View Full Version : Landing Pad scuffle (challenge)

May 14th, 2003, 02:39:27 PM
The crew of the Happy Child has made a stop that isn't a trade point. They're here for a little R&R, or rather, they were here for it. Now they're preparing to leave, and everyone's gearing up and boarding the ship to go on to their next destination. A person bumps Zeke as the Jedi is making his way to the boaring ramp. Zeke doesn't flinch, but the person catches his collar and spins him around.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 14th, 2003, 06:24:38 PM
Already in a fowl temper, Kyryanu Nerrot-s'Ilancy was looking for a fight. Not that she had any ill feelings toward any of the people around her... she just needed to let off steam. She was like that at times; hotheaded, brash, confrontational... some said she had anger management issues.

She said otherwise.

And so, when the man she'd intentionally shouldered her way into did nothing, she reacted. Grabbing his collar, she spinned him to face her while bringing up a vicious hook. As the knuckles of her prosthetic hand connected with the man's jaw, she let him go to stagger back.

Face completely emotionless save for a lofted brow, and her voice deadpan, Kyry let her metal fist fall to her side.

"Your face got in the way of my fist... "

May 14th, 2003, 06:55:06 PM
"May..." Jhony nudges his daughter, gesturing back at the woman who struck Zeke. "Look. He's got himself into a scrap."

The rest of the crew is out of the ship as the word spreads, betting on the fight and cheering Zeke on. Jhony, however, makes a note that the others don't.

"He's not even twitched."

May 14th, 2003, 06:58:29 PM
Kyry's strong. Her punch is strong. Zeke's leaning way back and to his right, face pointed right at his family. His expression hasn't changed much. The pain's registered, it shows on his face, but he's not angry or happy. Just...blank. His body twists back up to return the punch, settling the woman back from him. He doesn't back down, but he's not following up either.

"...are you a Garou?" he asks quietly.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 14th, 2003, 07:07:37 PM
She took his return punch, backing off a few paces. She'd expected him to retaliate, and had taken the blow full on, expecting a follow up. There was none. Now this was odd. His question only further caused her to stare at him oddly. A garou? Where'd he get that?

"No," she answered simply, "I'm no Garou."

May 14th, 2003, 07:21:22 PM
Good...this girl's not like her.

"Ok. So long as you're not a Garou, I guess I don't mind."

In the background he can hear the crew shouting, goading him into another strike. Zeke looks to May and Jhony. They're just watching, not saying much of anything really. He looks back to Kyry.

"The last girl I knew that was a Garou died. If you're a Garou...you might die, too."

Kyryanu Sevon
May 14th, 2003, 08:32:48 PM
"Well I'm no Garou... "

She followed the line of his sight as he looked back to what was apparently his crew. Kyry snorted. "... and it looks like your buddies wanna see a fight.

"Lucky for you I'm looking for one."

May 14th, 2003, 08:35:49 PM
"She died because she fought," Zeke continues. "Are you sure?"

May Peris
May 14th, 2003, 08:37:10 PM
May sighs irritably from the sideline.

"He's talking, I can see his mouth move! I'm moving closer to see what he's saying."

She walks closer, listening hard to him. Maybe they'll learn something about his unnatural depression...

Kyryanu Sevon
May 14th, 2003, 10:14:35 PM
Kyry watched lazily as one of the crew; a woman, approached. Her attentions were drawn back to Zeke, however, and she took a step forward.

"Are you that apathetic?" she asked, observing him and his mannerisms, watching how he seemed to only halfheartedly converse. Apparently whoever this 'she' was, he'd been thoroughly attached to her. Kyry knew where he was coming from; she'd lost her husband years ago, and knew what it was like. But she also knew the need to stop living in the past; to stop living with the 'what if's'.

Unexpectadly, she shot a hand out; her prosthetic, backhanding him across the face.

"Don't make me embarass you in front of your friends," she taunted, trying to draw him out of his shell.

May 14th, 2003, 10:19:39 PM
Zeke leans to the side, body coming back up after a moment's hesitation. He looks like he wants to say something, but all he can really do is half-smile. What defense can he make? He's already become an embarrassment, having failed like he did twice over now.

"...go ahead."

Kyryanu Sevon
May 16th, 2003, 07:58:16 PM
"Oh I believe it's your turn," she countered stepping back a little, giving Zeke some room.

"I've already got a few up on you... "

May 16th, 2003, 11:09:29 PM
Zeke blinks a few times, as if letting this sink in, then moves forward with blazing speed to snap a kick at her head.

Ariel Kendryck
May 17th, 2003, 02:50:48 AM

Ariel watched wide-eyed, from within the group of the other crew members, as Zeke suddenly jumped to attention – having been knocked about by the girl enough. Still in her night clothes, the girl clung tightly to her blanket, peeking over the top of it.

May Peris
May 18th, 2003, 06:05:39 PM
May steps back a bit, hovering in a slow circle watching. The rest of the crew moves up, tightening the arena from the entire landing pad to a rough circle twenty five meters in diameter.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 18th, 2003, 09:25:34 PM
The kick was fast; faster than she expected, but Kyry acted on her instincts... her many spars with Khendon having done her reflexes much better than she would have thought. Her back bent, and her metal arm whipped up to catch the brunt force of the kick as it was aimed for her head. the sound of flesh and bone hitting metal was somewhat satisfying, and Kyry absorbed the shock of the kick to the best of her ability. It rattled her, but she would never admit the fact.

Twisting her arm, she clamped onto his leg, and with a vice-like grip, pulled him towards her, her other hand coming down in a quick chop to his kneecap.

May 18th, 2003, 09:41:44 PM
Zeke brings one arm around, catching her hand, but leaving him balancing precariously on one foot. As it stands she's out of range of his free arm, and he can't kick her without pulling her onto him, which would be a bad thing in his mind. So...time to see what she'll do.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 18th, 2003, 10:15:03 PM
She stood for a split second, motionless as she gauged the situation and position she was in. As it was, she was the one still standing on two feet. It was interesting and entertaining at the same time.

But her lack of movement didn't last long.

In a quick move she feinted, cocking her foot, ready to kick his free leg. Instead, Kyry yanked him even closer, delivering a forceful headbutt to his forehead.

May 19th, 2003, 06:25:52 AM
She hits him with a sickening crack, rocking his head back and making him bounce back on his one leg. He stands firm and pushes her arm away, wrenching his leg free of her grasp with the Force.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 20th, 2003, 08:09:28 PM
As her grip on his leg slipped, she tightened the mechanical fingers; no matter. He was still able to pull away, and with a curse she let go completely, hoping that the force of his pull was enough to throw him off balance... if only a little so she could find an opening.

May 20th, 2003, 08:16:16 PM
Zeke's other leg lands a bit far back, leaving him in an awkward split. He shifts his other leg back to meet it and puts his arms up, expecting a follow up from Kyry.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 20th, 2003, 08:26:05 PM
She watched him then, waiting for a reaction, her own arms loose at her sides, hands balled into fists as she relaxed her stance, ready for anything. She wasn't ready to strike; instead she wanted to see what he did... how he faught.

She would adapt a defense to his methods, and build her own offense from there.

May 20th, 2003, 08:42:02 PM
The two stand, each calculating on the other, when a rough, playful shove from behind throws him forward into the fray. Behind him, May waves impishly as Zeke turns his head back momentarily. He flips forward with a powerful axe kick.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 22nd, 2003, 10:17:41 PM
Dodging to the left, Kyry let the kick graze her; though it did strike harder than she expected, and wincing, spun away from him. Her hand shot out then, catching an arm as his leg finished its movement, and with surprising force, pulled the two together to deliver an open, metal-palmed blow to the underside of his jaw.

May 23rd, 2003, 07:09:17 AM
Zeke isn't doing his usual good job of defense, as the blow snaps his head back in a way that makes the onlookers cringe. The Jedi staggers back, knees buckling and shoulders sagging, standing in the center of the ring looking as if he's been knocked out on his feet.

May 23rd, 2003, 07:10:30 AM
At the back of the group, Jhony rubs his chin thoughtfully as he watches his son stand like a mannequin in the makeshift arena's center.

"Not like you son. Is there something up your sleeve, or are you truly defeated?"

Kyryanu Sevon
May 25th, 2003, 04:17:34 PM
This was getting tiresome. The guy didn't seem to be in the fight at all, and Kyry let out an exhasperated breath. She relaxed her stance then, backing off a little.

"This is a waste of time," she sighed, flexing the fingers of her metal hand while still watching Zeke carefully... just incase this was something he was doing to try and throw her off. "Look. If you're gonna fight, make it worthwile, ok, kid?"

May 25th, 2003, 10:00:36 PM
The cargo bay workers are closest in, as they were closest to the fight to start. One even has his crowbar with him. It tears itself from the man's graps, spinning about its center until it becomes like a black disc and zings towards her knees. Zeke doesn't move at all. If his physical power won't work, then his telekinetic might will.

Kyryanu Sevon
May 28th, 2003, 09:50:05 AM
The speed was what shocked her, and the fact that her opponent was a force user; that she hadn't expected. for a brief moment she remembered when she'd first met Khendon, how they'd fought.

Of course he'd stopped using the force, and the fight had gone on.

As the crowbar shot at her, she did the only thing her reflexes permitted; she knelt to the side, whipping her metal hand out to catch the thing. Servos tightened, and rotors reacted to her nerve impulses as the bar hit her pal in the middle of its spin, and her fingers curled instantly into a vice-like grip. But, she'd misjudged the speed and force, and the inertia spun her a little. Dragged from her low stance, she was pulled to the ground in a twisting motion that put her one her back as she kept her grip on the crowbar. With a curse, she rolled a few feet, the bar brought in close to her chest in the attempt to stop it.

Her movement stopped, and she lay on her back for a few moments, letting her body catch up with what she'd just done. First time for everything.

Kyry propped herself up on her elbows then, just a little out of breath from her exertions, and looking over to Zeke, she let the crowbar fall from her grasp to clang on the tarmac.

"Cute trick, Slick."

May 28th, 2003, 01:30:33 PM
But he's not done. He's far from it. For him, anything is a weapon. Crowbars, mops, packing crates, even credit chits.He's got roughly 2.09 creds in his pockets, and he draws them out, still with the telekinesis, packing them into a tight mass approximately the size of a bullet in length, and with varying thicknesses depending on the coins. It goes shooting for her leg.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:51:21 PM
It was all she could do to avoid the coins, and rolling to the side as fast as her body would allow, Kyry let out a small curse. She came to a stop once more on her back, this time not even bothering to prop herself up. Instead, she simply lay, staring up at the sky.

"That's just a little sheisty, don't you think; attacking someone with the force like that when all they want is a simple fist-fight... ?" she asked finally.

Jun 3rd, 2003, 09:55:27 PM

Zeke's never been a good physical fighter. In his whole career as a Jedi, he's not once won a fight, even using the Force to the best of his ability. And while he may win with his current tactics, it won't last forever.

"Then...I guess...make a move."

He won't attack her. Lord no, his last attacks failed horribly. Let him try his defense this time. Perhaps it will yield better results.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 5th, 2003, 08:29:53 PM
With a sigh, Kyry sat up, and propping her arms on her knees, she eyed Zeke. This kid was off his rocker, no doubt about it. Inhaling, Kyry hauled herself to her feet. It was almost pitiful to see the zombie standing in front of her, and running metal fingers through her hair, she started to walk toward him, ignoring the shouts to attack him straight out.

"Kid, this is pitiful. You're like the walking dead. I ain't gonna attack someone who won't put anything into a fight. It's just not right."

She stopped before him, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "How bout lunch; my treat. If anything I'll teach you how to crack heads with enthusiasm."