View Full Version : Reconnaissance

May 17th, 2003, 10:50:12 PM
Logic learned from the Council about a hidden laboratory deep beneath the surface of Coruscant. This laboratory is the place of Lillian's nightmares, where "he" can be found, along with his hoard of monsters that plague her dreams. She claimed to have seen one the other night during a storm, but Logic heavily doubts this. It arrives along the same path taken by James Prent and Dasquian Belargic, leaping across the gap with its strong legs and ducking into the abandoned warehouse. The stairwell it was directed to is long and spattered with blood. Logic misses its footing several times on the dents and rends in the metal made by the injured beast they chased. At long last Logic reaches the abandoned parking garage and finds the elevator, heading down into the depths of the hidden compound.

imported_Altered Beast
May 18th, 2003, 02:52:33 PM
The Beast that has since usurped Armaiil as the head of the laboratory is busy at work, not altering specimens, but plotting away at something on the mainframe downstairs, picking at the corpse of some poor, misfortunate humanoid that happened to cross one of its beasts. He tears the head from the body and takes a bite of it, holding it as if eating an apple, and staring idly at the field of data before him. Another window pops up to show the Beast the intruder.

"Whhhelll wwwhhell...it sssseeemsss thossse Jedhhi have sssehhnt ssomeone to ssscout arhhound."

May 18th, 2003, 05:59:13 PM
Logic steps out of the elevator and into the giant hall, joins making a metallic squirt and its metal feet making a slight ring as they meet the ground. Nothing here...perhaps it was abandoned? It moves forward into the center of the room, looking around for a door.

imported_Altered Beast
May 18th, 2003, 09:39:13 PM
The beast takes another bite off the skull, rotating it around, and reaches out to idly press a button. A door to Logic's right opens up. Now, to see what the droid will do...

May 19th, 2003, 03:12:37 PM
The movement draws Logic's attention, and one arm forms a cannon. When nothing moves, Logic inches slowly towards the door, peeking cautiously into the hallway.

A malfunction? Or is someone expecting me?

imported_Altered Beast
May 19th, 2003, 08:54:43 PM
"Yhhhou're expected, fhhhool."

The Altered grins maniacally.

"Come into mhhhy parlor, ssssaid the ssspidhhher to the flhhhy..."

May 20th, 2003, 07:44:12 PM
It moves on, shield and cannon at the ready, wary of anything or anyone that may attempt an attack. The halls are riddled with small punctures, dents, and scratches, as if a herd of beasts had stampeded through. The marks are on all sides, even the ceiling.

What manner of beast...?

imported_Altered Beast
May 21st, 2003, 08:58:16 PM
The Altered smirks.

"Altered Bhhheassstsss...that'ssss whhhat made thhose mhhharkssss."