View Full Version : Feline Dillemas (open)

Cassidy Williams
May 14th, 2003, 09:37:47 AM

The long, low growl echoed in the quiet halls of the LQ. It was a threatening sound; one that should have warned all who were near that the moaner was in a bad mood. Cassidy Williams however, paid no attention. Instead she shifted the large gray mass in her arms a little, to keep from dropping it. It was the biggest cat she’d ever seen, and the padawan was having a hard time holding it. Likewise, the cat was having a hard time being held. He was fat and fluffy, wild tuffs of gray fur standing on edge while his yellow-green eyes surveyed these new surroundings unenthusiastically.

“C’mon Ripley, you’d like it if you’d just try.”

Ripley glared at the girl and put his ears back, hissing. Cassidy rolled her eyes and gave him a little shake.

“Oh shut up. You’re just a big kitten inside.”

As if to answer her, the feline began to squirm and twist about in supernatural positions, digging his claws into any bare skin that he came in contact with. Cassidy shrieked and dropped him immediately, inspecting the scratches that were dotted with beads of blood. Ripley wasted no time and promptly took off down the hall. Cassidy growled in frustration. This was the last time she would ever get a cat from the shelter. The Padawan ran after the deranged animal, shaking her fist.

“Ripley, you son of a sith! Get back here, dumb cat!”

But the feline was nowhere to be seen. The living quarters were a maze of floors and hallways, and the cat could have easily found a million places to hide. Cats are particularly good at that.

“Heeeeere, kitty, kitty, kitty….”

Darth Uhlen
May 14th, 2003, 10:43:26 AM
Corin was walking down the hall as a giant furball plowed him over


He hit the floor with a thud and watched the cat turn the corner.

"Dumb, animal!"

OOC: Oops this is corin zetith srry

Hayes Muirso
May 14th, 2003, 12:01:19 PM
A hulking 1.5 meter tall cybernetically enhanced dog bounded right out into the cats’ path. It towered over the cat, its tongue lolling out as it considered just what to do. Some distance behind the great beast, the sound of running footsteps was heard.

Cassidy Williams
May 14th, 2003, 01:35:03 PM
She'd decided that if she were to ever capture Ripley again, that she'd have to have some sort of weapon. So Cassidy had made a quick detour to her bedroom and grabbed a blanket to use as a makeshift net.

Back in hot pursuit with her new protection, the girl nearly tripped over Corin, barely managing to leap over him in her hurry.


With a little smile Cassidy broke back into a run and turned the corner...only to stop dead in her tracks. After a moment of open-mouthed ogeling at the dog, Cassidy screamed and threw the blanket at it.


Hayes Muirso
May 14th, 2003, 01:52:06 PM
The lead dangling from the dogs immense collar was seized up in a hand, just in time to stop the canine from jerking forward in panic. Quickly plucking the blanket off of the dogs head, Hayes put himself between it and the girl with her cat.

“George!! George calm down! What have I told you about chasing cats?”

The big, apparently smiling, lug of a dog simply looked down into his Masters eyes with his usual vacant expression. For all his size and apparent ferocity, the Nek was a gentle kind thing.

“I’m so sorry about that,” the Padawan apologized, looking back over his shoulder as he gently stroked George’s semi-metallic muzzle.

Cassidy Williams
May 14th, 2003, 02:54:03 PM
Cassidy quickly scooped up Ripley before he could run off again. The cat was puffed up and stiff, and Cassidy had to pat down his fur before she could even see over the animal. Eyeing ‘George’ carefully she stroked the cat, who didn’t seem to appreciate it.

“He was gonna eat Ripley!”

The Padawan put her face close to the feline and cooed lovingly at him.

“Poor little fuzzybottom, you don’t have to worr—Agh!”

Apparently Ripley did not appreciate being called ‘fuzzybottom’ because he promptly hissed and made a swipe for Cassidy’s nose. She frowned and then shrugged, reminding herself that it was probably just because the cat was shaken. For the first time Cassidy looked at Hayes, and then back at George. She’d never seen a Nek up close before, but this one didn’t seem too…intimidating. Nevertheless she kept her distance, not wanting a repeat performance with her substituted for Ripley.

“Well, he’s not hurt or anything…But I’m glad you got here before Ripley turned inta lunch. Sorry I sorta threw my blanket at him...but he looked hungry.”

She offered a hesitant smile, unable to extend a hand to shake.

“I’m Cassidy an’ this is Ripley.”

imported_Corin Zetith
May 14th, 2003, 05:03:02 PM
Corin watched as she sprinted around the corridor after the giant furball. He stood up and brushed off his robes and cricked his neck. then he trotted down the hall towards where the cat and the woman had dissapeared.

"Hey, is that your cat? He can really hit hard!"

Corin smiled and introduced himself.

"Oh, sorry, where are my manners, i believe i've seen both of you around here before but have never had the pleasure of properly meeting you. My name is Corin Zetith."

Hayes Muirso
May 15th, 2003, 11:37:22 AM
“He’s a vegetarian,” Hayes laughed, as he stood up, giving George one last pat on the head.

“He just likes to play.”

As Corin and Cassidy introduced themselves, he nodded in greeting.

“I’m Hayes… are both of you Jedi?”

Cassidy Williams
May 15th, 2003, 12:32:30 PM
"Nice ta meet you Mr. Hayes, Mr. Corin."

The twelve-year-old continued to smile over Ripley's bulk, still cautious of George. Adressing Hayes question, Cassidy nodded.

"I'm just training right now. I haven't been here for very long. What about you? I mean, if you don't mind me askin'..."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 16th, 2003, 10:34:30 AM
"Well, I've been here for about a year now, and i'm still a learner like yourelf Miss Williams."

Hayes Muirso
May 17th, 2003, 02:52:09 AM
“I’ve just recently join, haven’t started…”

George suddenly tugged at his leash and jolted Hayes forward, before the Nek’s excitement died out.

“… haven’t started training yet though.”

Morgan Evanar
May 17th, 2003, 08:56:09 PM
Morgan pounded up to the group, almost knocking them over.

"Who's cat is that? Yours?" He looked to Cassidy, who looked a bit worried.

"I had to chase him out of the vent the other day."

Cassidy Williams
May 20th, 2003, 09:35:38 AM
She'd been listening to Hayes and Corin's replies when quite suddenly a man had rushed up to them. Clutching Ripley tighter than the cat appreciated, Cassidy nodded at his inquisition.


She couldn't suppress a sheepish grin though when he mentioned his first meeting with the cat.

"Oh....Yeah, he likes to explore I guess. Hope he didn't make a bunch of trouble."

Hayes Muirso
May 21st, 2003, 11:51:03 AM
Hayes blinked. If he was remembering correctly this was the man he’d seen on the data file for his Master. Suddenly feeling a bit awkward he just smiled and gave George another pat on the head. Unfortunately the Nek had other ideas and again began straining and trying to get at Morgan this time.

Morgan Evanar
May 22nd, 2003, 07:42:32 PM
"Nothing I couldn't..." Hayes leaned back, tugging at George's leash, but the Nek was winning.

"'ey. Down." Morgan looked at the large puppy, and offered a hand about a foot away. The canine-like creature's ears went foward, curious.

Inwardly, Evanar crossed his fingers and hoped it wouldn't try to bite him.

Hayes Muirso
May 27th, 2003, 03:33:06 AM
A huge, sloppy lick was given in return by George who then let out a deep bark. The big lug got the best of Hayes and sprung free, throwing his paws up onto Morgan’s shoulders, giving another playful bark. Cringing inside, Hayes smiled nervously – he was used to behavior like this, but knew it wasn’t up everyone’s alley.

“Seems he likes you.”