View Full Version : The Imperial Remenant

Taylor Millard
May 16th, 2003, 04:24:57 AM
Based on Admiral Lebron's post here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29411), I believe that if he has not posted on these boards for a bit (perhaps 2-3 weeks) then we archive all his threads at the Imperial Remenant and then delete his subforum.


Morgan Evanar
May 16th, 2003, 07:29:25 AM
Fluuushhhh. If he paid no dough it must go.

Pierce Tondry
May 16th, 2003, 12:52:20 PM
I find myself not caring.

I say burn it all. And don't let Telan randomly claim his stuff either.

Edit: And by "burn it all" I mean delete subforum, archive threads of actual importance, etc.

May 16th, 2003, 01:19:22 PM
A final decision on this will be made after more opinions are heard. I will not offer mine at this point so as not to be of any influence.

Taylor Millard
May 16th, 2003, 01:58:57 PM
Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
I say burn it all. And don't let Telan randomly claim his stuff either.

Yeah no kidding. I agree there.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 16th, 2003, 04:25:31 PM
If he shows no more activity on the boards, archive threads and delete forums - yes.

I don't want him coming back in two days and demanding to know where all his stuff is.

May 16th, 2003, 04:34:53 PM
I have taken some action already, and so that all here know what that is I will inform you.

I have removed Lebron's Moderator status to the forums now being discussed. I have also removed his access to any of those forums that were private.

He announced he was leaving and as such I thought he would no longer need either of the things I removed.

Taylor Millard
May 16th, 2003, 04:44:01 PM
LD I agree. Let's wait a bit before coming to any conclusions.

Removing Lebron's mod ship at the Imperial Remnant is fine, but let's not take any further action.

I'd rather wait and see what happens in 2 weeks, than do everything now and have to put everything back up again.

Marcus Telcontar
May 16th, 2003, 05:51:16 PM
What Pierce said

Pierce Tondry
May 16th, 2003, 06:31:17 PM
Personally, I don't think anyone who wants to play the attention whore bit should get much leeway when they do the whole "I'm leaving" bit.

When does the payment for the Remnant subforum go up, Ogre?

Taylor Millard
May 16th, 2003, 07:06:31 PM
Actually, to my knowledge, he never paid any money for the Imperial forum. Silus and I are fitting the bill for the forum (having taken it over from Vis) and we're subletting it out of our good graces.

I'm just giving him some leeway just so we don't have any sort of argument about, "Oh I didn't mean it! I wanna come back..."

Pierce Tondry
May 16th, 2003, 09:39:19 PM
Ahh, I didn't know that.

Well, it seems that ultimately, the decision on the subforum and its contents is yours Taylor, since you coughed up the cash. Whenever Lebron's grace period is up, start rummaging through his stuff and throw out what you don't think needs to be kept.

Or so I suggest, anyway.

Silus Xilarian
May 16th, 2003, 11:06:50 PM
Im willing to archive and let it go. He said bye, so we got rid of the clutter.

Im just curious as to what will happen with his resources IC.

Figrin D'an
May 16th, 2003, 11:17:21 PM
Have an IC estate auction?

Pierce Tondry
May 16th, 2003, 11:38:35 PM
I'd suggest that Lebron's IC holdings be announced as having dissolved into a state of chaos with the sudden loss of their leader. Following the settling of that, the general territory could be set as open for invasion by other groups.

And like I said earlier, keep an eye on Telan. He has entirely too many acquisitive tendencies regarding IC territory for me to be comfortable with letting him proceed however he feels like.

Taylor Millard
May 16th, 2003, 11:39:43 PM
That's a good question...however most of Kamarr doesn't exactly have stellar resources. And since it's embroiled in turmoil I say we let it be off limits while the NPC characters battle each other.


Silus Xilarian
May 17th, 2003, 01:05:59 AM
OR we could build a Death Star!!

Actually I like Brian's suggestion, but the fact that Telan would most likely swoop in is a concern.

I can already hear his fingers hitting the keyboard as soon as we announce that its open for invasion.

Marcus Telcontar
May 17th, 2003, 05:40:59 AM
You cant really do a lot about Telan, unless he gets too far ahead of himself or is defying common sense and fair play. If Lebron's territory becomes leaderless, then it is logically up for grabs. The only real way if your worried by him is to grab it yourself. Or cede it to the NR.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 17th, 2003, 11:26:22 AM
Just let Telan play how he wants to play? I mean, whats to stop the Balmorran Empire or the NR from swooping in? If Telan wants to aqquire the planets, he'll do it the right way. He won't have any opposition, because all you guys are wanting to do is KEEP everyone else from having planets, even though you yourselves don't seem to have any interest in RPing in that way yourselves. Hardly fair.

And with that, I bow out.

Pierce Tondry
May 17th, 2003, 12:13:41 PM
Holly: The point is not to keep Telan from gaining anything. The point is to keep him from gaining EVERYTHING.

Recently, people have been asking what the status of the Empire is on the board. If you look at some of the posts he's made regarding the Sovereignty's status, you can see he has a growing tendency to consider himself the best of the Imperial factions.

Based on this, I believe allowing Telan to up and claim whatever he wants from Lebron's territory could be a recipe for trouble.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 17th, 2003, 12:18:25 PM
Then I think that people should Rp against him then. Sheesh. And I didn't think that he shoudl just be able to stick a flag in them, but if wanted, he should RP it out, like any other planetary takeover thread.

Or, unite the Empire again.

Pierce Tondry
May 17th, 2003, 12:50:44 PM
We are not disagreeing with you. We are saying he just might do some "flag sticking", or worse, might legitimately conquer parts of the territory, claim they are the best to have, and then consider himself twice as powerful as anybody else when realistically he would not be. These are not concerns randomly drawn from thin air. They are grounded in previous statements and actions on Telan's part.

This is not a huge concern, but it is a concern or it would not have been mentioned.

You will either trust this assessment, or not. Whatever you decide to believe, it is not an unqualified decision with selfish motivations.

Taylor Millard
May 17th, 2003, 02:18:48 PM
Originally posted by Pierce Tondry
Recently, people have been asking what the status of the Empire is on the board. If you look at some of the posts he's made regarding the Sovereignty's status, you can see he has a growing tendency to consider himself the best of the Imperial factions.

Well I think every Imperial group considers themselves 'The best' IC and OOC (to a degree). Honestly, I consider the Balmorran Empire to be the best...IC...and OOC...well, I do kinda like it OOC.

I think that sort of comment is kinda foolish because IC shouldn't every Imperial group consider themselves the most 'Imperial'?

Then I think that people should Rp against him then. Sheesh. And I didn't think that he shoudl just be able to stick a flag in them, but if wanted, he should RP it out, like any other planetary takeover thread.

Or, unite the Empire again.

Very true, very true...I believe anyone who tries to take over Kamaar should have to RP it out. And do it more than just a 2 post thread. After all...apparently Kamaar is good at Starfighter Technology. It does need to RPed out whatever happens.

Uniting the EMpire? No...won't happen.

We are not disagreeing with you. We are saying he just might do some "flag sticking", or worse, might legitimately conquer parts of the territory, claim they are the best to have, and then consider himself twice as powerful as anybody else when realistically he would not be. These are not concerns randomly drawn from thin air. They are grounded in previous statements and actions on Telan's part.

I think this falls in line with the 'who has the better Imperial group' comment.

Whoever takes Kamaar takes it. If it's Telan then it's Telan. If it's Khendon then it's Khendon. If it's Balmorra, then it's Balmorra.

As long as we do it by the rules and make sure it's not a quick, "I am your leader...WORSHIP ME!!!" then I think it will be okay.

Silus Xilarian
May 17th, 2003, 10:44:05 PM
If im not mistaken, Kamaar's primary strength is its ground troops. And as far as being "the best", though my opinions are *cough*biased*cough* We're more active than the other groups, and a bit larger.

Im getting off topic though. :p

My only other worry is this. All other Imperial groups rush to take over Kamaar, and maybe even some non Imp groups, and most likely a few hard headed individuals who think they have a group, and then we end up with one of two things......

A) One big godmode-fest, where all groups jump in and play "who can say they have the bigger fleet", leading to a big OOC Mess

B) All these groups start a new takeover thread, not even stopping to see the others, and then we have 10 different people saying they own Kamaar, because they RPed it out. Which would be another OOC mess.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 18th, 2003, 12:44:51 AM
Make an announcement in OOC to explain what's been done and lay out some guidelines about planetary takeover threads once more. SUch as "post in OOC if you are going to start a takeover thread so we can all have a heads up on it"?

Pierce Tondry
May 18th, 2003, 08:55:22 AM
Taylor: I still can't figure where he got that 40% thing from. Did you? Because that really seemed like something he pulled out of his butt.

Holly: That's a good thought. Technically, though, I guess that's the kind of thing people should already be doing. But we can all use reminders every now and then.

Telan Desaria
May 18th, 2003, 09:25:27 AM
Well, Silus, it was arbitrary. I do enjoy listing facts figures and statistics. It sounded reasonable. I used my own personal judgement based on on IC and OOC knowledge. Givent eh current state of affirs, being that Arakyd is an Imperial company, it would supply the Imperials thusly - Balmorra with little, as it is a prime weapons facility and was able to defend itself against Executor Sedriss without Imperial aide. General Veers fell there against Balmorran war droids. Correct? Kamaar/Yaga Minor?Remnant also has sufficient tech resources, including the fighter production on Kamar itself and the highly populated trasding centre of Yaga Minor. Khendon has always had a fascination with technology and has always been nodded by us to be the IC and OOC ruler of sw tech. RP wise, the Federacy is leagues ahead of any of us in terms of technology, and I thought it best for him to receive little, as IC wise he cares little for "current" technology. Escpec8ally droids and light space-borne weaponry.

The Sovereignty naturally has little in the way of production. Period. The shipyards above Thyferra were built by me - The Imperial Sovereignty's first thead, so titled - all facilitiers were built by me - same thread, 40 odd posts, over the course of six months - Eriadu was taken in an rp, and its resources like converted, as it is a factory world. Thyferra is riduclously wealthy due to a bacta monoply. Bespin sells Tibanna gas - neither have natural porudction bases. I have had to build them. I have rped out the expansion of Thyferra's population, as well as Bespins, and our IC NPC takeovers.

It seems I have been betrayed by all of my friends, or those I thusly considered so. Taylor Millard, a man who I departed my own family for to spend Christmas with. A man who I called a friend and would have borne myself to defend. How dare you.

Silus - a man I rped with little but up until now had had no rancor towards/

Piece Topndry/Rigel. I had no idea you felt this way.

Lileanan - your support is noted. I thank you for noticing that we have gone by the rules.

I did not know that my axctyions were illegal, or misplaced in thought. I have never claimed another territory. The absance of Admiral Sokolov , as prior agreed between us, is only now being expounded upon. And it is being rped - extensively. I thank you to note that of eleven posts the first Cat and Mouse thread is fifteen thousand words./

Had I have known I was perceived as a lawless OOC maniac and IC tyrant, I would have said this long ago. I operated under the facade that my rps were liked, my friends lauded my efforts to build an Empire out of my own thoughts and the training of new Imperial rpers - with the exception of Admiral Laran, all of my members are new.

If it is your wish that I cease rping, I shall make a one post thread rping my own demise and the handing over of my realm to Admiral Laran or Aegis ud Caat who can do with as they pelase. perhaps they will be less aggressive IC and less frequent in their dedication to keeping alive a dying Empire.

If it si your wish, I shall surrender my account and return to the New Order (ezboard.)

I am sorry for any inconveneicne I have caused. My sword stands drawn. If you wish it, it is yours.

Morgan Evanar
May 18th, 2003, 09:51:49 AM
Ughhhh... more of why I hate fleet crap.

Because its crap. You think in terms of betrayl and stupid and other miserable lame things. You care about your ships and power, not about a story.

Go play Master of Orion or something.

In short:

Pierce Tondry
May 18th, 2003, 10:49:42 AM
Telan: What Morgan's picture said. We have already had quite a bit of drama recently, which you are now adding to. These are honest opinions. If you feel surprised and hurt, say so, but don't go off about betrayal because that this is not. No one is going to take your (imaginary) sword and stab you with it.

And if you wanted my opinion on the way you RP, you could have asked me.

Now please do not go post saying you're gonna leave like Lebron did. If you are really interested in the RPs you're doing, sit down and work this out with us.