View Full Version : 1 on 1 Fleet Skirmish.

Park Kraken
May 18th, 2003, 04:29:40 PM
(OOC: Okay Maal, here is the set up for the battle. You are in charge of the Imperial Defense Fleet for the planet of Balmorra. Your fleet consists of: 1 ISD Mk2, 1 VSD Mk2, 1 Strike Cruiser, 1 Lancer Frigate, 1 Carrack Cruiser: 36 TIE Executioner Mk3, 48 TIE Fighers, 12 TIE Bombers, 5 TIE Scouts. My Fleet is a New Republic Battlefleet. It consists of: 2 MC-90 Battlecruisers, and 3 Escort Frigates, with 72 X-Wings.)
It was a thing of beauty, really, Kraken thought as the stars flew by the viewport. Hyperspace, a thing of wonder, now in the past, as his fleet drops out of hyperspace. Kraken gazes at the world before him, one of Industrial might, and soon to be in the New Republic's hands. His fleet arrayed before him, he makes his first moves. His sensor officer reports that an Imperial Fleet is arrayed against him. He deploys his frigates into a V formation, with one ahead of his cruisers, and the other two to the left or right of his cruisers. His cruisers are side by side. He launches all 72 of his starfighers, and keeps 36 of them back as a screen, and sends the other 36 to attack the enemy fleet.

Maal Lah
May 21st, 2003, 10:18:47 PM
Orbiting the world of Omerose, Commander Maal Lah allowed himself a smile of satisfaction. As a commanderof the Federacy, he had been tasked with the misison of defneding this vital planet from the Rebel Scum. A task that seemed to be very easy. Rebel fools, so predictable and foolish,he thought. He issued orders to his crew of green officers. "Send Black Tide to engage their X-Wings. And send two squadrons of Executioners to assist." The Lancer-class frigate, with its exceptional speed, and massive quad laser gatlings, had been especially designed for demolishing waves of enemy snubfighter. And the Exutioner Mk 3 was in every way more advanced than the XJX-Wing. The Rebel Commander mnust have been a fool to deploy his force such.

Still, they might have planned a trap, though probably a feeble one....

"Bring up Fury and Storm Chaser and 36 TIE starfighters. Array in Thordan Borl formation. Helm, bring us up to full speed. weapons and Shields, I expect all systems 100% online." His officers relayed a chorus of acknowledgments. So far, this crew was holding up remarkably.

far ahead, his Lancer frigate plowed into the formation of X-Wings. Snubfighters were not meant to deal with the savagery of a lAncer-class Frigate. The devastation wrought by Black Tide was immense. And then the Executioners joined the melee. The battle had begun in full swing.

Park Kraken
May 22nd, 2003, 07:58:48 AM
As he watched his X-Wings get torn apart by the enemy Executioners, and the Lancer, Kraken intiated the second part of his plan. His fleet made a micro-jump, only to be pulled back out of hyperspace right in the middle of the Lancer engagement. But it was close enough. As the ships came fully out of hyperspace, the wreckage of five TIE Executioners were piled up on the bow of the Mon Freedon, weaking her shields by 5%, of which the fighers must have been cloaked. The New Republic ships engaged the Lancer in a vastly unfair gun duel, in which the NR ships rained down 150 Turbolaser Batteries, 40 Ion Cannons, 36 Turbolaser Cannon, and 36 Laser Cannons worth of firepower on the enemy fleet. The Lancer was quickly overwhelmed, and exploded violently. Kraken then sent 12 of his X-Wings off to port about a kilometer, then reconfigured into an attack wedge, and advanced.

Maal Lah
May 22nd, 2003, 03:19:21 PM
Right into the wedge of the second group Commander Maal had sent. Composed of a Imperial Star Destroyer Mk II, a Carrack-Class Cruiser, and 3 squadrons of TIEs, it quickly engaged and destroyed the squadron of advancing X-Wings.

Stiil, Maal swore. He hadn't been quick enough to save the Lancer frigate.

He was now in range of the MC-90 Cruisers. "Open up full guns. Dirve a wedge in between the two vessels and opoen on starboard and port sides. And tell Thrawn's Glory to make a microjump to the beacon we are about to transmit. Brign the rest of our forces. Send all our remaining TIE's to wipe out the X-Wings. Then have the Executioners concentrate fire on the Cruisers. Oh, and have Storm Chaser engage the Escort Frigates." The heavy turbolaser banks on the Carrack cruiser were more than a match for any of the Escort Frigates.

Within a half-minute of the arrival of his attack group, the enemy starfighters had been totally wiped. Maal, thouhg, had suffered losses of 23 TIE Starfighters and 12 Executioners out of a total 84 craft.

His Star Destroyer drove hard between the two cruisers. His full and deadly complement of turbolasers opened up...

Park Kraken
May 22nd, 2003, 05:06:39 PM
He Fell right into my trap, Kraken thought with pride. Still, he hoped he could pull it off just fine. "Comm, order the Frigates to turn broadside, and fire on anything that comes to assist the ISD. The first frigate, the Pride of Chandrila, turn inward, and the other two turned outward, and prepared to engage any more ships if necessary. Then both of the Mon Cal Cruisers fired full broadsides into the flank of the ISD. Each ship could bring a total of 30 Turbolaser Batteries, and 5 Ion Cannons to bear on the ISD. The Ion Cannon fire was concentrated on the bridge, and played havoc with the controls the ship had over it's systems. One of the three huge engines on the died out with a sputter, and shields on some of the quadrants collaped completly. Accurate Turbolaser Fire destroyed 10 Turbolaser Batteries, and 5 Ion Cannons on the big ISD, while return fire was fierce enough to collapse shields on both of the MCs. But, Kraken thought to himself, the good thing about Calamari cruisers aren't their armament, but their shields. He allowed himself a smile as the back-ups came online.
Meanwhile, the TIE Executioners were still attacking, but their cloaking shields, which required a lot of power, were starting to wear off. The Batteries that weren't engaged with the ISD were now trying to target the starfighers. Three were picked off within a minute, and another two that flew too close to one of the frigates got whacked by the Laser Cannons on that ship.

Maal Lah
May 23rd, 2003, 02:31:11 PM
(OOC: Three things. 1) YOu cant just destroy a big ship in one post(my Lancer). It just doesnt go with fleet Rping 2) You really cant make a microjump like you did with such precision w/o a Interdictor. 3)Federacy-designed cloakers are extremely long-lasting. Just make a note of these things )

Simple Rebel fools Maal thought. They think they've destroyed a ship and they lose focus on the battle as a whole. hte same had happened here. His Rebel enemies were so concentrated on destroying his ISD that they failed to notice his last task group coming in. And come in it would.

"Damage report"

"Decks 5, 6, and 7 breached. i've already sealed off the area. Shields fluttered all over the palce, but theyre all back online. One of the 3 main thrusters are dead and 2 of the secondary damaged. the other secondaries are coming online now."

"Good" The damage wasn't as severe as he'd thought it be. He knew full well how deadly two Mon Cal cruisers were. Al least he'd survived."Is Thrawn's GLory in position?"

"Yes, Commander"

"Good. Have it launch all proton torpedos at the starboard Cruiser. We'll follow suit with our torpedoes and energy weapons reamining in that side. And have our Strike Cruiser hit the Escort Frigates. And our fighters as well. How is our carrack doing?"

An explosion nearby punctuated the answer. " They report one enemy frigate destroyed, one somewhat damaged. And theyve taken a decent beating from remaining frigates."

The strike Cruiser should even those odds. Maal turned his attention to the nearby cruisers as his vistory Star Destroyer opened fire, and his ISD followed suit.

Projectiles rained down on the Mon Cal's ever-shrinking shield sphere. And then it was competely gone. And the rest of the missiles burrowed into the ship. And then they exploded....

Park Kraken
May 23rd, 2003, 07:27:51 PM
OOC: A few points of my own. Well, maybe only one, but it is important to know the difference. Victory Star Destroyers Mk2 don't have any Torpedo Launchers. That is only with the Victory Star Destroyer Mk1. And even then, they have Concussion missiles, not Torpedoes. Here is the armament for a Victory Mk2:
20 Turbolaser Batteries
20 Double Turbolaser Cannons
10 Ion Cannons
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
But I'll let it pass, as you'll see:
Stang, that last torpedo attack nearly destroyed the Mon Serenity Kraken thought to himself. He watched as numerous fires burned through-out the ship. Turbolaser fire from the Vic, and Impstar Dueces didn't help either. That is, until the back-ups came online, and restored the shields on the Cruiser. Kraken thought about the current battle situation, and decided on a prudent course of action. With a Star Destroyer on either side of it, the Mon Serenity was in a bad spot, so Kraken issued a order for the Mon Cal cruiser to surge forward, and concentrate her forward batteries on the Strike cruiser coming to attack his remaining frigates. He ordered his own ship forward, then order a turn to starboard, bringing his ship in behind the Imperial Star Destroyer. As he executed this move, Kraken watched as the other Mon Cal cruiser finally returned fire on the Vic. 20 Turbolaser Batteries, and 2 Ion Cannons, the remainig firepower on that side of the ship, blasted back at the Vic with a vengeance. Shields buckled, then collapsed, and a few turbolaser bolts struck the hull, destroying three turbolaser emplacements on that side of the ship. Kraken then ordered his cruiser to unleash hell, with both sides firing simulatenous broadsides, and his forward guns firing as well. The first broadside, aimed at the rear of the Impstar Deuce, collapsed the rear shields, and destroyed two of her engines. The other broadside, aimed at the Carrack Cruiser engaged with his frigates, caused tremendous amounts of damage. Yet even as he watched, the Carrack rolled over to bring his undamaged shields, and weapons to bear. His forward Batteries targeted the Strike cruiser, as did the forward batteries on his other cruiser. They managed to collapse the starboard shields, but like the Carrack, the Strike Cruiser also rolled over, and fired back at the damaged Frigate, destroying it. The remaining frigate continued it's engagement with the moderatly damage Carrack, as the Mon Serenity cut off the Strike cruiser from the Frigate.

Maal Lah
May 23rd, 2003, 10:36:25 PM
(OOC: y'know I actually knew that too. But a Vic has 80 concussion missiles)
"Send Executioners toward that damaged cruiser. Target one point and let loosewith all their payloads."


"Tell HElm to bring us in on the other cruiser. Relay to Thrawn's Glory to do the same thing."

Maal had a few batteries ct loose on the damaged cruiser but overall it didnt too much damage. On the other hand, the Cruiser was issuing apounding on his Strike Cruiser. The shields were almost gone. Then a barrage of warheads fromthe Executioners hit the Cruiser's shields. an explosion roiled off it, and Maal strained to see what had happened.

The shields had been penetrated, but only scorched paint and buckled hull plates showed the fury of the attack. Nothing there.

In the meantime, maal turned his attention to the other cruiser. batteries went active as they came into range, but enemy fire also hit his shields. But then the Victory Star Destroyer beside him unleashed its 80 concussion missiles. Even as an anti-fighter warhead, 80 concussion missiled still had more than enough power to penetrate the shields of a Mon-Cal cruiser, even a MC-90. The shields failed in one portion of the enemy.

Maal and his two ships started concentrating fire on the cruiser. Hull plates erupted and turbolasers exploded. The enemy cruiser still fired back, and Maal saw several shots go through his shields. Bu the was pressing the advantage here. The enemy ship shuddered.....

Maal Lah
May 23rd, 2003, 10:39:32 PM
Over by the second cruiser, his Strike cruiser was being systemically demolished by the cruiser. Even with the fighters taking some heat off of it, it was still too-hard pressed. Over the last thrity second, the Strike cruiser had been inching away. Now it turned and vanished into a hyperspace along a plotted route. It emerged barely two-light years away. It slowed, stopped, and floated in space. and inside, the crews hurriedly tried to repair the ship as fast as they could.

Park Kraken
May 24th, 2003, 06:35:14 PM
OOC: HELLO? ANYBODY HOME? I just said that the Vic Mk2 does not have any missiles, which is the one that is assigned to your fleet. Read the OOC on my first post. The Vic Mk1 has 80 Concussion Missile launchers!!! Anyways, again, I will let this slide...... I'm too kind......
Since he was taking all the damage on one side of his flagship, Kraken ordered his ship to execute a 180 degree roll, and bring his undamaged shields, and weapons to bear, while hasty repairs were made to some of the weapons that could be saved, and shields were recharged on that side. The second cruiser in his fleet had taken more damage, but had force the enemy cruiser to temporarily flee the battle. Kraken then initiated another plan he had thought up. He ordered his flagship to execute a 45 Degree turn to port. This brought his left side guns, although some of which were still being repaired, in line with the Carrack cruiser.

The Cruiser was still dueling with the frigate, which by now had suffered moderate damage. 15 Turbolaser Batteries, and 4 Ion Cannons rained death, and disability on the components of the cruiser. The Frigate also fired at the same time, firing 4 Turbolaser Cannons, and 6 Laser Cannons at the Cruiser. The blast from his flagship knocked the shields out, and scorched the hull. Then the blast from the frigate arrived, and penetrated the Carrack's hull. A bright flash was seen, then the Cruiser's engines died. Kraken ordered his Frigate away from the Cruiser, now dead in space, and ordered it to jump a short distance away from the engagement to effect repairs. The Imperial Fleet had now lost it's Carrack, and Lancer, and temporarily the Medium Cruiser. The NR had lost two of it's Frigates, along with a third temporarily.

Meanwhile, the gunners on the other side of his ship, now facing the rear of the Impstar Deuce, fired a full broadside into the rear of the ship. Kraken then orderd his other ship to pull another 90 degree turn to the right. This brough the cruiser behind the Victory Star Destroyer. The cruiser had much less weaponry left to fire however, and even though the broadside did penetrated the rear shield, no damage on the hull was scored.
With the starfighters, Kraken handed orders out to the gunners that if they saw laser fire coming out of nowhere, that they were to shoot in the approximate direction of the source of the laser fire. So far three Executioners had been destroyed, but many more remained. And his cruisers were now formed into a battleline, one each behind one of Maal's Star Destroyers. If he did nothing, then his fleet would soon be disabled, and helpless.

Maal Lah
May 27th, 2003, 05:43:27 PM
Hmm......This could make for an interesting tactic Maal mused as he watched the enemy flagship glide behind his Vic-Destroyer.

"Helm, full thrust in a 180 degree arc, then level us out. transmit course heading 256.74 to Thrawn's Glory , then put us on the direct opposite course. Like a head-on collision."

"Yes, sir." The affirmation was given without question.

"and is Fury ready yet?"

"ready enough if you want her, sir."

"Good. Tell her to jump in as close as she can and then have her head straight towards our Carrack Cruiser, just in case that second cruiser goes after her." Although unmaneuverable, the Carrack still had sufficient weapons to help his Strike Cruiser when it came by.

"Yes, Sir"

As his ship turned around, Maal had just enough cannons fire to keep the second enemy cruiser at bay. Now his ship and the other Destroyer had leveled out and were heading towards each other. HTe enemy flagship still pursued his Victory-Destroyer. there seemed no sign it noticed the manuevering of Maal's hsip.

The Vic's shields were steadily being chipped away, even with all power direced towards them. when the distance between his two ships reached 5 klicks, Maal barked, "Tell Thrawn' GLory to execute downward turn now. "

THe Vic shifted downwards into what had to be an almost 90-degree turn. hte enemy cruiser turned to follow him, then stopped. And reversed.

Obviously, it had seen Maal's ship now. But Maal had the offensive. He grineed, a predator's grin, and issued the commands which had already been relayed to his crew.


Park Kraken
May 27th, 2003, 07:15:31 PM
Kraken again glanced at the display, and began to grow very nervous. His other cruiser, which had previously tried to engage the Victory Duece, was now in a head on battle with the Impstar, which was pouring heavy amounts of fire into his cruiser. Shields had been dropped, and hull plates were buckling, and melting under the furious Turbolaser barrage. Kraken then ordered the cruiser to execute a 45 degree turn to the left, and accelerate to half speed forward. Within a few minutes, the cruiser had cleared the SDs path, and was passing alongside the Star Destroyer, with both ships exchanging furious broadsides in the process. Kraken then ordered his ship, which was clear, to turn 90 degrees to port, and open up on the Impstars aft with her weaponry. At the same time, his cruiser, and frigate left the Carrack alone for the moment, and moved up on the left side of the Impstar. The Impstar had rotated to bring it's undamage shields, and weapons to bear on the cruiser, and as it did so, the weakened shields came into line with his weapons. As his ship pulled alongside, Kraken ordered his ship to open fire.

Maal Lah
May 28th, 2003, 02:54:12 PM
(OOC: Sorry, but you just messed up there....I had targeted your flagship not the other cruiser. And your frigate went off to so repairs. At least write in that it had jumped back.No offense, but just edit your posts to make more sense, OK? )

Park Kraken
May 28th, 2003, 06:00:24 PM
OOC: Yeah, I was feeling a little down yesterday. My writing was bad, I'll admit.
As his cruiser continued to take a beating, Admiral Kraken ordered his communications officer to send a message to Coruscant requesting reinforcements. He then ordered his support cruiser to jump out to make repairs, and his flagship to bring their undamaged guns to bear on the VSD, and turn his shields to protect his ship from all four of the enemy ships. Kraken killed his ships engines, and used the power to reinforce his shields. He recieved a reply from Coruscant that a 13-ship taskforce was on it's way from Commenor. It would arrive in 1 hour. He needed to delay the enemy for one hour. He then ordered his frigate back into the melee, and ordred it to engage the Imperial Star Destroyer. The Frigate had it's shields repaired, and most of it's weapons.
One hour later, the wreckage of his last Frigate was drifting close to the ISD, so close that fragments bounced off the shields, and drained a little amount of the ISD's power. His cruiser had taken considerable damage, and most of it's weapons were destroyed. At this point in time, the support cruiser jumped back into the system, and interposed herself in between the engagement between the flagship, and the Star Destroyers.
Then, the NR reinforcements arrived. They consisted of:
The Imperial Star Destroyer Skyhook
The MC-80A Cruisers Mon Karren, and Mon Delindo
The Flurry Starfighter carrier Battle Dog
The Marauder Corvettes Ession Strike and Flashfire
The Corellian Corvette Pride of Selonia
The Warrior Gunships Warrior, Pride, Valour
The Corellian Gunships Drake, Briam, and Pinnacle
72 X-Wings
60 Y-Wings
24 TIE Interceptors
36 TIE Fighters
12 TIE Bombers
24 E-Wings
12 K-Wings
As Kraken watched this fleet form up, he observed the Imperial Fleet withdrawing. But then, as he watched, Imperial Reinforcements arrived as well. They consisted of a seven ship taskforce. The reinforcements consisted of:
The Imperial Star Destroyer Mk2 Judicator
The Victory Star Destroyers Mk1 Bombarder, Crusader
The Interdictor Cruiser Stellar Web
The Dreadnoughts <Flashfire, Reprisal[/i]
The Lancer Frigate <Ravager[/i]
96 TIE Fighters
48 TIE Interceptors
12 TIE Bombers