View Full Version : Your future, your death (Open)

May 13th, 2003, 06:22:06 PM
The red eyes flashed with a natural light, as the Chiss prophet, Vardlokkur, watched the people of Coruscant go about their daily lives from his position in the front of an alley. Reaching out with the force, Vardlokkur gave a passing man a thought of relaxation and peace.

The man sighed as the feeling of wellness spread throughout his body. The stress and anger of the day evaporated and the man found himself smiling and slowing his very brisk pace to a more comfortable walk. The man was still smiling as an out of control speeder screamed around the opposite corner and smashed man's head into the wall. The result was like a overripe melon being dropped ten stories to the ground floor. The speeder rebounded off the building's wall and continued its downward fall into the canyons of Coruscant, taking the drugged up driver into oblivion.

A women began to scream, and for good reason. She and taken full force of the splatter head on, she was also, Vardlokkur noted, wearing a low cut blouse, it was truly disgusting.

Vardlokkur grins in grim satasfaction. If the man had been walking his brisk, short tempered pace as he was before Vardlokkur had put him in a "happy trance", the speeder would of just been a close miss, it proved his point once again. Doing good, no matter what, always leads to evil.
That,Vardlokkur thought And the ability to see the future the Chiss prophet's smile blossomed in a satanic smile.

A flash of insight, and Vardlokkur's blade is freed from its constraint and brought forward. The ancient Chiss weapon was an antique among his clan. The sword itself contained a Sith crystal in its hilt.

"You have finally arrived, I was beginning to wonder if an alteration happened in the flow of time and destiny. It sometimes happens."

Park Kraken
May 13th, 2003, 07:42:03 PM
As he watched the speeder drive off, Kraken, brought out a comlink to inform the local police of the incident. As he put away the comlink, his eyes turned to the woman still screaming on the hoverwalk. He walked over to assist the poor woman. A flash of light caught his eye. He looked up to see a man with what appeared to be a lightsaber standing in the mouth of the alley. As he watched, a second figure approached from behind, Kraken's instincts told him that there was going to be trouble. Cradling the pet Ysalamiri on his should, he withdrew his vibroblade, and advanced.