View Full Version : A Warm Spring Night (Gareth, Talzen, open)
May 20th, 2003, 12:58:30 PM
Agalaria was out walking the streets of Coruscant. The sun was still up, but it's in the process of setting, but the beauty is there, even though this is a city planet. She walks up and down the streets of a less fortunate area on Coruscant, handing out a bit of food and money to those that are in need. Gareth won't be to pleased with her, but she does what she can, he does what he will. She wishes to make things easier for these ppl. In her heart, she dislikes most ppl that bring harm to the unfortunate, but there is one that she doesn't dislike. She has not yet figured out why that is so though. But she walks, smiles occasionally to those that she gives things to, feeling wonderful when they thank her for her kindness.
Lord Talzen
May 20th, 2003, 01:05:49 PM
Talzen was out for a walk when he saw a woman giving handouts to the street people... Talzen walks up behind her....
"You shouldnt wast good food and money on those street rats..."
May 20th, 2003, 01:08:49 PM
Agalaria turns around very gracefully, her black hair tied back loosely behind her ears. She turns her gaze at Talzen and smiles slightly.
"I do not waste good foor on street rats. I give food to those that are in need. There is a difference. If I may ask, why do you call these ppl street rats?"
Lord Talzen
May 20th, 2003, 01:13:52 PM
Talzen kicks a pan handler in the face as he grasps Talzen's leg....
"They are Filthy, sick, Vermin, that take all that they can from others. They, Are weak and stupid, so they are not even good as workers."
May 20th, 2003, 01:18:12 PM
Agalaria winces slightly as she sees Talzen kick a pan handler in the face. She goes over to the pan handler and hands him a bit of the food she's got before turning her attention back to Talzen.
"I have to disagree with you on that sir. They may seem stupid and yes, some of them actually are stupid, but nobody has given them a chance yet. They can not afford education. They may be filthy, and they may be sick, but there is not alot that they can do about it due to the situation that they live in. They are weak because they have not had proper food, and with education, they will not seem stupid so they are in fact, really good workers when they are given the chance to prove themselves."
Lord Talzen
May 20th, 2003, 01:23:18 PM
"It is expencive and time consuming to fead and educate these vermin to the point that they are usefull. These THINGS are not worth your time."
May 20th, 2003, 01:29:00 PM
"It may be expancive and time consuming, but the end result is quite worth the time and effort put in. These ppl are quite worth my time and I will do what I can to make their lives a bit easier in the hopes that they will manage to get themselves into a better situation."
::A child runs up Agalaria and grabs her legs, hugging them. The the child goes to speak rather hurridly about something, speaking both basic and another language which she doesn't know yet.::
Agalaria kneels down to the childs height and smiles kindly and hands the child an apple which the child grabs happily with one hand, but continues to hold onto her.
"Child, go down the street a ways, and I will be there shortly." she says in a soft voice.
::The child nods and runs off down the street, holding the apple protectively::
"I'm sorry about that sir, but children seem to be drawn to me when I'm out and about down here."
Lord Gareth
May 20th, 2003, 01:31:30 PM
He sticks a foot out as the child runs past and chuckles slightly as he watches the kid hit her head on the ground and start crying. The childs crys draw Agalarias attention his way and he steps out of the shadows where he was standing and approches her. Upon reaching her, he puts a hand on her shoulder and frowns slightly.
"I thought I told you not to bother with these vermin and to not come to Coruscant here."
Lord Talzen
May 20th, 2003, 01:38:31 PM
Talzen Laughs as the child falls on her face...
"The only hope that these things should be given, is that they get a quick death"
May 20th, 2003, 01:43:18 PM
Agalaria turns quickly as she hears the child start to cry and frowns when she sees that it is Gareth that caused the child to cry.
"Lord Gareth, what a pleasent surprise to see you here. I thought that you never came here so I thought that I would take a look around to see what exactly it is that you don't like about this place." she says softly as she gives Talzen a dark glare.
"Neither of you should be picking on the unfortunate, or even laughing at their misforturne." she mildly reprimands both Gareth and Talzen for their actions.
"Every being deserves to hope for something better, whether they hope for a quick death or a better life. Life above all is sacred." she says in a warm voice, hoping slightly that she can win Gareth over to her way of thinking, but knows she doesn't have a chance at that when he squeezes her shoulder.
Lord Gareth
May 20th, 2003, 01:45:33 PM
"Agalaria, you know better then to talk to me like that. And you especially know that you do not reprimand me. Ever."
Gareth squeezes Agalaria's shoulder to warn her not to proceed on that topic. He then turns his attention to Talzen, a person who decided to laugh when the child started to cry.
"Who might you be?"
Gareth questions lightly.
Lord Talzen
May 20th, 2003, 01:50:12 PM
Talzen sees that the other man is dealing with the woman... Then answers the question.
"My name is Talzen. Apprentice to Rivin. "
Lord Gareth
May 20th, 2003, 01:53:54 PM
"Well Talzen, I hope you serve your Master well.
Please excuse Agalaria here. She has some very foolish ideas in her head which she insists on following. I'm trying to get them out of there so that she can be a much better person."
Gareth turns Agalaria around so that she is facing Talzen again and steps behind her, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist, to hint that she's to stay still.
May 20th, 2003, 01:55:18 PM
"And I take it that Rivin encourages you to pick on the helpless and the unfortunate." she says quietly as Gareth turns her to face Talzen and then wraps his arms tightly around her.
Lord Talzen
May 20th, 2003, 02:00:21 PM
"I'm glad to see that somebody is trying to correct her thinking, the way she is going could get her hurt."
Talzen looks at Agalaria..
"My master runs by his own rules, and is a genuis. He would not waist his time with these things ether"
May 20th, 2003, 02:02:30 PM
"From the sounds of things, he's cruel and likes to harm ppl for the fun of it." she says, a hint of annoyance in her voice.
"Maybe if you open your eyes, you can see that you can do lots to help these ppl instead of making them suffer."
Lord Gareth
May 20th, 2003, 02:03:56 PM
"The way she's going, she has gotten hurt, but refuses to change, so I have to do what I can."
Gareth digs his fingers into Agalaria's sides after she's finished saying what she did, letting her know that spoke the wrong words.
May 21st, 2003, 12:00:16 PM
Agalaria frowns slightly when Gareth digs his fingers into her sides, but desides to stay silent about it for now.
Lord Talzen
May 21st, 2003, 03:34:50 PM
"But is fun to make them suffer."
Talzen kicks street kid off the walkway, though the kid manages to hang on to the edge, His grip is slipping.
"Well at least you are correcting her... may I please have your name sir?"
May 22nd, 2003, 08:08:09 AM
Agalaria tries to get out of Gareth's arms to go help the street kid that Talzen just kicked off the walkway, but Gareth is keeping his grip on her, not letting her go and help the kid.
Lord Gareth
May 22nd, 2003, 08:11:53 AM
Gareth chuckles as the street kid is stuggling to keep their grip on the walkway. As Agalaria tries to go and help the kid, he just keeps a tight grip on her, not letting her go.
"Names Gareth, though most ppl refer to me as Lord Gareth back home.
It's not an easy task correcting Agalaria here. I've got years of foolish teachings to break on her before she'll even be willing to think that my way might be better."
Lord Talzen
May 22nd, 2003, 12:09:42 PM
"Well good luck in your teaching. I hope that your sucess will come quickly."
A young street girl goes to try to help the kid hanging off the edge. Talzen walks up behind the girl and quickly flips her over the edge. The girl catches hold of the hanging boy's leg now both of them are hanging there, about to fall to their doom when the boy's grip give out.
May 22nd, 2003, 12:16:41 PM
Agalaria takes a deep breath, calming herself before she quickly brings both of her hands, in fists, up to hit Gareth on both sides of his face. She then hurries over to the street kids, grabbing the boys hands just as his grip gives out on him.
She then carefully, brings the kids up, as quickly as she can to prevent either of them from falling to their doom. After she's gotten them up, she takes one hand of each of them and hurries them away from Gareth and Talzen and whispers to both of them to avoid the two men that she's with and to hurry along before they get caught again.
After that, she staightens herself up and goes back to Gareth and Talzen, knowing that she's going to feel Gareth's anger, but doesn't care. She did what she had to do to help the kids.
Lord Gareth
May 22nd, 2003, 12:21:51 PM
He gets hit in the face by both of Agalaria's fists, causing him to reflexively release her. Before he can do anything to stop her, she's helped both the kids up and is hurrying them away.
After she comes back he looks at her before slapping her across her cheek with one of his hands.
"How dare you do that girl! You do realize just how much trouble you're in now don't you? Of course you, you've done this before, well, this time it's gonna be worse."
He promises her in a very angry tone.
Darven Calmoarn
May 22nd, 2003, 12:22:09 PM
"Amost there, boss." Bithi's tone is sarcastic as we make our way up through vents and long forgotten passageways to one of the power hubs in Section 2A35. I look up at him and nod, and he carefully inserts a slicecard into the key slot.
A few tense moments pass, and then we're in. The other four men with us, two from my people and two from Bithi's, scatter into the reactor chamber, keeping a look out for any technicians coming to check on things. The schedule we've worked out say that no one is going to be in this paticular room for at least ten minutes. But, things happen. I'd rather be safe, than sorry.
Bithi, a tall man who liked to shave his head, bends over a terminal. "I think this is the one."
I nod, and join him there.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2003, 12:26:36 PM
"Well well well." A cloaked figure, about five foot nine and slight in build, walked out from the 'street rats.' "What have we here? These do not look like good odds, sweetheart." The voice was feminine and it was directed at the darkhaired woman.
De'Ville didn't know these people, but when had that ever mattered? "Why not leave the woman alone, and pick on someone your own size?" Her eyes glittered under her cloak as she spoke to the two men who were little more than overgrown bullies.
Lord Talzen
May 22nd, 2003, 12:38:56 PM
Talzen looks over to the new arrival as he kicks the legs out from under another street kid so that the kid hits his head on the walkway and is knocked out.
"Miss... I recomend you stay out of this... I wouldn't want to see a beautifull lady as yourself get hurt."
May 22nd, 2003, 12:57:35 PM
Agalaria doesn't bother to try and block the blow from Gareth and as the slap hits her face, she lets her body go into a spin, and she hits the ground. One of her hands comes up and tucks some of her black hair behind one ears and she wonders why she stays with Gareth.
She picks herself up slowly from the ground, dusting the dirt off of her red and white dress as she turns to see who just showed up. She then mumbles under her breath "domestic disagreement" which it is only minimally of since she lives with Gareth at his home.
Lord Gareth
May 22nd, 2003, 01:02:06 PM
He grabs Agalaria tightly by one of her arms and spins her around so that her back is again his front. He then wraps his arms around her, but over top of her arms so she can't pull the same move on him again. He then turns his attention to Lilaena and smiles very faintly.
"I suggest you leave the group of us be. We have everything under control here. Don't you agree Agalaria?"
He tightens his grip slightly to encourage Agalaria to agree with him.
Epona Rhi
May 22nd, 2003, 01:19:51 PM
"You see, thats why I hate men so much. You silly boys always think you got everything under control."
Came a voice from behind them. Another female, shorter this time came out from the alcove wearing a white tattered shirt and leather pants. Her eyes were violet in color and they practcally glowed from where she stood.
Lord Talzen
May 22nd, 2003, 01:50:45 PM
"Ladys, Please, could you just let we and my new friend enjoy this nice day. Though I don't mind being surounded by attractive young ladys such as the two of you, I would rather avoid any sort of hostal conflict with those of Goddess-like beauty."
Talzen has a fealing that these women are more skilled in the dark arts of the force, he is and thinks it best to try and keep on their good sides, and hopefuly they will go after Gareth and leave him alone.
May 22nd, 2003, 02:03:15 PM
Agalaria smiles weakly as Gareth tightens his grip on her slightly, but nods her head in agreement, though the look in her eyes says otherwise. She then goes to stamp on Gareths foot rather hard with one of her own, trying to get him to let go of her, not worrying about the consequences that'll happen later.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2003, 04:29:45 PM
De'Ville took in the struggling woman in the white dress, and turned her gaze back to the one who was holding her. She bent down and put a hand on the child who had been knocked to the ground in front of her. He seemed fine.
She let her hood fall back as she stood to her feet, the lights of the nearby neon advertisements casting colored lights on the angles of her face. The other dark haired woman, with purple eyes, was also a stranger to her. Now there were three people who's motives she did not know. De'Ville flipped her lightsaber into her hand, and picked up the boy at her feet with the other. He groaned and got his feet underneath him as he came around.
"I think that people who want to stay in one piece should leave. Jedi business." She gave a meaningful look to the human litter around them, and the people shifted uneasily, and then scattered. The little boy ran away holding his head.
The Dark Jedi looked at the two men, and added, "I only ask once. If I have to ask twice, it is usually more of a statement." She ignited her amythest lightsaber, and said, "You will let the woman go."
Darven Calmoarn
May 22nd, 2003, 05:26:07 PM
I check my chrono. The sun is setting, and already the crevices and most of the sector is bathed in darkness. That's the problem with cities with huge skyscrapers and skyhooks. The buildings obscure so much of the sky, there is only a small window of time when the sun actually shines on the pedwalks and bridges. Artificial light is what keeps Coruscant shining.
And its just about to short out. Accidents happen all the time. This is just another one.
Bithi looks at me, and I hiss to my other man, "Markoth? Are we clear?"
"Clear." Markoth looks around the corner of a processor taller than he is. "Let's get this done."
I nod at Bithi, and he enters the code. It's a normal command code, one that would tell the system to route power around an accident site. It would be activated normally if there were powerlines that were exposed (building damage from speeder crashes sometimes do this), only in this case it will shut down the power to the entire sector.
The technicians are going to have manually reboot all of the power grids in this section to find the one that malfunctioned, fix it, and then the power will be restored. Just a little bit of espionage on our part.
The lights flickered, and went out. I flick on the wrist light I'd brought, as do the others. Bithi grinned. "Now that's what I call having fun."
We exit quietly through the door we'd cracked open, and it locks automatically behind us. Within three minutes, there is no trace of us, and we are deep inside the underlayers of the city planet, on our way back to our own sector.
Above us, the lights, signs, and everything that was powered by electricity winked out. The only light left in the sector was the light coming from a lightsaber, which bathed five people in an eerie light.
Epona Rhi
May 22nd, 2003, 09:12:39 PM
Epona smiled as she watched the other female ignite her saber. She used the force and called her twins from their holders on her boots. With both hilts in her hands, she stepped forward.
"I was wondering when this little party would start jumping." She pointed her right arm at the man who spoke last. "Well mister, seems me and MY new friend here think you two need a little attitudinal adjustment. Like to pick on little children do you? Slap around women huh?... With that she ignited both her orange blades. ...the choice is your's of course."
She put a foot in front of her, orange blades thrumming, her violet eyes glowing brighter. She gave the other woman a slight nod letting her know she had her back. Nothing Epona liked better than to show some neanderthal who really was the "boss".
Liu Fong
May 23rd, 2003, 07:24:01 AM
"I'll offer up another choice, while we're all standing here with this young woman's fate in the balance," Liu says sharply.
The street dweller has learned to melt into shadow, in order to avoid the less wholesome characters that are met on the ground levels. Not that any of these Force sensitive people couldn't have noticed him through his decidedly lightside aura before hand. His right hand hefts a small durracrete stone, and lying by his left sleeve is a length of heavy metal pipe. His left arm is hidden in shadow; there's no need to reveal that it doesn't exist.
"How about...the two women with sabers take a few steps back...their male opponents do the same...and those being 'picked on' can go free, while you settle your differences. No need in risking harm to them."
Lord Gareth
May 23rd, 2003, 08:11:00 AM
He looked at the two Lady's with lightsabers and frowns slightly, his own lightsaber tucked away out of sight. He then glances at Liu when he started to speak. As for Agalaria going to stomp on one of his feet, he just shifts his position slightly to avoid that.
"Please ppl, this is a private discussion, and we would like it if we were not interrupted. My Lady here had decided to run away and I got concerned with for her safety so I came after her. She's a violent person, but I try to keep her from hurting herself and others.
I'll just take my leave now and I'll take my Lady with me so she can't try and kill you all which she undoubtedly would try to do."
He changes his grip on Agalaria and takes her hand, keeping a firm grip on it as he takes a step away from everybody else, dragging Agalaria with him. Today, he has no desire to get into a fight because he wants to deal with Agalaria first, then he'll let himself get into a fight.
May 23rd, 2003, 08:23:07 AM
"Lord Gareth, please, just let me go about my business and you can deal with me at home." she says in a frustrated tone. She has no wish to have a fight break out. When Gareth quickly changes his grip on her, she tries to pull free, but Gareth keeps a solid grip on her hand.
She then gives a pleading look to the others around her, silently asking them to help.
"You know full well that I'm not a violent person Lord Gareth, and that I dislike fights with a passion. And you know, that I have never killed in my life." she says again in a frustrated voice as she tries yet again to pull free from Gareth, but doesn't succeed.
Lord Talzen
May 23rd, 2003, 10:05:42 AM
Talzen backs off slightly and drops his hand to his lightsaber...
"Wait... I haven't touched the woman.... I was just getting some Vermin out of my way."
Talzen calls out through the force....
Master.... Help.... Please!!! HELP!!
Dark Lord Rivin
May 23rd, 2003, 10:17:47 AM
Rivin was not far away when he got the call from his Apprentice... He walks through the shadows, which is not hard with the lights out, and watches, he unclips his two Lightsabers ready to step in when needed....
May 23rd, 2003, 11:37:33 AM
Ebony had felt the presence of Gareth through the Force. She had a brief talk with another Jedi before finding herself on the way to where Gareth is. The the lights went out, but that doesn't bother her. She is after all catlike. Her fur black and on a black belt at her waist hangs her lightsaber. After a short while, she finds herself at a spot, still hidden in the shadows, where she sees Gareth. Her eyes narrow and a very slight hiss escapes her lips when she sees him. With him are several others who she has not met, but her hand drops down to her lightsaber and unhooks it.
Then, in a quiet, yet powerful voice, she says.
"So Lord Gareth, we meet again. How unfortunate for you."
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2003, 01:40:35 PM
"Is this a party, or what?" De'Ville looked around skeptically at the other people who seemed to melt out of the darkness into the light cast by the two sabers. The moon was rising now, casting a weak light down through the buildings.
Disregarding all the others, she walked towards the one known as Gareth and the woman. De'Ville addressed Agalaria. "Do you want to stay with this man, or would you rather be free of him? I have no time to waste on this, if you are just going to go home with him again tonight."
She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye, and she moved slightly, keeping her lightsaber between her and the newcomer as a woman clad in black leaked out of a shadow, lightsaber in hand.
Lord Gareth
May 23rd, 2003, 01:57:20 PM
He lets go of Agalaria's hand as he hears Ebony's voice, a slight smile appearing on his face as he pushes Agalaria over to Talzen.
"Tell me Ebony, how is my best apprentice doing?"
He asks in a sarcastic tone before he looks to Lilaena.
"Do with the girl what you want. She's just an amusement for me anyways. A way to occupy my mind from my troubles like Ebony here. And Agalaria won't be coming home with me tonight since we don't live here."
He slips his hand behind his back and pulls out his lightsaber which was hooked onto his belt as if it was a part of his belt, his eyes frequently going to Ebony.
May 23rd, 2003, 02:11:12 PM
"Right now I want a break from being with him since I've gotten tired of him trying to get me to learn his ways. So yes, I want to be free of him." she says in a quiet voice, perhaps some can not hear what she says.
Agalaria is then pushed by Gareth over towards Talzen. She stumbles slightly and falls to the ground at Talzen's feet. Leaving her head lowered, looking at the ground, she brings her feet closer then what they were, not having the will right now to go against Gareth anymore.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2003, 02:47:18 PM
De'Ville barely nods in acknowledgement of Agalaria's words, and then slashes horizonatally without warning at Gareth, now that he is free of his human shield. He was facing towards the woman he called Ebony, and not really looking at her, and his lightsaber was not engaged. An easy kill, unless he had more skills than he appeared to.
With her own background, De'Ville has no patience for men that abuse women.
After being cut in half, he'd not be hurting anyone anymore.
Lord Talzen
May 23rd, 2003, 02:55:12 PM
Talzen Starts to back away from LD trying to make his way into the darkness un-noticed. He hopes that this doesn't get too ugly, He doesn't want his outfit to get dirty.
Lord Gareth
May 23rd, 2003, 03:24:37 PM
He senses through the Force, the attack that LD is doing. He quickly sidesteps away from LD to avoid the horizantal slash, he then quickly glances at everybody who has shown up since he arrived and decides that things right now are definately against him and that Talzen has come up with a smart idea. Run.
That is when he takes several quick steps away from LD, away from the small gathering that had appeared, not turning his back to any of them, and does his best to leave the area, using the darkness to help him make his escape.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2003, 08:43:10 PM
When it becomes obvious that the two men were not going to put up a fight, she relaxes back into a defensive position, lightsaber still on. Her eyes track to a man in a dark cloak who is hardly visible in the darkness. De'Ville turned towards Rivin, her lightsaber illuminating him more as she shifted her position.
"If you are the master of these two cowards, I suggest you teach them better manners. Damn Sith. They find it easy to hurt those weaker than themselves, but when faced with a challenge they run like dogs with their tails tucked between their legs.
"You should all be exterminated, like the infestation you are." De'Ville let comtempt drip from her voice like venom.
Epona Rhi
May 23rd, 2003, 09:29:37 PM
As Lilaena addressed the so called "master" of this rabble, Epona caught sight of the one she had spoken to trying to sneak away. With quick speed, she thrusted her arm out and delivered a force push which sent him flying backwards into the adjacent wall.
"Going somewhere?"
This was indeed turning out to be very interesting that was for sure. From two on two it looks like it went to four on two. Not bad odds, she thought. She wondered if she'd be able to use her other "toys" which she carried.
Dark Lord Rivin
May 25th, 2003, 02:36:41 PM
Rivin Looks at LD as she turns to him and answers her by saying...
"I'm afraid that only the blond one is my falure in progress... I have never met the other Bastard... It is the Sith that act like the two of them that give us a bad name... But my apprentice knows when he would be killed.... he has almost no skill with a lightsaber and his spine is made of Chicken Dung.... Killing this worthless excuse for a Sith would only be doing him a favor, because thaen he would not have to deal with me."
Lord Talzen
May 25th, 2003, 02:45:19 PM
Talzen gets thrown to the wall, and winces in pain... He pulls himself to his feet saying....
"I was just trying to stay out of the way! I really have done nothing wrong! So why don't I just leave you ladies to deal with the problem *points to Gareth*. I'll just be going now.."
Talzen trys to sprint away from the croud...
May 26th, 2003, 08:16:18 AM
Agalaria looks up in time to see both Gareth and Talzen fleeing. At least for now, she doesn't have anything to worry about. Her gaze then goes to Ebony, a humanoid cat with black fur and from the looks of things, a lightsaber in her hand.
She stands up carefully, taking a deep breath as she dusts off her dress. She keeps herself quiet, not knowing what to say right now. Never in her life has she come across a situation like this before. But there is always a first time for everything.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 26th, 2003, 09:08:54 PM
De'Ville made a motion with her left hand, and Talzen went sprawling, nearly falling off the pedwalk as the Force pushed him off balance and to the ground.
"I dislike people who abuse children almost as much as I do the ones who abuse women." This was getting a bit crowded. She caught Talzen's eyes and promised mentally (although no one but herself heard it) You have not seen the last of me. Then she took two long steps to the edge of the pedwalk and dove off.
She turned a neat twist as her body flew through the air, and clipped her deactivated lightsaber to her belt before slowing her descent and landing on another walkway far below the original one. Lights were starting to come on again, as apparently the problem in the reactors was being rectified.
Lord Talzen
May 27th, 2003, 08:34:29 PM
Talzen falls and hits the ground as he is force pushed. Then stands again...
"Well unless anybody else wants to toss me about.... I will be going now."
Talzen goes to walk off...
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