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Telan Desaria
May 14th, 2003, 05:39:08 PM
Xucphra City, Thyferra

Palace of Grand Admiral Desaria

Night had descended upon Xucphra City, capital of the Sovereignty. The sea lay basking under the evening glow of a metropolis' lights. A range of mountains beyond became home to young romance, each kiss nutured by the sky's panorama; two moons drifted above with stars and the planet's rings between and about.

Grand Admiral Telan Desaria sat on a balcony of his palace overlooking the budding city below and waters beyond. A glass of cognac sparkled in his left hand, the other drumming lightly the arm of his reclined evening chair. A cool breeze blow from the ocean, taking with it the mental anguish which seemed to perpetually enshroud the relaxee.

The Grand Admiral glanced to his side at the acompanying ornamental seat and noted its vacancy. The chair had been padded a dark blue satin, its coushin deep and soft. Small golden rivets held the covering fabric to the greel backing of the chair itself. It had been the favorite design of an...acquaintence...of long past.

" My apologies for disturbing you, Lord Baron Admiral. Commodore du'Caat has arrived and awaits you in the Hall."

A deep sigh replied the Centaurian yeoman, a member of the only caste to use an aristocrat's full title informally. He clicked his heels and departed, the sound of the study's tall doors closing signaling his departure. Desaria took a final sip of his drink and threw his legs across the rest. Jackbooted feet fell onto the marble balcony floor, powerful legs hidden behind white breeches propelling the man's mass upwards. In one clean motion, the Admiral brought his removed tunic to his shoulders and deftly slipped his arms through the sleeves. A final sip of the cognac followed after clasping the breast together before marching through the parlor and into the Great Hall proper.

Commodore Aegis du'Caat stood at attention when Desaria exited his private chamber, the man's form eclipsing even the tall Grand Admiral. His tunic was standard olive drab, but over his rank plaque he wore two ribbon bars as entitled. Few officers donned theirs on non-ceremonious occassions, intimating to him that the other was either proud or a narcissist. Either, he had earned them.

Desaria nodded to the two Fleet guards to either side who clicked their heels in salute and vanished down the hall, every foot fall in step. The Supreme Commander turned and strolled towards a tall beach-facing window several dozen metres down at the hall's end.

Commodore du'Caat was bade to follow.

" You were victorious at Freughte, Commodore. Congratulations are in order. Your opponent was laughable, but your efforts impress me nonetheless.

" During the assault and the orbital campaign which preceeded it you managed to engage the enemy with as few resources as possible, though in sufficient quantity to ensure victory. When you landed troops planet-side, you ordered nearly three-fourths of your troop compliment to remain behind.

" Whether intentional or not, your actions intimate to me a higher strategic thinking. Should a problem have arisen in an adjacent command and reinforcements were required you retained the assets to transfer a good-sized detachment to their aide without liquidating your own reserve. You possess the makings of a great officer, du'Caat. I have been watching you closely. What say you to this?"

Aegis Du' Caat
May 15th, 2003, 12:19:03 AM
Du' Caat towered over the Grand Admiral, the noble Centaurian and listened as he spoke. It was not often he did not don his massive blue tunic to wear over his duty uniform, but he felt now was neither the time nor the place. The medals on his chest were from his younger days in the Empire, upon closer look one would have seen the Star of Bravery and the Crux of Blood, honors bestowed upon men serving in the field, for bravery and being wounded in combat; honors he had earned as a young Lieutenant.

"I say it was a battle that I never should have had to fought, Sir," His powerful bass voice boomed throughout the great hall. Desaria's face quirked for a moment as the Commodore seemingly questioned his judgement; "Had those traitorous dogs understood their oath of loyalty, this would have never happened. However I thank you for you compliments, but I must defer to the bravery of those under my command, they did the fighting, I just did the thinking sir."

Du' Caat's eyes betrayed his anger at the fact that he had to fire upon fellow Imperials, though it was not directed at his superiors but rather at fate, whom decreeded that some men would not hold true to their word.

He moved closer to the admiral, the long heinous scar upon his neck barely visible over his high collar.

"Sir, if I may speak freely?"

Desaria nodded.

"Why was I called away from my men in the hour of their greatest triumph?"

Telan Desaria
May 15th, 2003, 03:08:05 PM
The Grand Admiral pursed his lips and did not answer. Instead, he kept his eyes fixed forward, stopping his regal sojourn towards the window just before it. His gaze was directed out into the night air, and du’Caat thought it prudent to do likewise.

Beyond the sea-brushing range of the Minari Mountains lay the Iconian Ocean, a massive body of water a thousand kilometers in width. Along the sand-strewn beach separating it from the rising cliffs of Minari several kilometers beyond Xucphra City’s limits seemed to grow tents of all shapes and colours. Flags flapped in the cool breeze creating a ceaseless drone of snapping mesh. About the tiny ‘village’ ran, stood, and strolled hundreds of scantily-clad Thyferrans all preparing for the monthly regatta.

“ Do you see them? Approaching fast is a storm front likely to last a full day. This entire region will be drenched in rain and lit with lightning. Oh, they are not oblivious to this, no; they’ve planned it.”

The Commodore shot Desaria a look of confusion, though it was veiled and barely visible. Without doubt, the towering officer wondered what a thousand crazed post-adolescent surfers had to do with the operations of the Imperial Fleet.

The Grand Admiral was all too ready to explain. However, he had already planned to do so in his flowing yet lengthy manner.

“ Five hundred years ago, that ocean could be crossed by Vratix on wind-driven ships in eight days. Colonies sprouted on the other shore and trade grew. The race to decrease the continued thereafter, all easily beaten by even primitive repulsor-lifts that came with the settlers to this world. Oddly, this need for prestige continued. The non-Thyferrans were quick to note this body of water ripe with tempest and crest. Travel by anything other than hovercraft was suicide.

“ This drive to accomplish the impossible killed many a man, but continued regardless. They could have made the journey – which in and of itself is superfluous – in an hour by shuttle. The only thing that could be accomplished by braving fierce storm and sea swells was pride and the separation of the weak from the strong.

“ This year’s storm has proven to be particularly violent in terms of wind as it crossed the Surriet Sea. It has drawn that many more participants.

“ You see, Commodore, some things are done not for necessity but for more – trying – purposes. Such was your battle for Freughte.”

The taller man blustered before regaining his facial composure. Desaria allowed him no time to ponder the revalation.

“ Freughte was a minor logistics depot for a sizeable faction in the Senex Sector. It was well defended because they believed its insignificance would draw us to attack it. Strategically it was avoidable. That is why secondary units were allocated to its taking; it did serve as a successful diversion of their reserves, though.

“ I aligned a dozen other line officers into positions where they would be challenged by a determined foe using inadequate resources. Victory was assured no matter by the Fleet Reserve, but I watched every action with interest. Several were quickly stumped by the tactical and operational questions which confronted them. You were not, along with three others, and continued to prosecute the engagement to completion.

“ You were the first to achieve success, Commodore du’Caat. You did so expediently, honorably, and Imperially. You did not balk or display fear in front of your men. At all times, you were their commanding officer, and from your stamina they drew strength. This is as it should be.

“ You, Commodore, have passed. With honours. You were pulled from your command’s glory to partake in another. I am reassigning you to a post more fitting your talent.”

The Grand Admiral paused to allow time for the material he had presented to sink in – and for the other to respond, if he wished.

Aegis Du' Caat
May 21st, 2003, 03:07:40 PM
Du' Caat nodded as he watched the men brave the seas. Du' Caat heard the words that his commanding officer had spoken, but chose to remain silent for a few minutes.

"Sir it is neither my right nor my desire to question any decision of yours; However if you ask me if I am ready for a new assignment then I can only answer most wholeheartily, Yes."

Du' Caat spun and looked at the Grand Admiral directly in the eyes, his towering form engulfing the superior officers.

"What would my mission be sir?"

Telan Desaria
May 21st, 2003, 03:52:20 PM
" I value initiative, du'Caat, and loyalty. Do not, however, allow my rank to stand between your thoughts and opinions and my receiving them."

Desaria reached into his breast pocket and removed a dark felt case, its lid and bottom lined with a silver alloy. The starlight shone brightly from it, radiating against the steel tacking around the window frame.

The Grand Admiral opened the case and handed it to the taller man next to him.

" This, Aegis, is your new rank plaque. Five red over five blue. Four code cylinders. As of this afternoon, Thyferran time, you were promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral. At a later date, after attending several lectures and classes at the General Staff College on Carida, you will be sent to your new post. You will assume command of OverSector Fleet Outer. I had originally intended for you to assume the combined Senex-Juvex Command, but you will be wasted there.

" Many officers - junior in rank, I assure you - consider this posting inferior, penal, or obscure. Their minds are small and are unaware of its strategic importance. There your hours will be full and your life will not lack for excitement. Your command will be isolated by territory from the Sovereignty itself, but established hyper-lanes eliminate that problem.

" Your command will be the complete pacification of the sector. Everything from the galactic boundary to the edge of the Inner Rim is your sphere of authority. Though you will not have a wealth of heavy deep space assets, your smaller vessels are a match for anything the enemy can field."

Desaria could tell du'Caat had the question any officer would - who is the enemy exactly?

" Independents, Admiral. Independents. Wild Space is home to the scum of the galaxy. Oh, its not unihabited. Small empires, planetary republics, mining colonies, smuggling dens, mercenary outposts - bring the Empire to their door. The best part is this. Their resources are immense and their land undisputed. There is no Rebel presence within any reasonable distance.

" Admiral du'Caat, you are going to lead the Sovereignty into its era of expansion, bringing order to chaos."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jun 3rd, 2003, 08:13:25 PM
Order to the Chaos... Order was that not what being an Imperial was all about. Was it not the very life that flowed through an Imperial Officer's veins; a desire for order coupled with unchecked ambition.

"A penal commision you say," Du' Caat almost laughed at the notion. "You're promoting me to Vice Admiral, giving me my own battle group and sending me off to conquer unknown worlds for the futher Glory of the Empire. Who in their right imperial frame of mind could see this as a punishment. No my lord, Punishment would be to give me this promotion and all its new found power and glory and then send me off to guard some planet well within the sphere of Sovereign control. You are giving me the chance to become a legend. A God in the Pantheon of Imperial History. Someone on par with Thrawn or Viscera, there is no dishonor in conquest only dishonor in resting our your laurels."

Du' Caat's voice was powerful and terrible. His hands trembled and his eyes flashed brilliantly, this was something he had dreamed of all his life and now he had the oppurtunity to do so.

"I eagerly accept my commision Grand Admiral Desaria, my only wish was that I could be sent this very day."

Telan Desaria
Jun 4th, 2003, 03:54:21 PM
Desaria allowed a smile to cross his typically-stern face. The officer before him did not lack in open ambition. His ambition, however, had limits, as some did not. He would drive forward unrequitedly, but would stop without orders when his acts threatened the security of the Empire. His person came second to the Empire, assuring the Grand Admiral that he had made an excellent choice for the newest member of the Admirality.

" You look beyond yourself, Admiral du'Caat. You are able to see things others cannot. I myself admit I have had trouble seeing the future. To boast I am an excellent tactician, but my strategic sense is not on par with some others who have shared this rank. But I have the wisdom to acknowledge my faults and fix them - that is why the General Staff exists, to fill the void in my command ability.

" But you, Aegis, have that far-reaching vision. Now I want to hone your ability to dispatch the short term impediments to your goals. Tactics. I have no doubt in your ability, but learning from those who have worn your jackboots before never hurts.

" You will depart for Carida whenever you are ready. I am placing as your flagship the Guild-class Star Destroyer Immolator. She was one of three sent to me as a present from Grand Moff Sevon. Two thousand meters and armed to the teeth, they're not bad ships. Fight with her well. I've hand picked your command staff to expound on your abilities.

" Accompanying you will be two - dozen gunships and a half-dozen troop transports. All told, you will have a quarter of a million ground troops. Your sector capital, Trebizond, will not need them, but to expand you will.

" Aegis, I wish you the best of luck. Join me for dinner if you like, if not, be on your way to Carida."

Aegis Du' Caat
Jun 10th, 2003, 09:48:35 AM
Du' Caat paused for a moment as the Grand Admiral issued out his invitation to dinner. Under normal circumstances this powerful man of powerful appetites would not have passed up an oppurtunity to dine with one of the most powerful beings in the Galaxy, but destiny awaited him.

A manifest destiny that would allow him the oppurtunity to become the stuff of legends and Du' Caat's ambition would not allow him to dawdle while this oppurtunity awaited.

"M'lord, under any other given circumstances I would be honored to dine with you, but you have given me an extraordinary oppurtunity and I wish to make the most of it. You will allow me the chance to take you up on this dinner when the banner of the Sovereignty flies over Coruscant."

Du' Caat paused as he awaited the response of Desaria.

Telan Desaria
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:52:31 PM
" Your ambition is bound by your loyalty, Admiral du'Caat. I admire you. You have a rare tapestry of talent within. You are a fine officer. I see great things for you."

The Grand Admiral extended a hand.

" Go to Carida, then meet your destiny. Gloria Imperium, Vice Admiral du'Caat."