View Full Version : Entulesse et Hisilome: Gypsy Wanderings (open)

Írimë Aranel Lúinwë
May 21st, 2003, 10:35:28 AM
It had been many years since the People had come to Coruscant. By nature they were nomadic, and by law never came back to one place too quickly. It was accepted by all that knew of them and a necessity to those that were of them. Most commonly they were called ‘gypsies’, though this was done in ignorance. The People, when referring to themselves, said they were ‘raane mahtars’, wandering warriors. It was hardly true, for they tried not to resort to anything of violence, but it was perhaps more accurate than the bigoted terms.

As the bedraggled group entered the establishment, nattering away in various dialects that were spoken too quickly to catch, patrons stopped to stare. The People hardly noticed however, for they were too busy enjoying themselves. There were twelve, four women and eight men, all dressed in loose, exotic clothing. One among them stood out, her dark hair cut short contrary to the others; she seemed to be in a rather unhappy mood and the others were taking advantage of it. A man with a newly trimmed black beard and twinkling eyes, called Yori, flipped up onto his hands and smiled at her.

“C’mon Írimë…I’ve done a trick an’ naw y’ve got to give me a kiss!”

Írimë, who was refusing to speak Basic at the moment scowled down at Yori.

“Auta miquala orqu!”

The People laughed, though they didn’t understand what she had said. Írimë was usually clever and from the tone of her voice they could tell she’d insulted him. Grinning from ear to ear, Yori regained his stance on his feet and before she could stop him, gave Írimë a wet sloppy kiss. He was her adopted brother and so it didn’t mean anything romantic…that perhaps made it all the more gross. Írimë shrieked and shoved Yori away, wiping her mouth hastily. She wrinkled her nose at him, sniffing the air disdainfully.

“Lle holma ve’ edan…amin feuya ten’ lle!”

The People were laughing again and one of the other woman patted Írimë’s shoulder sympathetically. But she’d had her share of joking and so she walked off to try and gain some solitude.

Flumping down into a chair, Írimë wiped her lips again. A small serving droid rolled over and blipped. Tucking her dark hair behind her ears Írimë sighed and glanced at it.

“Bring me a dark ale.”

Her voice was heavily accented as she uttered the Basic, and it was obvious that she had not grown up among the People. But Írimë was not concerned with it. All she wanted to do was to relax and drink. Yori grinned at her from across the room and waggled his eyebrows. Scowling, his sister shook her head.


May 21st, 2003, 04:39:55 PM
Tie walked into the bar just wanting to relax and talk to some people. He saw a group of people over to the side and it seemed as if one a female was insulting another male. He could tell that they were related in some way and was reminded of his own brother who had died on Corellia a few years back. He walked over and said "Hello, I couldnt help but to notic ethat you two were arguing. Are you sister and brother?"

Írimë Aranel Lúinwë
May 22nd, 2003, 09:43:16 AM
From her seat Írimë looked up at the newcomer blankly, scrutinizing him. Yori had grown quiet as well and slowly made his way over to her table from across the room. It was apparent that, just as others were wary of them, they were wary of others. She didn't say a word, allowing Yori to adress him.

"Yes and no. By blood we are not related. But blood is not everything."

Írimë nodded in silent agreement. The two stood watching and their companions had now come to join them, all staring at Tie. All was very tense and then quite suddenly, Yori grinned and spread his arms.

"You will drink, yes?"

A round of hearty cheers broke forth from the wanderers, save Írimë. She shook her head disdainfully. Quietly one of the women of her group, Sarra, came and sat across from her. Her brown eyes glittered and she smiled softly at her friend.

"You are not comfortable here Írimë?"

Írimë shook her head.

"I don't like it here. Amin n'rangwa edanea, I don't understand these humans."

Sarra nodded and then shrugged.

"Not much to us. Try talking, maybe you will figure us out one day."

She got up and went to the bar to order a drink, while Yori pulled Tie into a seat, next to Írimë's booth. She stared at the young man.

"I am Írimë, that one is Yori."

May 22nd, 2003, 03:34:44 PM
Tie took the offered seat and thanked Írimë. "Pleasure to meet you two. Where are you from?" Tie also accepted the proffered drink thankfully because he was very thirsty from his training earlier.

Írimë Aranel Lúinwë
May 28th, 2003, 10:43:08 AM
"All over."

Írimë answered between sips. She didn't waste words, preferring to get right to the point; Yori was the one who liked to talk, and he proved thusly by finishing her answer with a devilish smirk.

"Now we are from all over...Originally from Indu San. Írimë though is not from there...She only came to us oh, maybe nine, ten years ago. It is hard to keep track of the time."

Írimë gritted her teeth and gave her brother a warning glance. Too much conversation often led to the spilling of too much information. Anxious to change the subject, she fixed Tie with an even stare.

"And what about you? We are not accustomed to sitting with strangers. What is your name?"

May 28th, 2003, 06:09:29 PM
"I come from Corellia. My full name is Taichi Yamagi but you can call me Tie. So what do you do mainly?"

Írimë Aranel Lúinwë
May 29th, 2003, 11:59:07 AM
"That is none of your business, young one."

She was beginning to get impatient and it showed with her snapped replies.

"We do not discuss our business. You however--"

She leaned back in her chair and put her booted feet on the tabletop.

"--can feel free to do so if you wish. The People like to hear about other ways of life. If you'll excuse me for a moment, Yori will keep you company."

Írimë stood, taking her mug with her, and walked out the door, stopping on the stoop of the establishment. She crossed her arms over her chest and took deep breaths of the night air, relieved to be away from the heady, crowded bar.


May 30th, 2003, 03:10:12 PM
"Well Im a part of the New Republic Armed Foces. I fly in the StarFighter Corps. Thats about it"