View Full Version : Planetside Squad??

imported_Terran Starek
May 28th, 2003, 03:16:36 AM
Who is playing Planetside? I gotta say, I am addicted. I was thinking that if anyone from Fans is playing, we should join up and run together in a squad or maybe even an outfit or something.

Anyone? Post here or PM me or whatever. Take care guys.


Dark Lord Dyzm
May 28th, 2003, 07:27:01 PM
*Slap Terran*


The game has less appeal then any FPS I have ever seen. Its not fast enough!

Go buy Battlefield 1942! Then you won't have to PAY 12.95 A month for crap!

Former Beta Tester for Planetside, I was:
- Vardlokkur, Reaver Pilot in the Blue Skulls Attack Squadren-

Seems harsh, but I really didn't like that game. After I got all the Pilot License and Camo/Slicer gear, that game just got boring

imported_Terran Starek
May 29th, 2003, 01:07:25 AM
I would have to disagree with you, my friend. PlanetSide is a very cool game, and I'll tell you why I believe so.

First off, being 'fast,' as you stated, is not even remotely indicative of a good gaming experience. In fact, it can many times hinder the quality of a game. Games that are fast are boring and too short-lived. Example: In another FPS (like, 1942 for example) there is no reason to try and stay alive. You can simply respawn just as quickly and continue to frag with no consequences.

Grow up!

There must be consequences for getting killed! It adds so much realism to the game as well as an entirely different angle to gameplay. If I value my life, I will be a smarter, more careful player, thus enhancing my own skills and my worth to my allies. PS makes you think before rushing headlong into a firefight you can't win. You lose your quickness in respawn the more you die and are slower to respawn when further away from friendly territory. That's one of the subtle beauties of the game. Unlike most ridiculous FPS, you value your life.

Second, the felxibility of the game to allow numerous different approaches and jobs is great. Different pilot types, vehicle driver types, vehicle gunners, manning defense turrets, hackers, medics, engineers, assault, Exo-armor assault, anti-vehicular, anti-infantry--and the combinations are limitless. The depth of the game is well worth it, and I think that it really allows for the strengths of different types of players to come through. I may not be a super shooter, but one helluva driver, so my friend rides shotgun and shoots the 12mm chaingun of my Harasser will I drive us in and out of hot zones. Excellent versatility.

Lastly, I think that PlanetSide does a great job of forcing people to work together. The real experience is gained through a squad--through taking bases, protecting assets, and working togeter--not just killing people on your own. This makes the game an oppurtunity to form real comradery among players. There is a common goal, and it is 100 times more beneficial to accomplish it together than apart. It enhances the experiences of players greatly by allowing them to rest on one and others' strengths and supporting one and others' weaknesses.

Ok, I'm done with my rant. And no, I do not work for Sony Online Entertainment. Dyzm, this is in no way an attack on you, and I hope you don't take it as one. I think PlanetSide is an excellent, excellent game and it is well worth the subscription fee to play on very solid servers. . .so long as I have the money :lol!

Pilot Akito
May 29th, 2003, 11:01:16 AM
Ehhh! I played it before when it was called Tribes 2!

I'm sorry, but after seeing the Producers other work (aka lets use Tribes 2 as a huge test bed for this other game I'm working on.) and the fact I haven't seen any reviews for it yet I'm staying away from it for now. Dealing with one AO is enough for me.

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 29th, 2003, 12:20:26 PM
I take no offense dude, everyone is entilted to their opinion.
Just saying they needed to work on some things in Planetside, it has the foundation for a great game, but as of right now, I personally wouldn't pay. I had free play with the Beta, but I still played BF and DOD more.