View Full Version : Sig Please!!!

Mitara Sinar
May 23rd, 2003, 02:23:56 PM
Could I Get A Sig? I'm leaving the Whole thing Open... All I want on it is the text:

Mitara Sinar
Student Of GJO

You can add any Text you think would be good, Have any pictures you think would be good.... If you didn't know already I'm using Hermione Granger from any of the Harry Potter Movies... I really don't have time to look for Pics for the sig, so any pick you can get is fine by me.


imported_Taja Loraan
May 25th, 2003, 06:15:17 AM
..Er... uhm... I believe Sakoya Myst is using pictures of Emma Watson. She just hasn't been able to post much recently, but will resume doing so soon. So.. uhh... yeah.

Mitara Sinar
May 25th, 2003, 01:30:45 PM
I just checked, and She hasn't posted for almost 6 months... I just want her from the Harry Potter movies, and if she has a problem with that then she can PM me and we can work things out... I've been using this Pic for about a month now and nobody questioned....

I'd still like a Sig with Hermione Granger as the pic... If I have to give up the pic than I will, but not intill Sakoya Myst PM's me about working this out.

imported_Taja Loraan
May 28th, 2003, 08:53:43 AM
Well, she's my sister IRL and the reason she hasn't been posting is more or less my fault (I tend to hog the computer, see). ^^; I didn't notice your character images, or your character for that matter because I've been away for the past month or so. Anyway, I made her a sig using Emma Watson but the main images I used aren't from any of the movies. Maybe it'd be okay okay for the two of you to both use Emma Watson, only you'll use her as Hermione Granger..?

Also, whatever you decide, I can make the sig for you if ya want. :)

Mitara Sinar
May 28th, 2003, 01:32:12 PM
I only want her as Hermione Granger. I have no problems if others use Emma Watson I just want Hermione... So If you could make the sig... That Would be GREAT! *Hugs Taja* Thanks!! :)

Mitara Sinar
Jun 12th, 2003, 03:57:39 PM
What are the chances that I my be able to get this Sig, sometime this year..... I don't care who makes it, I just want a sig.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 12th, 2003, 04:00:40 PM
Post in Marcus Request.

Mitara Sinar
Jun 12th, 2003, 04:02:11 PM