View Full Version : Jedi on the Hunt: Breathe (Open Challenge)

May 27th, 2003, 04:22:52 PM
Played the fool today
And I
Can see us vanishing into the crowd
Longing for home again
But home
Is a feeling I buried in you

I'm alright
I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe

And I can't ask for things to be still again
No I can't ask for you
To offer the world through your eyes
Longing for home again
But home
Is a feeling I buried in you

I'm alright
I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe
I'm alright
I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe

My window through which
Nothing hides
And everything sings
I'm counting the signs
And cursing the miles in between

But home
Is a feeling I buried in you
That I buried in you

I'm alright
I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe
I'm alright
I'm alright
It only hurts when I breathe

When I breathe
It only hurts when I breathe
When I breathe
It only hurts when I breathe

Satine stands on the ledge of a building, his cloak fluttering around him in the wind. He extends his senses out in all directions, looking for something happening. Truth be told, he was bored and needed a fight, and this could well deliver it...

Eluna Thals
May 27th, 2003, 07:45:13 PM
"Mr. Capashen."

A voice sounded behind the Jedi. When he turned, he saw a petite, red-headed woman, clad in a strikingly crimson imperial uniform. She spoke in a relaxed tone as she approached him, striding lazily across the rooftop in measured footsteps. The glossy black of her jack boots clicked against the duracrete rooftop as she measured off the distance between herself and the Jedi.

"I've been looking forward to meeting you."

One thing that must be plaguing the Jedi's mind right now is that he had no warning of his company. He could not sense her at all.

May 28th, 2003, 05:47:59 AM
Satine frowned slightly before schooling his mouth to a neutral position.

"Really? Why is that?"

Eluna Thals
May 29th, 2003, 09:17:36 PM
"Naturally, I've heard so much about you, and I'd like to validate that with personal contact."

Her eyes twinkled...and changed color.

May 29th, 2003, 09:20:36 PM
Satine takes a small step bac as the eyes change color, his own giving a little flasdh of energy, silver in color.

"What have you heard about me?"

Eluna Thals
Jun 5th, 2003, 09:19:59 AM
Of course, it wasn't necessary to reveal exactly what she knew. The greatest enemy of an intelligence officer is loose lips, and young Alpha definitely wasn't on a need-to-know basis. She could, if she so decided, give him a thorough detail of his career amongst the Jedi, friends, preferences, and even medical information that would make his mother blush. She would not benefit from revealing exactly what she knew, however...so she remained silent on such tedious details.


She allowed a practiced smile.

"Anyways, this building is private property, as I'm sure the many signs told you on the way to the rooftop. I can't quite recall you becoming an employee here, so you are either lost, or deliberately trespassing."

Jun 5th, 2003, 11:16:03 AM
Satine waves a hand dismissively.

"I'm a Jedi. We can go anywhere we need."

Eluna Thals
Jul 9th, 2003, 10:37:12 AM
"Except when on private property."

Eluna was stern in her response.

"You're trespassing. Surely you understand the law."

Jul 9th, 2003, 11:08:47 AM
"If I am, then what of you?" Satine asks, deflecting the question, but keeping some of his attention below, in case something happens.