up to sit on the one across from him.

He eyed her, giving thought to her question.

“Yeah, you’re a little different.” He replied after taking a drink.

“But I supposed those kinds of things happen when I take off and leave you on your own,” He began, the tone of his voice teasing, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you back on track…” He added with a wink indicating that he was joking. There was nothing he would have changed about her. Well, except one thing, maybe - but changing friendship into something more was always risky and he wasn’t ready to take that risk. At least, not sober.

“So what made you move here, anyway?” He asked, meaning that she was rather far from where they’d gone to school, and it didn’t seem exactly like the sort of city he would have pictured her moving to. Then again, when he looked at her, a part of him pictured her living with him. And this, he shook off as quickly as it came to him. He had to – or he’d have ended up in love. Not that he wasn’t already.

Jun 3rd, 2003, 01:12:28 PM
Kei sipped at her drink as he spoke, her eyes moving over him in her bold fashion. She was in a sense utterly unaware of it, and he was more than used to it. She had a way of making a man feel utterly wanted by just doing what she did. Swinging her legs back and forth she grinned.

"Put me back on track? It seems you are the one who is sorely lacking in the drinking department old chum." She tossed her bottle into the trash next to her. "Another please, and try to keep up wimp." She gave him a sultry wink.

“So what made you move here, anyway?”

"I moved here not long after I graduated. Better gambling of course. Girl has to make a living you know. Jus a sec I wanna change into my robe." She jumped off the counter, and made her way to her room, humming a small tune. She left the door open, and resumed talking. Her cloths flying in all directions as she changed. She looked back, and grinned at his wide eyes.

"What’s the matter with you Max it's not like you haven’t seen every part of me." They had many times in the past taken care of one another when the night had been to fun. Or if one fell ill.

Wrapping the belt around her waist she came back out, her second drink finished, grabbing another she resumed her position on the counter.

She wanted to ask him how he knew about her scar but didn’t think he was drunk enough to give her an honest answer yet. "So you gonna tell me bout the saber deal, and what you have been up to?"

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:16:35 PM
She’d finished the thing already? He shook his head in disbelief as he turned and opened the fridge again. He pulled out two bottles, opening hers and handing it to her, then finishing off his first. He hadnt had a whole lot of time to be drinking at the Sith Order. Lady Vader had made more than sure of that. Though he had to admit, less beer definitely helped a bit in making his muscles a bit more defined. Not that he had to worry all that much. Not at his age, anyway. In a few years, perhaps, those habits would catch up when his metabolism began to slow down.

He popped the cap on his and tossed it towards the trash where it bounced off the edge and settled in. His gaze followed her as she went to change. Yeah, he’d seen pretty much all of her before. But he was a guy and there were few changes he would have passed up on to catch a glimpse of skin. Particularly Kei’s.

“Yeah, I know…” He replied to her comment, “Its just….been a while.” He finished as he took a hefty slug on his bottle.
His gaze followed her as she settled back to her spot on the counter and he had to work to avert his eyes from legs that were more easily revealed by this lack of clothing.

He muttered something under his breath, teasingly calling her a name that hinted at the fact that she was certainly some sort of vixen.

“No wonder that guy was hanging out on your doorstep….” He protested as he moved to shut her blinds.

“You’re giving him a show every night…” He added. This was his effort to clear the more than friendly thoughts from his young adult mind.

So you gonna tell me bout the saber deal, and what you have been up to?

He shrugged and nodded absently as he moved back into the kitchen.

“Yeah, I’ll tell you.” He replied.

“Im just not sure you’re going to believe me…” He added, his expression sobering slightly.

“Remember back in school….well….tonight even? At the card table?” He asked, beginning his explanation, “Havent you ever wondered about how I do that?”

As he asked this, he reached for her hand, helping her down from the counter and together they grabbed a few more beers and moved into the small living room area, collapsing onto the tattered couch.

Here, he sank back and put his feet up on her coffee table, and she draped her legs over his lap, leaning back against the end of the couch. This was, they were able to be in contact with one another, something they both seemed to always strive for, yet they could look at one another.

He draped one arm over the end of the couch, beer in hand and resting on the arm of the couch. The other settled onto Kei’s legs, rubbing them without really giving any thought to the act.

Jun 5th, 2003, 09:22:43 AM
Kei rolled her eyes at the peep show comment. She wisely didn’t say anything to it, preferring not to get one of his famous lectures. She had never been a shy girl, and was rather proud of her body. She had never understood why men could wander naked and women had to stay covered.

As she settled into there familiar position on the couch, she grinned. She loved the way he idly played his fingers over her skin. Not that she would ever tell him that. The thought almost made her blush, well... if she had been the blushing kind.

"Yea I always did wonder how you did that. Just figured you were special." She said teasingly. Sitting up her legs still draped over his. She looked closely at him. Her eyes narrowed as she studied his face. She was close enough for the scene to look intimate.

"I do believe they have corrupted you Max." Laying back she giggled. Taking a healthy swig of her drink.

"So tell me then how did you do it?" Kei asked lifting one leg she placed her foot on his thigh shaking him a bit. She had always been curious about that. But in time it had just been something he could do, and so she never asked. Fishing the other beer from the table she tossed the empty one to the trash, missing totally as she always did. It spun on the ground next to the can, and came to a slow stop.

"Ops Missed....."

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 5th, 2003, 01:41:47 PM
Yea I always did wonder how you did that. Just figured you were special.

“I am special.” He retorted in a cocky sort of way. A way that she was likely rather familiar with. Not that he pulled a whole lot of attitude around her – but she’d seen the way he acted around others. Around his other friends, around random people on campus. He was a different person around them than the side he allowed Keira to see.

As she sat up and looked closely at him, he gave her a somewhat funny look. He had an urge to just close the small distance between them and kiss her. But sirens went off in his head just in time. A mistake like that could have ruined their friendship. As far as he thought, if he did that sort of thing, she’d view him the way she viewed the other men she dated – and that was not with 100% of her trust. And that, he didn’t wasn’t to lose.

I do believe they have corrupted you Max.

He was relieved at this comment and the fact that she’d moved back. And somewhere in this space he found the mind he’d nearly lost a moment ago.

He raised his bottle and took a drink, chuckling with her.

“I was corrupted a loooong time ago.” He retorted with an expression that made very clear the real meaning behind his words.

So tell me then how did you do it?

The bottle that had been spinning on the ground stopped and then began to hover in the air. It moved from the floor and floated to the garbage can, dropping and clinking in with the other empties.

Maxim stared at Keira.

“The same way I did that.” He replied slowly. It was clear from the expression on his normally scowling face that for once, he actually cared about what someone thought of him. He was concerned that Keira would maybe think he was a freak – would maybe think he was crazy. And that was the last thing he wanted. But he trusted her enough to believe she would accept it – accept him, as he was.

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:37:46 AM
Kei didn’t bat an eye at the display. There were not many things that fazed the jaded girl. She sipped at her drink remaining silent, watching him watching her. She knew he was anxious to hear her take on what he had done.

"Well..... That woulda come in handy.... “Kei waggled her beer bottle at Max, her eyes glinting with laughter.”Wanna float me a new one?"

Kei sat forward again, her loose robe falling from her shoulder. Her eyes getting a glassy look from having drank so fast. Reaching up she patted his head, her full mouth turning up into a grin.

"Max you should know by now.....No matter what you do is all right by me. Well except the disappearing act. That pissed me off." She said with a slight slur.

Pausing she leaned closer. Her face only inches from his. "Haven’t eaten today.... so don’t think I’m getting trashed faster than you boyo. Besides your drinking like that’s the last beer."

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 9th, 2003, 02:02:57 PM
Haven’t eaten today.... so don’t think I’m getting trashed faster than you boyo. Besides your drinking like that’s the last beer

She hadnt changed a bit. Every now and then she got in one of her drinking moods. In this mood she’d party like a rock star – in fact, probably harder. She could hold her liquor, but every now and then she got to the point where eventually, Maxim would have to take her home. And so he was used to letting off a bit on his drinking when he recognized this sort of mood. It was a natural reaction and he hadnt considered the fact that they were already home. And when this occurred, he tilted back the rest of his bottle and tossed it into the trash.

He was relieved that she wasn’t freaked out by him and relaxed completely now. Not that he hadnt been relaxed around her, but now he felt a bit freer to talk to her about the things that were on his mind.

He didn’t use the force, but instead moved her legs from where they rested over him and went to the fridge. He had to. Her leaning in close to him had him very oddly on edge. Had this been any other woman, there wouldn’t have been a moment of hesitation. He wasn’t exactly the poster boy for celibacy.

Spotting the number for a pizza place posted there, he pulled out his com and placed an order for delivery before he grabbed a six pack in the back of the fridge and brought it back to the couch where he settled in with her again.

As he did, he noticed her robe had fallen loose from her shoulder and his gaze lingered there for a moment as he cracked open another beer and handed it to her.

“You keep it up at this rate and Im going to be holding your hair back for you again….” He retorted, referring to the many times he’d been there for her when she’d indulged perhaps a bit too much. A grin made it clear that he didn’t mind so much.

He popped open his beer and downed a good bit of it.

“So how was your spring break, anyway?” He asked. Every year of school they’d each gone away – she with her girl friends, and he with the guys. This year, he hadnt returned after his. It had been when he’d made his decision to join the order.

But he wanted to hear about hers. She always had some wild story to tell.

Jun 12th, 2003, 02:04:21 PM
Kei chuckled at the memories that flooded her mind at his comment. There had been many, many times he had to take care of her, and she him. They had both had there moments in the sun, and she always looked fondly on each one.

"Better you hold my hair than me draggin your head outa the toilet Max. Summer vacation......Well from what I can remember of it, it was pretty fun. We went up to our old haunt, the girls and I. The one with the lake.... Some squatters had settled in, and of course we decided to raze em. Had to they were in our cabin that we always use." Kei paused and downed the rest of her beer, fishing for another. Her crooked smile filled with memories.

"Well we got good and trashed, and dressed up like storm troopers. Forget how we got the suits. Anyway we barged in, scaren the crap outa them. Tied em to chairs, told them they were trespassing, and would have to be tortured for information. Was fun you shoulda been there. When we came back I was gonna tell you all about it but you were no where to be found." She shook her finger at him in mock anger. Kei left out a few details of just what she and her girl friends did.

"Kei tucked her legs back over his scooting closer. She had missed the times they shared, she had missed the talks. Laying her head on his shoulder she sighed softly.

"I missed you Max..... How did you know bout the scar on my forehead?" She asked figuring it was a good time to find out. If she was feeling the effects of the alcohol she knew he must be.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 12th, 2003, 02:31:41 PM
Oh he knew she wasn’t exactly telling him the whole story about the stormtrooper uniforms. He knew Kei and he knew her friends, and he had a good idea that a few troopers had probably taken the girls to a hotel for the night and awoken the next morning with no clothes and no women. And that was the tamest of the stories that came to his mind.

He gave her a look as if to say, yep, uh huh, suuuure theres not any more to the story. But he grinned anway. It was one of the things he liked about her – how outgoing an fun and spirited she was. There wasn’t anything she wouldn’t try once.

I missed you Max..... How did you know bout the scar on my forehead?

She’d asked this as she snuggled a bit closer to him. One hand rested on her legs, the other had been over the back of the couch, but eventually dropped, settling on her thigh.

He took another good slug of his beer before he ventured to respond. How did he explain that he’d been reading her mind to some degree without her getting really pissed off at him? Because he didn’t doubt that she would be.

“It just….came to me.” He replied, answering without telling the entire truth, but without lying as well.

And instantly, he changed the subject.

“So whats the deal with the guy on the steps?” He asked, finishing the bottle and reaching for another. He popped off the cap and tossed it playfully at her.

Jun 14th, 2003, 12:39:07 PM
“It just….came to me.”

Kei looked up at him, her eyes only inches from his. She wanted to call him on that small lie. One she could smell a mile away. He had never been good at lying to her. Or she had just always been good at reading him. She decided to leave it alone, sooner or later he would give. More than likely by the end of the night, before they passed out.

“So what’s the deal with the guy on the steps?”

Kei sighed and put her head back on his shoulder. She picked up the hand that had settled on her leg. Playing with the tips of his fingers.

"Just a stalker, who didn’t like me, sending him on his way. He thinks he should have more say so in the nonexistent relationship." She chuckled softly.

"I don’t know how I always manage to get the guys who can’t take a "Get the hell outa my life" clue. So he kinda just hangs out on the front steps waiting for me to give in. May have to send him where the other went to." She said the last part slightly under her breath.

"Wanna tell him I belong to you, and see if he backs off." She said teasingly, her voice tight with her words. She had wanted him for so long she had forgotten how hard it was keeping the game up. She doubted he would ever want to be more than friends and she was unwilling to risk her heart again. He had already left her once.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 16th, 2003, 02:04:02 PM
Wanna tell him I belong to you, and see if he backs off?

“Yes,” he replied, “If it will make him leave you the heck alone tell him whatever you need to tell him.” What he really wanted to say was yes, tell him that. Tell him that because it’s the truth.

But from where they stood, it wasn’t. She had said it teasingly. And besides, what with Keira want with a guy like him, anyway?
They were best friends. And girls weren’t attracted to their best friends, at least, not so far as he knew. From their relationship so far, his understanding was that best friends (who were guys) were like…big brothers or something.

Her hand played with his. It was such a contrast, the smooth, softness of her skin against the rough, calloused skin of his.

“Want me to get rid of him for you?” He volunteered. This was nothing new. He’d taken care of plenty of guys before. Not because she couldn’t do it herself, but because….

Well, neither of them considered the true meaning behind this. She let him because she liked being taken care, being protected – by him. In other men, she wouldn’t stand for such a thing. And he did it because….well, it was the one time he got to play a role he would have loved to play – yet….didnt. For no reason other than the fact that neither one of them dared to voice their feelings to the other. And more, they were both in denial of these feelings.

It was easier. It was less…scary.

They shifted now on the couch to get more comfortable. He kicked his feet up and they lay there with their bodies molding together. Her head rested comfortably on his chest and one arm encircled her, his hand resting on her hip while the other played with her hair.

It was easier this way. Not having to look at her, he almost felt, in his semi drunken state that he could maybe tell her what was on his mind.

“Have you ever thought what that would be like?” He asked. This question left it open enough that if she laughed, if she turned it into a joke, he could just as easily.

Jun 17th, 2003, 01:01:58 PM
“Yes,” he replied, “If it will make him leave you the heck alone tell him whatever you need to tell him.”

Kei's full lips parted at the words, but her own became lodged in her throat. Stuck there like a bitter lump. She wanted to tell him how much more she wanted but it always seemed her throat closed at the thought of speaking the long awaited thoughts she held in check.

“Want me to get rid of him for you?”

Kei still did not trust herself to speak, but her mind almost screamed yes. She had missed his protective ways. In her eyes she thought he was just being brotherly. That he would more than likely become angry at that fact she wanted him. For so many years of accidental touches, comfortable hugs that felt like a balm to her. She fought her own mind, and barely won. She would die before loosing his friendship and she knew in her heart he would turn from any confession she gave.

Kei moved into the position that was familiar to both. They had lain this way many times. Her head tucked securely on his chest. Her hand running small patterns over his well formed muscles. She lay her leg over his tucking herself securely to him. His scent engulfing her senses. It had been almost too much to bear each and every time.

“Have you ever thought what that would be like?”

Kei's breath caught in her throat at his question. For her it was loaded with so many things. Her smart comebacks fled her mind as she tried to grasp one to turn the heavy situation. Her eyes squeezed shut, and her silence grew. She did not know if he was asking as a joke, or perhaps just a stray thought he had blurted out.

"Sometimes....." Was all she could utter.

The sound of knocking interrupted her soft answer. He had heard but the distraction was more than enough to make her breath. She was afraid of his reply.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 17th, 2003, 03:11:19 PM
He wanted more than anything to read her thoughts right now. He wanted to know exactly what was on her mind. What exactly she was thinking. But he had too much respect for her to invade her privacy in such a way. He already felt guilty enough for having done it earlier with the scar over her eyebrow. He hadnt been able to help himself. His training had been so intense lately, he’d become trained to do such things. He’d had to remind himself that this was not training. This was not the Sith Order. This was Keira. His best friend. The one and only woman he’d ever really loved. And if he ever admitted to her that he could do such things that he could read her thoughts, she’d never believe he hadn’t done it to her. She’d never believe him. And she’d likely never forgive him. And he wasn’t willing to risk this. Not even to know what she truly thought.

No. Her thoughts, her feelings were hers. And they were hers to share with him if she wanted to share them. Not his to take without her permission.

He gave an irritated sigh at the knock on the door. But, he supposed, wit an answer as vague as she’d given, clearly she didn’t think about what it would be like all that much. And so he decided to drop the subject.

“I’ll get it….” He offered, sliding out from under her. He tousled her hair as he stood there, offering her his usual impish grin. It was all that he could muster, and it was his way of trying to make it seem like his question hadnt been that loaded. That it had slipped. That it was just a passing thought like any other.

He reached for his wallet as he approached the door. Something, perhaps a sixth sense his master might have mentioned, gave him an odd feeling. But nothing he gave much credit to. Afterall, it was the pizza guy arriving….

Only…it wasn’t. The face at the door was oddly familiar and the sneer that modified the expression made it memorable. With a curse, Maxim slammed the door, which locked automatically behind him, and ran to Kei, grabbing her hand and dragging her to her feet.

“We’ve gotta get out of here.” The tone of his voice was urgent as he moved towards the window, pulling Keira with him.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 01:38:20 PM
Kei's eyes had slipped closed as he had moved from her side to answer the knock. Her thoughts afloat with what he had asked. With her small response and wishing she had said so much more. She could so kick herself for not saying yes to that one. For once in her life shrug off the fear and put her heart out there.... But then this was Max and she was too scared of loosing him forever.

“We’ve gotta get out of here.”

Kei was slightly buzzed from the drinks she had downed, lack of food had made it have a stronger effect on her system. But she was up and off the couch within seconds as he pulled her to her feet. Grabbing her ever present daggers. She looked down at herself helplessly, she was still garbed in her robe and had no where to put the small, lethal weapons.

"Uh Max I'm not exactly dressed to make an escape. Besides can't we just take em? Our pizza will be here soon." She grinned up at him. Her lip jutting out in the manner he knew. One that told him her stubborn nature was soon coming into play.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:02:36 PM
At any other time he might have humored her. But the simple fact was that n having found her again tonight he’d realized how much she meant to him. And he wasn’t about to risk losing her in a battle he honestly didn’t think they could win.

And his stubbornness would also come into play. On this ground they were even. But he happened to be bigger and stronger physically than she was – though, she could be quite nasty and every bit as deadly if she wanted.

“No, Kei. We cant.” He replied throwing open the window as they began to pound on the flimsy door, threatening to knock it in. Without waiting for her reply, he picked her up in his arms and moved to the open window, forcing her to plant her feet on the fire escape outside.

He heard her protest, and could even hear the anger in her voice and once he’d followed her out, he pulled her into his arms, holding her perhaps a bit more tightly than he ever had before to his chest.

“Kei, Im not kidding around. We’re in a lot of trouble this time.” He stated, his dark eyes gazing down at her.

“There’s too many of them for us to take. We need to go.” He was buzzed now too, and swayed slightly as they stood on the fire escape. A hand reached out to the railing to steady them, only to be caught by a blaster bolt that had finally come through the door.

He cursed in pain, shaking his hand as if he could shake off the pain.

“Come on…” He urged, moving with her still in his arms toward the stairs.

“Just this one time, please listen to me….” He pleaded with her.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:20:52 PM
Kei muttered and protested as he picked her up and carried her out to the fire escape. She almost took her knife and poked it into him to get him to put her down.... But then she thought better of it. So instead she stayed still, amazed at how powerful he had become. He had picked her up before many times but now he seemed to do it with such ease.

Shaking her head she fought the thoughts that wanted to cloud her mind. "Max will you stop lugging me around!!!" She ground out between clenched teeth. As the blaster bolt caught his hand she turned slightly her dagger ready to fly, when once again she was up and in his arms and unable to retaliate.

"Ok... Ok Max I agree we need to get outa here." Her robe had flown open with all the struggling and the wind whipping at it.

"This is just great..... Now I have to go out wearing this thing.... Will you put me down? I am not helpless." Her words fell on deaf ears as he moved swiftly down the stairs.

She muttered curses that would have turned bounty hunters cheeks red as she fumbled her robe closed and locked an arm around his neck. There faces only inches apart. Of course as always thoughts of just kissing him pulled at her swirling brain but she resisted the urge and instead looked at his face.... Thinking he wouldn’t notice with all that was going on....

"Well at least we got a little excitement tonight anyway huh....."

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:38:12 PM
“I know you’re not helpless but you’re half naked and barefoot!” He retorted, thinking that in any other situation the two of them would have found enormous amounts of humor with such a statement. Kei wasn’t exactly the stay at home cave man’s sort of woman. And those were exactly the kind of girls Maxim tended to go for. Women that he could easily control. Women content to let him do as he chose without challenging him.

With Keira there was no control. And it was exactly what he loved about her. She made him think. She made him work. She made him love her for exactly what she was. She challenged him. At that was what scared him about her – that he would never live up to the challenge she presented.

Her mouth was so close to his. And with her comment about what the evening had offered, he wanted to lower his lips to hers and show her the meaning of a little excitement. But now wasn’t the time. And besides, she’d made it rather clear earlier that she didn’t exactly think about him in that way.

The cursing, well, he had heard it from her before and it only made him look down at her and grin - until he had to look away. He'd seen...well..he'd seen it before. But tonight seeing what her robe revealed had his imagination working overtime.

“Do you still have your speeder bike?” He asked as they continued down the fire escape, trying to move his mind to other things - trying to focus on an escape.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 02:52:20 PM
“I know you’re not helpless but you’re half naked and barefoot!”

Kei scowled at his retort, thoughts of poking him with her dagger played heavily in her mind once again. He had ignored her demands of being put down. Not that she really wanted to be. She found herself a little to pleased to be pressed against him. This in turn only made her more irritable with her self.

"I know I’m half naked Max. That's why I said lets take them. But no instead you want to rush out and drag me with you." She said as he looked down at her. He was so close.... close enough to make her breath catch at the thoughts that formed.

"Dren I want you to kiss me." She thought to herself, not realizing how strong she had projected the thought.

“Do you still have your speeder bike?”

She shook the thought off and grinned..... "Well of course I still have it....Upgraded it to, why do you ask." She said teasingly.... Kei knew why he asked but for a moment she wanted him to look down at her again with a look she knew. She moved her other arm around his neck in the pretense of shifting herself, letting her robe fly open.

"It's over there...." She pointed towards the direction. Her voice tight with want. "Are you ever going to stop lugging me around like a sack of potatoes Max?" She regretted her words almost as soon as she spoke them. She didn’t want him to release her just yet.

Kei spotted the pizza delivery speeder and grimaced....."Pizzas here..... Think we should grab it before we go??"

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 03:15:27 PM
Dren I want you to kiss me.

Had he just heard…? No. He couldn’t have. He couldn’t have. He shook his head, angry with himself for putting these thoughts into his own head. He really needed to get a grip.

As she shifted against him, he held her a bit tighter.

“Its over there…..” As she pointed, his gaze moved, his eyes catching what had been left there – put there – for him to see. There was no concealing it this time. He did look at her – or – at her chest, to be exact – the way he would have looked at any other woman. With the distinct expression of hunger. There was no quick, shy glance away. There was no embarrassed exclamation telling her to cover up. No, he had looked as he would have looked at a woman he wanted to sleep with.

He heard the change in her tone and cursed under his breath.

Are you ever going to stop lugging me around like a sack of potatoes Max?

Frell, yes, he was going to put her down. And he did. Immediately and turned from her.

Pizzas here..... Think we should grab it before we go??

“NO, I don’t.” He replied perhaps a bit harshly in order to compensate for the leering he’d done only a moment ago. He cursed again, angry with himself and worried she had caught him. That couldn’t happen again. It just couldn’t.

“Show me which one it is…” He nearly ordered, his voice somewhat gruff as he began to stalk towards the parked speeder bikes.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 05:36:04 PM
Kei had watched his eyes travel to her body, and she wished desperately that she could hear his thoughts. To know what he was thinking at the exact moment. She wondered if he was disgusted the way a brother might be. His next words confirmed her worst fears. Even if for a moment she thought he had looked at her with pleasure.

“NO, I don’t.”

The anger in his tone and the way he had sat her down and turned away was testament enough. He was disgusted at the fact he had looked at her. That she had not covered herself. Kei blushed and closed her robe, embarrassed that she had foolishly hoped for more.

“Show me which one it is…”

"Well you don't have to get all snippy with me Max. You fault I’m wearing next to nothing." She muttered.....

Kei moved to her speeder, the red and silver bike gleaming with care. She was proud of it and it showed.

"This one and I do hope you have a plan. Cause I’m hungry." She growled out trying to hide her embarrassment behind a scowling mask. Her eyes skipped away from his and she bit at her bottom lip.

"If only you would have kissed me Max....." She thought to herself. "Then I could know you don't hate me for that foolish display." Her hands wound around her waist, trying now to keep the wind from whipping it back, her long legs flashed in and out of the thin material.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 06:36:25 PM
He had moved to the bike without speaking. Without even looking at her and set to the task of hotwiring it. He’d seen Rast, his brother in the Sith Order do it on multiple occasions – for a mission, for kicks, or because his own bike had broken down and he needed transportation. He knew she wouldn’t be happy with him, but he’d help her repair the damage in the morning. When it was safe.

He was so angry with himself, so wrapped up in his thoughts that he hadn’t looked at her since he’d stalked over to the bike. When the bike roared to life and he slung his leg over it, he finally looked back to her.

She looked so vulnerable standing there where hed left her in the middle of the back parking lot. Her hair whipped in the wind and her arms were wrapped about her waist as if she were cold….or….as if she were upset. No, she was upset. He knew this much. He figured it was because he’d been so harsh – not because…well..not because of what she’d been thinking.

His expression softened and he pulled the bike over to her.

“Get on…” He suggested, holding his hand out to her. And it was as she slung a leg over, her arms wrapping around his waist, her body fitting to his that the blaster bolt rang by them. The next one came too close for comfort. And then they were gone. Maxim was a reckless driver – though in his mind, Keira was even worse. And he gave no thought to the fact that they been drinking – this was a desperate situation.

They drove for miles – it was about an hour in silence – each deep in their own thoughts as Maxim led them out of town along the country roads. Neither spoke until they pulled up to an Inn and he brought the bike around back and shut it off.

He reached for her hand as she went to release him and get off the bike. And for a moment he held it, playing with the long slender fingers before he released her.

He put his arm over her shoulder, hugging her tight to him.

“Come on, lets see if we can get a room….” He suggested. It had been a long night so far, and both were tired and had a lot on their minds.

She didn’t protest, and so he led her inside. It was late, but the inn keeper was at the front desk.

“Yes?” The elder woman inquired, peering at the two of them with a very disapproving expression.

“My….wife and I need the key to our room.” He lied, the words rolling too easily off his tongue.

“You remember, in that fire alarm only moments ago, when we left our rooms we were in such a hurry we forgot the key inside.” As he explained why they were without their key, and why Keira was in a slinky robe, he gave her a slight nudge with the force, doing what he had done since he'd been a child - toying with the minds of the weak. This time, though, he'd done it just in case anyone came looking - as far as the innkeeper was concerned, this couple had been there all evening.

"Ah yes....." The woman replied, seemingly a little confused, but convinced she was simply getting a bit senile and that there had in fact been a fire alarm only moments ago. Her expression had softened immediately at his explanation and she nodded and set to the task of finding their key.

"Here you are - room 208 wasnt it?"

Maxim nodded and a few moments later, she handed the key to an empty room to Maxim and he guided Keira up the stairs to their room.

The key turned easily, and they slipped inside, closing the door quietly behind them.

Empress Ashiva
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:11:53 PM
delete please....

Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:13:15 PM
Kei laid her head against his back. Trying not to think, trying not to imagine what he thought of her now. She felt tears sting her eyes and quickly snapped them shut fighting off the hurt and regaining her ire. She didn’t know why she was upset it wasn’t like she had thrown herself at him. Sighing softly she shoved the thoughts out of her mind. Letting the wind whip her hair and dry her cheeks.

She didn’t say a word until they reached the room. Not in the least surprised the woman had agreed. Max always had a way of getting them outa tuff situations. Though he also had a way of getting them into them to.

Kei flopped down on the bed, her eyes closing. She didn’t want to face him to see any blame or any difference what she had done.

"I'm still hungry.....and my drunk is fading." She sighed.

"My favorite speeder has wires hanging out, and I still say we coulda took em...." Without moving she asked softly... "How’s the hand Max?"

Dren you for never wanting me….” She thought to herself unable to block the errant thought…..

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 07:36:07 PM
He stood there as she flopped onto the bed. She looked exhausted. He felt exhausted. And he heard something in his mind that he hadn’t expected to hear.

He stared at her, knowing she hadn’t said a word. Yet…feeling something had been said. He shook hi head and sighed. It had to be the hangover kicking in and the excitement of the night.

He kicked off his shoes and moved about the room to the sink where he poured a glass of water and walked it over to Keira.

He sat on the edge of the bed with it and reached for her hand.

“Sit up for a second….” He suggested. And when she did, he handed her the glass of water.

“My hand is fine.” He replied, though it did hurt like heck.

“Look….Im sorry if I….”

He paused, unsure of what he was apologizing for. For what? For leering at her? For ruining her bike? For dragging her around town half naked?

"That you're still hungry." He finished instead, rather lamely.

He shook his head and leaned back on the bed on his back. His legs dangled off the edge, and one arm he rested over his lower abdomen, while the other fell across his forehead, blocking the light of the room from his eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment and sighed.

“Well that didn’t exactly turn out the way I thought it would….” He finally commented in the silence between them.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 08:08:49 PM
Kei sipped at the water and looked over at him. He had once again left her in a place of not knowing what to think. Was he upset at her, at something else, and why in the frell was he apologizing because she was hungry. Kei had a feeling he was saying sorry to something totally different.

Sighing softly she set the water glass aside. Not knowing what to think but knowing that she needed to make amends of her own. She lay next to him pulling his arm off of his stomach and tucking it around her self. She settled her head onto his chest.

“Well that didn’t exactly turn out the way I thought it would….”

She was about to speak when he said the words. She figured he meant about the men showing up but her heart thought perhaps the whole night, seeing her again. "What the heck do you mean it didn’t turn out the way you thought? Our nights always turned out this way...." She let her infamous temper take hold.

She was in fact angrier at her self than anything but she just couldn’t make her self stop. "Look Max have you forgotten how many times I have saved your butt? Besides I said we coulda took em." As she spoke she didn’t move from his chest but instead tucked her leg over his. She was used to there arguments, they had never effected their friendship.

Kei hoped that nothing ever would.... She shut her eyes as her last words rang in the room.”Why won't you just kiss me?" Her errant thoughts once again spilling forth.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 08:17:53 PM
He seemed to visibly relax as she settled her head against his chest. His arm that she’d wound around herself squeezed her gently, despite her angry tone of voice.

“I haven’t forgotten Keira.” He replied, his tone of voice oddly calm. Well, not oddly – he’d dealt with her plenty of times before when she was in this sort of argumentative mood. It always happened when she was hungry or hungover. And now she was both hungry and just about hungover.

“What I meant was – “

As she looked up at him expectantly, he did what he had not been planning to do. Did something they had done before on occasion when extremely drunk. But back then, in school, something had been different. Here and now, he didn’t kiss her just because they both felt like hooking up and had ended up home alone.

He kissed her because he had been wanting to do it the entire evening. From the moment he’d laid eyes on her again in the casino.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 08:28:57 PM
Kei almost gasped as his lips settled onto hers. She wondered if he was doing it to shut her up like he did back in school. Well at least that’s why she thought he did it. Not that she cared at the moment, she had been wanting him to kiss her all night..... Hadn’t she?

Her mind was in utter chaos as there mouths met in a time old embrace, her arms stealing around his neck without thought. She pulled herself on top of his chest further settling there comfortably. For some reason this kiss felt different from the prior ones. But she could not put her finger on why.

Pulling back she looked into his eyes....."Why did you do that? Was it to shut me up or what Max?" Her tone was soft but her eyes flashed a clear warning. Her hot temper boiling just below the surface. Not at the kiss but at the fact she was so unsure of the situation.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 23rd, 2003, 08:34:57 PM
It felt perfectly natural be holding her in his arms. And it seemed it had ended too soon. And when it ended, it did not feel natural.

What did not feel natural was that it had happened at all. At least, that it had happened and she was questioning why. If she had to question him, clearly she wasnt thinking along the same lines as he was. And that he didn’t know what to say in response to her question. He’d always been honest with her. But right now….

He wasn’t sure he dared.

“Does it matter right now, Kei?” He responded, reverting back to an attitude she would easily recognize. He used it when he was on the defensive – and she’d seen it plenty of times before.

He hadn’t meant to say it to sound mean or to sound like a jerk. He’d said it because he’d been scared to say anything else. Scared to tell her the truth because it would change everything.

He could tell she was angry. And a part of him was glad. It was better, maybe that she was angry because then they’d fight and he’d stop feeling so darn attracted to her.

His arms were still around her, holding her to him. They'd spent many nights like this in the past and it was a comfort thing for both of them. Something familiar when now it felt as if the territory on which they were treading was so new.

This feeling of being attracted to her....he wasnt sure how to handle it at all. And so it was easier for him to revert to having an attitude.

Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:13:38 PM
“Does it matter right now, Kei?”

Kei knew immediately he was feeling defensive, and his attitude confused her even more. Why was he defensive? She wondered. Maybe because she had hit the nail right on the head. He had kissed her to shut her up.

"Well if it doesn’t matter then Max maybe you coulda just told me to shut up instead." She propped her elbows on his chest still looking down at him. Her eyes getting more heated. "I'll fix him." She thought.

Leaning down she planted a kiss on him that even took her breath. When it was done she pulled back her eyes wide. Clearing her throat she spoke.

"There how’s that for shutting up." She didn’t know what else to say. Didn’t know what was happening really. She had wanted him for so long and was still unsure if he even thought of her in that manner. Kei moved away from him her hair trailing across his face as she pulled back quickly. Sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"I'm still hungry." She said her tone defensive to. Trying to cover the thickened tones that tears brought. She stood up so he wouldn’t notice and shucked her robe off. Without looking back she moved to the shower.

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 24th, 2003, 06:56:40 AM
Well if it doesn’t matter then Max maybe you coulda just told me to shut up instead.

He’d been about to come back with a comment – something he didn’t mean, but that would have kept him from revealing what was really on his mind when she’d been the one to kiss him now.

He hadnt been able to help it. His body had responded naturally to her. He had returned the kiss and his arms had encircled her. His hands sought skin he had seen and touched before but never touched intimately.

And then she’d pulled away, clearing her throat and moving to sit on the edge of the bed. He’d closed his eyes then, the palm of his hand covering his eyes in an expression of disaster.

There how’s that for shutting up.

He didn’t know what to say in return. And stupidly, he hadnt said anything, Perhaps if he had….

I'm still hungry.

With this she’d stood and dropped her robe. At any other time in his life with any other woman, he would have taken advantage of the situation without a second thought and certainly without any regard for the consequences.

But something was up that she was so angry with him. He could hear something different in her voice and he knew now that everything had somehow changed. In the time between school and now, something was different.

He yanked the blanket from the bed and followed her, throwing it over her naked body and essentially wrapping her in it as he picked her up and brought her back to the bed. She would have struggled had she had a chance of escaping, but he had her pretty well wrapped up. He set her down then and with her wrapped like a cocoon, he lay beside her propped on his elbow.

It was then that he caught the tears that had fallen only moments ago. His expression softened and he reached to wipe it way. But his hand remained there, his palm caressing her cheek, and his thumb still covering the evidence of her emotions.

“Why are you crying?” He asked, his tone of voice lacking the anger or defensiveness of before. He blamed himself for her tears – which wasn’t all that far off the mark. Though, he thought they were perhaps tears of anger at him.

Jun 24th, 2003, 02:32:49 PM
Kei opened her mouth in protest as he encased her body in the bed sheet. Struggling in vain against the tight binding. Her eyes narrowing in anger and her infamous temper flaring to life. She was not angry at him but at her self for letting it go so far. She should have known he did not feel the way she did. He only looked at her like a brother would and she had foolishly hoped for more.

“Why are you crying?”

Kei's lower lip jutted out, a sign Max knew when she became stubborn or angry. After that she usually went into a rage unless calmed. She wanted to turn her face into his caressing hand, to take the gentle touch for more. Kei knew better than to give in again.

"Max what in the frell do you think you are doing? Get me outa this sheet. I......I wasn’t crying.....I'm just tired and hungry." Her lip jutted further with each word but her eyes devoured him.

"And I love you....." Her mind protested silently. Unable to say the words out loud. They beat against her mind, like an erratic heart beat.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 24th, 2003, 02:55:13 PM
Max what in the frell do you think you are doing? Get me outa this sheet. I......I wasn’t crying.....I'm just tired and hungry.

He gave her a funny look as she lied to him. The way her lower lip jutted further out with each word seemed to indicate to him that she was furious at him – her words seemed to tell him the same thing – yet – he just didn’t believe her.

Something was up.

“So Im just a freaking moron.” He retorted, staring at the remnants of the tears on her face.

“Guess everyone at school was right. I am just a stupid jock. I cant seem to tell tears from signs of hunger in the woman I – “

His words cut off there and he looked away, his cheeks flushed as he caught himself just in time.

“In the woman I…uh…Ive been friends with for four years.” He muttered, trying to make something up as he stood up, moving away from the bed and heading for the shower himself. Maybe some cold water would do him some good.

Jun 24th, 2003, 03:05:31 PM
Kei's eyes widened with each word he spoke. She had never thought him a fool, or a jock. To think he thought that of her only made her angrier. She had never treated him that way and he knew it.

As he walked off toward the bathroom without freeing her mind you she struggled against the tight sheet. Hearing the shower start her eyes narrowed. She wiped off the sheet unmindful of her nudity and made her way to the bathroom she had tried to escape to.

"I never thought that of you Max......What the Frell are you talking about?" Kei jerked open the shower doors, her eyes hot with anger, she in fact was to angry to even look at the picture they presented.

"What do you mean a dumb Jock......I never said that....... I wasn’t....I mean....... "Kei stopped what she was saying, looking at him. Her eyes traveling down his all too familiar body and back up to his eyes. She had seen him unclothed many times but for some reason this night was different.

Her temper did not cool with her errant thoughts. She wanted him and he could not see it at all. He only viewed her as his buddy and that is what had upset her so much. Not that she would ever speak the words.

"Besides I was gonna take a shower....." She finished lamely a blush heating her cheeks. It would be the first time Max had ever seen her blush......

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 24th, 2003, 03:43:56 PM
As the shower door was yanked open he turned to stare at her. His expression had at first been one of indignance, as if to say, ‘would ya leave it well enough alone?’ He didn’t care that he didn’t have anything on. He’d paraded around in front of her enough times by now that he knew none of it was going to be much of a shock to her.

He braced an arm on the door frame of the shower and stared at her. Besides the lack of clothing, this was rather typical of the two of them.

He rolled his eyes slightly as she began to explain – somewhat yelling at him as she did. He only turned back to her when she stopped talking – and this was when he’d caught her eyes checking him out. She did it every now and then – usually following it with some sort of teasing comment of sorts – but this time nothing followed.


Besides I was gonna take a shower.....

He didn’t catch her blush because he was too busy moving past her to grab a towel and get the frell out of there. He hadnt missed the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything, and he didn’t exactly need her knowing that it affected him in any way.

“Then take one.” He replied, being somewhat cold in his response only because he was angry with himself for having any sort of feelings with her. And angry that they wouldn’t ever be returned. And this was how he dealt with it.

“Im going to bed.” He added, his voice a little less harsh. He hated being this way with her. Hated arguing with her.

He lay in bed, unable to sleep. He listened to the water falling in the shower and sighed quietly. And when Keira came out of the shower, he rolled over on his side, his back to her and feigned sleep.

He didnt want to argue with her. And more, he didnt want to ruin what they had. And somehow, he seemed to be doing that.

Jun 24th, 2003, 03:57:44 PM
Kei watched him walk out with a stricken look on her face. One he had missed because he wouldn’t even look at her. His disgust with what had went on all too apparent. He was sickened by kissing her and her heart broke. She had ruined the best thing she had ever found, she seemed to be very good at doing that.

Kei stood in the shower letting the water run over her, washing away the tears that fell. Her eyes becoming red rimmed and swollen. They had not seen each other in forever and Kei had missed him. But in her foolish ways as usual she had ruined even that. Stepping from the shower she wrapped her self in a towel and walked out standing next to the bed they would have to share. Not that it was an odd thing they had shared beds many times in the past. She regretted that it felt so different now.

His angry words had spoken volumes to her and she wanted to make everything alright between them. This argument was vastly different from there tiffs of the past. Kei slid into the bed knowing when he presented his back to her he was only pretending to sleep. She lay next to him trying to think of a way to make the anger go away. Turning she slid her arms around his waist, snuggling close.

"I’m sorry Max......I'm sorry that I fought with you and that made you uncomfortable with the kiss.... You have every right to be disgusted in me..." She whispered against his back, her forehead pressed tightly against him. She hoped he would not hate her, or remained sickened by her actions....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 24th, 2003, 04:10:10 PM
As her arms slid around his waist and snuggled closed to him, he moved a hand to place it over hers. He heard her whispered words and with them, moved so that he was on his back, pulling her into his arms. He didn’t want to keep fighting, and more, her words had confused him.

“Disgusted with you?” He asked, repeating her words, his eyes opening to stare at the top of her head that rested on his chest.

“I wasn’t disgusted with you for anything, Kei…”

In the silence, while she processed his words, he continued.

“I thought you were upset with me….”

Jun 24th, 2003, 04:19:51 PM
“I wasn’t disgusted with you for anything, Kei…”

Kei kept her head on his chest trying to understand his words. She was sure he had been disgusted with what she had done. Perhaps he was just trying to smooth over the fight. Appeasing her so she wouldn’t bring it up. His next words through her even further into confusion.

“I thought you were upset with me….”

Kei looked up into his face. Her eyes searching, wondering. "Upset with you?? It's ok Max you don't have to lie. I wasn’t upset with you, I was upset with myself for ummmm fighting with you after so long. I understand why you were sickened by what I did. I shoulda been a better friend and not pushed that on you like that." Kei tried to explain, but even she was growing more and more confused by the events of the night.

In her heart Kei knew he had just wanted to remain friends and she had foolishly kissed him. Breaking an age old rule. "I've just loved you for so long." She thought to herself glad he could not hear the thoughts that pounded in her mind. Betraying her with each moment that passed. In her mind the truth lay and there she had no control.....

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 24th, 2003, 04:33:29 PM
Alright. Now she was confusing him.

“Im not lying.” He replied, sitting up and dragging her with him as he did.

“You didn’t push anything on me. And I sure as heck wasn’t sickened by anything. I was the one who kissed you, remember?” He replied, not really thinking about what he said before the words spilled out of his mouth.

He wanted to badly to just do it. To just read her mind. But he didn’t. He respected her too much to invade her thoughts that way. But he wanted to. Frell, how he wanted to.

He sighed.

“Look, we’re both tired and hung over. Lets just forget about everything and start over, ok?”

He reached for her hand, taking it in his. He offered her a somewhat sly grin, a grin that was typical of him when he was getting exactly what he wanted. A grin she knew way too well.

“I don’t want to fight anymore.” He added.

“Cuz I think its your turn to win anyway, and I don’t feel like losing tonight.”

He didn’t bother to wait for her response, but instead tugged on the hand he held, pulling her to him and sinking back again into the softness of the mattress.


It didn’t occur to him that maybe she wanted to talk about it (because while most women would, Keira was not like most women). And besides, what was there to talk about? Theyd had one of their fights and that was that. Maybe he was a dumb jock afterall for not having picked up on something that was so much more.

Jun 24th, 2003, 04:45:29 PM
Kei opened her mouth to respond to what he said. To try and explain that he didn’t have to take the blame for something she had done. She knew he just wanted to forget her mistake and go back to being the friends they were so she figured what the heck. She would just go on loving him from afar.

When he shot his sly grin, Kei couldn’t help but smile back. He was getting what he wanted and that was fine. As long as it was ok between them she could handle anything.

"Your right Max lets just forget what I did and leave it at that." She snuggled closer to him, her eyes slipping closed, content that everything had been settled. Not realizing her words were just as confusing as his.

"You know you better feed me well in the morning Max, I'm still hungry. You owe me some cloths too" With that she fell asleep, exhausted from the nights events. Her body pressed to his, her leg pinning his leg. She was back where she had always felt safe, next to Max......

Maxim Vasilijev
Jun 24th, 2003, 04:56:07 PM
Forget what she did?! Well, he wasn’t going to be able to forget that kiss. Ever. But he’d do his best to forget it. Or he’d go insane wanting what he couldn’t have.

As her body fit to his, he stared up at the darkness of the room, sighing softly in a contented state. Theyd slept like this plenty of times before. Yes, theyd had a rather…comfortable friendship. But it hadnt occurred to him until now how easy it was. How perfect it felt.

Frell, he thought. He had to get those thoughts out of his mind. She’d made it clear she wanted him to forget what she considered a mistake – ever having kissed him. And so as her friend, he would. Or, he’d sure as heck try.

Sometime later, darkness overtook them both, and they gave in to sleep.