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Rruko Sa'raathi
May 25th, 2003, 07:18:51 PM
She was an entity of her own; no loyalties, no ties, nothing. She worked for her own gains and pursued her own interests. And most of the time it was knowledge she sought. For knowledge was power, and power in turn, was desired by everyone. For a price. She was a spy, yes. But a spy that had no one holding her reigns. She came and went as she pleased, with no one to tell her where to go or what to do. She was a shadow. She was a sabetuer; a ruthless murderer when the job required... and if she was paid well enough.

Pleasing to the eye, Arukaa Deynarrusaa feared no one. She was bold, tested her limits, and gave of herself as freely as she wished.

She had left Carshoulis a long time ago, hoping to get away from the dealings of many of her people's internal dealings; instead she preferred to be in the business of other planets. Planets such as Coruscant, Arcan IV, Balmorra, Omerose... each offered their own intrigues and mysteries.

But now she was back. Back on her home planet. Back to ruffle the feathers of the Kei'Ai Reei; back to be a perpetual nuisance to those she found worthy enough to steal from. She crossed borders easily, had no reserves at all.

On Carshoulis, she was among her own people again. Clad only in black leather, she slipped easily through darkened alleys, long forgotten access hatches, and anywhere else she wished to go to get to her destination. Any avenue was easy to pursue, it was just how you approached the situation, and Rukaa had no qualms or reservations about the methods she used to gain what she wanted. She wasn't spoiled; she simply knew what she wanted and would do what it took to get it. Call it pure and simple drive; determination.

And so she stood, amidst a sea of Cizerack in the middle of the street; stock still as the rest of the population bustled by her on their way to wherever. Looking to the sky, she let her ears pick up on the errant and fleeting conversation of those that passed by her. Hands stuffed in the pockets of her leather jacket, she watched the night clouds in between the high rises as they jutted across the sky; illuminated by the city lights. Tail twitching just a little, she fingered the small detonator switch in her pocket. The bomb itself had already been placed, all she had to do was push the button and her job would be done. Her index finger depressed the switch, and high above, the night sky was lit up in a blaze as the top floor of one of the skyscrapers was destroyed. Sound caught up with the explosion, and a thunderous echo shook the city from top to bottom. She'd planned the hit at night, when no one was in the building; she wasn't really one for senseless murder; she simply did her jobs how she saw fit.

Debris began to rain down as people scattered, terrified of being crushed by falling chunks of metal. It was almost like a madhouse.

Arrukaa Deynarrusaa turned calmy to stride down the street, her job finished.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
May 25th, 2003, 09:15:21 PM
Jaassuuvi had been walking down the street when he saw a building explode in a firey blast, He also saw a suspisios looking woman walking away from the area, He followed behind her

He silently walked behind her she didnt seem to notice he was following her, when the crowd started to thin out Jaas walked up next to her "djid jyou have a parrrt jin that exposssjion?" He said in a wisper.

May 26th, 2003, 12:05:58 AM
The Earthtone robed figure began to move forward into the nightlife of this planet . Out of the corner of his eye, his most trusted confidant, dressed in similar robes moved beside Him.

An explosion erupted not far away, and this was a cause for concern as the two exchanged knowing glances...

"Great..." Mockadane whispered, melding back into the shadows.

May 26th, 2003, 12:16:58 AM
Ever in contact with Synteck via the comlink... Eldorack got word of security forces heading in there general direction.

"Five minutes and this place will be crawlnig with security... we need to abort mission!" Is all The Assasin said outloud and brought his wheapons to bear ... making an escape route for Mockadane, further down the alleyway ... into the night.

The angered look upon the big mans face let Eldorack know that this was a waisted trip as he turned to follow the assasin.

Rruko Sa'raathi
Jun 15th, 2003, 07:45:37 PM
Rukaa had noticed the male, simply playing him off as another nosey pedestrian who stuck his nose into anything. She growled at his whispered question, giving him a slight glance over her shoulder while keeping her pace steady.

"No, jI djid not."

Her answer was simple and crisp, and as she neared her speederbike, she gave the male another glance as if to say, why are you still here... ?

She stopped at the vehicle, reaching out to brush away a thin layer of settling dust from the explosion, and straddling the bike, looking pointedly at the male who'd followed her.

"Now. jIf jyou'll excussse me... "

Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 25th, 2003, 09:48:33 PM

All preliminary reports had proven inconclusive. There were plenty of theories, surmises, conjectures, the usual smoke blowing up the proverbial cats-tail.

Kajeela tossed her wrist and sent the bundle of pages fluttering chaotically to the floor.

"jI want FACTSSS!!!"

Her voice was shrill and her secretary ducked instinctively, though trying to capture the fluttering pages.

"jIf jI want fajirrrjytalesss and ljiess, jI can crrreate them mjyssself!!"

A timely swat of her tail nailed the cowering secretarry in the face, making her dart backwards with a little squeal of fright.

"jI want thjisss bomberrr found! FOUND!"

The flying paperweight to the chest was the secretary's que to scram - which she did so immediately, carefully closing the door behind her. Which fortunately, intercepted said flying paperweight.

Scowling in her chair, Kajeela flung herself out of it angrily and paced the length of her opulent office. She drummed her fingernails against her chin in thought. Whoever did this was no novice. To make such a strike in the heart of the city, plant and detonate a device in such a secure building and escape completely undetected took skill. But there was more to it...why that building?...why now?...These were the questions she wanted the answers to. Those...and most importantly, "who." Her frustration rose in unbridled anger.

She clenched her fists and screamed at the closed office door.


The janitor plying his mop in the empty corridor two floors up heard the Director's voice from her office below, and even though he knew he was far from striking distance..he too cowered and huddled close to his mop and bucket, his tail withering behind him.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 25th, 2003, 09:59:05 PM
No sooner had Kajeela dismissed her secretary, her desk-comm chimed.

"Madam Taarrrrrruurrrrrrji, Emjissssssarrrrrrjy Sssarrrrrrtarrrrrroa to sssee jyou."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 25th, 2003, 10:17:21 PM
Well that wasss jussst grrreat.

Her expression was as sour as the thought. Just what she didn't need. The Pride Mother's favorite striding around demanding answers she, the Director, could not provide.

Taking a deep calming breath, which did little to calm her, Kajeela pressed on the intercom.

"Sssend the Emjissarrrjy jin"

Rruko Sa'raathi
Aug 26th, 2003, 03:02:15 PM
Sometimes she wondered how Tarruurri was doing; if the KAR Director was having fun trying to decipher the little riddle of who was responsible for the bombing of the scraper - and why, as well. Two days after the bombing, Arrukaa Deynarrusaa was still prowling the streets of Carshoulis Prime's capitol city, her work far from over. What had started out as a simple bombing was only the very tip of the nose belonging to a much bigger beast. A beast that Rukaa had agreed to anger. Her reasons were her own, and she didn't expect anyone to understand why she'd taken the job. A free agent, she worked for both sides. Sometimes.

At the moment however, she stood beside a small street vendor, leaning against the stone wall of the main KAR headquarters. Dressed in little more than what she'd been wearing two days prior, the felinoid stuffed her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. She'd wait a few more minutes before moving, then she'd be on her way; the only reason she'd stopped in the first place being to see if she could hear Tarruurri's enraged yells from high up in her office.

And about five minutes ago, she could have sworn she did.

Kicking off from the wall, she headed on her way, a satisfied smirk on her normally neutral face as she made her way casually down the sidewalk to her next engagement.

At nightfall, her work would begin again.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 26th, 2003, 08:52:33 PM
As Arrukaa kicked away from the wall, Kajeela turned from the window she had been gazing down into the same street from.

Keerrourri stood opposite her, his stately form impeccible as always, his clear hazel eyes sharp as he smiled bemused at her.

"Pleasse, Emjisssarrrjy....sssjit down. No need forrr sssuch forrrmaljitjy between usss."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:30:11 PM
"Of courrrssse."

Keerrourri was perfectly at ease getting down to business.

"What do jyou know of thjisss....jincjident?"

Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:43:57 PM
"We wont be makjing anjy arrressstsss sssoon, jif that jis what jyou mean"

Kajeela couldn't keep the irritation from her voice. Keerrourri noticed she made no attempt to hide the fact the Kei Ai' Reei was a little confounded at this random, and seemingly pointless, act of terrorism.

Normally, the Director would take great pains to show her operation had a handle on things. Was this a sign of her relentless competiveness with him receding a little?

Was the KAR leader finally conceding the fact that if they worked together, or at the least, not against each other, they could accomplish more...?

"jIf jI wasss to hazarrrd a guesssssss, howeverrr, jI would sssay jit looksss ljike the worrrk of one of ourrr own."

The Emissary's ears pricked up at this and he frowned, not quite comprehending.

".......a forrrmerrr operrratjive maybe..."

She said it as if the thought had just come to her, and looking to Sarrtarroa, her intelligent face was almost surprised that it had not occured to her earlier.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 30th, 2003, 11:56:24 PM
"One of jyourrrsss?"

Keerrourri arched an eyebrow. This was far more disturbing than some fanciful plot of some forrda outsiders.

The Emissary was silent for a moment, looking to small items on Kajeela's desk.


Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:11:27 AM
"The ssstjyle sssuggessstsss jit"

The sheer effrontry, infact, of blowing the city building was in itself an arogant signature of someone confident in their ability, which suggested training and experience.

But it was more than that.

The type of device used, the knowledge of security within the builing, and the ability to avoid it. If Kajeela wanted to commit the same crime, there is not much different that she would have done.

The whole thing was a statement. A red flag to let us know this person was in town and meant business. The fact that it was detonated at a time when the building was empty showed the purpose was not to kill, but to alert.

"One of mjine? jIt could be a djisssgrrruntled operrratjive, but whjy destrrrojy an emptjy bujildjing? No, jI thjink jit morrre, one forrrmerrrljy Keji Aji' Rrreeji. Thejy have ourrr trrrajinjing, but not ourrrr agenda.."

She looked to Keerrourri.

"But what agenda.....jit jis a mjysterjy...."

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:35:25 AM
"When mjy mjissstrrressssss asssksss the sssame quessstjionsss that jI am assskjing, to jyou orrr to me...how, do jyou thjink, wjill ssshe rrreact?"

Keerrourri's voice was metered and calm, but his face belied the sense of urgency and imperative.

"What can jI do herrre to make thjisss headache djisssappearrr? Cerrrtajinljy, jI cannot brrrjing the Mjissstrrrressssssesss legjionsss onto the ssstrrreetsss. The people cannot sssee how deep thjisss....sssljiverrr hasss pjierrrced usss."

Keerrourri scowled, a rare feature on his countenance, and leaned forward, fingers at his temples.

"jI am terrrrrrjibljy vexed."

Kajeela Tarruurri
Aug 31st, 2003, 12:55:08 AM
Blinking at him a moment, Kajeela couldn't be sure she heard right.

He was offering help. And not in the usual condescending manner she was accostomed to, but with sincerity. She spoke to reassure him.

"Worrrrrrjy not, Emjisssarrrjy. Thjissss thrrreat jis rrreal, and hassss sssucceeded to thrrrow usss momentarrrjiljy off balance, (and here, Kajeela's unnerving will shone through. Keerrourri saw the steel that had brought her to the position of power she rightly held) ... thejy forrrget whom jit jis thejy deal wjith, and how long ourrr hand can rrreach..."

She leant forward to him, and they looked each the other in the eye.

"Gjive me some morrre men....jI wjill jincreassse mjy ssssweepssss of the cjity... (these were infact, random arrests and interrogations of civilians that were very effective in producing information of all kinds, not just that sought after)
Thesssse crjimjinalssss wjill have manjy enemjiesss jin the cjity - we wjill ssssseee to jit."

She smiled at him with a confident cunning.

"Sssssomeone wjill turrrrn them jin. Ssssomeone wjill talk. jI prrrromjisssse."

Rruko Sa'raathi
Oct 27th, 2003, 11:31:10 AM
ooc: my profuse apologies for the neglect of this thread


KAR main headquarters

Therrre once wasss a woman - how djid jit go? Ah jyesss.

Therrre once wasss a woman, who ljived jin a ssshoe; ssshe cherrrjissshed her whjissskejy, and rrrum and coke too - no wajit, that'sss not jit...

Idle thoughts were all that permeated her mind as the slim Cizerack made her way up to the front entrance of the main building that housed the top officials of the KAR and their operations. It was an imposing building that to her had always been a constant in her life; no matter how far away she was from her homeworld. This was a structure that wasn't easily forgotten. Especially by Rukaa.

Clad in a business suit, the feline stepped through the doors under the guise of having to work late - trying to find the mysterious bomber that had struck earlier in the week. The security guards nodded in sage understanding; the director had ordered any and all operatives to find and trace this unknown assailent, and that an agent was coming in to work around the clock showed the most utter dedication to the KAR. They respected that. A nod after seeing her ID card clipped to the collar of her suitjacket was all that sent her into the depths of the massive construct that housed the KAR, and Rukaa made her way toward the lift that would bring her closer toward her goal. Her target.

As the lift doors closed and the lift itself began to ascend, Rukaa reached into the inside pocket of her jacket, pulling out an encryption breaker keycard - the most important tool in her arsenal for this mission.

Information was her goal tonight.

Information on her capture, interrogation, torture, and imprisonment.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
Nov 2nd, 2003, 01:09:52 AM
Sarrtarroa's brow knit as he thought over Kajeela's proposal.

"jI wjill lend a legjion of the ssspecial guarrrd to the tasssk. Forrr thjisss tasssk alone, thejy wjill anssswerrr to jyou."

The Emissary had to be cautious here. Anything granted must be conditional. The KAR director would take a mile out of every inch given. He would be miserly in his generosity.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Nov 2nd, 2003, 03:14:11 PM
"Thankjyou, Emjissarrrjy"



Heavy fists pounded urgently and the sleeping Cizerack grandfather shuffled from his bed to the front door, his ears rimmed with grey fur struggling to bend upright in attention. It was inconvenient growing old, he mused.

He was tired. It was almost 3am - Who was calling by so late? And why were they so impatient?


Wajit, wajit... jIm comjing" the old man shook his head. What could be the rush?

He cracked the door open, only to have it rudely shoved forward, knocking him back a few paces. He rubbed his head as his worried eyes darted about in confusion.

"We arrre herrre at the orrrderrr of the Djirrectorrr of the Keji Aji' Reeji" the officer announced. "We have orrderrrsss to sssearrrch jyourrr houssse to ssseee jif jyou arrrre harrrrbourrrjing a fugjitjive."

The Grandfather was pushed roughly aside as the contingent of soldiers stormed though his home, opening closets, upturning beds - even pulling the drawers from their chests and tossing the contents about for no other purpose than to terrorize the old fellow.

Wringing his tail in fright, the elderly Cizerack whimpered pathetically and cringed against his living room wall. Soft tears began to form in his tired blue eyes, finally to brim over as the soldiers, at last, slammed shut the front door behind them with a bang, having not found anything they were looking for.

This process was repeated in the next house, and the next, all through the remaining hours of the night.

Shakily, in an almost daze, the Grandfather attempted to return his home to order, but felt so overwhelmed that he had to sit on the sofa for a moment.

Resting his head back against the soft comfort of the headrest, low sobs still escaped him now and then, the world had changed so much since he was a young man - never had he seen such heavy handedness by the military. He looked upward at the ceiling. His brow crinkled in confusion...the manhole to the small alcove in his roof was not quite square - almost as if it had been shifted recently..