View Full Version : Book review - Dark Side Source Book

Marcus Telcontar
May 18th, 2003, 06:47:47 AM
Well, it's not quite a book as such... but..... hey, go with it.

The Dark Side Source book is the roleplayers guide to the Darkside for Wizards of the West Coast, written by Bill Slavicsek and JD Wiker. I will say here that this is a marked improvement of the alsolute CRAP West End Games had, while their absolutly stupid Dark Side powers, and so called facts and figures.

Thank the Force there is source book that makes sense, is logical and straight forward, plus.... it's a very good read! yes, this thing is entertaining, with lots of facts, histories and quite logically set out. The artwork is fantastic, the Star wars info is accurate up to TPM and also fits in with canonical sources. I will admit, I was expecting a WEG fiasco, so I read with very low expectations.

I am surprised to review this book so well.

Now, I do admit somethings did bug me, the worst being the discussions of Dark Side spirits and their inclusion on the Sith timeline. I'm sorry, I cant buy that. However in the scheme of things, it's minor quibble. The rest of the powers and functions of Dark side practitioners are well thought out, there are no huge lists of powers (There's like about 15 - 20 well set out power abilities), with descriptions of equipment, armour, weapons and techniques. There is a whole range of logical Dark Side classes.

But I guess the thing that will facinate the casual reader and not the hard core roleplayer is the histories of all the major characters in the EU and the movies with Dark Side power. Now, excusing the Sith Spirit nonsense, it's excellent. For Exar Kun to Palpatine, with a description of how the Sith arose, what they became, the wars between them and the Jedi, to the eventual demise and finish of the Sith. Palpatine is the last one, it's hinted strongly, tho dark siders will continue to arise.

Characters like Mara Jade, Kyp Durron and Aura Siing are included I may add. The comics from Dark Horse appear to be ignored to the main, which is a GOOD THING!

Did I mention the awesome art work? Yes? Well, I'll mention it again. Drawings of people, arms and places, monsters as well, as well as gorgeous pics from the movies, all put together extremely well.

The writing itself is good, understandable and well set out.

Given my misgivings on a few items that just dont gel (like the Sith Spirits) put aside, this is a book to get, enjoy and learn from. A must for the Star wars fan, be they roleplayer or not. Personally, I'm glad WEG crap is consigned to history and an actual well done source book is here.

9.5 out of 10.

THX 1138
Jun 19th, 2003, 04:40:38 PM
I agree I think the book is excellent, the artwork particulary impressed me as well.
My only problem with it was that there seemed to be no proper information of the origin of the Sith, where they came from who was the original Sith master etc?
*Unless this is already known, if so, tell me.Thanks.
Another thing, there are only two Sith at one time, or so the Jedi council says in the Phantom Menace, a mater and apprentice. So how could there have been massed armies of Sith knights in the centuries when the old republic was still getting on its feet so to speak?

Jun 20th, 2003, 07:11:21 PM
I agree with you Marcus, it is a very good book and it is very useful on campaigns. Currenly I"m organizing a Dark Side campaign set in the sith era and it has proven a very useful asset.

About the sith history THX, you should check out the Essential Chronology. The sith were originally a civilization prone to the dark side. It was when some jedi exiles found it that they used their superior knowledge to turn the complete civilization into their slaves. For hundreds of years the sith civilization grew in strenght without the knowledge of the Old Republic. Once the Republic found out about it's existance, and vice versa, a huge war ensued, The Hyperspace War. Not until the sith were defeated that the rule of one master one apprentice appeared.

THX 1138
Jun 22nd, 2003, 03:52:10 AM
Thanks JediBoricua, thats cleared up a litle confusion. I see now why they are called Lords of the Sith, the Sith being a race.
OK, thanks again.