View Full Version : Back in the Game - Prelude

Aliya Vahlshalynn
May 27th, 2003, 08:18:23 PM






"Sigh ..."

Nothing was on as usual at this time and Aliya finally became so bored with channel flipping that she threw the remote away and sank down into the couch. She felt like a prisoner in her hotel room. Granted, it was the most expensive room money could buy on this planet. Lavishly furnished, private parking space for her rented hovercar and the best view any hotel had of Coruscant. Everything was here that anyone could want, which is why it bored Aliya to tears to no end. Growing up rich, it was just another fancy hotel, like any other.

For far too long she had been sitting, idling and waiting patiently like a good little rich girl for Daddy's summons to return home. It had been two days since finishing her father's dealings and still there was no word from him. Two days since she left word back home that everything had been dealt with according to her father's specifications. Aliya could swear that he was purposefully stalling her, making her stay on Coruscant an extended vacation.

Her muscles felt tired from the lack of anything recently productive and stretched. Maybe she should go take a shower and then sleep. It was already close to midnight. That would make it roughly four AM on Ralltiir.

beep ... beep .... beep ...

She stopped her stretching and looked at her personal comm unit upside down with a curious look. Aliya watched the red light blink on and off in time with the beeping. Only a very trusted few had this line of hers. Narrowing her eyes, she got up and received the call.


Ganja says hi.

"And how is he?"

Pretty good. Misses ya.

"Let him know I miss him too."

Will do.

And then the connection was ended. Aliya wrapped her hand around the comm unit and tapped it against her chin in thought. The voice was Xan's, and it was their usual parley back and forth when he had a job for her. "Look's like boredom has ended."

She tapped a key on the room console and the front deskman appeared on screen. Miss Vahlshalynn. What can I do for you this evening?

"A limo. I want it outside within the hour."

Of course, Miss. Anything else?

"No. That will be fine. Thank you."

He nodded and the screen blinked off. She pocketed her personal comm and headed towards the bedroom. There were a few necessities that had to be done before that limo arrived.

occ- if you want in, please PM first. Thank you.

Aliya Vahlshalynn
May 28th, 2003, 10:28:14 AM
The limo pulled up to the gold district level of expensive shopping and dining. Over priced necessities, and ones that were not, was the appeal of this area. Anyone who was anyone, or had the money to pretend they were someone, flocked here.

The chauffeur opened the door and Aliya stepped out, looking very much the part that was expected off her. Hair was pulled back away from perfectly painted face. Her dress was simple, yet elegant. Nothing that would draw too many eyes her way. not that there were many beings roaming about the streets at this time of night. The only places open were the few bars that catered to wealthy; much like the little bar near the limo called Aeeglin's Port.

"Shall I wait for you here Miss Vahlshalynn?"

Aliya pulled out a tip for the man, "No. That won't be necessary. Thank you."

He was going to ask if she would call for her but the healthy tip that was placed in his hand silenced any questions. He dipped his hat to her, "Thank you Miss! Have a good evening!"

"I intend to. Thank you." She continued to smile pleasantly until the limo well was off on its way and then looked towards the bar. Another smile, a more mischievous one, halfway crossed her lips as Aliya made her way casually there.

The doorman keyed the panel to command the glass doors to slide open and smiled. "Welcome Ma'am."

She acknowledged him with a curt nod and stepped through. Her senses were greeted by exotic smells from the kitchen and was formally greeted by the Maitre d'. "Smoking or Non-Smoking, Miss?"

Aliya took a moment to look around the area. The back room had little to no customers seated. The front dining hall was closed until morning breakfast. When her eyes rested upon the bar and the bartender himself, she smiled politely at the gentleman."Neither. I'd like a seat at the bar please."

"Of course." He waved her through.

There was only one waiter there at the time, a Bimm at that, and no customers. The human bartender was busy filling an order but did see her heading in his direction. She took a seat as the waiter flipped a glass behind his back and caught it with his other hand, "I'll be with you in a moment," and filled the tall glass with some sort of beer, setting it on the tray. With the order done, the Bimm balanced the heavy tray full of drinks on his shoulder and headed off, leaving the waiter to wipe down the counter. "What can I get ya?"

She produced two things from her purse; a cred chit and a red card that had a series of holes punched into the side. She made certain that the red card was covered by the chit as it was slid across the counter. Just because there was no one present did not mean a place like this had no eyes. "A Zadarian Brandy, no ice."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jun 2nd, 2003, 04:50:24 PM
He slid the cards off the table and fanned them out slightly to get a good look at that red card. "Of course." The bartender palmed the red card and charged Aliya for the drink. "I'll be right back, Ma'am. I have to go in the back to get the proper brandy for your drink."

"No problem at all. Thank you." She took her cred chit back and couldn't contain a smile as he bowed to her. Albin was hiring some interesting people these days. Aliya casually watched the bartender disappear around a corner. Her eyes were quickly diverted to the mirror behind the bar as she tapped the counter with the cred chit, acting impatient. No one was still in this room. So far so good, but that could change.

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jun 8th, 2003, 01:35:45 PM
Moments later, the bartender returned with Aliya's drink. "Here you go." He set it down on the counter, his hang lingering longer then it needed to. Aliya reached out for her drink at the right time he removed his hand. The new card that was left for her was palmed with the left hand while she causally brought up the brandy snifter to her mouth. Albin was kind enough to open up one of his special brands by the scent of the alcohol. The taste was even far superior as it splashed against her tongue.

The brandy's flavor remained strong after the first few drops within her mouth. "Very good." She toasted the glass in the air. "Complements to the house." With a quick lick of her lips, she set down the glass and looked towards the bartender once more. "Where's the ladies room?" He pointed behind her. "Down that hall Ma'am." She threw out a few more credits. "Make sure no one takes my seat. I'll be back shortly." He pocketed the money, which was roughly thirty credits in 'change' and smiled. "Will do."

Needless to say, Aliya wasn't going to be making her way back here anytime soon as she headed for the 'ladies room'. Anyone that really knew the layout of this place would recall that the refreshers are in the main dining hall. This hallway led to the coat check in, and in a round about way, to the employees refresher room.

She glanced over her shoulder, making sure that no one was following her and pulled out the blue card given to her. It was a pass that would get her into the back rooms without any incidences. The card was placed into the security panel near the 'Employees Only' door. She watched the light turn from red to green and the door clicked open, moving slightly inwards. Pressing forward into the darkened room, she stepped inside and closed the door as the lights turned on. Albin, the green Twi'lek that was flanked by two guards, greeted her with open arms. "Aliya my dear. To what do I owe the pleasure this night?" Oddly, the guards were aiming blasters in her direction and as much as it sounded like Albin was happy to see her, his angry eyes told the opposite.....

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:58:22 PM
"A little excessive don't you think for a simple hello?" She retorted, raising her hands above her head. Aliya took a careful consideration of the situation. Two thugs with blaster pistols trying to look impressive and lots of space between them. The one thing in her favor was her position by the door and the closeness of the panel to shut the lights off incase things got hairy.

Albin rubbed his chin and flashed his sharp teeth. "I could've come to your hotel room, but I'm not that rude. Besides, I knew you'd come to me eventually. You always do when you come to the Core. But it disheartens me that you mean you don't remember the last favor I did for you.Tsk, tsk. Such a prominent woman forgetting such simple things like payment for services rendered."

Her face grew in shock. "What? I wired you the money from home before I came to Coruscant."

"The I should've gotten it but the account we use together is a bit dry." One thing she could rely on was her ability to discern truth and Albin wasn't lying. In the few moments before she had to speak, or otherwise get blown away, Aliya was recalling the moments before leaving Ralltirr. The day of her departure was the day she sent the wire to Albin. Everything was encrypted as usual. Afterwards, Adia walked in to finalize everything.................

That blasted lackey of her father's. She must have had something to do with it. Father was been suspicious of her Daughters's affairs for some time and stuck this lap dog in the guise of a personal assistant on her. Probably tried to redirected it somewhere else in an attempt tp trace where Aliya was sending the money to. There was a fail safe that would counter that maneuver and deposit that money into one of her dummy accounts. Aliya was a fool for not checking it.

She was seething on the inside but her demeanor was calm and crisp. "I believe I might have a little snoop who's been trying to spy on me. Now, now ... before we start panicking ... I can prove my loyalty."

The Twi'lek thought this over, remembering that this was the first time Aliya didn't follow through with any promise. "All right." He nodded to both of his boys and they lowered their weapons, but were still ready just incase the boss changed his mind and wanted to ice her anyway. "Better make it quick."

A good thing this was going better, her arms were almost completely numb from holding them up for so long. She rubbed them to get the blood flowing again. "Hand me a data-pad and I'll get you your money."

Albin reached behind his back and Aliya held her breath. Sometimes you just never knew if it was a gun coming your way. Thankfully it was a data-pad and she exhaled, catching the unit. She quickly called up her dummy account, knowing full well that there was supposed to be nothing in it. "Aha! Just as I thought." Every single credit that was owed to Albin. She processed the transfer. All that was left was it to be okayed. "As you can see .." She threw it back at him, "Every cred owed. Just press the button and you have your money as promised."

"Hmm, yeah." He felt a little bad for being so hard on Aliya. She was one of his better customers that paid extremely well. But ... just a little. He tapped the pad to complete the transfer. "No hard feelings of course."

She folded her arms and shook her head, chuckling, "Of course not. Though ..."

Albin knew what that meant and stepped forward, wrapping his arm around Aliya's as if she was his daughter. The guards had already been long dismissed. "Let me guess. I can make it up to you how?"

"Yes. I just want to get my gear and I'll be out of your hair for awhile."

"Oh, ho, ho. You finally got a job? You're getting .. OW!"

A small job into the side shut him up quick. "Gear is in the back as usual."

"Thank you." She gave him a peck on the cheek. "You're still the only alien I trust." And she scampered off further into the backroom while Albin was left rubbing his cheek. "That girl is still one crazy Imperial Brat."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:09:04 PM
"2 AM." She sighed and flipped the cover to her chronometer closed, waiting for Xan to arrive. Aliya had positioned herself on the shadowy corner of Mielson and Vaargu in Landus Sector, subsection Alpha; the usual meeting spot with her contract. This was an area of deserted shops used for underground trafficking of your liking. Drugs, whores, weapons and smugglers could be easily found if you had the right contact and amount of money. This was also one of the worse places to be in if you didn't know your way around. To be dressed as she was before going to the club, not only would have Aliya's identity been compromised, but she would have been jumped on her faster then a Jawa on a droid. Rich and flashy had been tossed aside for a more comfortable jean and leather combination, making her look like a member of a local gang with the weapons to prove it. She had a boot knife safely hidden, a small blaster pistol up her left sleeve and a medium pistol tucked behind in her pants, covered by her jacket. Her hair was mused and hanging down around her face, very unlike her. A few spots of grim and dirt around her face made the transformation complete. Faces like hers weren't remembered down her, only attitude, and that she had an endless supply of.

She kicked a discarded fizz can off the street and walked over to a new position on the corner. It was a better spot to see beings coming for all directions that were looking for trouble.

Adia Issoris
Jun 22nd, 2003, 10:07:09 PM
The can bounced and then rolled back onto the street, in front of Aliya's feet. Her whole body straightend, suddenly more alert.

"Someone is setting you up, Aliya. I don't think its Albin." Vashlshalynn whirrled, pointing the sleeve pistol at the assassin, who was noticably shorter than herself.

"Put the pistol away." The over-reflective green eyes instructed from beneath a dark grey hood. "Something's wrong with this contact--I think Albin isn't secure anymore. Leaking." Aliya was almost visibily upset, as much with Adia and her father as she was with herelf.

The pistol didn't go away, but Adia wasn't exactly surprised.

"There is a speeder coming from a few blocks away." Adia hissed. "Put the pistol away."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jun 23rd, 2003, 05:54:12 PM
As of right now, everything about her other life had been compromised by her father's little bodyguard. Aliya was beside herself and hissed, "Adia?!"

She was centimeters away from pulling the trigger to save her secret but didn't. Damn Adia and her sense. Maybe she wasn't the one that tried to trace that wire to Albin and set her up. Perhaps it was someone trying to take her out? But she would have known about this before any contact with Xan. She prided herself on making sure that her safe houses were indeed the function of the word on a regular basis.

Aliya was beyond angry. Adia could see it in her eyes until they turned towards the sound of the repulsors heading their way.

"All right. Fine." She holstered the pistol behind her back and grabbed Adia hy the arm, pulling her into the deep shadows of the alley. "Talk fast of what you know besides Albin's club being compromised."

Adia Issoris
Jun 24th, 2003, 01:16:52 PM
Adia smoothly carried herself back into the dark.

"The Krinsy Syndicate is reforming. They're doing consolidation right now, and simply killing those who aren't interested, and the ones who can't be killed are shamed."

"Krinsy died in a tranport 'accident' between prisons." Aliya pointed out.

"Fifteen of the district barons have stopped squabbling. I asked around: Tressk Arelyn hasn't tried to have Chrawrallrr killed in two years." Tressk Arelyn tried to assassinate Chrawrallrr periodically when Krinsy was alive. Rumor had it the only reason that Chrarwrallrr hadn't killed Arelyn was because Krinsy himself had shot the two of them during a meeting.

"Everything is done under their banner or it isn't done. I talked to a few Sisters who haven't left yet; they're sticking to only guard jobs."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:07:18 PM
The was unsettling to say the least. More or less, Aliya was going to be offered a job she shouldn't refuse ... If she valued her life, which she did. Adia was correct in tracking her down and finding her, a relief that she found disturbing at the same time.

"Lovely, Adia." It was a dry reply. "I just have to make sure I don't get caught and identified to protect Father. Which of course it why you're here." And soon to turn her in to him after this was done.

The sound of the speeder was nearing and the whine of its engines were slowing down. "We best be going now." Her voice trailed off, the only sound that Aliya made, as she ran off down the alley.

Adia Issoris
Jun 26th, 2003, 03:06:52 PM
Adia waited a moment as she listened to the speeder's whine in detail. With pratice, the pitch and rythm of a speeder could tell someone the type of engines and the sort of load they were pushing.

SoroSuub RJ3 chassis, with Novaldex engines, loaded too. It was straining to push the passengers around.

She darted into the alley after Aliya. They needed to have a talk. While she was being payed by Vashlshalynn, and his current orders were to spy on his daughter, her contract said to protect him and his immediate family.

"Aliya, we need to talk." Adia said after they had run for several blocks.

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jun 29th, 2003, 12:35:39 PM
Huffing it down the alley, Aliya threw Adia an incredulous look as they rounded the corner. "You've got to be kidding me! Rather a poor time to talk!"

Adia Issoris
Jun 30th, 2003, 09:59:45 PM
Adia wasn't even breathing hard.

"I didn't mean now." she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Aliya. Sometimes she was a Daddy's brat. Fortunately, Aliya was more concerned about not falling over, and didn't notice.

"How much farther to your speeder?"

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jul 1st, 2003, 09:52:37 PM
Aliya made a hard right down another small alleyway where a dumpster was blocking the path. In between labored breaths she managed to get out a, "Just over this way."

She leapt forward, planting her hands on the top of the dumpster, to hurdle her way over it into the waiting speeder below. The engine was already humming as Adia hopped in and soon they were off and bit her tongue, not voicing her concern that somehow they managed to backtrack them this way. If Adia was correct on who was after her, this could be far from over.

Adia Issoris
Jul 2nd, 2003, 09:17:27 PM
After a quick glance over her shoulder, Adia followed suit, swinging herself over the dumpster. Aliya eased the speeder out, driving a bit faster than the reccomended speed.

The distant hum of Novaldex engines caught her attention.

"Oh, they're coming." Adia pulled her medium blaster pistol free, and turned around in the seat. She wrapped one arm around the headrest, waiting. Aliya's speeder wasn't the fastest in a straight line, but it had superb cornering ability.

"Stick to back paths! They're flying full... FRELL!" A swoop gang quickly overtook the black RJ3. Adia's eyes narrowed in concentration, dialating, shrinking to cat-like slits and dialating again. She growled, squeezing off three shots before Aliya threw the car around a corner.

"Do you have anything heavier?" She called over the wind's howl.

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jul 6th, 2003, 09:17:07 AM
She was hoping this speeder was able to take this amount of stress. Aliya wasn't looking for this kind of action tonight, which the Krinsy Syndicate wanted. "Underneath your seat! I think you'll like what's there!"

There were three swoops trying to regain control over this chase, one of which was ready to ram the back of her poor speeder. Another turn was coming up ahead that she could make and considering that today was Thursday ...

"Hang on! Gonna try and get rid of one!" She hit the controls and made a hard right, barely managing to get the speeder down this narrow alley as sparks flew off the side from scraping against the building. The one swoop wasn't so lucky in the turn and slid right into the awaiting recycling car that was taking out the garbage like it always did at this time.

Adia Issoris
Jul 6th, 2003, 11:56:57 AM
Aida holstered her blaster, and clung to seat as she looked beneath it. She fumbled for a second until she felt a drigger assembly, and pulled out a repeater rifle. They seemed to be steady for a moment, she pulled the feeder into the ready position, and shouldered the weapon.

One swoop was closing fast, attepting to ram Aliya's agile two-seater. Adia dialed him with a three round burst, one shot in the upper chest, one in the neck, and one in the head. His corpse jerked sideways in the wind, pulling the swoop into the wall.

"Very nice!" She called to Aliya over the howling wind. The red-headed assasin abruptly jerked upward. Two were going to dive into the speeder.

"BREAK!" she screamed. Then Adia's years of combat kicked in: she unloaded the rifle into the bottom of the swoops until they blossomed red flame. Aliya mashed the breaks, brining the coupe to an abrupt stop. Unfortunately, Adia was holding the rifle with both hands, and was thrown into the dashboard back first.

Half in shock, her mouth opened but she said nothing.

"My back..." she moaned. "...so stupid." Adia rolled her shoulders foward, resulting in a series of very uncomfortable sounding pops and crunches.

"Go." She growled through gritted teeth. Her whole body had tensed as her adrenals poured out, blotting out the pain and juicing her muscles.

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jul 6th, 2003, 07:36:26 PM
Stopping as hard as Aliya did was the only way for Adia to get a clean shot but the assassin paid the price for it. She hit the engines and the two of the sped off to safety now that all the swoops had been eliminated.

Her eyes darted back and forth between the narrow roads and Adia, still a bit paranoid about the Syndicate goons, but strangely made aware of how worried she was for Adia. That was a hard hit and it seemed that her would be protector was mostly all right. "Hey? You all right?" She asked, just to make sure. Aliya turned the speeder into normal traffic and finally felt her heart return to a regular beating pattern. Out in the open like this, no one would attempt anything. Too many witnesses. "Need to get you to a medbay."

Adia Issoris
Jul 6th, 2003, 08:08:06 PM
"No, I'll be fine." The tone was flat and insistent. She would be, but in the mean time, it hurt like hell.

Aliya gave her a look of mild disbelief.

"If I can survive a four story fall I can surive that. I'll be fine." Adia pushed the seat as far forward back as it would go, and then reached for her toes. Her back sounded like corn in a fire.

The red head gasped, slowly sat up, and rolled her neck.

They sat silently in the speeder for several blocks. They stayed in the sea of red and white night traffic.

"Aliya, I'm sure you know I'm supposed to report to your Father, but my first duty is to protect you."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jul 9th, 2003, 09:16:06 AM
Thankful for the red light, Aliya took a long moment to get the chills from out of her body. Those popping noises were grating on her own back! It took quite a few rolling of the shoulders and neck to finally relax in her chair and think about what her 'protector' meant. "Does that mean you aren't telling Father until I'm safe? Or, does that mean you aren't telling Father for a price?" Her little secret was in Adia's hands now, and perhaps it came with a price.

Adia Issoris
Jul 12th, 2003, 06:52:51 PM
"That depends." Aliya was squirming. Adia held all the cards now, and while she didn't enjoy making people squirm most of the time. It really did depend too: the sad fact of the matter was that Vahlshalynnn was more concerned about his reputation than the welfare of his daughter. This wasn't uncommon with high-ranking politicians.

"It means, as long as I'm here, there will be no special jobs. Tonight was a mixup. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Right?"

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:57:01 PM
"Yeah." She frowned, defeated and hit the burn quickly as the light changed. "I suppose."

The scenery streaked passed them in a blur of light and greys until Aliya spoke up again. "So. What now?" She had been wondering if Adia was going to be glued to her constantly now. Her other life, the one filled with jobs ranging from robbery to hits; it wasn't for the money obviously. It was to feel alive and have a purpose. Not be some eye candy that her father, the Moff, could parade around and do absolutely nothing all day, except of course putting in appearances too lowly for him.

Far as she was concerned. Her life was over. Maybe it would have been better if that Mob had killed her. It wouldn't have been her problem, being dead and all, that Aliya's little secret got out. Would have been a nice way to get back at her father too...

Adia Issoris
Jul 31st, 2003, 10:28:06 PM
Adia inwardly sighed. It wasn't the first time she'd seen this sort of thing before.

Aliya wasn't much more to the Moff than a very nice paiting or throw rug. She therefore took her hobbies to an extreme. Espionage, assassination, and spying. It was Aliya's sole outlet.

Truth be told, there was a clause in Adia's contract that stated she could terminate it any time, with a week's notice. The Moff had somewhat overlooked it, although it had been underlined and printed in bold.

Yet Adia couldn't fathom this as a life choice. She had been born into a dangerous experiment, treated as a caged animal, and escaped into the arms of the Mistryl. Her whole life constantly teetered on the edge of violence.

"I don't understand why you do this, Aliya."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Aug 3rd, 2003, 12:00:15 PM
"Really? I'd would have thought you'd figure it out by now." They were only a few blocks away from the hotel now. Almost time to ditch this vechile and find some decent clothing. Going back to the club wasn't an option now, so she went through her list of other contacts here and sighed. They were probably compromised too....

Adia Issoris
Aug 3rd, 2003, 02:35:05 PM
"No no. I mean, why this. The cloak and dagger. Why not something equally dangerous like a sport, like speeder racing or..." Adia sighed.

"I don't understand why anyone would do this when they have an option not to. You have an out. I'm stuck: Its all I know." She pulled the lever, letting the seat back down.

It was silent, aside from the speeder traffic.

"I hate Coruscant."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Aug 5th, 2003, 10:00:12 PM
Aliya did a fine job of ignoring the first part of Adia's statement. This was her life and she didn't need to explain it to anyone why she chose it to be this way. "Then why don't we just leave?" Going back to the hotel looking like this was out, and she had given up on trying to find a place that wasn't probably staked out. "Nothing here for me anymore at this point anyway."

Adia Issoris
Aug 10th, 2003, 08:49:46 PM
"I do hope you came on your own transport."

Sometimes, Adia hated public transport. Too many variables, partly. That and she healed much faster when she slept.

"Aliya..." she trailed off, trying to think how to phrase what she wanted to say. "I personally don't really care what you're doing. I'm going to be out of your hair soon. So..." Adia growled. "Frell. Lets just get home."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:32:12 PM
Aliya scoffed. "Of course I came upon my own transport!" She realized that was louder then intended. This night had just completely rattled her nerves, so she sank back and focused on driving.

"I personally don't really care what you're doing. I'm going to be out of your hair soon. So..." Adia growled. "Frell. Lets just get home."

What was she saying? "Adia?" Her brows furrowed. "Are you leaving my father's employment?"

Adia Issoris
Aug 14th, 2003, 08:46:03 PM
"Probably." Adia sighed.

"If he wants me to follow you around more? Deffinately." Somehow, she shrunk into her chair more.

"Aliya, I've been in your father's service for six years. But I can't follow you around forever, and I can't lie to him forever about what you're doing. Its really none of my bussiness."

"In a way, its none of his bussiness, either. I'm an assassin, not someone's frelling shadow around the clock." Adia muttered something incomprehensible.

"Stupid, stupid men."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Aug 18th, 2003, 08:19:54 PM
Adia's words started the wheels to spin in Aliya's mind. "No, you can't. And your right." Could it really be this simple? She had been old enough for some time to get away from her father, but the glamour of her other life and pulling the wool over his eyes had been amusing. And here was Adia, ready to leave her father's employment and was an Assassin! An Assassin no less! Aliya only wished she had knew of this sooner.

"Would you take me with you?" She stated flatly. "You know what I am now and have been for some time, eventhough you admit it now ... and you know I'm not happy..."

Adia Issoris
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:19:37 PM
"I usually work alone." Adia yawned.

"It depends."

Aliya worked differently. The end results were similar sometimes, but Adia usually didn't rely on social graces. Its not that they weren't there, but were simply unnecesary most of the time.

Whether she liked it or not, Aliya was a product of her father, and seemed to have no issue with the social in-and outs of society, be it high class or murderous scum.

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Aug 20th, 2003, 01:37:34 PM
There was an opening and Aliya took it, granted there was the cutting off of another passenger vehicle. She swerved around a corner and found a parking spot in one of the lots. This was far enough away from her hotel and since she wasn't planning on paying the meter, the speeder would be towed. There were no plates or ID on it to get back to her or the dealer that sold it to her, and she wasn't leaving any of her arsenal either to arouse suspicion.

She turned off the engine and sighed. "Depends on what?"

Adia Issoris
Aug 20th, 2003, 03:40:14 PM
"Well, if I quit or not, for one." Aliya hid her dissapointment well, but Adia could smell the subtle shift in her scent. The pair got out of the speeder, Adia grunted as she streched and rolled her head a few times.

"And like I said, I usually work alone. That way, when things go sour, I'm responsible solely for me. Other people are a liability."

"Why should I take you along?"

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Aug 24th, 2003, 05:51:48 PM
If she decided to leave. Adia was playing games with her, but not for malicious intent. She pack up the two remaining blasters left in the car, hiding one up her sleeve and the other holster on her leg. She was upset about loosing her big toy but considering how the situation turned out, it was better lost at this point.

"To be blunt," Aliya hopped out of the speeder and started heading towards the direction of the hotel, but walking backwards to face Adia. "I hate my father. He doesn't want anything for me except what he wants." She spun around and shook her arm for effect, "Well frell that dren. I'm sick of being his Princess."

Adia Issoris
Aug 24th, 2003, 07:13:43 PM
Adia smiled half-heartedly.

"I know." Aliya was serious about this. The whole thing.

Adia winked at Aliya "We're not going to have time for 'revenge', if thats your intention." Aliya didn't bite. Good.

"You're pretty good, Aliya. You have a different skillset than mine. But you're inexperinced, and sometimes a bit foolhardy."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Aug 31st, 2003, 07:03:15 PM
Usually she was good at knowing when she was being tested, but Adia hit that well. Aliya fought the need to grumble out an answer. "As much as I hate him, I don't want to kill him. That's stupid..'

Her eyes went wide in defense and winced as Adia went down a small list of flaws. She'd like to retort but unfortunately it was true. There was never anyone for Aliya to teach her the trade. It was her money that got her the training and her intellect that gave showed her the places to get contacts. Everything was done on her own and it was only a matter of time before something like last night happened; perhaps.

"Well," she looked around and huffed, crossing her arms and mumbled. "Does that mean yes or no? I never know with you."

Adia Issoris
Sep 1st, 2003, 10:39:17 PM
"Keeps you on your toes, doesn't it?" Adia smiled, but grew more serious.

"If we live to see the next three weeks, yes. I'm not certain how your father will take it." She was genuinely concerned: Moff Vahlshalynn was not a kind man, nor always a completely rational one. Adia leaving wouldn't be too shocking, and it was doubtful he'd expend the resources needed to kill her.

"Aliya, how do you plan on going about this? Terminating my contract isn't a worry. I've done it before. But you? Are you going to basically say goodbye, frell you? Or just goodbye? Or just leave, or just leave with a note?" She shook her head.

"Your father is an unknown quantity in this."

Aliya Vahlshalynn
Apr 17th, 2004, 09:32:03 PM
Adia had a point. Aliya had a few thoughts on the matter and none of the conclusions were good. A formal slap in the face or a quiet retreat? "Just like you, I'm not sure how he is going to react. If I just leave, well, he'll hunt me down and find me. If I leave with a note, he'll hunt me down a find me. If I do it face to face," she shrugged, "I'll probably have to fight my way out of the building. That would be messy."

Adia Issoris
May 1st, 2004, 08:48:14 PM
"It would. Be messy. I think a note might be the best compromise. Keep it simple. Say something about seeing the glaxay." Aliya didn't look convinced. Adia didn't sound convinced.

"We'll arange our meeting at Bpfassh. Qun'fav station, box 532." She handed Aliya a key.

"I've got some catching up to do, so I'll leave my itinerary there." Adia stopped for a moment.

"If you've got a better idea I'd be happy to hear it." Some of the way Adia operated was out of habbit. She was willing to make adjustments in this case.

Aliya Vahlshalynn
May 2nd, 2004, 05:26:43 PM
"No, that is fine." She took the key and committed the rendezvous to memory. "I'll just send him a message making sure that its origins are far from here and Bpfassh when he traces it. And he will." Aliya sighed momentarily. Keeping her father off her trail was going to be a full time job.

Two fingers came in a little salute of respect towards Adia, "Guess I'll be seeing you."