View Full Version : The Cleaners : Blue Skinny Mammy's part second (Open)

Darth Mugatu
May 23rd, 2003, 07:54:45 PM
The door of the B & G opens and a brilliant blue plume barges through like a Fyrtian Oxapottamus immediately followed by the soul jarring blue eyes and the lantern jaw you could chop wood on of the one and only Darth Mugatu (please love me). He exagerattedly looks at his sundial shaped watch and throws a limp hand in the air. "Sejus Chrits! It's been a freaking year already. Do you tulips think my gradfather clock is getting cleaner while you two have your sasses parked in your stools! Criminy Jicket!"
Then with swift movement , much like the Techno-Gods of the Criffi System from the days of yore, he calls out the door to His large onyx colored plant man. "Chewin Tabaccy! Clock! Chop chop!"
Chewin, muscles bulging taut against his fasionable armor midriff, brings in an ornate orange grandfather clock that runs on the 3 hour day cycle of the Tarrada Quadrant (look it up!) and sets it next to the Oracle Boyz. "Chizzin Tabizzin at your servizzin." , he says.

"You had best show more respect for the fashion designer that bought you from that rough gang of tree surgeons, Chewin, I AM the only masterizzin that you'll be servizzin. Pardon him boys, we've recently changed his fertilizer and it's giving him mood swings. So how 'bout you clean my freakin' clock!"

Cypress Oracle
May 23rd, 2003, 10:09:18 PM

They laced his corpulent throat.... distasteful, yet satisfying. Much like huffing expired air freshener.

"Cherry--never tastes like cherry."

The imaginary cherub nodded with complacent agreement. "What does cherry taste like?"

"It tastes red."

"Like blood."

"Good man, cherub. have you ever killed a man."

"I killed the mother of my children."

"You have kids?"


"How old?"

"Thirty-seven and one."

"Wow. What happened to the d---ing for those thirty-six years?"

"I'm an immortal baby. It took a while to recover."

"Ah. So is it bestiality if you do it as an angel baby?"


"What a slut she must have been, eh?"

"That's why I killed her. I found her with my best friend Aphrodite in bed."

"Oh, that must have been hot. I would have liked to have seen that."

"It was hot. I sat in the corner watching until they were done. My diaper smelled of Clorox. Then, an arrow for my lady."

"Your arrows can kill people?"

"Love kills."

"Ever the poet."

Suddenly, Cypress noticed a man standing before him, Darth Magatu. He was too wrapped up in conversation hear what he might have said.

"Come again", Cypress remarked.

The baby spoke to save his humiliation, "He wants you to clean his c---."

"His what?"

"I may have miss heard him."

"Whatever floats his boat." Cypress turns to Mercery. "My friend in Pampers may have mis-understood, but I think Darth wants you to clean him." He sees the clock. "Oh, clock. He wants us to clean his clock, not c---. Cherub, you are ever the curious lad."
Cypress turns back to Darth. "Clock." He sees the hairy fellow.
"Is it that hairy guy behind you? You want me to plug him right now? I got skills. No? Is he your friend? Yes. Is he a figment of your imagination, too? No. So he's real? Excellent. Why is he so... hairy? Does he need help with that? You like it. 'Cause I could get him some stilbestrol, I know a transvestite? But then he'd be what?... naked? Motherf---er's not wearing clothes? Damn. Where's his man meat? Oh, he's a Wookie? Wookie meat. Have you seen it?"