View Full Version : Heartbeats

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 18th, 2003, 06:27:50 PM
Cloud City

s'Il stood silent, brooding over the readouts in front of her. She was using one of the public terminals, checking her personal accounts for any messages Gabriel Hyde might have left her. There were a few, but mostly they were tips for her; which planets to avoid because Millard was there looking for her, etc. Hyde had been loyal to her in that respect, and if not for the fact that she was sure Millard would track her there in no time, she'd go back home; to Yag'Dhul. Many times he'd almost found her, but she'd always managed to escape before he could actually get his hands on her. At times it was a bit unnerving; that he could find her so easily.

And then there was Silus; the man had done so much for in the respect that he flat out hid her whenever she visited Balmorra. It was always nice to be around him, and she almost wished they weren't so competetive when it came to life between themselves; that's what'd killed them. But at least both had remained close; closer now possibly than even before.

s'Il sighed, signing off, and turning from the terminal, stepped out into the foot traffic streaming down the streets. The volume of people wasn't too much, but there were enough to create a sense of being closed in. Not that s'Il minded; she felt more at ease in the larger groups; easier to blend in and out... to disappear.

And that's what she did.

In the crowds of Cloud City.

Severen Morkonis
May 18th, 2003, 07:30:14 PM
On the run she was, on the run from Taylor Millard. Scared? Fightned? Worried of capture? Of course she was. If only had Sieken known this before he would have taken her for himself, stolen her, minipulated her, HAD her.

Night had fell by the time Kasstra had arrived on Cloud City.The stars above glittered like a carpet of precious stones dug into the inky black sky where the city itself lit up playfully and while busy was not overly crowded. The Dark Jedi had not often looked up towards the stars as he was under Vega's ownership but now he was free perhaps it was time to enjoy the finer points of life, the stars in his opinion were very beutiful. Taking a deep breath the Dark Jedi stepped from the transport and into the streets of the city.

Kasstra was dressed in a black hooded cloak, one of which was traditional in wear of a darksider. Is hood flopped losely over ones head and formed a shadow across the Dark Jedi's face, something he would rather have to be less noticed. The cloaks tail drifted slightly in the wind as Sieken walked steadily along the street in search of some light entertainment, perhaps a quiet drink while he plotted his plans as a free man. The Dark Jedi Reaver then opened his mind to the street, he wanted to learn about the inhabitants if the city, he listened to the soft whispers of the humanoids thoughts passing through his brain.

I must return to my wife, she will be angry...I'm SO affraid of her

Time for another drink...

More thoughts raced through his mind, he closed his eyes softly to welcome them and then suddenly out of the jumbled mess of peoples inner thoughts, private thoughts came a name he recognized, a name he was sure he had heard before.

Oh Taylor Millard!! why do you keep hunting me?

Sieken quickly opened his eyes, his mind stayed firmly open looking for the one who had said his name, it had been a womans voice, a womans whisper. She was affraid of capture, on the run, always looking over her shoulder. Siekens eyes moved side to side quickly trying to re trace her thoughts, and then after concentrating hard it flickered again this time he felt her presence. He looked quickly left to see a blonde woman stalking down the road, crossing the road Sieken made haist. He would not loose her in the crowed.

What was she scared of?..he had to know. An unknown force driving him towards knowledge.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 19th, 2003, 10:08:24 PM
She strode through the crowds, weaving in and out of the bodies around her as she made her way down the street. It was a pleasent evening, neither too hot nor too cold, and she'd left her jacket at the hotel she was staying at, opting for a simple pair of grey infantry trousers, a black sleevless, and old flight boots. It was simple, effective, and suited her tastes.

She had no particular destination in mind; she was planning on meeting up with her supplier, Rhisa Meier, in an hour, so until then she was content to let herself relax to the best of her ability. And so, wandering into one of the side street lounges, s'Il found herself a table. Lowering her frame into the seat, she leaned back, waiting for the server to show up.

Severen Morkonis
May 21st, 2003, 03:17:41 AM
It was not long after S'Ilancy had entered sat down to a table that Sieken swept into the bar after her. Pulling his hood down to rest upon his back the Dark Jedi had exposed his face from the shadow for the first time in an age. Siekens white hair which was once short and ear lengh had matured to just below shoulder length which strengthens the fact that his face had grown a considerably older and alot more wiser as an effect of HAVING to in Vegas company. Sieken however now was alot more buff. Instead of the 6'1 thin, pale man, he was now still thin but had seemed to have gained alot of toned muscle about his body which of course could not be seen under the cloak.

He knew where she sat strait away, his mind now clear on where she was all the time, he could sense the womans presence among others. Not only that but she had a very familiar smell perhaps one of an animal or beat, perhaps she was a shape shifter like himself...a lupine? Sieken now took a seat a few tables from the blonde woman a menacing smile across his face, he was served a drink and then the waiter slipped across to take her order, he would wait and see his opportunity to talk to her...through the mind or verbally..it didn't matter. Ether way it would happen.

He had no specific plan, it would just roll out as the night wished it to.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 4th, 2003, 08:54:28 PM
s'Il sat back almost casually, crossing her legs beneath the table and laying her hands palmdown on the tabletop. It was nice to finally just sit back and relax, and she couldn't help but idly wonder how long her respite would be. How long it would be until she had to start running again. It was strange; she was used to being on the run... tof being chased down and hunted. But this was different... this hunt that Millard had initiated was relentless; he seemed to always be almost on top of her before she could just barely slip out of his graasp. It was exhausting, trying to find hiding spots and sanctuaries. Tiring in every way.

Here, on Cloud City, she could only pray that she was safe for at least a short amount of time. She knew it wouldn't last, but good things never did.

As the server approached her, s'Il leaned back in her seat. Ordering a water, she watched lazily as the woman bustled off to fill her order.

Still leaning back, she closed her eyes... taking in the scent of the bodies around her. Some were clean, most weren't. Some were alien...

...her eyes snapped open.

The scent she'd picked up on was familiar... a Lupine was in the bar; another like her.

Head turning in the direction of the smell, her eyes fell on a man; white hair falling low, and a lean strength exuding from him. She stared unabashedly at him, noting the weathered look on his face, and metallic eyes narrowing imperceptibly, went back to staring into the space in front of her.

So he was a Lupine? She didn't care. Sure there weren't many in the galaxy as far as she knew, but a part of her erred on the side of caution.

She had too many people looking for her to not be careful.

Severen Morkonis
Jun 15th, 2003, 08:14:23 AM
' And who are you?...' Sieken asked after a few moments of silence from them both. ' You look to pretty to be alone...' He said quietly almost seductively.