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Abagael Zellan
May 15th, 2003, 10:10:36 AM
How can you see into my eyes, like open doors?
Leading you down into my core
Where I’ve become so numb.
Without a soul
My spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

“Welcome Ladies and Gentleman, to a night that you will remember forever!”

In a gray, back room, gloves strapped over her hands. She was blindfolded, she couldn’t see. But he was in the room, pacing around her. His breathing was the only sound that filled her ears, save for the dimmed cheers of the crowd that sounded a million lightyears away. She was panting, sweating before she had even done anything. A chair scraped across the cement floor. Abagael whipped around toward the sound. Nothing but air. And then he grabbed her by the hair, throwing her against the wall and pushing his face against hers.

“My God… I love you so much. Why won’t you love me?”

She turned her face away from his, trying to get away.

“I could never love you. I’m here to pay off my debts. Nothing more.”

He chuckled softly and slowly pulled down her blindfold, just enough so she could see his eyes. He cocked his head toward the sound of the cheering audience.

“Do you hear that? They’re cheering for your blood, darling. They want you to lose. And you will, you know. I’ll make sure of that. You’ll pay your debts,”

He licked his lips and looked at her hungrily.

“Unless…If you could…I would love you more than anything. Won’t you try, just try, to do the same to me?”

Abagael closed her eyes as theman pushed his lips against her tightly closed ones. He stopped and stared at her. Trembling Abby slowly pulled the blindfold back up and stood tall, facing him. His cold chuckle filled the room again.

“Very well, Miss Zellan. Your fans await you.”

(Wake me up inside)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I’ve become

She was led roughly out of the room, down what she thought to be a hallway. The sounds of the crowd grew louder until it was almost unbearable. Abagael’s heart started pounding in her chest. The thick padded gloves on her hands felt awkward and cumbersome. She’d never been so afraid in her life.

“We present to you…A challenger! A. ZELLAN!”

The screams grew louder and Abby was given a rough shove, suddenly finding herself bathed in hot light. Disoriented from her lack of sight and the multitude of voices, she stumbled out farther into the light, unsure of what was going to happen.

Now that I know what I'm without
you can't just leave me.
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life.

The yelling grew louder and before the sound could register in Abagael’s mind a searing pain shot up through her arm. She cried out and fell, to the crowds’ glee. As she tried to stand something—or someone—punched her in the face, making her fall down again. Spitting out blood to try and breathe, Abby got onto her hands and knees and listened. But she couldn’t hear anything except the screaming observers and then whatever it was that had punched her, kicked her abdomen, bringing her into a ball. Another searing burn tore across her back and the kicking continued.

(Wake me up.)
Wake me up inside.
(I can't wake up.)
Wake me up inside.
( Save me.)
Call my name and save me from the dark.
(Wake me up.)
Bid my blood to run.
(I can't wake up.)
Before I come undone.
(Save me.)
Save me from the nothing I've become.

Opening her mouth Abagael screamed, as loud and as long as she could. It was lost in the noise but those that picked up on it started to cheer louder. Abby kept yelling, until it hurt too much to yell. And then everything went black.

She awoke once, and could feel the man from the room beside her on a bed. She kept her eyes closed…Or perhaps they were kept closed because of the swelling. She prayed that he wouldn’t notice that she was awake…that she knew what he had done to her. He crept close to her ear again, breathing in the scent of her hair.

“Now you’ve paid your debts.”

Save me from the nothing I’ve become


“No Gene, that’s not my job. Have Maci call someone in financing to do it. Why? No, Gene, that won’t hold in court… Because, for one, it’s insubstantial and two, we have Judge Jorkin. Yeah, so I was thinking…”

It was an understatement to say that Coruscant’s pedwalks were crowded on a Monday morning. Thousands of beings bustled this way and that, among them a smartly dressed woman. Her black pantsuit was snug and fitted, and the blood-red Ithorian silk shirt was accentuated with a cleverly tied gold scarf, a gentler version of a tie. Her long blonde hair was twisted into a knot in on the back of her head and she wore dark glasses. As she shoved her way through the crowd, stilettos clicking, the only thing that took away from the completely professional atmosphere was the little boy, somewhat sticky, being tugged along behind her.

Abagael Zellan was a changed woman. She couldn’t even remember her early life. She wrote it off as stress but it was much more than stress that had caused the physcological block. Now, busy with work and a son, Abagael hardly ever spared a though to wonder what had happened all those years ago.

“Trent stop, mommy’s trying to—“

“Tryin’ to work.”

“Yes, so please cooperate. Gene? No, I’m still here. I’m coming in to the office today, yes…If I can get a cab I’ll be there in maybe an hour. Okay? Yes Gene, I know this case means my partnership.”

She was so busy on her comm. that she didn’t realize that Trent, who was only four, had managed to slip away. Abby continued pushing through the crowds, not paying attention. She was just about to try and hail a cab when a group of teenagers bumped her roughly. Her purse dropped, spilling contents all over the pedwalk.

“Frell! Gene I’ll call you back.”

She bent down and started to grab things, trying to avoid feet stepping on her delicate hands. Abagael shoved her possessions into the bag hastily, then stood up, smoothing her jacket. She straightened her sunglasses and looked around.

“Okay Trent, we’re going to…Trent?”

The little boy was nowhere to be seen. Abby groaned.

“Trent! This isn’t funny, mommy is very late for work! Stop hiding!”

Nothing. The woman tore off her glasses and looked around.

“Trent? Trent! Come here, now! You’re scaring Mommy!”

There was still no appearance of the little boy and suddenly Abagael’s world seemed to stop. Everything slowed down and it took all her concentration to keep breathing. People were giving her glares; stopping on the path was blocking their own way.

“Oh my God…Oh my God…TRENT! TREEEEENT?!”

Abagael started to run (as fast as she could in the footwear she wore) back the way she’d come, screaming her sons name. He didn’t answer of course, and her voice started breaking. Grabbing a man in a business suit she started shaking.

“Excuse me, my name is Abagael Zellan, I’m looking for my son, he was just here a minute ago. He’s um, about three and a half feet tall, blonde hair, um he’s wearing…Um…”

She’d been too busy with work to even pay attention to what he was wearing. In fact, she’d been to busy with work since Trent was a baby to take much notice of anything he did. Biting back tears Abagael realized that the man had already walked away. She looked around helplessly as the crowds milled around her.



Downtown Coruscant

“Ma’am, what did you say his name was?”

“Trent, Trent Michael Zellan. He’s four and has blonde—“

“ I just need his name right now Ma’am.”

Abagael nodded and gripped the arms of the chair she sat it. The police were trying to file a missing person report, but it seemed to her that it wasn’t much. When she’d come in the lady behind the desk had looked at her skeptically, as if she didn’t believe that Abby had a child.

“Look, my son is missing, and I may be out of turn here, but you aren’t doing a hell of a lot.”

The woman frowned at her.

“Ma’am, these things have to be done a certain way—“

Abby stood up angrily.

“Don’t. I’m a lawyer, I’m one of the best lawyers on this planet, and I know how the system works. I know the statistics. I will not sit here while you take an hour and a half to file a twenty minute report and let my son become one of those statistics.”

Her eyes were teary and she swallowed to keep her composure.

“I want you to get someone out there looking for him now.”

The woman gritted her teeth and looked at Abagael distastefully. Straightening a pile of papers she shook her head.

“I’m sorry Ma’am. The report needs to be filed first.”

Abagael shook with temper and then reeled around and grabbed her purse off of the chair. Her hair was falling out and her clothes were wrinkled, but the woman still looked intimidating. She pointed a finger at the woman as she stormed away, out of the office.

“You are going to have to answer to someone important if my kid get’s hurt. I swear on everything that’s important to me.”

”Like your job?”

Abagael held back a gasp. But she didn’t have a retort. It was true. And so the woman simply walked out of the office and onto the steps of the police building. As she stared at the people walking by, Abbvy found that she couldn’t hold her weight up. Sinking to the step, in a 2000 credit suit, she took deep, heaving breaths. And what bothered her the most was that even now, the thought at the forefront of her mind was how she was going to lose partnership in the firm if she didn’t win the Scarborough case.

OOC: Please if you join the thread, don’t pop up with the kid. He’s supposed to be gone for a substantial amount of time (a few days, a week). Thanks :)

Bo James
May 15th, 2003, 11:15:02 AM
Officer James stepped out of the police building looking for the distort woman who had just left. He hadn't seen much of the woman but still was the one sent out after her being a good talker always got you these kinds of jobs. Bo didn't mind though every once and awhile you meet a good looking lady doing this.

Today must have been his lucky day because there she stood right on the steps outside the police station. He slowly pushed his way towards the woman who probably had a lot on her mind at the time. Introductions where always the hard part but here he was standing behind her. Bo spoke in a deep gruff voice as he squinted in the sunlight.

"Ma'am my name is Officer James I was sent out to help you."

Abagael Zellan
May 15th, 2003, 11:31:33 AM
Abagael had decided that it would be a good idea to take one of her pills. They'd been prescribed by her doctor to help with overwhelming stress, and though the label on the bottle said to take one when needed, she shook three out onto her hand, popping them into her mouth and swallowing them without water. Her back was turned to Officer James and she didn't hear him approach; when he spoke she startled, spilling some of the relaxents onto the ground.


She twisted the lid onto the medication and stood up, turning around to face the man. Abby was obviously agitated. She stuck out a quivering hand, but quickly withdrew it before James could shake.

"Abagael Zellan. I'm not sure what you can do to help Officer James, your staff doesn't seem to eager to assist me. My son is missing...He..."

She stopped and took a deep breath. Abagael didn't want to indulge the fantasy that women fell apart in emotional situations.

"I need to find my son."

Bo James
May 15th, 2003, 11:44:01 AM
"Oh sorry for scaring you ma'am."

He did realize that he was walking that silently and he was truly sorry for scaring the already distort woman. She had a lovely name Abagael Zellan but she had to be married Bo thought to himself.

"Very well then can you show me where the last place you saw him was Mrs. Zellan?"

He implied that she was married on the factor that she had child. He was no big time investigator just a beat cop but he figured he could help the woman find her son no problem. Bo waited for the woman to answer weather or not she would accept his offer.

Abagael Zellan
May 15th, 2003, 11:52:30 AM
She was too wrapped up in finding Trent to catch James' 'Mrs.' blunder. Abagael shook her headtrying to remember when exactly Trent had dissapeared.

"Uh, it was somewhere on 131st Ave. We were walking and...It was crowded, he could have dissapeared anywhere on that street. Uhm...I know he was still with me when we past the Corellian grill...After than I'm not sure."

She stamped her foot frustratedly, chastising herself.

"I'm sorry...I just...I don't know...I noticed he was gone when I went to hail a cab. I was just so busy, and I was in a hurry...Oh my God...I can't believe it. What kind of a mother loses her son?"

Abagail rubbbed her temples, the onslaught of a headache beginning to appear.

Bo James
Jun 2nd, 2003, 02:21:07 PM
"Your a great mother, kids just like to run off and cause there parents problems from time to time you know. I will get right out there and start looking for the kid.

Don't you worry more times then not a kid spotted a friend or saw something that caught his eye. I bet if we go back and look he will be right near where you last saw him."

Bo looked at his watch; he knew he should get moving before it got to late. He new where the Corellian grill was though he hadn't been there in ages and that’s where he decided look first.

"Mrs. Zellan you have two choice you can go wait at home for me to call you when I find your son or you can come with me to go looking for him?"

Abagael Zellan
Jun 9th, 2003, 11:55:53 AM
She gave him a look.

"Mr. James, with all due respect, you really don't know mothers do you?"

Abby shook her head.

"If you think I'm going to sit around at home while my kid is off who knows where, with who knows who, you're dead wrong."

Without another word, Abby hailed a cab and got in. She rolled down the window.

"I'll meet you there."