View Full Version : Time can do so much

May 15th, 2003, 05:24:14 PM
Kolarik sighed deeply and finally opened his eyes. He was tired today. Perhaps it was because he hadn’t fed in a day or two. He’d taken a victim several nights ago with blood that later made him sick. And as a vampire, it was simply a miserable feeling. It would pass, he knew, and today he was feeling a bit more like himself.

Alana had taken good care of him through the past few days and he was reminded for a few moments of the night she had saved his life. It seemed like an eternity ago already, although it was hardly that long. But he was so comfortable with her, knew her so well, that it seemed as if it had been forever. And with this he was perfectly content.

The interesting thing about having been sick was that he’d had a lot of time to think. Nights normally spent wandering with Alana, speaking with mortals, or roaming through various streets or establishments had instead been spent inside recovering.

And what he had decided was that he was ready to begin to embrace the darkness. He was ready to begin to learn about the Shrine and all that it offered besides immortality and place to call home. He had risen from bed, showering and dressing without much on his mind. He needed to get out, if even for a little bit. He was buttoning the last button on his shirt when Alana walked in.

He looked relieved to see her. And pleased. Her cheeks were pink, and he knew she had been out hunting. Something he realized, he had greatly missed over the past few days.

He moved to her then, his dark hair hanging in wet waves around his young face.

“You’re back early…..” He stated, his voice still husky with sleep.

Alana Stormcloud
May 15th, 2003, 05:38:11 PM
Alana smiled at her lover as she walked into there room. It had once been hers alone but now she viewed it as shared. It was something that both pleased her, and left her slightly shaken. She did not truly know why but it was a feeling he always seemed to bring out in her. She had been worried about him, his skin was still pale from the blood sickness, but she was glad to see him out of the bed.

"I came back to check on you my sweet.... I also brought you a present." Alana said with a pleased grin. She gestured to the Shrine guards to bring the young girl forward, her head drooped from the trance Alana had put her in.

“Do not worry my love.... I tested her blood, and it is as sweet as nectar." She moved swiftly to him then. Her arms circling his waist. Her lips finding his in a familiar kiss. She had missed his touch. Though she had barley left his side, to see him so ill had made her heart clench with fear. Something she had not felt in some time.

Alana leaned gently into his chest, her soft murmurs lost in his shirt front. Her silken hair brushing across his face in a sweet promise...

"It is good to see you up my love..... I was..... Worried." She hesitated slightly over the unfamiliar phrase. She had grown to love Kolarik, and it was as sweet to her as it was strange.....

May 15th, 2003, 05:59:42 PM
His arms wrapped around her as she settled in against his chest. His fingers, as always, entangled in her silken hair as it fell down her back. His head dropped to plant a kiss on the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her hair, of her. She always smelled like flowers. It was as if he were forever walking through a garden in full bloom when he was around her. The sweetest scent of a spring breeze.

For a moment his eyes closed and he relaxed into her, somewhat weakened with the lack of fresh mortal blood. The mortal so near made him chuckle softly into Alan’s hair before a hand reached for her chin, lifting it gently for her eyes to meet his.

“You were worried…?” He asked, an eyebrow raised and a somewhat triumphant smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

“Worried enough even to bring me a present…” His eyes cast briefly over at the girl. Alana knew his tastes well enough now to know exactly how to pick a victim for him. And this, he marveled at. She was so secure in herself, in them, that she did not grow jealous over his encounters with mortal women. She knew that they meant nothing, and that always, he would return to her. For it was she who he wanted. Alana was the only one who could fill a void that mortal blood, that no thrill in the galaxy could fill. Nothing but Alana.

He looked back to the woman he loved.

“Were you out by yourself….?” He asked. Perhaps he was still too close to mortality to let it slide. But he still thought in so many ways as a mortal, looking out for Alana despite the fact that she was more capable of taking care of herself than he was. He didn’t like her being out by herself, despite the fact that she was a tested warrior.

Alana Stormcloud
May 16th, 2003, 02:12:20 PM
“Were you out by yourself….?”

Alana chuckled softly as he spoke. It was nice to have someone worry over her, to deem her a fragile female. She had not been looked at this way since she had been a child on her uncle’s knee.

"Don’t look so pleased that I was worried. You will give me a complex." She said in teasing tones. The fact that she felt enough for him to be worried was mind boggling to her. She had thought those emotions long dead.

"Yes my sweet I was out hunting alone. She looked so precious sitting on the bench, waiting for her lover that I could not help to bring her to you." Alana cocked her head and grinned up into his face, her playful glint coming out in full force.

"Why ?? Do you find yourself worrying for me my love??" She knew he worried about her when she was out alone, she who had been as deadly as a mortal as she was an immortal. To know he would think her in danger brought a gentle smile to her lips.

May 16th, 2003, 03:01:22 PM
He stared into her playful eyes for a moment.

“You know I worry.” He replied, his voice somewhat chiding. But as his lips lowered to hers, it was more than evident that he was hardly upset with her. He knew she was perfectly capable of handling herself, yet something inside him, perhaps the strings of his heart, always worried that she would be taken from him. By now, he knew that he would not be able to continue without her. Their blood had become too mingled, and even the slightest emotion of hers could be often felt by him.

It had become so familiar, such a part of him, that to be without it would make him less than complete. She was the one who could make him this whole.

Being this close to her, he realized how hungry he truly was. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught the slightest movement of the mortal and groaned. There would be no evening of seduction for this one. Her end would be swift and perhaps even painful, for the hunger for blood was sometimes stronger than a will to give victims a peaceful end.

“What else could you not resist this evening?” He asked, vampire fangs trailing along her skin as he referred to the fact that she had been unable to resist bringing the mortal to him.

Alana Stormcloud
May 18th, 2003, 02:31:13 PM
“What else could you not resist this evening?”

Alana tipped her head back as his mouth trailed along her porcelain skin. Her hue shifting eyes slipping closed as they settled on the light blue color they always became around him. Like the sky of a spring day that she had not seen in forever.

"I was able to resist everything my sweet, until I stepped into your presence. Now I seem unable to resist you." She said in a husky voice, throaty with pent up passion. She moved her crimson lips to his neck, wanting badly to taste him, to sink into his exposed vein. He would not deny her, even if he was weakened. Alana resisted barely, but it would not be to long before she gave in to his tempting ways.

"Go, my love.... Enjoy her, my gift to you. But hurry before I can stand no more..." He knew what she spoke of. Her eyes glimmered with it, her body called for him.....

May 19th, 2003, 08:49:22 AM
The girl had been silent, caught up in one of Alana’s numerous spells. And now, as Alana released her to Kolarik, the girl shook, visibly frightened and confused.

“Please let me go, please let me go, please let me go…” Over and over she repeated herself, her words a quiet plea in between her tears and occasional sobs.

His gaze flickered to her, studying her for a moment as he continued to hold Alana in his arms. She was pretty, though nothing anyone would have turned their heads to stare at. Not anything like the woman he held in his arms. The seductive vampire lordess who had captured not only his heart, but his very soul.

And then he turned back to Alana. His kiss lingered on her lips as he left, the very way he had held her, the way he caressed her cheek before moving to the mortal a subtle gesture of his love for her, and a good indication that he left only out of a very primal need. Only because he needed the blood of a mortal to sustain him.

As he approached, the girl seemed to cower even more.

“Shhhhhh….” He whispered, holding a finger to his lips.
A hand extended to her, beckoning her to his embrace. She paused, her please momentarily stopping. And when she didn’t move to him, he moved to her. He wasn’t in the mood to play games with mortals this evening. He hadnt fed in days.
A shrill scream pierced the atmosphere as strong arms gripped the girl in a grasp that would not allow escape. That did not allow a struggle, for he acted before she truly realized what was to come. Fangs extended and for a few minutes she struggled against him. It didn’t last long and when he was through, guardians, beckoned by his call, took the body away.

This was clearly what he had needed, for his cheeks now carried color and instantly, as the blood moved through his veins, he could feel strength returning. It would take more, many more mortals before it fully returned, but for now, this was good enough.

He had missed out on time with Alana, and he wanted to make up for this. Yes, he had eternity, but in his mind, it never seemed long enough. Not when it included the seductress who now moved to him.

“Ive made you wait….” He commented as their bodies molded together.

“Unless while I was sleeping you were out finding another young vampire to seduce….” He added. These words were teasing, for he did not by any means believe this true.

Alana Stormcloud
May 19th, 2003, 09:17:32 AM
Alana took in every nuance of what her lover did. Each moan of terror the girl spilled forth from her open mouth brought a deep satisfaction to the Sith Lordess. The blood ties they had formed allowed for her to feel each emotion Kolarik felt. Alana's body quivered slightly with the blood lust he felt from days of going without the rich blood mortals offered up.

When he returned to her, his cheeks carrying a healthy glow, Alana smiled. Her own eyes delving into his, her body pressed close. She had missed his touch.

“Unless while I was sleeping you were out finding another young vampire to seduce….”

Alana ran her crimson lips over his jaw, her laughter muffled there against his skin. "Find someone else? There would be no one I would long for as much as you my sweet. It is your lips I long to feel at my throat, it is your embrace my body called for." She said with a seductive whisper.

"Come take what I have to offer." Alana leaned her head back, her hands buried in his hair. She drew his lips to her throat, her skin cool against his blood stained mouth.

"And then we can retire to bed where you will get no more rest....." She said in playful tones. She sent her lust filled thoughts to him, thoughts of the pure pleasure that they had been denied well he lay sick.....

May 19th, 2003, 11:19:35 AM
His time as a vampire was changing him in subtle ways. Some might have said that his teasing of her, using words meant to bring about reassurances, were brought about by being a vampire. It was well known that many vampires were vain, wanting to hear of themselves, wanting to know others looked upon them in awe.

For Kolarik, this was nothing new. He had always been one who loved attention. And Alana was one who easily played along with him, wanting the same thing herself. This had nothing to do with being a vampire, and everything to do with the love of seduction.

And she knew Kolarik would be unable to resist what she offered. Her voice, her very words brought about a desire that only she could satiate. But even more than the seduction, he was touched by her concern for him. Not only had she cared for him while she was sick, but even after, she was looking out for him, offering blood that would speed his recovery. Blood that he had never been able to resist. Blood that was more addictive than anything he had ever known.

As she pulled his lips to her neck, he willingly gave in. His teeth found tender flesh and sunk into it, razor sharp fangs pricking the surface and then easing in with the mastery of one who had done so many many times before.

He drank from her, heady with the difference in taste, in the sweetness. It was difficult to stop, to p pull away from her. But when he did, he sank onto the bed, pulling her down with him in his embrace.

For a moment, he rested with his eyes closed, feeling Alana’s fingers trace over his skin, feeling her lips teasing him.

“Will it always be this easy…?” He asked, his eyes shifting to match her blue eyes as he looked to her. He was referring not to their relationship, for he believed that would always be as easy as it was now, but to the life at the Shrine.

Alana Stormcloud
May 19th, 2003, 12:28:59 PM
“Will it always be this easy…?”

Alana lay in his embrace quiet, she wanted to find a way to avoid that question. She in fact wanted to tell him that it was always going to easy. But her heart knew better. She knew there were things coming that would surely change all that they knew. The immortals, that never seemed to be affected by time, were now going to feel its effects in full force. The Sith Lordess also knew that there may be losses to there beloved family.

"My sweet.... I wish I could tell you that life for us will always be this sweet. That time, and life would have no bearing on us. We who are immortal...... But I cannot, there is a change coming, one that will affect us all. A time of reckoning for all of us." Alana sighed softly, her face pressed close to his chest. Taking in his familiar scent, tears of bitter regret filled her eyes. It seemed life always made her want to pay for any amount of happiness she received.

"There are times my love when I think it would have been better to have let you die at my feet, than to have loved you and subject you to perhaps loosing me, or me loosing you." She said with all the candor there kind possessed.

May 19th, 2003, 12:44:57 PM
Her last words had surprised him. Her face was buried I his chest, something he had come to know that she did when she was upset. When she was happy, her ever changing eyes were typically upon him, flashing a bright blue. When she was upset, she hid her eyes from him. He shifted then so that it was she who was on her back, and he propped on an elbow looking down at her. The trace of blood tear he could see at the corner of her eye, and he dropped his head to kiss this.

“There is nothing that could change my mind about the time we have together.” He stated.

When she had first spoken with him about the bond forming between them, the price of mingling blood, he had told her then that he wanted it. And still, he did, though he better understood now the seriousness of it.

Her every movement, every thought, every emotion, was a part of him. Though not all were clear, every one of them did to some degree affect him. He loved it, loved to feel this connection to her, but he knew that there was no going back now. That he would never exist without her. Would not be able to take the pain of such a loss. And this, she had warned him of.

“What is this change you speak of…?” He asked. It was such a simple question, as if it were so easily black and white for him. And it was, for it wasn’t mingled with the responsibility that Alana carried in connection to them.

Alana Stormcloud
May 19th, 2003, 01:07:45 PM
Alana looked up into his eyes as he hovered above her. It was something they often did but this one time she had need to hide her eyes from him. Not wanting to spill forth there possible fates. Reaching up, delaying the moment, she brushed the hair from his forehead. The gesture familiar and endearing.

"A time approaches Kolarik. When two of the most powerful of our kind will meet. The out come will tell our future. The extinction of our race, or the fulfillment of it. We will all have to face this, we will all have to fight for what e hold dear. Perhaps that is why I rushed you toward the darkness. To prepare you for the war to come. Though the leaders of the Shrine will protect the new children of darkness the best that we can, we will not be able to shield you all. “She pulled him to her then, her arms circling his neck.

"But you my sweet, it is you I will protect with my very life if need be. It is that reason why I worry about the link we have created, it is why I worry you will hate me for what I have willfully done..."

May 19th, 2003, 02:15:38 PM
This explanation was not at all what he could have expected. And he was silent for a moment. Her blood had made him strong, but that strength had not been put to test. He hadnt shown any interest in the darkness – had shied away from it with a few exceptions here and there. But this….well, that did it.

The solution was, to him, so very simple.

“Hate you?” Despite the disconcerting news, an impish grin broke over his face. He shook his head, his bangs that Alana had just cleared, falling back into his eyes.

“Hardly.” He replied, fangs emerging ever so slightly. His response was teasing, lightening the mood as she so often did to him when he was concerned.

He let his body sink into hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Maybe its time I started to learn….” He suggested.

Alana Stormcloud
May 19th, 2003, 02:46:13 PM
“Maybe its time I started to learn….”

Alana grinned up at him, wanting to forget what they had just discussed. She playfully swiped at his hair again. "Learn to hate me??" She jested knowing he meant something else entirely.

"Perhaps...... But then I would not be able to stand it if you did, and then I would have to make you love me all over again." She pressed closer still, there bodies melding. She loved his touch, had in fact grown quiet fond of every moment they spent together. The thought of being without him bothered her more than she let on.

"Then again making you want me, making you love me again is not such a bad prospect. Especially if I can seduce you over and over." Alana pressed her lips to his. His extended teeth biting into her delicate flesh. Her crimson lips became even redder with the blood that settled there. The Sith Lordess wanted to be careful of him, knowing he was still weak from the illness brought on by the bad blood, but her fingers begged to differ as they tore at his clothing. There kiss never parting as they slid away with ease.....

May 20th, 2003, 09:10:21 AM
He could hardly complain that she was seducing him. And, in fact, he wouldn’t. But later, he was going to get her to speak seriously with him. There were clearly things he needed to learn and if it would help to reduce the fear she felt, the worry, he would stop at nothing to accomplish what she asked of him.

He chuckled quietly.

“I think I’ve already begun to learn to hate you. Perhaps you should seduce me….” He replied with an easy grin when their kiss had been broken.

Though he had just fed only moments ago, the color in his cheeks had already begun to fade. It had everything to do with the fact that he was still young, so far as vampires were concerned, and the need for blood while he was recovering was strong.

His eyes were his usual brown, though green tugged at the edges. This was the color they turned when he was concerned over something, it was the color they had been the past few days while he’d been sick.

Alana Stormcloud
May 20th, 2003, 10:07:18 AM
“I think I’ve already begun to learn to hate you. Perhaps you should seduce me….”

Alana chuckled softly at her lovers playful words. Pushing him over with an ease that belied her small frame, she pinned him. Her hands holding his wrists. Hovering above him she watched his hue shifting eyes. He could not hide his worry from her anymore than she could hide hers from, him.

"Shhhh my sweet, do not think on it. Later perhaps if you still have question, and if I can answer. Then we can talk. But for now, I must win you back, I must erase the worry I put there." Her soft voice was like a sirens call, the shadows of the room shifting with ire at the attention she gave solely to Kolarik now.

Her mouth found his as she lay on his chest, his arms released to do as they wished. The candle light flickered softly over there entwined bodies. Casting light on the sweet seduction of immortals...

May 20th, 2003, 12:27:24 PM
His limbs relaxed as her siren’s voice called to him. Beneath her powers of seduction, he melted, falling slowly into the trance she seemed to be able to put him in. Worries were easily forgotten as his mind focused less on the change she had spoken of, and completely on her and her alone.

Though he had just taken blood from her only moments ago, he wanted it again and lifted his head to beg this from her. Fangs sought ivory white skin and found what they were looking for.

And as her blood washed over his lips, drenching his tongue, he swallowed it, moments later sinking back against the pillows of the bed, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

“Is this all I had to do to get extra attention from you?” He teased, “Tell you that I need to relearn what its like to love you?”

Alana Stormcloud
May 23rd, 2003, 09:42:08 AM
"Of course it is my sweet, how better to gain a woman’s attention than to tell her that?" She said playfully, her eyes delving into his. To have him back, to know he was going to be ok lifted a weight off of Alana’s shoulders. She had not realized just how worried she had been.

Soft lips caressed his firm chin, to his throat. She did not bite, thought she longed to. Instead she teasingly ran her extended teeth over his throat. Whispering promises yet to come when he was all better.

"Perhaps my love if you are up to it we can go hunt? You still need more, as do I. Though not just yet." She said with a grin, her eyes heated, and wanting.

"First I want to take full advantage of you."

May 28th, 2003, 12:45:03 PM
He wanted to tell her that he was all better now, though he knew she wouldn’t believe him. She knew him to well, and besides, he really was a terrible liar – at least when it came to her. This was likely the result of the link between them, and the fact that he rather preferred being honest. Relationships were so much easier that way.

And he was happy to agree to a hunt, realizing that he did actually want to get outside to the cool evening air. Unless, of course, Alana planned to take full advantage of him instead.

“And when Im in such a vulnerable position….” He replied, shaking his head and grinning, hi words clearly meant to tease her.

“If they had an award for being an evil seductress, I have no doubt you’d win it time and time again.”

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 1st, 2003, 09:01:38 AM
“If they had an award for being an evil seductress, I have no doubt you’d win it time and time again.”

Alana gave her lover a grin that displayed her sharp eye teeth fully. Her eyes glinting in the soft candle light they all seemed to prefer to any other. Her hue shifted and settled on the soft blue they often held when in Kolarik’s presence.

"Of course my sweet, I have honed it to perfection. It is what makes immortality so much fun.....And seducing you has become my sweetest pleasure." She whispered, her mouth hovering just above his. Soft touches teasing, and tickling the tender flesh.

"So about the hunt..... Are you up to it lover? Or would you prefer to stay in bed."

Jun 5th, 2003, 02:20:16 PM
So about the hunt..... Are you up to it lover? Or would you prefer to stay in bed

He laughed.

“You well know where I’d prefer to remain….” He replied, mischief making itself known in the twinkling of his eyes.

“I don’t think you’ve asked the right question….” He added, stretching out lazily on the bed and sighing contentedly.

Alana Stormcloud
Jun 7th, 2003, 09:26:57 PM
“I don’t think you’ve asked the right question….”

Alana chuckled softly. Her fingers running over his ribs, and across his stomach. "No I didn’t, did I? You need to hunt is more along the lines, is it not? I to would prefer to stay in this bed, with you. But first things first." Her eyes twinkled softly in the candle light.

"Come, my love. Let’s get this over with so I can have what I require, so you can take what you please..." Alana pulled him up from the bed, though reluctantly. Her body fitting into his, her hands delving into his hair.

Jun 12th, 2003, 12:58:21 PM
Reluctantly, he stood. He waved ever so slightly on his feet, having not been out of bed for days, and the hunger for blood making him feel faintly unsteady. He lowered his head to kiss Alana, his body relaxing against hers as she ran her hands through his hair.

But only briefly, for the blood from the girl Alana had brought, and the blood of the vampire seductress herself soon began to move through his veins and he moved across the room to grab a jacket. Not that he needed one, but it was a mortal habit that he hadnt quite broken.

The black of the leather made the paleness of his face seem to stand out, the pink in his cheeks from the blood giving him the translucent effect that only a vampire could have.

He reached for her, pulling her to him once again.

“Have you seen any of the others tonight?” He asked as they moved towards the door.