View Full Version : Wow, what a great weekend!

May 25th, 2003, 11:27:54 PM
I have had quite an awesome weekend, and its not even over yet, as I have Memorial Day off (w00t paid vacation). Let me break it down:

I get off work, ready to enjoy a good weekend. Since its Friday, its time to do my ab workout. I call up my friend, who is a personal trainer, but he says that he can't work out today. I'm bummed, since I'm ready to work. He tells me that he's picking up a friend of ours, who is back from being stationed in Louisiana, North Dakota, Guam, and England, as a maintenance chief for B52's (his bomber's name is the Alabama Slammer btw). I'm thrilled, since he's been gone for at least half a year. My friend says to go on to his house, and we'll just party. Fantastic. I go to the grocery store, and buy a case of beer. Happy time.

My friends arrive an hour after me. By this time, I've had a six pack. We eat homemade spaghetti, which is rad, and then we go to the barn to play pool. My friend busts out a fifth of Jagermeister, a fifth of Bacardi 151, and a fifth of Rumplemints schnapps...in other words, the ingredients for our favorite shot - Liquid Cocaine.

I'm already buzzing from the six pack I had (tolerance has gotten low lately). We play pool throughout the night, and shoot a dozen shots of Liquid Cocaine each. By that time, we worked at my remaining case of beer...and were quite trashed. About that time...I picked up the bottle of 151, took a big swig, held it in my mouth, flicked my friend's lighter, and spit into the night sky. I became a flamethrower...and nearly burned my thumb. We all took turns at spitting flaming jets of rum out of our mouths, and called it a night.

Woke up late, with no idea how I got into bed. Went home and cooked out for my sister's birthday party. Cooked lots of hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. I left early, so that my sister could hang out with her friends, and went to one of my friends houses, where their parents cooked for me and a few of my friends. Ribs, brots, italian sausage, etc. We watched Alabama win in the SEC baseball playoffs. After that, we filled a cooler with beer, and prepared to drive off into the sunset for another party. My friend's dad got a new Harley, and he fired it up for us. The exhaust blast ruffled my jeans, and I was standing 20 feet away. Awe inspiring!

We took our beer across the county line, to another friend's house, who is in a band with more of our friends. They have an acoustic room / recording studio in the garage. So we all piled inside, drank beer, and chilled out while the band played for an audience of 8. They played everything on their CD, then began taking requests. The lead singer then takes a beer break, and asks me to stand in for him while the band plays "Enter Sandman". I've never sang in front of anyone, ever! I only sing in my car, where nobody can hear me. Reluctantly, I try it out...and nail the song perfectly. So much fun! I want to sing more, later on. We made some more bacardi flamethrowers, for hilarity, and partied on.

On a down note, at some point, I lose some cool sunglasses. I am sad.

Other stuff happened after that that wasn't cool at all, but I don't wanna go into it, cause its kinda disturbing and made the night less fun. After that, we all went to another friend's house, to crash, drink corona, and watch Booty Call, which was fun and nostalgic. Tired and tipsy, I crashed on the couch.

Woke up at noon. Went home to clean up a bit, and then went out to shop for a gun with my friend. Very few gun stores are open on Sunday. Anyway, we find one, and my friend buys a Smith & Wesson sigma 40 calibur for 350 dollars. Not a bad price for a gun like that, and better than most that he can find. I help him understand how to use the weapon, and how to load it, how to field strip and clean it, how to practice proper safety, etc. Now, I can't wait to buy my own gun. I will in a few weeks. I do, however, buy 8 pair of sunglasses from the Matrix. Four for me, and four for my friend, and we split the cost of 150 dollars for the whole package. Yay for shades! After that, we play Enter the Matrix, and there is much rejoicing. Cracking open Coronas, we sit back, and watch Jackass: the Movie...until its time to go home and take my sister out to eat for her birthday. My family goes out and treats her to her 18th, and have a good time in general.


I am happy