View Full Version : CraftMans Eye (open)

Kyle Krogen
May 17th, 2003, 11:18:45 PM
Kyle was sitting in the large garden that was part of the LQ, He was sitting on a bench with a box sitting by his feet and a carving knife in one hand a peice of metal in the other

at the moment he was shaping the metal to look like a bird with big wings, he skillfully carved peices away to reveal little more of what it should look like

he smilled as he worked, this was Kyle favorite past time when he wasnt training, he stoped and looked around the garden, it was silent and beutiful just like the garden his mom had but only bigger much bigger than the one his mother had

Kyle used to work on his carvings in his mothers garden but when he did she was always there to help him when he messed up and all that help and made him very skillfull at doing it

He tear crept down his cheek as he wished his mother was here, he wished someone might show up so he could have some company.