View Full Version : Cat and Mouse - Your thoughts

Telan Desaria
May 20th, 2003, 04:43:34 PM
Some of you may have read the first part of my prestige thread series, Cat and Mouse. It itself is an in-depth series of threads which will shape the face of the Imperial Sovereignty with both inner- and outer-workings. Here is a synopsis I created for my own reference. Your thoughts are welcome. I am doing this because I trust all of you implicity, and welcome your opinions.

It may also, minutely, affect your own plans/threads.

Cat and Mouse – Synopsis

Plot 1

Admiral Sokolov has made plans to come into contact with a representative of the New Republic military to offer a cease fire and truce. News of this message was intercepted by Imperial Intelligence, and was heard by its Director, Maisson Latt. (the source was a paid informant in NR High Command) Immediately, he happened upon a plan to stop Sokolov and make himself invaluable to Admiral Desaria, who has had little use for more than extended Reconnaissance reports. An Invincible-class Cruiser was purchased from the Crayven Corporation on Sluis Van and refitted, costing the Empire 14.8 million credits. The Cruiser was then fitted with a cloaking device, and sent off on its mission: destroy the Discrepant, Sokolov’s flagship. In order to circumvent the cloak, a ship was attached to the cruiser, a small 100 meter ore hauler, the Milsivich.

The Cruiser attacked the Discrepant, which had to travel to the rendezvous point alone and at standard speed, due to a hyperspace minefield laid by Admiral Lebron during the First Remnant Wars.

Eventually, the Cruiser will destroy the Discrepant, but Sokolov will escape aboard his personal freightor – but his nav instruments will be inoperable. Lost and dead in the water. The cruiser will return to Imperial Space, only to be destroyed by Intelligence to erase all evidence of its involvement.

Plot II
Betrayal on High

Latt informs Admiral Desaria of the actions of Sokolov, the Grand Admiral’s friend. Eventually, after much swaying, Desaria decides – and pruding by Latt – to interfere with Bastion. He begins to hatch a plan to send there a fleet for the purposes of re-Imperialization. Then – during a briefing by Latt to the senior officers who informs them of Rebel activity and their Fleet dispositions, there are suggestions that they hit the Rebels while Senex winds down. It would boost morale after fighting fellow Imperials in the S-J. Desaria agrees, and Fondor is set as the target. Admiral Laran is chosen to lead the assault, at the head of the Grand Raider Division.

Meanwhile, on Bastion, an officer rises to power in Sokolov’s unexplained absence who is willing to join the Sovereignty rather than capitulate to the Rebels. He meets with Latt, who agrees to secure his place of power in the aftermath in exchange for erasing all traces of his instrumenting the NR-Syndicate meeting

Plot I-A (Short)
Rebel Meetings

The Republic decides after Admiral sokolov does not arrive that something has gone afoul. A task force is created to go to Bastion, whose location has been uncovered by NR Intelligence. Shaaven Tiirik, a rising star in the Intelligence world, is given the assignment of gathering as much data as possible on the Syndicate in preparation for the expedition.

Plot III
The Game Begins

Latt, Imp Intel Director becomes aware of the NR mission to Bastion, as he had hoped. He also learns of their Intel machine, which was unexpected. He thusly begins a personal duel with Tiirik to keep his information inaccurate and stay Imperial plans. When Tiirik succeeds in discovering the plot to attack Fondor through diversion, Latt has him killed – creatively.

Plot IV –
Deadly Ambition

The plot to kill Grand Admiral Desaria is brought to light, as supposedly investigated by Latt, who handles the matter personally using only a small cadre of trusted henchmen. He has the choice of becoming Desaria’s second or eliminating him. Given the Grand Admiral’s open disdain for spies and spooks, he has to have him killed – secretly, of course. After the failed attempt in Senex, Latt tries to destroyer the Inquisitor, the beacon of power and constant reminder of Desaria. The Inquisitoriate, under Leon Degrelle, intercepts the bomb and begins digging into the conspiracy. To a man, Latt’s lackey’s are killed by the Inquisitors, but Latt removes himself from them and escapes the noose. He remains safe at his Intelligence post.

- Subplot – Financial records which show the complicity of Intelligence in Sokolov’s death and the Admiral’s assassination plot are delivered to the Inquisitoriate, which begins sorting things out. The news is delivered to Grand Inquisitor Degrelle, and, after Bastion is taken, decides that enough disloyals have died, and all worked for the better. The matter is closed.

Plot V –
Averting the Eyes

Desaria arrives at Bastion with his flagship and much pomp and fanfare. He is welcomed by the leader on Bastion, who begins speaking with Desaria and whispering the evils of Sokolov. Latt is with them. Without warning, Sokolov arrives at the helm of a border patrol frigate and sneaks aboard the Inquisitor. There, he shoots the Commodore, and is then himself shot by Latt. Secure as usual. Soon thereafter, the Rebels arrive and are driven off.

Plot VI –
Endgame –

All plots tied up and the Battle of Fondor commences.

Sean Piett
May 20th, 2003, 08:06:24 PM
Looks airtight, Telan. Cool.

Telan Desaria
May 21st, 2003, 04:26:24 PM
thank you