View Full Version : Exhibition spar 4

Pierce Tondry
May 21st, 2003, 12:04:55 PM
(ooc) Combatants, please read this thread (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29512) in Avalon before posting.

Agden Ithrin
May 21st, 2003, 12:14:34 PM
When the Zabrak Padawan had signed up for a small combat tournament, with other trainees like himself, he’d not imagined that it would be held in front of a crowd of people. He may have been tall and had the appearance of someone confident but he was quite conscious of himself at all times – especially since his hearing had become defunct.

At least it was warm outside. This meant that there would be no need for robes, and so Agden had come dressed in some loose fitting sleeveless overalls. He had a saber hilt tucked into his pocket, though he wasn’t quite sure whether he was meant to be using it or not. Seeing as though his opponent appeared not to had arrived yet, he simply sat down on the stairs that lead up to the sparring area and waited, quietly reassuring himself that he would be fine.

Chaos Alexander
May 21st, 2003, 01:07:01 PM
::Alexander made his way to the area with his head lead high. He acted like a typical younge Garou. Arrogant and cocky. He had been in the Order a while, but he was making patchy progress. His combat ablities were second to none and he hand a good grasp on the Force and how it worked, but he lacked a major thing. The full mind-set of a Jedi.

He had come a long way. When he started he was violent, well he still was at times, mean, and cussed alot. He had a high regard for life now, and truely loved the Light. he was just very agressive. Also, unforgiving. Hima nd his sister, Xazor were working on that though and were coming along fine if not slow.::

"I am here now. When shall we begin?"

::He was dressed in wide legged black jeans. His combat boots were dirty and worn. He had on a tight, white tank-top. Scars could be seen on his arms as well as his tattoes. The head of a black dragon could be see on his neck, and markings of teh Chaos God Kashalla were over his organic left hand all the way up to his elbow. His right arm was robotic and uncovered. A Jagged scar ran from the top of his left eye to the bottom-right of his jaw. He wore all of them proudly.::

"Agden Ithrin, another Padawan to my sister Xazor. I have heard much about you. It is an honor."

::Alexander bowed low in respect. Yes, this will be fun indead.::

Agden Ithrin
May 22nd, 2003, 11:35:27 AM
When Agden looked up he was somewhat shocked with what he saw. A semi-bionic, battled scarred warrior, baring markings on his flesh that looked all too like the tattoos of cultists he had had chanced upon in the opium dens on Coruscant. After a moments pause he corrected himself and nodded in greeting before standing up and mimicking the bow. If this was truly his Masters brother he could see some resemblances, not only physically but in his attitude – his Master was a confident woman who knew her strengths, and it seemed this man did to.

“Aye, pleasure. Dawnstrider, right?” the Zabrak questioned as he glanced for a moment over his shoulder at the stage.

“Wi’fightin hand’t’hand or wi’sabers?”

Mitara Sinar
May 22nd, 2003, 12:52:56 PM
Mitara takes a seat and waits for the fight to start...

Agden Ithrin
Jun 5th, 2003, 11:16:39 AM
ooc: bump. where are ya nancy...

Chaos Alexander
Jun 5th, 2003, 02:21:43 PM
OOC: Oops....

::Alexander smiled one of his smiles.::

"How about both...and maybe none?"

::He pulled a bag from off his back and took something out. He tossed the bag aside and slipped the object on his left arm. It was a metel gauntlet of some kind. he covered from right above his elbow and ended at his wrist. The top kept going thought and wrapped around his fingared like a metel glove. This kept his wrist and fingars from being bent backward. Twin energy blades, around two feet in lenght, came out around his wrist area. The same thing happened with his robotic arm.::

"These are my own creation. They are called Photon Claws. They are created the same as one would a Light Saber."

::The Jedi got into a strange battle stance.::

"Shall we dance?"

Agden Ithrin
Jun 15th, 2003, 02:01:56 PM
Immediately Agden saw weaknesses in the weapons, his surprisingly tactical mind planning a stragetic well ahead of their actual fight.

“S’pose wi’better start, aye.”

Agden delved into his deep pocket and retrieved the slim hilt. Built for quick fighting, the double-hilt was perfect for his preferred style. He brought it into one hand and struck a defensive kata on the stage, igniting the lower of the two blue blades with a hiss and motioning with his other hand for Chaos to attack.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 20th, 2003, 05:50:15 AM
::Alexander nodded and rush foward. His claws worked the other padawan's saber in a perfect dance. The two spun and dodged, parried and thrusted.

Alexander slaced foward forcing Agden to block the attak, once he did Alex slaced at an angle with his free faster left claw. Aiming to cut the Jedi in two.::

Agden Ithrin
Jun 20th, 2003, 07:45:20 AM
While the upper blade parried the first hit, the second blade sprung to life to take the second. Physically Agden was a large person, and when he pushed forward on the center of the hilt – adding to this a little help from the Force – it made for a lot of power, hopefully knocking Alexander back long enough for him to get in a low lunge with one of the saber blades.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 22nd, 2003, 10:59:54 AM
::Alexander was not a large man. He was a bit above average, but he was smaller framed. This made for a problem. He fell back a ways and struggled to regain his balance. Then he saw the Other lunge at his low. At his current condition, he could not parry the attack.

Instead he stun to his side, he was not stronger, or larger than this man, but he was much faster. Alex knew that he this turned into a grudge match he would lose fast. He had to keep moving. That was the only know advantage he had at the moment. At the blade slide past him, He opened his organic palm and held it foward. He slamed Agden with the Force and kept moving away from him trying to keep himself out of the larger Padawan's reach.::

Agden Ithrin
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:28:33 AM
The quick movement was, admittedly, difficult to keep up with. Agden was quite clumsy with his footing and found that he was far better at heavy handed techniques than flighty hit and run maneuvers.

The Force Push caused him to drop back a few paces, one hand letting go of his saber as it whipped down at his side, dangerously close to cutting at his own boot. Thankfully no harm was done and he used the momentum of the swing backwards to carry on forward, stepping one foot forward and scythed the blue beams as Chaos’ torso.

Chaos Alexander
Jul 15th, 2003, 05:55:20 PM
::Alexander jerked his faster left arm down to catch the attack. He caught of of the blades and slowed the attack down enough to that his rigth arm could block as well.

The pressure from the much bigger man came into play now though. As Alexander struggled to hold his ground the his left claw shorted out and cut off. The massive force of teh attacks were to much to take over and over for his gauntlet. As teh blade died to twisted to his left and hit Agden with a fast Force shove.

It did little, but gave Alex time to get some distance between him and the other padawan. He was not skilled enough with the Light Side to do any real damage with that attack, one day though it would be different.

As he came around his robotic arm converted to it's main weapon form. Teh Tri-Gatiling Gun. He held it out and opened fire. Let teh fool try and block all of these blasts.::

Agden Ithrin
Jul 26th, 2003, 03:18:39 AM
“What the vulk are ye doin’?!”

Agden twirled the twin saber jaggedly in front of his body, ricocheting shots as best as he could – with some degree of success, although he was having to jump and hop about to avoid most of them.