View Full Version : Fingers of the Hand: Rats in the Sewers [Coruscant]
Lilaena De'Ville
May 15th, 2003, 11:17:24 PM
Lilaena walked along the wide bridge, her eyes slowly tracing the strands of lights above her head which were the traffic lanes of Coruscant.
Beside her walked a man she'd known for years. Calmoarn, a dark handsome man with a smile that made women swoon. He was walking carefully, as though he was afraid he'd brush against her by accident. De'Ville looked up at him, and smiled thinly. "It is a beautiful night."
He nodded in agreement, and looked behind him. Nothing.
"We are almost there, do not worry so much." She patted his arm, and he flinched slightly. A frown crossed her face briefly before being replaced by a bemused expression. "The only people behind us belong with me. There are no Jedi nearby."
He nodded again, and then said, "I trust you, Lilaena. The other leaders are expecting us...I can't help being a bit nervous for you. They are pretty cynical men - and women. They're not going to just swallow another person's rhetoric."
She smiled still. "I do not expect them to swallow anything."
Darven shrugged, clearly not convinced. His ties with Lilaena were old and strong, however, and he'd do anything for her. Anything at all. His eyes tracked to hers. "How is Jax?"
"He is fine." The words were clipped and short, the smile still carefully in place.
Darven looked back once more. He caught a glimpse of their shadow, a man who had come with De'Ville on a refugee transport from Chandrila. It was strange. But fit their purposes, he supposed.
De'Ville followed Darven down a crevice of an alleyway between two massive structures (built on top of another skyscraper, of course) and to a turbolift which had long ago fallen into disuse. Darven forced the doors open, and she saw a plasteel platform with a convoluted array of ropes and pulleys. Darven shrugged. "It works, trust me."
I just hope the others can figure out how to use this. De'Ville had faith in her associates...but prehistoric mechanics might be beyond them. She followed Darven onto the platform as he shut the doors with effort. De'Ville considered helping him with the Force, but decided not to. He was easily startled by things like that.
Darven began turning a crank, and then the mechanism caught and the makeshift 'lift began to descend into the bowels of Coruscant.
Darven Calmoarn
May 16th, 2003, 01:35:27 AM
I stand uneasily in the muted darkness, Lilaena next to close I can almost feel her breathing. Actually, I can. My skin is prickling as her breath cools across it. Maybe it's just the breeze coming up this abandoned shaft.
Looking around at the chains and ropes that operate this piecemeal 'lift, I hope that everything holds together. No one even remembered this old turbolift - it had been written off as 'built over' years and years ago. Only it had never been built over, although the 'lift itself had fallen to the bottom, hundreds of feet below, and smashed itself to pieces at least a decade ago.
She shifted her weight, and her arm brushed against mine in the darkness. I can still remember her at fifteen...can still feel the way her weight felt when I picked her up after that incident in the ventilation shafts. The time we'd kissed.
Lilaena looks up at me in the semi darkness, and rubs her head where the stitches had been put in. I cough, hoping her gesture is only reflex, and not the result of her reading my mind. Can you hear me, Lilaena? She gives no indication of anything, and the crank turned cautiously as we continue to decend into Coruscant. A few more levels down and we'd be there.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 16th, 2003, 09:59:46 PM
The lift settled roughly on the ground, slightly cockeyed from the rubble in the bottom of the shaft. Darven unconsciously steadied her arm as they stopped descending, and she let him help her off the 'lift. With a few movements, Darven sent the lift trundling up to the top of the one hundred and thirty story shaft.
"It isn't much further, Lilaena." He released her arm as if he'd just realized he'd been touching her, and she nodded in the darkness. The taller man reached into the bag he had slung over his shoulders, and pulled out a high powered torch. He flipped a switch and illuminated the passageway in front of them as he began to lead the way again. "Are your...friends going to need a guide?"
"They will follow me." De'Ville walked just to his right and behind him, her arms tucked up in the sleeves of her dark blue cloak.
"Uh, okay."
They walked in silence for several minutes, in the abandoned level, with only the sounds of rodents as their company. Soon the meeting would take place. All was proceeding according to plan.
Silus Xilarian
May 17th, 2003, 12:13:24 PM
As Lilaena and her friend made their way down the lift, Silus stayed at the top. One more was to be accompanying them, and he hadnt made it yet. He sunk back into the shadows as he waited, keeping the hood of his cloak up as he studied his surroundings. Occasionally, a person would walk by, sometimes even glance in his direction, but no one saw him standing there, which was a good thing.
Down the street, he could see someone heading in his direction, and he stepped out into the light.....
Vega Van-Derveld
May 17th, 2003, 12:44:13 PM
Traveling on public transport always gave Vega a kick. People, though more used to the odd life that Coruscant gave them, were still unnerved when the Lupine was around. His journey to meet Silus had been spent standing in close quarters with about twenty other people, most of which he towered over. A little entertainment had been provided by tugging at various people with the Force, leading to an old man getting a slap for ‘slapping one woman’s behind’.
Now, however, he had departed the refugee transport and was heading his way down an alley towards Silus. A slight nod of greeting, to show recognition, and the Lupine tugged his hood back up over his head – immediately covering his face in darkness.
“Let’s go.”
Darven Calmoarn
May 18th, 2003, 12:25:07 AM
We walk in silence for several seconds...that stretch into minutes. I cast a sideways glance at her, and then point up ahead. "The meeting place is there. See the glow?"
She nods, and I lapse into silence again. I am beyond bemoaning what had happened to my friend. I am dealing with her changes now, or at least that's what I'm telling myself. A few more minutes of walking and we're ducking through a doorway into a room that seems to have stood the test of time.
The walls are streaked with dirt, but they're intact. The group of men and women who are waiting are looking a bit impatient.
"Finally, Darven, I was beginning to think you weren't coming after all." Nadiene steps up towards us, and gives Lilaena an appraising once over. "Is this the one who wished to talk to us?"
"Yes, this is ...De'Ville." I almost stutter over her name. Still not used to it, after all these years. "She has something to say to us all."
Lilaena De'Ville
May 18th, 2003, 12:38:17 AM
Their surroundings seemed to have been a courtyard of some type at one point...decades ago. The surrounding walls were sturdy and as she looked closely at the dirt and dust patterns, it was often used for meetings such as this one.
It had taken some convincing for Lilaena to get Darven to call together the others like him. Coruscant was a large planet, and there were more than just one group of so-called 'feral humans.' They chose to separate themselves from society for one reason or another, but they all had one thing in common. They were all represented here, by their clan leaders.
There were seven men, including Darven, and one woman. She knew from conversations with Darven that each leader had brought their second. Darven nodded to a man who returned the gesture. Lilaena recognized him as Darven's second in command, so to speak.
She walked to where a fountain had once burbled merrily (which was now clogged with years of grime and unuse) and stepped up onto it. "Yes. I am here to talk with you." Lilaena spoke quietly, but the Force gently amplified her voice, making her heard to every ear in the room.
Silus Xilarian
May 18th, 2003, 10:34:35 AM
One Silus and Vega stepped inside, it was all business. Both hoods were drawn, both men silent as they stepped onto the lift. Silus didnt know hardly anything of these "feral humans", and Lilaena hadnt offered very much insight. And Vega, Vega and Silus had the same task tonight. Stand in a corner and look for anything suspicious.
The lift they were on wasnt exactly what you'd call "state of the art", and if it wasnt for the fact that he'd just watched Lilaena and her friend use it, there probably wouldnt be much chance of getting Silus on it. The fact that there was now almost a quarter ton of weight on it didnt sit well with Silus either....
Lilaena De'Ville
May 18th, 2003, 07:56:25 PM
"For many years you have lived under the rule of repressive and irresponsible leaders. To free yourself from this, you have separated yourself from society." Lilaena looked over the small gathering, reading skepticism on faces, but curiousity leaked through their emotions.
"But how would you like to...bring your concerns to the public eye?"
"We don't want political power." A burly man spoke up, his face pale from years of living underground.
De'Ville nodded, "I understand. And although I could, I am not offering you power in that sense. The New Republic has not improved things on this planet for you. Coruscant has gotten rid of dictator after dictator, only to have the tyrants replaced with something worse: squabbling politicians."
Darven Calmoarn
May 21st, 2003, 10:02:56 PM
I lean against one of the dank walls and listen to her speak. I already know what she's going to say, as we went over it earlier. She wanted to know what would convince the others to join our cause.
She is doing an admirable job of it. Even Nadiene is listening intently.
"...All I ask is that you take my words to heart." Lilaena looks over her shoulder towards the way we had just walked. As she looks back at the others I look over there too...and see something moving. Perhaps it is her friends?
Bithi, a tall imposing human with a shaven head, shrugs his shoulders. "You speak words that ring true to us. And I think that helping you out will also give our people something to do. We grow restless, waiting for the right time to return to the surface."
"Wait." Nadiene stands a bit apart from the other leaders, her hulking second, an alien humanoid with dark green skin, stands with arms folded just behind her. "She tells us what we want to hear. But what is in it for us? What if the New Republic finds out it is us? Won't things be worse then than they are now?"
I look to Lilaena, wondering as well what she is going to say.
Silus Xilarian
May 26th, 2003, 10:19:52 PM
Outside the door, Silus and Vega stood guard. Attention wasnt welcome at this point, and any undue attention could become a messy situation. A grin came to Silus' hidden face as he stood. Lilaena was feeding these people with exactly what they wanted to hear. Her warmup with Darven was paying off.
If these "Feral Humans" only knew who's purposes Calmoarn served...
Lilaena De'Ville
May 26th, 2003, 10:30:25 PM
She shrugged her shoulders a bit. "If the New Republic ever found out about you at all, what do you think they would do to you? Do you think they would allow you to continue your existance down here as you always have?"
Bithi, the largest man in the room, snorted derisively. "The Republic would not tolerate beings who live as we do. They would see us as parasites. Which," he added proudly, "we are."
De'Ville smiled. "They will forcibly reintegrate you into their idea of society. They will punish the leaders, although your rebellion was not against them, but against the Empire. Your distrust of them sows distrust from them. In both cases, the distrust is earned." She cleared her throat a little, "At any rate, only a foolish mistake would get you caught. No one will be the wiser, I have faith in your abilities."
Vega Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2003, 04:01:04 AM
Listening to De’Ville speak, and watching the reactions from the group, was wonderful. They lapped up what she said as if it was gospel truth – which even if some of it had been, the intent behind the words certainly wasn’t benevolent. Vega glanced sideways at Silus, as both stood in silence with their arms folded behind them. They looked like a pair of bouncers outside a club; the muscle acting as security to ensure that everything went as planned.
Darven Calmoarn
May 27th, 2003, 07:20:19 PM
I'm a little nervous. I haven't lived down here my whole life, like most of these people have. And I don't always stay here. The last time I was offplanet I was delivering Lilaena's baby boy to the Jedi on Arcan IV. That was almost two years ago. And before that, I'd seen Lilaena kill a man in cold blood on a bridge.
I know who we are dealing with. And ultimately, I am selling us all out. But I just can't say no to her. She owns me, and if she doesn't know it, then she's blind. Nadiene is nodding, and agreeing. Even Bithi seems interested.
If nothing else, this will give us all something to break up the monotony of the days. A little chaos never hurt anyone. De'Ville is wrapping up her speech and the questions are slower in coming. All seem satisfied.
In return for our help, she is going to give us certain supplies that have been lacking. Medical supplies are especially hard to steal or acquisition. I add my voice to the murmur coming from my peers. "I think it's a worthy trade. We get what we need, in exchange for what? A little excitement now and then?"
Markoth catches my eye, and grins. My second is notorious for asking for the high risk supply runs. This is right up his alley.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 28th, 2003, 10:48:48 PM
It was going well. Almost too well, but the Force wasn't showing any signs of duplicity in these people. De'Ville stepped down from her spot on the edge of the dead fountain, and walked through the people, permitting her hand to be shaken by the leaders. They explained that hand shaking was a cementing of the deal between them. Whatever it takes to get this over with and me out of here. She remembered her time living down there...and her mouth smiled, while she cringed.
"It was a good speech, Lilaena." He looked like he was about to try to kiss her cheek, and she casually moved aside. He put his hands in his pockets. "Shall we go?"
Lilaena tugged his hands out of his pockets, and hugged him. "Thank you for your help Darven."
He folded her into his arms, and said, "It was nothing, Lilaena." She stepped back, and tucked her hands up into the sleeves of her cloak.
"I have an escort outside. We will wait until you and your people are clear, and then we will go back to the surface." She looked up into his dark eyes, seeing that he wanted to go with her.
Silus Xilarian
May 29th, 2003, 03:34:51 AM
Ya know, I dont particularly care for this Calmoarn guy. He's lucky Lilaena wants him alive through this...
The two large, cloaked men still stood outside the door. Silent, as far as anyone could tell, although Silus' voice was loud and clear within Vega's mind. Though he wasnt in the room, Silus could sense every move made within the room. Thoughts and emotions left unguarded by those who knew relatively nothing of the force, and probably didnt care to. One man in the corner held some contempt for Lilaena being in the "spotlight". Another wasnt keen on the fact that she came in acting like she knew what was best for them. All in all, Lilaena had them duped, although, if suspitions started to arise about her, those two would be the first to meet an untimely end. Darven wasnt much of a worry, more or less, he just nagged at Silus' nerves a little. This irritation was because of something purely professional.
Darven Calmoarn
May 29th, 2003, 05:31:55 PM
She steps back from me, and I nod. "Of course, Lilaena."
Nadiene has already left, along with Ra'ast, her big green enforcer. Bithi is on his way out, and the rest are filtering away as well, disappearing into the murk of the underground. Markoth is waiting for me.
"I'll see you later. When you bring the supplies..?" Its more of a hopeful suggestion than a statement.
"Yes, yes." She sounds distracted, her eyes going to the door that her 'escorts' are waiting outside of. Bithi is walking out that door, and he doesn't seem to see them, but keeps on walking. He and his second are soon gone, and there are only a few people left. One of them is shooting Lilaena a dirty look, but his clan leader grabs his shoulder and pulls him away and out.
I walk back to Markoth as Lilaena rejoins her escorts. "Let's go." He nods, and we leave the meeting area, heading back towards our sector. I feel slightly disappointed, but also a little elated that we were so successful.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 06:49:08 AM
The last of the stragglers left the underground room, and De'Ville stepped out of the doorway to stand between her two siblings in the Hand. "Well, that went well."
Vega Van-Derveld
May 31st, 2003, 07:16:18 AM
Vega looked at Silus. However much it seemed like it went well something about Silus attitude suggested otherwise. The Lupine simply smirked and looked to Lilaena, nodding.
“It’s a shame we didn’t get the chance to rough someone up,”
It would have been fitting, in the true style of shady underground meetings, Vega thought. It wasn’t often he got to play the part of the shadowy thug, and he felt as though his chance to grunt and punch things had been wasted today. A second thought about this and he added.
“I suppose it’s for the best though.”
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 07:23:59 AM
"You think you know what's best for us?" An angry voice came from the shadows. Apparently not all had left.
De'Ville recognized briefly the man who had been forced out by his clan leader before a flash blinded them as an antique blaster shot off from his hand. Her lightsaber wasn't even in her hand... Her danger sense had failed to warn her.
The bolt struck her high in the left shoulder and the Dark Jedi was spun around by the impact, falling to the filthy ground.
Silus Xilarian
May 31st, 2003, 07:35:34 AM
Silus had forgot about his lightsabers. He'd forgot about both his blasters. As soon as he heard the shot, he pounced. He didnt see Lilaena hit the ground. By the time this had happened, he'd already taken the man down, and was now beating him with repeated right hands to the face.
Even though the man was out like a lightbulb after the first punch, Silus kept punching, letting the durasteel framework in his right hand do the work of the weapons he'd forgotton about...
Vega Van-Derveld
May 31st, 2003, 07:40:33 AM
No response. Thukthukthukthukthuk – like a shovel hitting wet cement.
“Silus. Silus, you can stop now. I think he’s dead. Hitting him harder will only make him harder to clean up off of the floor.”
Speaking of which, Vega thought …
“De’Ville? Everything alright down there? Need a hand or do you want to enjoy the view a little longer?”
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 07:47:25 AM
"Arghh..." She levered herself up with her right hand, getting her face out of the slime on the ground. "Frelling dren." There was something in her mouth from the floor, and she retched a bit before getting into a semi sitting up position.
De'Ville gasped as she felt with the Force at her wound. It was high enough that it had completely missed all her vital organs, only making her shoulder hurt like hell. A few moments and she was dampening the pain sensors in her brain and getting a hand up from Vega.
Silus Xilarian
May 31st, 2003, 08:14:06 AM
Vega's words fell on deaf ears. As Silus unloaded on the guy, his teeth were barred, and his eyes had glazed over. He'd gone into a full rage. It wasnt until he jerked the guy off the ground to toss his body around the room a few times that he saw Lilaena getting up off the floor, and heard her voice.
The man he was holding, who was now dead, fell to the ground with a thud, and the whole scenario had just caught up to Silus.
At this point, he was the proverbial Deer in the headlights. One part of him wanted to rush to her and make sure she was ok, another part of him, the more logical part, told him to give her some space, and that she wouldnt be standing if she were hurt.
Two completely opposite reactions meeting in the middle to provide the wide eyed look of absolute terror etched on Silus' face.....
Vega Van-Derveld
May 31st, 2003, 08:20:00 AM
The look Silus was wearing make Vega blink. He had to look around the room twice to see if there was something else there in the shadows that was spooking Silus.
“Everything’s fine. Just a little flesh wound.”
The Lupine held back a chuckle and a comment about the same not being said for the mangled corpse on the floor.
Deciding this was probably going to turn into a private moment between Silus and Lilaena at the drop of a hat, Vega wandered over to the body and scooped it up onto his shoulders. He looked around for a moment before spying a dumpster in the corner and gave the poor chap his last rites as the eager little rats scurried out to see their new roomie.
Dusting off his hands, the Lupine glanced back of his shoulder and smirked.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 08:28:08 AM
De'Ville reached out with her right hand and touched Silus' shoulder. "Its ok.. you can relax." She tried not to look at his hands, which were covered in blood and what might have been nerve tissue from the man's brain. "Silus. Snap out of it. We need to get going." She winced slightly as she shrugged out of her filthy cloak, and started wiping his hands clean with the inside of it.
Silus Xilarian
May 31st, 2003, 06:21:27 PM
"......Are you ok?"
He could barely get the words out as she wiped his hands off with her cloak. He was in a state of confusion right now. He didnt know where the man had come from, he didnt even see Lilaena, and he had no clue what was going through his mind when he jumped on the man.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2003, 06:57:42 PM
De'Ville finished cleaning up his hands, and murmured, "I am ok... just a flesh wound, like Vega said. A dip in a bacta tank and I will be fine."
She looked at him sharply. "Are you going to be okay?" Lilaena tugged him along behind her as she walked to where Vega was. She handed him her soiled cloak and he tossed it into the dumpster as well. The rats were squeaking, not believing their good fortune as dinner for the next few weeks had just landed in their home.
She could no longer feel the wound, but blood was staining her shirt as it seeped out of her shoulder.
Silus Xilarian
May 31st, 2003, 10:35:48 PM
Silus followed her silently. A million things were rushing around in his head, and everything in his mind took the opportunity to kick him for not protecting her. Now he stayed within inches of her. His head had cleared slightly, and he managed to catch Vega slightly rolling his eyes. It kinda made sense, as usually Silus and Vega would have nearly bumped into each other out of having the same reaction.
This time Vega was as calm as ever, and Silus was majorly freaking out. Just another thought to add to his confusion...
Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 1st, 2003, 04:40:54 AM
Vega followed in tow behind Silus. Quickening his pace to catch up a little, he spoke under his breath:
“Come on, mate. Got to keep on your toes. Don’t let little accidents ike that bog you down, mm?”
Truthfully he understood a little of what Silus was feeling, but he needed to try and warm him around not to being so on-edge – after all outbursts like that could be a liability.
Silus Xilarian
Jun 1st, 2003, 04:51:33 AM
"I know..."
He knew exactly what Vega was telling him. Reguardless, he couldnt get more than a few inches from Lilaena without tensing up even worse. The incident had done more than pissed him off, it scared the living daylights outta him. He noticed her shoulder was still bleeding some, and he tore some fabric from his shirt, underneath his cloak, and lightly pressed it to the wound, careful not to cause her any more pain....
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 1st, 2003, 05:05:30 AM
She put her hand over his, pressing the cloth to her shoulder, and then gently edged his hand away, holding it there herself. "Thank you." De'Ville looked at Vega, and then back to Silus. "Teach me to say things went well, eh?" She halfheartedly laughed, and winced as something in her shoulder was jostled.
"Okay...we want long term docking bay 23s-99 at the main spaceport in this sector. There's a Corellian freighter there, the Madeline that is waiting for us." Unfortunately it only had rudimentary med supplies, not big enough for a bacta tank. The wound was small, although the burn from the bolt had blackened a good area of skin. Damn old weapons. At least a newer model would have made it a cleaner wound.
Silus Xilarian
Jun 1st, 2003, 07:39:59 PM
"I hope you know you're way around, cause Im lost in this sector."
He was calming down a good bit now, but he was still on edge. If anything good was to come of this, it was the fact that if someone were to sneeze a mile away, Silus would probably know about it. He pulled his cloak a little tighter as he walked, keeping his right hand inside it, resting on the slugthrower tucked into a shoulder holster.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 3rd, 2003, 02:47:33 AM
"We just have to get back to the 'lift, and then on the main thoroughfare..." Lilaena kept applying pressure to the wound as she walked. Because she was concentrating in the Force, trying to staunch the flow of blood to the area, she was distracted from watching where she was going.
Her foot caught on a chunk of duracrete, and she tripped. Silus reached out and caught her before she could think about it, and set her up again. He looked at her. "You okay?"
Lilaena nodded, "Thanks."
Just ahead was the makeshift turbolift. Vega eyed it, and expressed doubt that it would hold all three of them. De'Ville nodded, and looked at Silus. He didn't seem to be ready to try to make any sorts of decisions. "Vega, you go first, we will follow right behind you."
Silus Xilarian
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:32:11 AM
The Lupine shot Silus a smirk as he carefully stepped onto the lift. Normally, Silus would have at least returned a grin, or gave him the finger at least. His mind was still pretty wrecked though, and there was really only one thing he could focus on.
Vega had barely gone out of sight before Silus' arms found their way around Lilaena's waist. "Are you sure you're gonna be alright?" He asked as he lightly kissed her forehead.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:41:32 AM
His touch was comforting, even though she had a firm grasp on the situation. It was nice to know that although he'd fallen completely apart, that he was starting to come back together again. "I really am fine...other than the bleeding and the burn mark, of course." Lilaena pulled a wry face, and leaned against his chest as he hugged her to himself.
"Hey, I don't want to bleed on you..." she mumbled, letting her eyes close as she was able to put her whole concentration into the Force, and the wound area.
Silus Xilarian
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:53:58 AM
"Well...considering what all has happened tonight, I think I can survive a little blood."
Having her in his arms was soothing, and he could actually feel his pulse slowing to normal. His hands smoothly rubbed the contours of her back as they embraced. As calm as he'd managed to get himself though, a part of him was still on edge. His surroundings were hostile, and he longed to be rid of the place, at least for now, so he could collect himself. And of course, be able to spend time with Lilaena, without havign to worry about something leaping out at them...
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 3rd, 2003, 03:59:03 AM
She pulled away slightly, turning her good shoulder against him so she could look at the left one. Her black jumpsuit had a burnt hole in it that was crusted with blood. It was just a little bit obvious, and she wasn't sure what she was going to do about covering it up when they reached the 'surface.'
Lilaena reached into the tiny pouch on her belt and pulled out a bacta pill. "Can you crumble that into the wound, Silus?"
Silus Xilarian
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:04:54 AM
Silus nodded quietly and took the pill from her. His hands were shaky as he pressed the pill between the tips of his fingers, but he still managed to get most of it on the wound. He then tore another piece of fabric from his shirt (the other sleeve, presumably) and layed it on top of the wound, to keep any more dirt of grime from getting in it..
"Hows that?"
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:12:40 AM
"Mmm...better." Lilaena leaned her head on his shoulder, her face against his neck. She could feel his pulse - it was steady and strong. They stood there in silence; her with eyes closed, he with eyes open and watchful, until the 'lift returned for them.
Silus helped her in, although he didn't need to, and she watched him start the mechanism up that would draw them up to the space between the two buildings, hundreds of feet up. She snuggled into his side as the 'lift lurched upwards, and he put his arms around her again.
Silus Xilarian
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:24:28 AM
It had been a few minutes into the trip upward that Silus had finally broke the silence. "Yes?" she replied, her voice warmly acknowledging him...
"Im sorry...."
His voice broke slightly as he spoke, emphasizing how heavily things were weighing on his mind....
"I'll be there next time......"
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:29:14 AM
He was really taking this hard. In all reality, there was nothing he could have done. She wasn't cocky, but she knew how capable she was. There had been no warning, nothing in the Force to indicate danger.
Nothing you were paying attention to, maybe. "Silus," she reached up with her right hand and stroked his cheek. "There was no warning. We were all three caught flat footed... Do not beat yourself up about this."
He looked down at her, and she kissed his lips lightly. "Besides, I was hoping you could there for me...later." Lilaena winked at him.
Silus Xilarian
Jun 3rd, 2003, 04:36:41 AM
Silus couldnt help but let out a slight laugh at her remark. The truth of the matter was, when it came to those he cared about, Silus would go to no end to help them. Couple this with the fact that Silus was extremely cocky, and believed that there wasnt an end he couldnt meet, and it goes without saying that the incident was something he'd be kicking himself about for awhile. Lilaena's playfulness was rubbing off on him though, and he couldnt help but smile...
"Well, I guess im obligated then. How later are we looking at here..."
He leaned forward and kissed her again, letting his forehead rest against hers. They were well into the trip by this point, and getting very close to the end. And somehow, Silus had lost track of time..
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 4th, 2003, 01:05:07 AM
Lilaena poked him in the ribs as the lift jerked to a halt. "I think this is our stop." Silus secured the lift, and pulled the doors open.
Vega was skulking about on the duracrete outside. "Took your time, did you?"
"That old rattletrap was the one taking its time." Lilaena made sure the door was closed securely behind them, and then she pointed with her right hand. "The spaceport is that direction. Lets get back to Bast so we can get our own ships back, okay?"
Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 4th, 2003, 02:59:36 AM
Vega nodded and started off walking, absently swinging his feet as he watched the pavement in front of him – resulting in his barging into numerous other people walking towards him. He was a little bit bored now, and needed something interesting to spice up the afternoon – if he hadn’t been with Lilaena he would have thumped one of the pedestrians.
“Sooo... That’s all we do today?” he asked, without looking back.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 5th, 2003, 12:16:41 AM
She grinned, "Well, we could swing by the Jedi Temple, if you really want to spice up the day."
Silus Xilarian
Jun 5th, 2003, 03:00:21 AM
"Im game...."
Since they'd gotten back on the street, Silus had retreated back to his thoughts. The mention of visiting the Temple managed to snap him back to reality.
"We need to get some fresher cloaks though, I cant concentrate with the scent of sewer all over me. "
Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 6th, 2003, 03:12:11 AM
“Jedi Temple... sounds promising.”
Perhaps he could drop in on some old friends whilst there; drink a little wine, do a little catching up, gut some Garou. When Silus mentioned getting new cloaks he frowned slightly – Vega could probably smell the sewer on the lot of them ten times stronger than either De’Ville or Xilarian and he had no problem with it, but if they felt uncomfortable…
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