View Full Version : Hey, Sage, got something for you.

Sejah Haversh
May 17th, 2003, 03:30:28 AM
Well, I've been fully out of luck locating those other sketchbooks, and it's driving me nuts, but, in the meantime I have a little something else for you to color if you like. I'll e-mail you the high-res version if you want. First, let me know if you even want to gve coloring this one a shot.

Can you belive I drew this pose a year ago, and just finally got around to inking it? Oh, and...


For those of you who don't know, I have a tremor in both hands, and it makes inking rediculously diffiicult. But, with this piece inked, that brings my number of successful inkings up to three pieces in three nights. I'm on a roll, folks!

This is a Nehantite from the sect known as the Sherouve. He is the Sherouve prince, from days long past. Don't get on a Sherouve's bad side. You won't be there for long. In fact, you won't be anywhere for long...

<img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/nehantish/Sherouve-Swat.jpg>

Pierce Tondry
May 17th, 2003, 12:26:05 PM
*Puts up a sign that reads "Beware of Iraqi Mongoose".*

That isn't bad work. I find it very similar to some of the art for the "Redwall" cartoon on PBS.

Sejah Haversh
May 17th, 2003, 03:18:47 PM
Ack! Don't even compare this to the Redwall cartoon!

Though I dearly love the Redwall books (with the exception of Triss, which is crap), I do not like the animation style that was chosen for the cartoon at all. This is far more Byrne Hogarth in the shading, I think.

And, he's Sherouve, not Iraqui.... Thanks.

Sage Hazzard
May 18th, 2003, 01:17:09 AM
I'm getting the ubiquitous, infamous, giant X. :(

But I do have a solution for your inking troubles. I haven't bought it myself, but have heard great things about it. A... "tablet" I believe it's called. Not even sure what it looks like. It's something like, you draw on it and it draws it on the computer. Lots of artists use it, and some use it exclusively for coloring. On some sites, where they teach tutorials, one of the requirements for you to follow along with the tutorials is having a tablet. It costs something like $200 I believe. But you could ink digitally and just undo anything caused by a tremor. :)

Sejah Haversh
May 18th, 2003, 03:09:16 AM
Got one, actually, with a 9" x 12" working area.

And, though I use it often, it will never replace what can be done with an ink pen, and doesn't even come close to matching what I can do with pencils. It's great as an airbrush replacement, but, for originals, I can do better on a real life medium than a digital one.

And, maybe the link will work for you instead of the inserted image.


Sage Hazzard
May 19th, 2003, 01:38:52 AM
You do? How much did it cost, was it worth it, etc.? I'm thinking of asking for it for my B-Day or X-Mas. It'd make coloring a heck of a lot faster and I could digitally ink all those penciled originals I find on the net, that'd I'd love to color, but coloring pencils sucks majorly. :)

The image works now, so I didn't need the link. :) Must have been Boomspeed.

Damn! Hell yeah I'd like to color it. Hook me up with the high res. :D :D Oh, and give me a color guide of some sort if you could. Unless of course you want your dude bright green and his clothes orange. :lol Oh, and maybe a clearification of what is what. Like, what material the stuff is made out of, etc. :)

imported_J'ktal Anajii
May 19th, 2003, 01:46:13 AM
Trust me, it does not make coloring that much faster, but it does delay carpal tunnel by a goodly amount. I'll hook you up with the details about everythign in a PM. I'll get on that now.

Sage Hazzard
May 19th, 2003, 01:59:38 AM
Okay, cool.

Wow, it doesn't make it faster? Hmm.. well, I still might need it. Especially since I don't for the life of me know how to ink. I mean, I can go over my pencils with a pen, but nothing like what a professional artist. What with all the inks, the special pens, etc. And I'd like to put my own drawings on the net one day, when I get a scanner, and it'd help if I could digitally ink it.