View Full Version : History of Saibot (mercenary for hire)
May 22nd, 2003, 03:19:50 PM
Saibot is a mercenary from a secret clan in an uncharted part of the galaxy. Saibot has a black trenchcoat lying underneath all of his sholder pads and right sided chest armor. His armor is placed on this side because of his strange heart disease: it causes a "berserk mode" to develop in times of dire need or in the most furious moments.This "berserk mode" enhances my strength and speed a little bit. Its only downfall is that Saibot is exausted to the point of unconciousness. He also has a triple claw saber's on both hands, extending from the wrists. They glow at a red tint. Also, the middle claw extends slightly further than the rest. He wares a sash around his neck that is black and wraps around his midbody. He has a helm that covers his whole head, except slots from the eyes, connecting to the nose, then goes down the the end, leaving an opening at the bottom(It sort've looks like the mask Magneto has). Also, under the mask, all you can see are his eyes, that are normal at all times, and rest of his face is covered in darkness. On his lower body is just a simple pair of leather pants, with a belt that is able to hold many devices if needed and shinguards on the legs and feet. On the arms, Saibot has guards covering the mechanics that emulate the claw sabers.
:: Mercenary for Hire. ::
Sitting at the corner table at a local pub, Saibot waits for his food and drink. Hoping to get a job soon because of a shortage of money, he ponders to himself and tries to think of a way to get a job soon.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 22nd, 2003, 03:45:48 PM
Rivin having been watching Saibot for a little while, and decides to approch. His black cloke allowing only the on flesh showing to be a bit of his chin. His pale skin has a slight greenish tint to it making it look like he is a walking corps. When he gets to Saibot he says in an alwost demonic voice....
"You are The Mercenary named Saibot.. Are you not?"
May 22nd, 2003, 03:58:42 PM
Saibot looks the sith over... He tries to contemplate what he wants.
> I am he of whom you speak. How may I be of service? <
He patiently looks at the dark figure, waiting for his answer.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 22nd, 2003, 04:03:00 PM
Rivin sits accross the table from Saibot
"What kind of work do you do? What is your opinion on gathering information through viloent meens?"
May 22nd, 2003, 07:11:24 PM
Saibot gathered his thoughts and pondered deeply. He then changed to a more attentitive state.
> Gathering information. Taking care of certain "enemies". The only thing I wont do though is attempt to elimate one of extreem power. As of gathering information through violent means... Lets just say i will try in any to the best of my ability to finish the "task"<
Wraith Frostmourne
May 22nd, 2003, 07:28:07 PM
"Oh really Saibot? Will you now? Would that include assasinating me as well?"
Wraith stepped in through the door, taking notice of all the lowly local scuzbags. His icy presence peirced even the laziest of souls.
"Take no heed of this sorry excuse for a darksider, he will only lead you to an unfortunate end."
May 22nd, 2003, 07:35:31 PM
Saibot quickly flared his anger at Rivin. He then stood up and spoke.
> Did you plan this?! Was he following you? Was this the enemy you wanted to me to seek?!<
Saibot then suddenly glanced at wraith.
> You look like a tough advisarry. Though i would not like to fight you, i will if it comes down to it, but there may be other ways.<
He then relaxed a little.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 23rd, 2003, 09:49:22 AM
Rivin looks up at Wraith with a displeased look. He stands unclipping his two lightsabers from his belt.
"I have never met this man before.... And if he does not leave us to our busness, He will wish we never met."
Rivin glances down at Saibot
" The target I have for you would not come to a place like this without a reason. Though She is still a rather tough apponent."
Wraith Frostmourne
May 23rd, 2003, 02:19:15 PM
"Dont be so hesitant to draw your blades just yet, unless you want to die a foolish and meaningless death."
Wraith takes another step closer towards the two men.
"I have business with Saibot elsewhere, he has more important tasks than doing your dirty work."
Dark Lord Rivin
May 23rd, 2003, 02:30:29 PM
"If you have other business with him you can wait your turn. I doubt that you would be able to kill me easily. Have you ever fought a Sith Master before?"
May 23rd, 2003, 02:34:33 PM
Saibot glanced curiously at Wraith. Then with a sudden understanding of his words, be begins to speak to Rivin...
> Sheath your weapons and do what he says. I have a feeling there is more meaning to his words than what we have heard.<
He then stares at Rivin, wondering if he will accept his words. For the moment, that is.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 23rd, 2003, 02:39:18 PM
Rivin looks back at Saibot with a displeased look... Sith masters don't like being ordered around... but he thinks it best to see how thing unfold, so he puts his lightsaber away and sits back down.
Wraith Frostmourne
May 23rd, 2003, 07:22:51 PM
Wraith stares at the two men before him. Why are people so hostile these days?
"I have been contacted by a certain individual to bring you in, Saibot."
He grabs Saibot's shoulder, and at the same time, gives the Sith Master a shrill glance. Saibot's shudder at the touch of Wraith was terribly obvious.
"Come, we don't have much time. I'll explain on the way."
May 23rd, 2003, 08:52:57 PM
Saibot ponders for a moment: What are his intensions? Are his motives for good or evil?
Then, though reluctantly, he spoke.
> Though your thouch chills me to the bone, I will come with you. I believe what you say. <
Then Saibot looks towards Rivin.
> And dont worry, Sith Master. I will talk again with you soon. Though you may not believe me, i will contact you. <
Saibot then started to leave the bar with this "new employer", whos touch chilled him to the bone.
May 23rd, 2003, 09:03:14 PM
A dark shadow sits and waits for Wraith outside of the pub. Epyon begins to think about his creator Fiend and his plans. Epyon thinks back to the day when he met up with Wraith on a mission that Epyon and Wraith were assigned.
Epyon flexed his muscles, the blades within his body tense while his eyes flased red. Thoughts of destuction flashed through his mind.
May 25th, 2003, 11:12:15 AM
As Saibot and Wraith slowly walked out of the bar, Saibot started asking Wraith questions.
> So now that you have my attention, what do you have planned for me, Cold one?<
Then, waiting for his reply, Saibot suddenly saw Epyon, flexing his muscles. It appeared that he was looking for a fight.
Wraith Frostmourne
May 25th, 2003, 12:38:08 PM
Wraith turned and gave one last look to the Sith Master as he sat smugly at the table. He was amused that he had obtained Saibot in his custody before anyone else could, this target seemed to be extremely dull-witted. The two exited as Saibot popped his first question. Wraith felt the presence of his acomplice as he spoke.
"Not only do I have your attention, but I have you as well."
Wraith motioned to Epyon from behind his back.
"In the meantime, just shut up and sit tight."
May 25th, 2003, 08:34:14 PM
Epyon followed Wraith and Saibot as they exited the pub. Epyon looks to Wraith and grins, because they knew what awaited Saibot.
:: Did Rivin give you any trouble Wraith?::
Wraith Frostmourne
May 27th, 2003, 08:15:45 PM
"No of course not Epyon. There wouldn't have been much of a delay if he had anyway, so don't worry."
The three men came to a dimly lit street not far from the tavern. Awaiting them was a black limo, just as their lordship spoke of.
Wraith opened the door and shoved Saibot in, then slammed it shut. Taking a seat next to the driver, he left Epyon to watch over Saibot in the back. Wraith sat comfortably, observant of all his surroundings as the limo took off into the night.
May 28th, 2003, 09:36:26 AM
Saibot wanted to get comphy, but he couldnt because of the anticipation of this mission. Its not your average day when your dragged into a limo with two impervious characters. He slowly started to talk to Epyon, being courteous not to create hostilities.
> Though I do not know what your planning or whom you want me to meet, but all I want to know is this: Are your intentions good or bad? <
He graciously waited on Epyon for an answer, hoping to find out more on his "mission".
Kunio Shinryu
May 28th, 2003, 07:28:44 PM
Kunio sat smuggly, awaiting the arrival of the three warriors. Upon the arrival of the three, he looked at Wraith and said, "Jesus Christ boys! Don't you think you could do any better than this lowlife? God, what a catch! Let me tell ya!" the warrior continued to rag his colleagues about their job. "Come on! Master Fiend awaits us in the inner sanctum..." He ignited his saber and postioned it beneath the newcomer's chin, "What is your name?" he awaited patiently for the mercenary's answer.
May 28th, 2003, 09:16:59 PM
Saibot was suprised at the warriors approach. Who was this character? Saibot thought that he would soon find out in time, but the best route whould be to answer his question.
> My name is Saibot. And put that weapon away. You might hurt someone. <
Saibot then slyly grimaced at Kunio. He then followed Wraith and Epyon into the "Inner Sanctum", anxiously awaiting his meeting with Fiend.
May 28th, 2003, 11:49:16 PM
:: The secretary at the desk by the large obsidian doors smiled at the coming of three of the highest ranking individuals in the Horde and the "invited" behind them. She nodded, her dull red irises large and faceted like a ruby, as her white hair shifted.::
"Please, right this way, Master Fiend is just finishing with another business associate."
:: She winked at the three generals, of course only thoughts of lust and evil passing through her mind.
The door opened by itself and the secretary's full lips turned in a smile as a body went flying past and over the four men. The unrecognizable body moaned as it slumped against the far wall and than gave its last breath before dying. Parts of its body just crumpling off in pieces of charred flesh. The secretary looks up, her eyes flashing brilliant red.::
"Go on in..."
:: The men enter a large circular room, a dias at the other side led up to a massive throne, spikes and carved figures of torment and pain etched into its side. I sat upon the black velvet cushions, one foot on the ground while the other black boot hung off one side of the chair. Both arms were encased in the twisted gauntlets, the spikes protruding from the knuckles. One arm hung off one side of the chair, still smoking from my last deal, while the other rested in my lap. My black cloak hung open revealing a bare chest, heavily tattooed with ruins of the darkside. My eyes blazed as a portion of my generals entered.::
Wraith Frostmourne
May 29th, 2003, 08:01:39 AM
Taking a humble bow, Wraith introduced their "catch of the night."
"Master Fiend, we found the target in a local pub not too far away from here. Luckily we got to him first before some other nuissance could. He seems to be very laid back and non hostile, so have fun with this one."
Wraith grins and takes a step to the side, allowing Saibot to pass through to his lordship.
May 29th, 2003, 08:58:23 AM
:: I stood, my long hair, down to the midway of my back, shifted with the movement. My pale face was in question and a wicked smile, all directed towards Saibot.::
I am Fiend, Master of the Horde and President of Blastech Industries. Soon to be the pinnacle of a galaxy of chaos.
You are blesed by the fates within the Savage Garden Saibot. You are given the oppurtunity, the cliff hanging choice to change parts of the galaxy. Join the Horde, embrace the Fiend cells, become another one of my chess pieces, and help me checkmate the light... or give me five minutes of pleasurable torture on your body and a good week of pain from each of these three before you.
:: I laughed, the metal gauntlets clenching as light glanced off the twisted plates. He was given a choice, not all good choices, but if you liked pain, the later was your kind of thing.::
Wei Wu Wei
May 29th, 2003, 12:20:33 PM
ooc: ack, wrong character...
Kunio Shinryu
May 29th, 2003, 12:22:26 PM
ooc: here is the correct character
"Master? May I be the first to torture the wretch if he does not submit to you?" he smirked as he bowed. "And I thank you dearly, for the cells in my body have made my sight come to perfection... All accepting my other eye." He looked over to Saibot and ignited his saber once again. "I've got my eye on you, mercenary... That is, until you recieve the cells... From then on, our beloved master shall have you in his grasp."
May 29th, 2003, 02:29:57 PM
Saibot calmly pondered about the choices given to him. Death or Rebirth, power or weakness, darkness or light. It then occured to him that Lord Fiend could bring him great power.
> I agree to your terms. For one, your words could sway the whole Republic. As of the other choice...Lets leave it be.<
Kunio Shinryu
May 29th, 2003, 06:31:59 PM
Kunio chuckled calmly, "My my! It seems I don't have to worry with you anymore, now doesn't it Saibot?"
Kunio put out his saber and began to shuffle the empty hilt around with his hands, back and forth, back and forth, everynow and then throwing up and catching it behind his back, alternating it from hand to hand. "I'm feeling violent today! I want a victim, and in a hurry... perhaps I could strike the blood of this weakling and show him the power of the Fiend-cells that have stricken my vains?! What do you say, master? Could Saibot come out to play?!" he began to chuckle violently...
May 30th, 2003, 08:22:04 AM
:: I smiled, knowing the some insane tendencies of the cells because they were just imitations of my ownself. My eyes flashed red as I stepped down the dias lightly, coming to a small table on the side. I picked up a small vial and held it up into the light, blacker than night and yet still resembling blood, my cells were massed in the millions within this small container.::
Saibot, you will embrace the cells and once the painful acceptance of your body is complete, you fight Kunio to see whether or not if you are worthy of them. His goal, your death, your goal, see if you can... incapacitate Kunio. Agreed?
:: of course he had no option.::
Kunio Shinryu
May 30th, 2003, 10:50:41 AM
"Thank you, master! I embrace your gift of fighting this weakling with great joy! Come on, worm! Take the cells and lets go!" he cackled insanely.
He ignited his saber and began to juggle it around violently, accidentally cutting his shoulder and watching it heal in seconds.
"EMBRACE THE POWER!!! No addrenaline could do this for you! It will make you unstoppable!"he grabbed his forehead with the hand not holding the sword and began to laugh uncontrollably.
Wraith Frostmourne
May 30th, 2003, 11:01:23 AM
Leaning up against a column, Wraith watched the giggling Kunio commit himself to the fight against Saibot.
Somebody seems to be nothing but talk today....
Kunio Shinryu
May 30th, 2003, 02:54:21 PM
"I can't believe you! You doubt the power of the cells vested in us?! Besides! I am a great swordsman! I could take you down anyday! But I have no quarrel with you, Ice Witch, its the black guy I want! ENGARDE!!!" he said as he watched Saibot walk towards Fiend. He also walked towards Fiend and caught up to the mercenary. He held his saber beneath his chin. He brought it down and made a quick strike at his neck, and with great coordination, unignited and reignited his saber, to make the illusion that he had just swiped off his head. He frightened the mercenary.
"I have a little secret to tell you all! I was once a good-hearted gentleman with a notion for revenge! I submitted myself to the cells and all my evil became good, and then some! Master! If Saibot is of a good heart, he will be as strong as I! I can't wait to duel this clown! I was once blind, but now I see! I am only days away from regaining my other eye!" he chuckled and smirked as he delivered his message.
May 30th, 2003, 03:13:42 PM
ooc: no one else post to this thread, its on hold now
May 30th, 2003, 09:13:40 PM
Saibot thought to himself: What does this one eyed freak want? Why is he so anxious to fight me and what is his quarrel with me?
Then he thought; the Fiend cells. Is this what it turns you into? A freakish battle monster stirring for a fight?
Saibot smiled at the thought of a real battle. Now was his time to show his true skill. He walked up to the throne and excepted the cells. He could instantly feel the power forming within, his muscles growing and his body twitching with strength.
Saibot twisted aroud, and in that same second, he extended his claws and propeled himself at Kunio, suprising him with his speed and agility. Then, in a blink of an eye, Saibot jumped behind him and made a cross on his back. Then, he kicked him so that Kunio layed at the base of the throne, his face in suprise and agony at the same time.
> Since you were itching for a fight so bad, I though you'd be a little bit more ready for that one.<
Saibot then chuckled to himself.
Kunio Shinryu
May 31st, 2003, 10:52:25 AM
"A dirty move! I can see you are no swordsman... only a spineless coward."he chuckled with disgust. He ignited his saber and began his quickening assault on the foe. He cut of some of his claws just at the tip as to disarm the weakling. He cut across his face to form a deep wound in his cheek that opened with his cries. He ran up and began to crush his face violently, lifting him up into the air, giving no mercy to his spineless foe. "I could finish it now! but a dirty fighter may come in handy! Although battle has rules, war does not!" he said as he grinned. He began to slowly pass his saber around his body, making him feel its divine heat. His foe began to perspire, but Kunio was unsure of it being caused by heat or fear! He extinguished his saber and began to grip his face in one hand and his throat in the other with a deadly vice-grip. "Look who's bark matches his bite, eh Wraith?"
Wraith Frostmourne
May 31st, 2003, 11:09:24 AM
"Not bad for someone whose interested in picking on a weakling," he replied cooly.
May 31st, 2003, 11:19:31 AM
Saibot was almost knocked unconcious by the last attack.
> That was quick and agile, ferocious one. But the fight is yet to end so fast.<
Saibot then grabbed Kunio's arm, to his suprise. He then started to raise his knee, planning to hit Kunio in the face. He hoped that his plan would work, seeing that if it doesnt, Saibot would have to go to more...desperate measures.
Kunio Shinryu
May 31st, 2003, 11:22:58 AM
Kunio took the hit, as to show the power of the cells vested in him. His lip burst and blood began to slowly trickle down his chin. He licked it from his face and began to concentrate. His foe watched as his lip healed before his eyes. "See?! This is true power! Power that can match that of a god's!" he began to cackle. He threw a punch towards his foe's midsection, anticipating the force of the blow. He concentrated on the force around him and charged his fist with great power from within.
May 31st, 2003, 11:30:32 AM
Saibot flew across the room. Never has Saibot faced such power in his life.
Such things are to be expected though. Saibot rolled with the blow, and then stood. His face dripping with blood mixed with sweat. Saibot jumped, and while jumping, he started to spin, making the cloak fly up around him. He then went into a deadlock with the furious swordsman, making an "X" with his claws to try and hold back the warriors strength.
May 31st, 2003, 02:51:33 PM
:: I stood back up from where I had sat to watch it all go. This was my turn in the game of display. My eyes flared red, leaving a trail of red light at the sides of my face as I lifted both hands up to my chest.
The final point of the Fiend cells was to come to bearing now for Saibot...
I clenched my fists, the metal gauntlets suddenly hissing with heat. I activated the Fiend cells to a higher degree within both of them now. Saibot and Kunio were blown back from each other. Red lights seemed to raced up and down their veins and arteries as they both tensed in a slightly uncontrollable pain. They both knew the pain, but Kunio, having been saturated with the cells longer, was able to enjoy it more so.
They both, without free will, came to their knees before me. With their heads bowed, they kneeled at the base of the dias as I stood before them, my fangs seeming longer, my hair like metal now, my pale, sickly skin looking almost like scales. My voice sounded like two things, a tornado and a nails on a chalkboard.::
True Kunio, Power that does match the gods, because it comesfrom the birthplace of those gods, the Savage Garden. It comes from me, the living symbol of the Garden, the incarnate of the Darkside! I am the breathing figure of destruction, I leave nothing to create, I block the stars from giving life and I shall smite the light when it comes to the moment of the fates! Every soul is bound to me! When you die, you shall see me! And having sacrificed your souls to me, you will be rewarded! But as you still breath with me, know that your power is not of you, but bestowed upon you by a god, ME!
:: The muscles on my chest spastically twitched. As the force usage drained me, I wasn't even using it, just pushing the limits of my physical filter. I could feel it, holding me back from my true potential. I needed to train myself more... open myself more to the Garden so that I could feed my children accordingly.
A black torrent whirled about me and about the others as I pushed the limits further, all of our eyes glowing in unison. I smiled...::
You are brethren, Kunio. Death is no longer an objective against one another. We shall not fight amongst each others as weaklings have done before. Survival of the fittest exists outside of us because we have already won that battle, we are the Horde and the Savage Garden has blessed us.
Wraith Frostmourne
May 31st, 2003, 08:15:47 PM
Wraith stared in awe as Fiend exhibited another awesome display of the power bestowed in the darkside. It was extraordinary, an event which even more reassured his faith in the Savage Garden. He was glad now that his lord had ceased the whimpering between his two comrades, for it was beginning to seem a bit repetitive and agitating. Now they could get back to the confirmation of their newest member.
Kunio Shinryu
Jun 1st, 2003, 12:15:06 PM
"Feel the power of Fiend! He is a god! You shall bow to his every order and wish!" he said as he commenced to bow on his knee.
Jun 2nd, 2003, 10:11:54 PM
Saibot diddnt know how to respond, but to smile meniacly and and bow, his body tattered but reformed. He was no longer Saibot the mercenary, he was Saibot, child of the Savage Garden and follower of the mighty Fiend. And then he spoke.
> Thank you master Fiend for my rebirth. There will no longer be any bickering, no rivalries between brethren. All there will be is the sweet sound of destruction echoing throughout the galaxies. Cries of pain, tears of agony. These will be the keys to the Horde's rise to power!<
Saibot then bowed his head to his new lord.
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:21:12 PM
Epyon stood aginst the wall, amazed by the master's power, he thinks back to when he was created. Falling out of the test tube on to the floor lifeless. Then the master brought me to life, giving me the destuctive power I have today.
Epyon comes to his sences and laughs to himself. Epyon was amused by the fight between Kunio and Saibot, but he was confused towards the master's reasons for giving the Fiend Cell's to a common mercenary.
Epyon walks over to Fiend and ask
:: Master, why have you given Saibot, a common mercenary, the Fiend Cell's!::
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:27:19 PM
:: my head turns to Epyon barely, a smile crossing my face. Good, at least someone had thought that other than myself.::
Epyon, everyone is entitled to my gift. But only those strong enough to stay alive through what comes at them while they hold my gift will truly deserve it. He is a common mercenary, no real name for us to call him by, but you'll see. Just like those that follow me and have never seen my face, their moment will come.
:: I looked back to the kneeling Saibot. He had no name of reputation as far as I was concerned but the more people that fought for me, the better and the less I would have to fight when it came to that time also. And I didn't have to pay him either, I broke into laughter at that thought.::
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:13:10 PM
Epyon understood what Fiend had told him and excepted it.
:: What are you going to do with him now that he has accpted thge Cell?::
Jun 4th, 2003, 06:22:15 PM
Use him what else? You are all my weapons of the Garden. He will do what all of you do, destroy and casue havoc. If he dies. So be it.
:: I shrugged, careless, as I lazily fell back down into my throne. One of hundreds I owned. This one was just here... nothing special about this buillding other then a place where the Fiend cells were delivered and handed to those that flocked in like sheep from the acolytes.::
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