View Full Version : Foundations of Comradship: Encounters of the Jade Variety

Maester Wargrave
May 15th, 2003, 01:22:54 AM
Ord Mantell- The Lady Fate Casino

He was alone on this mission, all of his apprentices were training. It was on missions such as this...Wargrave preferred to be alone. It allowed him to branch out, be more productive than normal, and...have 'fun'. Of course, he was branching out much more often now.

The name 'Maester Wargrave' meant plenty to him. It was a symbol...a symbol of power and loyalty. To have such a name was invigorating, fresh and new.

He revelled in the name as he walked through the casino, breathing deeply. His senses inhaled all those around him. The men gambling away their hard earned credits on games obviously slated against them. He dabbled in it a little...playing a hand of sabacc here and a hand of roulette there.

And he'd won too. One of the few to win he mused as he walked past a table of Rodians cursing at their luck. Of course...they were Rodians, they were expected to lose.

Another table, sabacc contained a Bith, a Gand, a slack-jawed human, and a Aqualish.

Wargrave paused a moment, then noticed the skifter in the hands of the Gand.

The Gand...he's a cheater, his mind whispered into the most emotional of the other four...the Aqualish.

With a roar of unintelligable words, the Aqualish punched the Gand in the insectoid face...sending him down. The walrus-faced alien continued to pummel the Gand...while the dealer called for security and "No blasters."

Wargrave smirked as he walked away, happy he'd stopped someone from cheating another out of their creds.

In reaction to the violence, the jizz music, played by a Bith band, exploded in volume. It would have hurt his Force-enhanced ears if he wasn't protecting them. His eyes, cold and hard, cut like a vibroblade through the throng of people as he looked for the one he was seeking.

Ah...there they were. At the sabacc table all alone. Well not alone for much longer. A few more steps and he was standing next to the table. He reached into his robes, pulling out a stack of sabacc cards he'd taken from a dealer four tables away.

"Good evening. Do you care for a game of sabacc? I'll deal."

Mara Jade
May 15th, 2003, 11:14:29 AM
Ord Mantell. The best spot in the galaxy to go missing; especially after back stabbing a Hutt. She knew this planet well. What places were safe, which ones to avoid. Disappearing here for a week would remove some of the heat off her and then she could take the Jade's Fire back to Myrkr and report back to Kaarde. He was so going to love the fact that Gorgja was indeed swindling the citizens of Taaladan. The medicine that the great benevolent Hutt was providing was doing nothing more then stabilizing the symptoms of the virus. It was no cure, only a means for the Taaladanians to cough off more money for nothing. Her and an old hero of the rebellion (http://www.swforums.net./forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12981) lifted the veil of lies and it was only going to be a matter of time before there was a Bounty on her head.

Such was Mara Jade's life now. Smuggler and dodger of Bounter Hunter's. A far cry from the living extension of the Emperor's will. Still, she was a survivor; rather leading the life she had now then dealing with the delusional factions that existed in the present galaxy.


Mara whirled her head around at the sound of the commotion. She was readying to defend herself if necessary but it was only a scuffle at one of the sabacc tables. Nothing of interest to her and she returned to drinking her elba water at her empty sabacc table. Her green eyes narrowed as she sensed someone nearby noticing her. No, it was more then that. They were looking for her specifically. There was no danger attached to his motives.

"Good evening. Do you care for a game of sabacc? I'll deal."

Most would have taken that as a pick up line, but Mara knew better. She glanced upward at the unfamiliar gentleman and smiled lightly. "I'm done for the night. Unlike some, I know my limit."

Maester Wargrave
May 15th, 2003, 09:19:32 PM
Wargrave smiled, his hidden mustache curving to the shape of his mouth, "Of course. I think the both of us know our limits."

He shuffled the cards idley, pretending to deal a hand. The hard cards made a soft *clack* against the table as Wargrave's gloved hand set them down.

He placed the four cards face up allowing both Mara and himself the ability to see them. A Smuggler, a Dark Jedi, a Seven of Coins, and a Commander of Sabers lay out on the table.

But the Commander of Sabers was different. Instead of the normal Imperial Officer it was


Wargrave gave another smile.

"An interesting hand don't you think...Emperor's Hand."

Mara Jade
May 16th, 2003, 08:01:54 PM
This one certainly had a dramatic flare about him. He was also hard to read, making it diffcult for Mara to tell what game he was playing. Though, it started to become quite clear as each card was placed face up on the table with a 'click' for emphasis.

She betrayed nothing in her features or stance, her mind perfectly calm. His intentions were unknown still but his Imperial ties have given him much in the way of information.

Slapping her hand down on the Imperial Officer, her eyebrow quirked up as she studied it. "Interesting name you have given this hand." She was folding the card between her fingers as Mara looked up at the stranger, still giving nothing away. "What do you want?"

Maester Wargrave
May 16th, 2003, 08:44:22 PM
"What does everyone want?" he replied, rhetorically.

"A job."

Wargrave was about to speak again, but a droid walked forward asking for their drink.

"Two waters please," Wargrave said quickly, shooing the droid away.

He then turned back toward Mara Jade.

"I know some various individuals who are quite keen about your former occupation. And am I personally willing to help with your training, if you so desire."

Mara Jade
May 16th, 2003, 09:01:56 PM
"I have," she sighed. "a drink. Look, I already have a job that has actually gotten me a ship. It also keeps me out of other peoples affairs."

When the card came back to lay between her index and middle finger, Mara tossed it to the stranger. There was no reason to keep up any pretense. He knew too much.

"You're not the first to offer me something like this but that," she pointed at the Imperial Symbol, "means nothing to me anymore."

Maester Wargrave
May 16th, 2003, 09:49:49 PM
"If you are talking about the attempts by Viscera to coerse you into joining the Empire," Wargrave's voice held a bit of spite.

"The no, I will not attempt any sort of recruitment by that. I am not Viscera...nor will I try to be."

He paused as the two glasses of water were brought to the table. Idlely, he shuffled the cards again.

"I am talking about the Balmorran Empire...The military commander, Grand Admiral Millard, is quite keen on discussing possiblities of business with you. However, I am curious...what might bring you back into the Empire?"

Mara Jade
May 16th, 2003, 10:19:35 PM
She had to laugh, "Coercing? Is that what you call it." The change in his voice did not go unnoticed by Mara. Viscera had certainly left his mark on the dissidents. Grand Admiral Millard was another story all together. He did represent what the old Empire was meant to be and his influence was gaining.

Mara disregarded the glass of water set down for her, choosing her drink of elba water instead. "What makes me curious is your name and why isn't Millard here to talk to me himself. And I don't mean here."

Maester Wargrave
May 16th, 2003, 10:33:48 PM
Wargrave gave a smile, his teeth showing between his gray lips.

"He does actually. He wishes to meet you on the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior in three days. I can escort you if you wish."

Another sip of his drink, then he wiped his mouth with a white napkin resting on the table.

"I also offer the opportunity to pick up where the Emperor left off on your training. If you so desired. The Force is strong in you. Even now I can feel it pulsating through your veins."

Mara Jade
May 17th, 2003, 07:32:33 PM
That was more then she was expecting. Millard showing up on a Star Destroyer meant that Mara was worth a lot to him. Kept the negotiating in her court with Millard's contact. "That's the second time you offered to train me." She said, holding two fingers up and ignoring the flattery. He seemed a little too desperate. A red flag in any deal. "Why so eager?"

Maester Wargrave
May 17th, 2003, 07:55:02 PM
"Forgive me, my dear, it was a simple offer," Wargrave said, a bit annoyed at himself for appearing too eager. He didn't have Millard's tact at subtley. Not yet atleast.

Now where to go with this.

"A part of me hoped, if you did take Millard's offer, it would make my offer a bit more palatable."

He leaned forward, giving her a cooler gaze, "It's not often people offer a job and then offer training is it? No I can tell you it's not. Are you afraid accepting Millard's offer means you must accept mine?"

Wargrave shook his cloaked head, "No it does not. However, my offer is simply one out of convenience. If you were to accept the offer, it would mean you would need to keep your training current. The best way of keeping the 'edge'...the ability to avoid others is through training and practice. I am simply offering the chance at that. To keep your 'edge', your senses sharp, your reflexes honed as well."

He smiled, "That is why I made my offer."

Mara Jade
May 17th, 2003, 08:34:00 PM
She pegged him correctly and now he was quickly trying to find a way to cover himself. Not in a bad way either. Mara sensed truth in his words and a pain of familiarity came with them.

The best way of keeping the 'edge'...the ability to avoid others is through training and practice. I am simply offering the chance at that. To keep your 'edge', your senses sharp, your reflexes honed as well."

The Emperor had said much the same when she was first taken into his care as a daughter and student. Perhaps it was mere coincidence, but Mara wasn't a person who believed in that. Maybe he was reading her mind, but that would be impossible. Her thoughts were well guarded against invasion, an invaluable skill with all the sensitives now a days. Another option was that this man knew her well. Most likely that was the case, but he didn't know her well enough as he thought.

Her eyes narrowed, "I haven't considered anything yet. I'm only listening and you know well enough that in our line of work, fear will get you killed." Then a thin smile, one of almost triumph came across her face. "Now, what could a man, who has no name apparently, offer me then my previous Employer?"

He knew she was still playing the game, not admitting to anything nor showing any interest in the conversation. How he answered this question would determine much of her thoughts on the offer.

Maester Wargrave
May 17th, 2003, 10:43:55 PM
Wargrave smiled. Millard had told him about her, and how smart she was. Though the two had never met, not to Millard's knowledge...his mentor, Grand Admiral Thrawn, had met her and spoken of her in the distant past.

Another sip of his water, "My name is Wargrave, Madame Jade. Maester Wargrave.

"I offer you consistancy...the ability to have consistant training, a consistant master, and someone not distracted by the matters of the galaxy. I give you my time to help you keep your 'edge'."

All he said was true, after all he didn't concern himself with what was going on. It wasn't his business, unless he deemed it worthy of his notice. Millard might suggest something to him, but it was his suggestion at whether to do it or not.

"Does this answer suit you?"

Mara Jade
May 21st, 2003, 01:08:58 PM
"No, actually. It doesn't." She stood up and produced a few creds for her drink. "I'm sorry that this was a waste of your time."

Maester Wargrave
May 21st, 2003, 05:40:16 PM
Millard should have been here, not Wargrave. He was more the diplomat. Wargrave was, as a whole, a weapon. The Dark Jedi went after enemies Millard couldn't, when it called for taught things Millard couldn't either.

"What would convince you to take the offer?"

Mara Jade
May 26th, 2003, 09:35:20 PM
She took a moment to close her eyes and think about that question for the first time. Wargrave had asked Mara that very question early on in the conversation but chose to ignore it; rather probing for the reasons as to why he and Millard wanted her on their side so badly. Now, there was no use dodging the question.

"What I want I can't have, Wargrave." Her body was tense as if ready to run or fight. "I want things the way it used to be." Mara forced her eyes to peel open as she spoke the complete and honest truth. "A simple perfection of order that extended throughout the galaxy that I was a part of instead of the guilt and nightmares and what if's that plague my life today!" Her eyes were ablaze as she slammed the creds down in front of Wargrave. The corner of her mouth twitched as her mind raced. More was said then what was wanted but the feelings that she got from Wargrave was enough. He was put into this situation unprepared. A bad mistake on Millard's part. Either way, there was no one in the galaxy that could give her what she wanted. He was dead.

Mara removed her hand, before her eyes, and silently walked away.

Maester Wargrave
May 27th, 2003, 12:43:03 AM
You speak of Emperor Palpatine, Wargrave's voice spoke in her mind, as Mara started to walk from the table.

Her outburst caused a few heads to turn and gaze in their direction. When Mara started walking away, most of them shrugged then turned back to their sabacc tables or roulette wheels.

I am right, aren't I? You wish for Palpatine. Someone who desires Order in the galaxy...I can see it in your eyes, Madame Jade. I can read it on you.

You want Palpatine back. Because without him...you have no direction do you?

Mara Jade
May 27th, 2003, 06:48:31 PM
She didn't care that awkward glances were thrown her way. Such things were commonplace at the casino and as Wargrave entered her mind, he felt a shield around her most private thoughts so strong that he almost lost the contact. "As if that was hard for you to figure out, Wargrave. Now leave me be. We both know there is nothing you can do for me."

Her steps never faltered not did it even look like Mara was going to stop. As far as she was concerned, the conversation was over.

Maester Wargrave
May 28th, 2003, 10:53:00 AM
Wargrave was pleased. Mara exhibited caution- something key in her upbringing. It meant she gave little trust to anyone...including her boss. It was a trait Wargrave admired...it reminded him of himself.

Before you go, I am curious on one thing, Madame Jade. Why didn't you join the Emperor when he returned as a clone?

Mara Jade
May 28th, 2003, 10:59:28 AM
Her training was keeping Mara calm at this time. She did not want a repeat of her unpleasant outburst like before. Simply put, I didn't know he was alive at the time. I found out through other means. Now good day. And give my regards to Millard.

The door leading out of the casino was in sight. Only a few more feet to freedom, but what exactly did that mean to someone like her?

Taylor Millard
May 28th, 2003, 11:12:40 AM
"Oh I think," the man next to Mara said, "He would rather you give your regards to him in person."

He'd been quietly watching the conversation with muted amusement between Wargrave and Mara. It was after all fun to watch Wargrave attempt to negotiate.

Negotiation was always up my alley wasn't it?

When Mara started walking towards the exit, he'd quietly risen from his seat and followed her path. It was now time for him to meet the elusive Mara Jade.

Taylor Millard smiled as he nodded his hatted head in greeting to Mara. His overcoat effectively covered his Grand Admiral's uniform.

"Now...shall we continue the conversation on my ship or yours? I'm interested in seeing what you have to say when it comes to your newfound freedom. And my offer."

Mara Jade
May 28th, 2003, 02:06:37 PM
She stared long and hard at Millard for a moment and then looked back to where Wargrave was. Her eyes widened in surprise to find the table that she was at was empty. His thoughts were gone from her mind too and was no where to be seen, anywhere, inside the casino. What was Millard plotting?

"I find it funny that you're playing games with a person you want on your side." Mara looked back at Millard, arms crossed with a long face. "I'm not amused."

Taylor Millard
May 30th, 2003, 05:04:12 PM
"Would you prefer me not to play games, Madame Jade," Millard raised a questioning brown eyebrow.

"If I exert a certain bit of caution, it's for the simple reason I had to make sure you are who you say you are.

"There are plenty of people who would claim to be an 'Emperor's Hand' simply to get a job. Just like there are certain elements of the Empire who claim to be the 'true' Empire, simply to get more prestige and power.

"Wouldn't you agree?"

Mara Jade
Jun 2nd, 2003, 03:45:49 PM
An Emperor's Hand. Those few little words stung Mara in a way that was hard to describe. Ever since she was ordained by the Emperor, she always thought that she was the only one. She couldn't have been more wrong.

She was thinking it over. Everything that Millard said now and previously through his contact, or whoever that was. Caution was necessary and Mara could respect that, as well as Millard's claim about the Empire. The way that she relaxed her posture was all the answer that the Grand Admiral needed. "I presume that you aren't one of those people that -claim- that identity then?"

Taylor Millard
Jun 3rd, 2003, 12:51:05 PM
Millard smiled, "I, personally, will always believe in the ideals of the Empire. I served under Palpatine, was decorated by him, and saved his life on two occassions.

"But then you know that all ready don't you?"

The Grand Admiral looked at Mara, "I am smart enough to know military men should have nothing to do with politics. Thus...I do not.

"If you wish to ask if Balmorra is most like the Empire during Palpatine's reign, you can ask Emperor Mironat about his ideals. But if you want my own opinion...I will give it."

Mara Jade
Jun 3rd, 2003, 11:23:59 PM
"And it was your standing with the Emperor do I still listen." Millard was baiting her and it was working because there was a feeling inside of her to stay and hear Millard out. Never did those feelings steer her wrong when it came to battle, politics and choices that she had to make after the Empire fell. It was just those choices were few and far between.

She continued on her way outside of the main casino and found a place away from most ears across from the indoor fountain. The couches were empty there and she sat with her back to the wall, watching the beings walk to and fro as Millard did likewise. "Enlighten me on your opinion."

Taylor Millard
Jun 4th, 2003, 04:25:36 PM
Millard drew a breath.

"I do not concern myself with politics. I listen and take information. I observe what goes on around me...the galaxy...everything.

"I believe the Empire can rule over the galaxy as it once did. Under Palpatine, not Viscera. The key is finding someone to handle the political burden...someone loyal and honorable, not willing to backstab you just to get ahead."

He stopped as two drunk Gotals strode by, a male and female. They clasped at each other, taking themselves off to a room where they would 'attune' themselves to the other.

Millard turned back to the red-head.

"We need more people focussed on serving the Empre than attempting to wrench command from others.

"Wouldn't you agree?"

Mara Jade
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:14:27 PM
Were they the right words coming out of Millard's mouth to sway Mara Jade to his side to further his own games. She refused to be a pawn to anyone. So, she cast her green eyes in his direction and studied him, visually and through the Force with subtle precision.

She was actually stunned. Millard wasn't putting on an act. He believed not only every word that was coming out of his mouth, but he truly believed that he was the man to do it. It was true, Mara knew of him from back when the was Empire ruled by Palpatine. The Grand Admiral was honorable, fair and decisive.

Things were beginning to finally fall into place for her. "Yes. Squabbling over territories is fruitless and does nothing except create more chaos through the galaxy. Besides the fact that no one knows what they are doing anymore, let alone know why they are doing it. Pride is all but gone from the Empires I've seen as of late."

Taylor Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 05:38:50 PM
"No there is still pride," Millard commented, "But the wrong kind. Imperials are more proud to have their own rank and power, than what they believe in. Those who claim to hate politics still consume themselves in it, since they 'cannot find a suitable leader for politics'.

"Before the Empire broke, I wrote the various leaders urging them to stay together. I heard back from none. There is pride, Madame Jade. But not pride in serving the Empire, in being a part of the Empire. Pride in having the personal power and the benefits of rank."

He turned, giving in inclination if he'd caught her in his mind or not, "That isn't how the Empire should run. I am proud to be a part of the Empire yes, but proud to serve it...and help its strength move through the galaxy."

Mara Jade
Jun 9th, 2003, 09:08:47 PM
She hummed, thinking on every point from every angle that there was at this point. The Force did not lie and Millard was not only telling the truth, but was an honorable soldier and thinker. Men like him who not only remembered the Empire's glory, but also believe in its ideals still, were few and far between.

"Am I going to have to join your little Black Hand organization?" Mara threw him a knowing look, but Millard also understood something else ... this was her way of saying yes.

Taylor Millard
Jun 9th, 2003, 09:15:50 PM
"We shall see," Millard replied, "That will be something Wargrave will determine...not myself."

It was almost complete, but now one final test.

"We actually have met before, or seen each other. Back before Palpatine's death," his voice was crisp and cool, "There is a marking on my body signifying myself as a member of something. What is it, where is it, and what does it mean?"

Mara Jade
Jun 9th, 2003, 09:24:43 PM
Her eyes fluttered open and shut with silent amusement with that reply. Millard obviously missed that she was only partially being serious, granted her humor was rather dry. But his questioning was completely serious. He still wanted to be absolutely certain that she, indeed, was Mara Jade.

He asked three questions and three fingers were raised, starting with the index finger, as she responded. "A tatoo. Below your wrist." The last finger was raised but she said nothing. Instead, Mara used the silent hand signal that designated members of The Order of the Emperor.

Taylor Millard
Jun 9th, 2003, 09:30:29 PM
Millard only smiled. He didn't need to return the signal, but he did anyway.

"Welcome back, Emperor's Hand," he was quite pleased with what was going on, "The Superior is waiting for us outside this system. I can escort you to your ship and then we can travel there. And begin your retraining."

Mara Jade
Jun 10th, 2003, 08:59:09 PM
Retraining. Mara sighed to herself, knowing full well what that meant. Not only would that training be in the nature of the Force, but also of how Millard ran his operation. There would be a slew of new protocols, encryptions, personal, and so on and so forth. The Balmorran Empire may walk in the footsteps of Palpatine but it was still a new Empire and Mara was going to do all that was in her power to return it to the true might of this galaxy.

She rose to her feet, merely accepting what the Grand Admiral said as fact, and waited for her escort to do likewise without any further comment.

Taylor Millard
Jun 12th, 2003, 08:39:58 PM
Millard rose from his seat, pulling his overcoat up to his chest.

"If you don't mind, we'll take your ship to the Superior. I have the coordinates on me."

The two started walking towards where the Jade's Fire awaited. A pack of Bothans, yammering about some sort of situation, passed by the two Force users, heading towards the Casino.

Millard sniffed as they passed by the furred aliens, his blue eyes focussed on the corridor before them.

"It's only an hour flight. You'll meet my second-in-command, as well as the flight commander...then we'll find you quarters and go from there.

"Is there anything else you'll need?"

Mara Jade
Jun 13th, 2003, 07:49:43 PM
"It's no trouble." To be honest, she had enough of this planet and of hiding. With her new allies, even the Hutts would be pressed to do something about her in the near future. Still, Mara would have to watch her back like she always did. "Everything I need is on board."

Taylor Millard
Jun 13th, 2003, 09:52:59 PM
"Very well," Millard said plainly, "Let's be off then."

The two walked towards Mara's ship, entering the freighter.

Next stop...The ISD Superior (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7617).

And Mara's new/old life and mission.