View Full Version : Trouble With Old Memories: Spark of Hope. (Rognan)

Marga Alton
May 16th, 2003, 08:01:52 AM
Marga was out for a walk with Sotar. He had his hand firmly grasping her while they are out for a walk. She had neither seen, nor felt any of her friends since her capture 1 1/2 months ago. This is her first time being able to be out of her room and be outside since that night.

She is starting to get desperate by this time. She has been gently putting thoughts into Sotar's mind and so far, he hasn't caught on that she's doing this. Dressed in her yellow dress with a pale blue cloak, the hood had been blown down by a gust of wind, revealing her bright red hair.

Acting as if she has no interest in their surrondings, she again puts the thought of going towards the Jedi Temple into Sotars mind and suggests with it that it would be a great way to remind her of just how helpless she really is being so close to them, but not being able to go back to her friends, or as Sotar calls them, her so called friends.

As they near the area which she's wanting, she sends out a telepathic cry for help to Rognan, showing him exactly where she is right now. Every two minutes, she sends out another telepathic cry for help to Rognan until she either sees him, or gets a responce from him, hoping to see him.

May 16th, 2003, 08:11:56 AM
Thinking that it would be a good idea to let Marga get some fresh air, the first time since she came into his possession, he takes Marga out for a walk. A good time into the walk, he 'gets' the idea to take back towards the Jedi Temple to remind her of just how helpless she truly is.

He's chatting idlly with her Marga through this time, though she is keeping silent. Her necklace has not left his person since he ripped it from her neck. He's keeping a firm grip on Marga's hand, not letting her get a chance to bolt in the off chance that she would. He's gotten her under his power, and she will do anything he says, despite the fact that she's in training to be a Jedi. He's not going to let her go back to them now that he has her.

Taking a look over Marga, he notes that the hood of her cloak has fallen down, but decides to say nothing about it, instead he smiles as he sees that the previously tight dress that she's wearing is now rather loose on her. Month and a half of only one sandwich a day is enough to make anybody loose weight.

He continues to talk to Marga while they walk down the street.

Rognan Dar
May 16th, 2003, 01:44:00 PM
It had been a long time since Marga went missing, or at lest what he called it. Rog didn't like the idea of being capture, so missing sounded better...sort of. He was in his room reading. But is mind was else where.

Every now and then he thought about Marga. About what he could have done that might have stop that someone that took her away. Or about the time in the Garden were he told her how he felt about there relationship. Everytime he thought about it, he wished he used different words in hope ethat she mgiht not have keep to herself. But it all came to no avail. She was gone, and most likely never coming back.

Rognan desided to call it a night and go to sleep. But something was calling him. He sat up in his bed, listening. He couldn't here anything, but the feeling was still there, more like a cry then a feeling. It was calling him somewhere. He stood up and got into his white jedi garments, then but on a white robe around it all and headed out of his room and out to the street. The call got louder, no it was stronger. He wasn't hearing it, it was projected at him.

After a while of following the call, he got lost. He didn't know which was the right way back to the temple, but he was closer to the call. It had a presence that he remembered. A presence that he haden't felt in a while, but also a presence he yerned for. It was Marga's presence, though, it felt like there was sadness and suffering in her.

He was looking around everywhere, he was right on top of the call, yet, he couldn't see her. He stepped around a corner and saw a man hold some womans arm. It didn't look like her, except for the yellow dress. She seemed different, but that didn't matter. His heart leeped with joy at just being this close to her. He started a slow run, running to her and find out why this man had her.

May 16th, 2003, 08:36:28 PM
He takes a couple of moments to realize that Rognan is running towards him and Marga. Only then does he realise that Marga has been using her powers on him. He lets go of Margas arm, but turns to face her and quickly brings one hand up to slap her hard on the cheek, sending her spinning and hits up against the wall.

"You Jedi brat you. You tricked me, well, I'm not going to let you get away with it. No, you're gonna pay, and pay you will."

He takes out a small blaster and aims at Rognan. He screams as he pulls the trigger, sending a blaster bold at Rognan's right shoulder.

Marga Alton
May 16th, 2003, 08:45:23 PM
Marga gets a look of hope in her eyes the minute she spots Rognan running towards her. *slap* She gets hit across the face by Sotar which sends her spinning into a wall where she crumples to the ground. When she hits the wall, she hears a faint crack coming from her left arm. As she sees Sotar pull the blaster out, she thinks he means to use it on her and screams when she sees Rognan getting shot at.

Rognan Dar
May 17th, 2003, 11:23:46 PM
Time slowed. Reality seemed to be twisted. For Rognan, it all happened so fast. So which one was right?

Rognan saw Marga get slap, a spark of rage and consern. The rage seemed to be stronger. But rage alone will not win the fight. He started to run faster, and almost fell over as he stop. A blast was pointed at him. And then a laser shot was fling through the air, aiming at him. He heard a scream, almost faint as his mind was pre-occupied.

Rognan dived forward before he knew what happened. The force was guiding him. He stood up and once again ran at the man. With a slight move of his hand, he grabed his lightsaber and uncliped it from his belt. He never used it outside of a training room. Though, he didn't know what to do, the force on the other hand did. Rog just let it take control. He flipped on the saber and charged Sotar.

May 20th, 2003, 07:53:58 AM
He takes a couple more shots at Rognan, but as Rognan draws his lightsaber and activates it, he turns tails and starts to run, knowing that he can not face an opponent who has a lightsaber since he himself has none.

"I'll deal with you later girl, then you'll be sorry."

He yells at her as he starts to run, though he's not to careful and Marga's necklace falls out of his pocket as he runs.

Marga Alton
May 20th, 2003, 08:08:22 AM
Marga gets a look of worry on her face when Sotar promises to deal with her later, but smiles when she sees that he runs off like a chicken. Her smile gets even bigger when she sees her necklace fall out of his pocket. On her hands and knees, she starts to crawl towards it, but her left arm gives out from undernieth her and she winces in pain as her face smacks into the ground. She just remains there, but she looks at her necklace and uses the force to grab it and bring it over to her. When it reaches her, she just cradles it in her right hand, holding it close to her as she starts to shiver uncontrollably. Through her feelings for Rognan, a link through the Force opens up between them, allowing Rognan to experience what she is, reliving a memory as if it is actually happening. The winter win is blowing, howling through the night. The girl, Marga stands on top of a wall surronding her home dressed in only her night clothes. Her bare feet in the cold snow, but none of this matters. Nothing matters to her. She doesn't matter to her family. She's just a useless child in there eyes.

"Why must this happen to me? Why must I be unwanted?" a child's voice says. Her voice yells it out into the wind which drowns it quickly. Even the elements it seems wish to drown her. She stands there, in the dark until the sun rises, cold to the bone, and no one, not even one of the guards cares to move her from where she is. Finally, her nanny comes out, all calm and takes her cold hand and takes her inside.

"Your Father isn't going to be pleased with you young lady. You're sure to be whipped this time." the nanny says without even a hint of concern in her voice

Marga lays there on the ground shivering, reliving a memory, sharing the experience with Rognan. When she comes back to the present, she doesn't know how long she's been there, but she just continues to shiver, curled up in as small a position as possible.

Rognan Dar
May 20th, 2003, 02:23:29 PM
Rognan easly dodged and blocked the other shots that come at him. He chases after the man with his saber infront of him. This man should pay for what he has done, he said to himself as he chased him. Then he relised, Marga was still back there in need of his help. He slows down, not fully wanting to stop. He stands there, watching the man get away. He slowly turnes he eyes away, deacitivated his lightsaber, and jogged back to Marga.

She was on the ground, curled up in a ball shivering. Rognans mood change from a want to get that man, to caring for Marga. He kneeled down next to her and checked to see if there was a pulse, which was not needed since he still felt her presence, but making sure was not a crime, is it?

Then it happend. Like a bad memory coming back. But it wasn't his. It was Marga's. But how am I seeing her memories? he thought to himself. He couldn't move. It was like the memory of Marga was stuck on his mind pushing away every other thought away. He was troubled be what was seen.(in a sence) He couldn't believe that someone could be so crual, so mean to someone so beautiful.

After it was over, his mind came to its own acourd. He took of his robe and rapped it around her. He then picked her up in his arms. She seemed to be to be out cold, not including the shivering. He started his way back...but....which way was back. How could he find is way back before nightfall. Once then, it would get even colder, and at the look of it, Marga wouldn't last long without warmer cloths. But I have to try, he said to himself, I have to get her back. Then a idea hit him like a rain drop hits the ground. The Force! I can let the Force guide me. It helped me here, and it will help me back.

He closed his eyes and focused the Force through him, bidding it to his will. He stretched out wit his feelings untill he felt the precence of the Temple. That way, he said to himself, opening his eyes. He started off in a fast walk. Marga seemed to be coming back.

Marga Alton
May 21st, 2003, 08:03:22 AM
Marga comes back fully to her senses while Rognan is carrying her, though her eyes are closed, she knows its him. She moves her head so that it's resting on his shoulder, she goes and wraps her arms around him. After several moments, she stops shivering and opens her eyes and smiles up at Rognan, happy that he came.

"How long?"

Marga whispers softly, so softly that it may be mistaken for the wind which at that moment decides to spring.

"How long have I been gone? Master never let me see a calender."

Marga says this a touch be louder then before. Then it dawns on her that when she went back to her memories, Rognan was pulled in as well.

I'm sorry you had to experience a bit of my past. If there's anything I can do to make it up to you, please, just ask.

Rognan Dar
May 21st, 2003, 12:44:18 PM
Rognan smiled back down at Marga. Happy that she is safe now. He thinks about her first question. How long has it been, he thought to himself, cant be more then...at lest..... He couldn't remember.

"Long enough."

Was all he could say. In fact, it had been to long. Some nights all he could do was think of how much he missed her. But she was back, and he wasn't ever going to let her go.

"You shouldn't be sorry for anything. Things happen, thats just the way of life. I dont mind knowing more of your past. Thats about the only other thing that has been revieled about your past. I dont require anything, but your word that you will not do this again."

Marga Alton
May 21st, 2003, 12:53:11 PM
Do what again? Be kidnapped and taken away from those that I care about and love? If things go my way, I won't be kidnapped again.

Marga continues to rest her head on Rognan's shoulder, but as she's doing this, her necklace falls out of the silk bag that it's in and falls to the ground. She tries to catch it before it hits the ground, but she misses by far.

Rognan, I know you've already done alot for me today, but do you think that perhaps you could pick up my necklace for me. I just dropped it.

Rognan Dar
May 21st, 2003, 01:12:10 PM

Rognan stopped and tunred around. There was a neckless on the ground, a fairly good looking neckless from what he could tell, which was not alot. He walked back to it and kneeled down, still holding Marga. With a his hand that was not supporting Marga's upper body, he picked up the neckless. He looked at it close up for a moment, then handed it back to Marga. He stood up again and was back heading to the temple.

"What so special about the neckless? I see you wearing it, before you were kidnapped, but it was covered up. Why do you not want to show it off?"

Marga Alton
May 21st, 2003, 01:18:58 PM
Marga smiles as Rognan hands her back her necklace which she takes and slips the blue gem back into the silk bag. This bag isn't as good as her specially made silk bag though it's good enough.

I keep the gem covered because it has some special qualities about it. If a person other then me touches the gem, I know because my mind is tuned to this gem. It helps enhance my telepathy so I can reach across farther distances. Also, if a group of us are working together to accomplish the same thing, this gem can be used as a focus were we all concentrate on, and the person who the gem is tuned to then takes the concentrated energy and uses it go accomplish the task which needs to be down. That is how the mining on my homeworld is done.

I keep the gem covered to dampen the power I feel through it. Most ppl though, just keep the gem in a silk bag at their waist, though I may need to on occasion need something nice to wear and so my gem is on a necklace. It's just a small one, but it works well.

Marga says this through telepathy, but her focus is starting to slip again as her memories try to come to life again, but she's fighting it, wanting to keep herself in the present with Rognan, and not in the past which she wants to forget.

Rognan Dar
May 21st, 2003, 01:26:00 PM
Rognan listened intently to Marga. So there was something special about it, he said to himself.

Rognan just walked. He didn't know what to say. He was starting to feel imbarrased. He never expected to be holding a woman who he cared for. Silence is probubly better then saying something stupid, he thought to himself, most guys do that from what I've read about relationships.

Marga Alton
May 22nd, 2003, 07:48:03 AM
Marga smiles happily, happy to be with Rognan again. He's probably the only reason why she kept her sanity during this trying time for her.

Though after several minutes of silence, she fall unconsious in Rognan's arms.