View Full Version : Mommy Dearest

Abagael Zellan
May 14th, 2003, 11:55:03 AM
"No, no, no, no,no...dammit! Trent!"

Abagael Zellan raced away from the little desk in the recruitment center and tried to grab her son. The blonde little boy giggled and dashed away, leaving behind a puddle of juice that he had emptied onto the floor from his sippy cup. Abagael pulled a few tissues from her purse and bent down, difficult in her tight gray business skirt. Amazingly enough, her manicured nails were still intact and she was wearing expensive, uncomfortable footwear--a difficulty when one had a four year old son.

"Trent, come here...Come, don't do that...Come here Trent!"

She picked up the sopping wet tissues, grimacing at the texture and threw them into a small ziploc bag that she pulled from her bulging purse. As she darted toward her son, who was trying to get into one of the fountains, her dark glasses slipped out of her hair and fell onto the stone floor. Abagael stopped and tottered back, struggling to be fast in the her black heels. She picked them up and put them in her mouth, grabbing Trent by one arm. He started laughing. Abagael picked him up and deposited him on a bench.

"It's not funny! Now I want you, just for one minute, to sit here and be a normal kid! Mommy is trying to make a very important descision!"


Abagael blinked, and wiped the spit off her face. Growling as she stormed away from her son, the woman struggled to keep her composure. She certainly did not look like a mother. Her business suit was almost clean, with only a smudge of something-or-other on the pocket, and her hair was immaculately styled, despite the hectic non-stop running after her child. Abagael was utterly exausted from the effort it took to keep herself emmaculate.

"I'm sorry, he just--"

The woman was cut off mid-apology by the tiny sound of running feet. She turned around, only to see Trent heading toward the doors. Dropping her purse Abagael waved at the woman behind the desk.

"I'll be right back, just...Trent! Stop right now! Mommy is feeling very frustrated honey"

If life as a Jedi was even half as hectic as life as a mother was, Abagael was certain she could handle it. If she could ever get a moment to speak, that was.

May 15th, 2003, 03:30:49 PM
The tall form of Jazz stooped over to stop the child and picked him up, quite a handful this one seemed to be, Gospel had never reached this age.


She asked quietly as she always did since the tragic times of awhile ago.

Abagael Zellan
May 20th, 2003, 09:38:45 AM
Abagael shot Jazz a frazzled look and nodded, taking Trent from her. He really was getting too big to hold but there didn't seem to be much of a choice at the moment.

"Unfortunatly, yes."

She sighed and shifted the squirming child onto the floor, holding him firmly by both shoulders.

"Thanks, he almost got away that time. Trent can be... difficult, at times."

At times? Frell, more like all the time.

May 20th, 2003, 08:32:07 PM
"Be thankful for what you have, others of us aren't so lucky."

Her eyes drifted to the youngster again and there was definite pain within them, it was easy to see this woman deeply missed her own son.

Abagael Zellan
May 21st, 2003, 12:16:07 PM
Abagael, completely preoccupied, didn't catch the hidden meaning in the womans words or expression. She glanced at her dainty chrono and once again tucked some hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, right. Listen I need to talk to someone who can admit me here and,"

She laughed stressfully.

"I'm on a bit of a deadline. I've got this re-heally important meeting in an hour that I can't miss."

Abby smiled at Jazz.

"So do I talk to you or someone else?"

May 21st, 2003, 08:27:18 PM
"Good things come to those who wait, but in answer to your question, I cannot help in that regard, my husband and I have yet to gain a master ourselves."

She said simply, she had been looking for Jazz when the child had wandered into her path.

Abagael Zellan
May 28th, 2003, 12:07:38 PM
Stomping her foot a little in frustration, Abagael glanced at her chrono again and then back at the desk. She grimaced and groaned, then took a breath and straightened her shoulders. The woman began to mumble to herself, obviously frazzled.

"Okay...Okay...I am thankful for coffee...I am thankful for daycare...I am thankful for personal assistants..."

The mantra obviously seemed to calm her for a moment, but she soon returned to her rushed demeanor. Frowning Abagael bent down and picked up Trent.

"Well Frell, I can't miss this meeting. Damn."

Resolving to wait a few more minutes, Abby shifted Trent back onto the floor and crossed her arms over her chest.

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 04:08:44 AM
A quiet chuckle passed the Jedi Knights lips as he watched the conversation for a moment, before approaching the two.

“Good day… I’m Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Can I help either of you with anything?”

Abagael Zellan
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:09:45 PM
"Ah, ha!"

Abagael smiled her best corporate smile and clasped her hands together.

"Yes, yes maybe you can. Hi, I'm Abagael Zellan..."

Trent began to dart around the Jedi. Abby grimaced.

"That's my son Trent. Um, I'm very late, running late...Ahm, I'm here to...sign up, or enroll, or whatever it's called here."

She rubbed her fingers anxiously and then, as if a string had snaped, quickly grabbed Trent. His playing was obviously aggravating her. Abby looked at Dasquian apologetically.

"Sorry, he's very enthusiastic."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:34:34 PM
“It’s quite alright. I have children of my own, so I’m used to it,” Dasquian replied, smiling a small smile.

“I’ll try to make this as brief as possible,” he added, then continuing:

“Why do you wish to enroll here, as you put it?”

Abagael Zellan
Jun 9th, 2003, 10:44:02 AM

Abagael deadpanned. Then she smiled and shook her head.

"No, I'm just kidding. Uh, well I guess it's going to sound cliche, but to help out. I'm a lawyer I supposedly...I mean I do, help people but they don't seem to appreciate it too much."

Raising her eyebrows the woman shrugged.

"And I usually benefit more than they do, which doesn't seem fair. Besides, who goes to a lawyer when they need real help?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:03:06 PM
Chuckling quietly at this, Dasquian nodded.

“I suppose then I need not tell you that in our profession not everyone is fond of us and many try tenaciously to stop, harm and even kill us?”

Abagael Zellan
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:07:34 PM
"No, I knew that. I've met some."

She smiled thinly and shoko her head, knowing the impending question.

"I'm a lawyer, it's my job to handle different cases. You'd be surprised how many nice people there are out there that really hate you guys."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:09:24 PM
“… Out of curiosity, do you intend to remain a lawyer even if you begin training?”

Abagael Zellan
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:11:03 PM
"Would there be any objections?"

She parried his question with one of her own, a grin spreading over her face.

"My workload would lighten considerably, of course, but I don't see a reason for it to stop completely...Of course, I'd have to take a different approach to the cases I did accept. But I can handle two hats."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:16:10 PM
“I shouldn’t think so, no, providing you don’t act as a representative for a Sith or any such thing… though I’m sure you wouldn’t dream of that,”

Dasquians beamed his own confident smile. Folding his arms over his chest, he nodded.

“Well I think that’s all. However brief it was. I welcome you to the Jedi Order on behalf of the Council. If you don’t already have living residence you may have one of the free rooms in the LQ building… and if you haven’t already visited Yogs bar and grill, I’d strongly recommend that.”

Abagael Zellan
Jun 9th, 2003, 12:18:05 PM
"Oh...Well then. Thanks very much."

Abagael smiled...and then glanced at her chrono.

"Frell...Trent, c'mon! We gotta go!"

Smiling apologetically, Abby tottered out the door quickly.

"Sorry to run out like this...Big meeting...Thanks again...TRENT, WAIT!"

And in a whirlwind, she was gone.