View Full Version : Some People drive me NUTS!!!

Leten Snat
May 25th, 2003, 03:43:50 PM
Today this one lady was driving me insane at work.... First of all I work at a Zellers Department store, 15 years ago it was K-Mart... Well.... How bout I give people an idea fo what was going on today....

ME: Excuse me miss, The store doesn't open for another 10 minutes. Could you please wait outside till the store open. That door was unlocked for Staff only.

LADY: Don't you go tellin me when the store opens!! I know when it opens!! AND it opend 20 minutes ago!!

ME: I'm sorry miss, but the hours changed 2 months ago we now open at 10:00 on sundays not 9:30.

LADY: I've been comming to THIS STORE since before you were BORN! I know when it opens!!!

ME: I understand miss... But the hours are posted at the door, it says we open at 10:00.

LADY: Who do you think you are tellin me I can't be here!! I have every right to be here!!

ME: Miss... I work here... Hence why I have the company's uniform on.

LADY: I don't SEE the word K-Mart on your outfit!! Plus... I KNOW who works here!!! And YOU ain't one of them!!!

ME: I'm sorry miss... But this is ZELLERS... Not K-Mart... K-Mart closed down 15 years ago.


ME: No I'm not calling you a liar... but with all due respect miss... I think you need a updated phone book....

LADY: My phone book is FINE!!! And you, young man should learn to not talk back to your elders!! Now I'm going to do My shopping...

ME: But the store doesn't open for another 6 minutes... You have to wait outside....

This went on for about 10 mintues and at that time the store was open... though at that time she was trying to convince me that I don't know there the electronics departmet is, and that she would only buy K-Mart brand batteries... That also when she asked to talk to my manager, and I was happy to pass her off to him. Then I left the store, because I get off work when the store opens on sundays....

I'm sorry about all this but I just HAD to vent...

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 25th, 2003, 06:40:04 PM
Dear God! From my point of view, that is extremely funny!
Annoyed you to hell I bet. Many apologies friend, but Old people!


Lock them up at the age of 30 I say! Of course, I only have 11 years more to go, but for the Good of the Nation I will gladly be locked up.

Loki Ahmrah
May 25th, 2003, 08:10:26 PM
No-one in my store would take that crap for more than thirty seconds. That old cow wouldn't know what hit her if she acted like that over here and her feet wouldn't touch the floor on the way out. The customer is not always right and are more often than not wrong, time is money as they say and we don't waste it on people like that. I'd simply say: "Love, get out now otherwise this will be the last time you step foot inside this store."

Marga Alton
May 25th, 2003, 08:15:59 PM
I don't have to deal with customers where I do my 'work'. It's actually volunteer work and I don't get paid for it.

*gives Letan a piece of cake*

Rognan Dar
May 25th, 2003, 11:27:00 PM
:lol :lol :lol

Thats is sooooo funny. I dont work so I have no input to give and whatnot. I want to work, just now 16 so I need to be looking for a job. Just haven't started yet, heh.

Dae Jinn
May 25th, 2003, 11:28:30 PM
God, I don't want to get a job anymore :lol

I had a customer similar to that at my last place of employment, and well, she had a fit. I got sent home early and since i was moving, I quit over the phone and never came back :lol

Leten Snat
May 26th, 2003, 09:23:18 AM
Loki, I could have just told her to leave and then force her to leave, but it doesn't look good for the company.

I'm glad that my torment is giving all of you a good laugh. The place I work at is near by a number of old age homes, and housing for the elderly.... If they were locked up at the age of 30... This store would go broke!! :lol :)

May 26th, 2003, 09:49:47 AM
Doesn't look good for the company? It's clear that regardless of how politely you talked to her for the remainder of the conversation, her aggressive nature persisted. There's being polite and kindly then there's being naive.

Dae Jinn
May 26th, 2003, 09:54:57 AM
Yeah, but Zellers is a Canadian store ;) We have to be polite, even if the customer is a total jerk-off.

Leten Snat
May 26th, 2003, 10:30:21 AM
Dae has it about right... I am not even aloud to raise my voice to a customer with out having the manager comeing and chewing me out.

May 26th, 2003, 04:20:26 PM
Urgh. Do you have to say "Have a nice day"?

I'm polite and nice by choice but I couldn't abide being told that I have to say "Have a nice day" to every customer, regardless of how they treat me. I'd have to just sock it to em! :shootin

Dae Jinn
May 26th, 2003, 04:27:25 PM
We had to do that where I used to work. Considering I got into trouble for having "attitude", I doubt I'll be working in a grocery store anytime soon.

I hated that they made you smile all the time. I don't want to smile all the time, especially when I'm at work surrounded by morons and losers. I actually got into trouble for not smiling. They should be gladf I didn't just punch out people or throw cans at them :lol

Leten Snat
May 26th, 2003, 04:31:03 PM
I don't have to.... But the Customer Service Associates have to say that to everyone that they help... I'm only a Merchandize(sp?) Movement Technician (AKA. MMT (AKA. Stock Boy))

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
May 26th, 2003, 04:31:40 PM
:lol my customers are worse, they always always insist we didn'y check in their movie for a day or two and that it sat in the box all that time....

One: we check at 10, 12, 2, 5-6, and 8 so there's no way a movie can sit in there for any period of time.

Two: we are required to make sure the box is clear so no friggin way....

another one, the people who claim they got it in on time or maybe a a few mins after the noon checkin....

there is no blipping way of that since you all have till 2 actually so stop saying that ppl!

and my last final rant, the weird times ppl think our movies are due:

Midnight: no, hasn't been that way in six years

6p.m: I still don't know where they get this time from, we say the date and before noon that it's due and the receipt says noon too right on it, two times.....


Zatania Duvall
May 26th, 2003, 09:12:17 PM
Originally posted by Dae Jinn
Yeah, but Zellers is a Canadian store ;) We have to be polite, even if the customer is a total jerk-off.

O_o You mean in America we can actually tell off rude customers? Umm... no. lol I got a dirty look from the manager once just by being a little sarcastic as I said "Have a nice day" to a jerk off that decided that he'd ramble a bunch of sexist remarks, weight jokes, and ugly jokes. But the next customer was very nice and told me that guy must have been blind. :D

Heck, every single time a customer has been rude to me, the manager was right there and let the customer use me as a punching bag.

So I can relate to you dude. I've had customers that just wouldn't listen to reason when I tell them that the computers won't allow their checks or credit card or debit cards to go through. WHy? Cuz they're probably dead beats up to the cracks of their butts in debt. Losers that have nothing better to do than to take out their self pity over their pathetic non-existant lives on a stranger that is paid to shut their mouth or eat a pink slip.

May 26th, 2003, 10:52:04 PM
You try carring in and out pools, filling out fishing licences, mixing paint, getting fish out of a tank, chasing kids who like to hit people with plastic baseball bats, keeping a toy department clean which lasts about five minutes, helping get bikes down from the tall shelf, putting them back up again, and finally cashiering as your weekend. Yes, working at a Walmart Supercenter has it's perks.....I just haven't found it yet.

Zatania Duvall
May 26th, 2003, 11:26:03 PM
Worked there too, my man... I feel your pain. >_< It took me hours to help some coworkers clean the toy department, then we watched as some idiot woman allowed her children to throw toys on the floor and into places they didnt belong. Not to mention opening a few.

Silus Xilarian
May 27th, 2003, 01:15:14 AM
After about a week of working in a grocery store, iI came to the realization that it wasnt worth minimum wage to sit there and take crap off people.

If ppl got rude, I got rude. If ppl got loud, I got loud. When they threatened to fire me i'd say "Well, gotta do what ya gotta do". That would always get me a dirty look, right before they told me to get back to work.

One customer came in and said "Hey you, Ive been standing here for 5 minutes, and you havent so much as looked my way!"

Hey you?.....uh uh, James doesnt take kindly to this.

"Well its a good thing you finally spoke up, or it probably woulda been another 5 mins before I saw you..."

"Dont get cheeky with me."

"Oh im sorry, I'll lie to you and make up a lame excuse next time."

"Listen, Ive had a bad day, just tell me what aisle the chips are on."


"No they arent! Baby food is on aisle 3."

"chips are there too."

"No they arent!"

"Oh, my bad, meant to say 6"

"6 is the cleaning products!"

"Jeez, you know this place better than I do"

Thats when she went to the manager. She sat there whining for a few mins. So I told her she could just apologize, and I would be willing to let it go.

Got a 2 day suspension for that. Worst part was, the next day, I was already scheduled to be off work.

Managers R stoopid

Lilaena De'Ville
May 27th, 2003, 02:12:33 AM

I'm a good manager. Actually all of the managers at my store are good, although we DO have to kiss butt all the time. Its just a fact of our life. If we don't kiss butt, we're not "giving good customer service" although we draw the line at verbal abuse. Hello security, goodbye customer!

May 27th, 2003, 04:54:50 AM
Whenever I'm about to give somebody lip, I remember that if I don't, I continue to make fat cash. It helps me to not kill everybody I work with. I'm such a mercenary.

Zatania Duvall
May 27th, 2003, 12:31:17 PM
Minimum wage just isn't worth all the abuse. But one thing that bothers me more than anything at work is when older men will come in and call me "sweet cheeks" or "toots" and stare at my rear end or chest as I'm doing the lowiest work of my life for them.

Sameer Aryan
May 27th, 2003, 05:49:40 PM
:lol Silus, I like ur style!

My mom's one of those grumpy customers, it's kinda embarrassing :\

May 27th, 2003, 05:55:52 PM
Well, in our store we all work hard and are very close. I really enjoy working with the people there, it's a great laugh but the work itself is suicidally boring. We just collectively agree that we don't take crap from people, it is not in our job description that we have to lower ourselves to the underling butt-kissers of customers who are not always right and are more often than not wrong. I get on great with most of the customers, a lot, to the extent that I know their names and the names of some of their family members, it's a personal service but there's zero tolerance for those who wish to be rude, uncivilized and uncooperative.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
May 27th, 2003, 07:13:35 PM
oh, I hate the men who do that....there used to be a guy who would call me honey at the begininng and the end of every sentence....and as far as the staring at your chest goes, I get that a lot at work, yes I have a big chest but the BB uniform only makes it worse, when one bends over a little to say, write down the driver's license number on a check or whatever have you, the shirt gives anyone a full view of the twins....

and I hate the kids things too, there's the kids who take coverboxes all over the store or my most hated ones, the kids who go down the aisle and knock over the cover boxes and tapes....with those ones I play, let's find mommy or daddy little one.....

Eluna Thals
May 27th, 2003, 07:48:10 PM
I won't apologize for staring. You could always stay home that day, or wear a sports bra. Free country :cool

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
May 27th, 2003, 08:46:07 PM
:P yeah I know it's a habit but still dun like it....and sports bra does nadda if you're big chested.....

Eluna Thals
May 27th, 2003, 08:56:47 PM
Then I'll continue to look.

What is fun is when you get girls who ask angrily that you stop looking, trying to put you on the spot. I reverse.


Sorreessa Tarrineezi
May 27th, 2003, 09:03:41 PM
:lol my reply is usually "Having fun?" though I did get called a racist shortly after 9/11 for glaring at an arab guy who kept on looking there......

Zatania Duvall
May 29th, 2003, 09:59:35 AM
I was passive when I was working at my former two jobs, so I never said anything. :/ But if I were to actually be able to find a job in my nearly impossible to find a job town, then I will be forced to ask the customer to cease his or even her actions. If said person doesnt, I'm going to call the manager. If the manager doesnt make that person stop staring at my chest, then I will threaten to sue the store for allowing customers to sexually harrass. But God knows that would only be a threat and remain so. Businesses get all scared when they hear that three letter word. :D

As for rude people, I'd just be as sarcastic as I damn well pleased. If I got in trouble for it, I'd tell my boss that I'm not paid well enough to take crap like that 24/7 from people who expect me to be courteous when they themselves are not.