View Full Version : A Temporary Leave of Absence

Ka' el Darcverse
May 27th, 2003, 09:00:20 PM
As some of you know I RP at both Fans and SWrpg and have often been torn by the fact that people I enjoy rping and reading rp do not have the ability to rp together, either because they feel they are unwelcome at one or the other or because of bad blood between the two. I am setting upon a mission that may change alot of that or it may fail miserably, who knows.

Currently I have set up a new group at the SWrpg boards made up mostly of people who were either not there before the split, such as myself and a few others or still rp on both boards, such as myself, Callista, sten, snack and vega. We are setting upon a goal to truly shake things up at the other board, to remove much of the bad blood and the complacency that has gripped it and God willing create a place were everyone can rp and perhaps with time even lure a few of them here were they can get rping on a more massive scale. However this is going to eat up a considerable amount of my time as I scheme, plot, rp and work to make this a reality. Which means that I am going to be neglecting myself here, this is not a case of me choosing one side over the other rather this is me trying to create an enviroment were we no longer have to choose one side over the other because there will no longer be sides.

I know many of you prolly think I am an inane fool and chances are fate will prove you correct if my little operation falls flat on it's face. But I have seen a window of oppurtunity and am not going to let it pass away. I know that Marcus will probably never again rp with Lynch or Ogre with Rama and I do not begrudge them that, it is their choice, but I no longer want to see people who don't have the bad blood and do not have the reasons to have to be stuck in once place or the other. I want to see Fig face off against Lord Dagger or see Taylor match wits with the fleet commader of our New Republic and vice versa I'd love to see Darth Mundus, an excellent rper at SWrpg who has never came here partially because of stories of bad blood to be in an RP against Hob or Sage.

All i'm asking of this community and those who rp with me is patience while I try to do something for the greater good. If I fail I fail I go back to rping at both places. If I succeed though perhaps one day there won't be a need for two boards any longer. Wish me luck or blow me off, but I'm gonna try.

I'll see you all in a few weeks when the major ground work has been completed in the meantime I'll make an effort to post to pressing rp's I'm involved in. :)

Dae Jinn
May 27th, 2003, 09:05:01 PM
Good luck :wave

May 27th, 2003, 09:16:34 PM
Stupid idea, but yours to do with as you want. No "olive branch" will live on the SW RPG board, and I've no desire to interact with that circle whatsoever. I think we're all adult enough to know each forum's addy, and to go there if we want or not.


To each his/her own

Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 27th, 2003, 09:18:50 PM
o_O interesting...yet...

Wel,l its interesting. Have fun. :)

Pilot Akito
May 27th, 2003, 10:11:47 PM
I'd like to say good luck, but I know from experance with some of those people that you will find little joy in trying to reconcile what has happened and been happening for about two years. Basicaly they just wanted to have more power then they had, and they couldn't get it from SWFans. So they left, and since then things have been a lot quieter around here.

Look, I just want you to understand where I'm coming from, I was the guy who trusted them and fought for them. But the moment I spoke up about a problem, they stopped listening to me. And the only way I could get any information on what was happening to TSE was to make people mad, because I thought that at least that way they could remember that I was their friend. But that wasn't enough because the moment I said I was taking a break and going to work on another character and join a group with that character, the de-facto-leader decided that I was no longer entitled to be a member of TSE, so I left, and took a couple months break/ character building time... and TSE left.. And the rest is history..

I'm not saying not to try and bring some of SW RPG people want to RP here. Just don't get cought up in all the circular logic/anger/paranoia. I did, and it was not fun. I'm sure some of the things I did and said in the past are still around here, just ask Ogre or LL(Agent Charlie) Although with all that has happened I still consider them my friends, and quite frankly I wish SW RPG the best, I still urge you to caution.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
May 27th, 2003, 10:53:49 PM
le sigh, a spilt off won't help....doesn't really ever seem to work in IMO....best of luck to ya at any rate....:wave

Navaria Tarkin
May 27th, 2003, 11:07:15 PM
I wish you luck. You're gonna need it.

Tho one thing makes no sense. A neutral place to post for both sides should mean a forum neither here nor there. Just my opinion :)

May 28th, 2003, 04:54:57 AM
Originally posted by Navaria Tarkin
I wish you luck. You're gonna need it.

Tho one thing makes no sense. A neutral place to post for both sides should mean a forum neither here nor there. Just my opinion :)

That's the best starting point I can think of, and at the same time, the biggest reason why such a venture will fail. No harm in being an optimist, but you also need to think about this kind of thing pragmatically.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 28th, 2003, 05:04:49 AM
Unlikely that SWF and SWPRG will ever gel together, but it's a nice sentiment :\

Seteth Morters
May 28th, 2003, 05:09:35 AM
maybe just set up a new board, advertise it at both places, and see what happens? I for one wasn't here when everything happened, so would have no problem with going. As, I think, would a lot of other newbies.

May 28th, 2003, 05:21:36 AM
Originally posted by Seteth Morters
maybe just set up a new board, advertise it at both places, and see what happens? I for one wasn't here when everything happened, so would have no problem with going. As, I think, would a lot of other newbies.

No such board would get the needed committment of resources, money, and people to survive. Nobody is going to let their board be squandered in an investment in another board.

And that's without dredging through the inconsistencies and differences in roleplaying.

Seteth Morters
May 28th, 2003, 05:30:16 AM

Darcverse; the sentiment was nice :)

Marcus Telcontar
May 28th, 2003, 08:05:57 AM
I know that Marcus will probably never again rp with Lynch

Correction - I'd go out of my way to get that ******** banned outright. Full stop.

The fact is, SW-Fans has become quite peaceful and quiet place. I'm truly enjoying my time here and I for one enjoy the lack of disputes. It's no co-incidence when ones like Lynch left, this place got peaceful. I'm glad they are gone and I'm only sorry that good Rp'ers are still exposed to that kind of BS.

It's an admirable sentiment to try and get the communities together, but the fact is, it aint goign to happen until deadbeats are out of play. A nuetral forum wont work either, as quite frankly, what's the appeal? What's to do there? Why? Those who are interested in the other place already willingly jump around. I for one wont go any closer to Lynch and Co-Idiots, for the fear I'll reach down their throat and rip out their large intestine.

Maybe the Co-Idiots can be counted on one hand, but as I'm rather enjoying peace and quiet, the less idiots I have the dishonour to come across, the better. I've got better things to do. Like write. Graphics. Discuus stuff in the Box Office forum. Wonder what madness has overtaken Dae in Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!.

That's my honest view. Good luck I wish you, but the fact is, it aint going to get anywhere until ones like Lynch are so far gone, not even Hubble can see them.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 28th, 2003, 08:30:07 AM
The idea is to lessen hostility between people, not increase it by calling people at the other boards idiots or deadbeats - no matter whether or not you may personally think of them as being that. I'm sure there are people here who don't get on, but manage to co-exist just fine. You don't even have to see/think about people on the other boards, so I see no reason to drum up a Lynch hate brigade every time someone mentions SWRPG.

Navaria Tarkin
May 28th, 2003, 08:54:33 AM
----> What vega said. Constructive criticism please about this. thanks.

Marcus Telcontar
May 28th, 2003, 09:03:52 AM
I dont like some people here, but simply put, we dont cross paths and that's fine by me - no sweat and frankly, no issue in the end. I'm simply stating that one's like him are what will stop this moving forward.

and God willing create a place were everyone can rp and perhaps with time even lure a few of them here were they can get rping on a more massive scale.

That's your goal, right? Then I'm telling you straight out the biggest obstacle in the way of it happening. It's people like Lynch that caused the split. It's by addressing the issues of the split that will heal the split. I for one do not have any wish to be anywhere near where he is and in fact, that is the reason I will not register at SW-RPG. I do lurk there BTW.

I for one would much rather see everyone on the one board. I would most like to see the good Rp'ers of both places agaisnt each other. It can be achieved and I would like to help work on that.

But I'm telling you straight out, I draw the line at a certain place. And I'm telling what's true - he's gone, the atmosphere WILL clear up and things will be much better. It's a statement of fact, like saying this place got better when certain RP'ers were shown the door for abusing the rules and stuff. You might think it's counter-productive to say that, but the proof is how peaceful this place is without daily OOC warefare.

So.... I've said my peice on the issue and I'll say no more. Good luck on this. You now know I wish for it to happen. But there is a point I just will not go past. I've got my reasons an for my attitude and if you knew them, they are very good ones.

Whatever in the end. I'll be happy to see some of the good people drop by if they wish. I'll be happy to go drop by them.