View Full Version : A trip home

Shandri La
May 13th, 2003, 01:18:08 PM
Not long ago, she was talking to the Council, doing her best to get their help in a matter on her homeworld. She could not sit idly by while she knows that her ppl are being harmed, killed, robbed. Not only that, but their King is locked in the palace dungeon somewhere, and she doesn't know if he is even still alive.

A huge surge of joy and filled her when they Council agreed to assist in removing the Sith from her homeworld. Now to actually accomplish it. For the fist time in years, she is not dressed in her white dress. Instead, she is dressed in a dark grey bodysuit which is skin tight, not worried about the fact that she doesn't leave anything to boy's imagination about how she looks. Her hair is pulled back in its usual partial braid and ended with just a black elastic band. Her small knife is tucked away safely out of sight in her braid.

She mentally goes over in her head, the different things that she has done recently that could get her sentenced to death after this is all over. The biggest of which is leaving the Treasure behind and not keeping it with her, followed closely by disobeying direct orders which she had been given. She had pulled out of her memory and drew maps of the palace and the main streets of the Capitol city on her homeworld making it so that the others will be able to get around if she does not stay with them.

Aaron, a person who she really likes and considers a real close friend. Dasquian, her Master who is teaching her the ways of the Jedi. Shanaria, a fellow Padawan to Dasquian. Those are who she knows personally. Oriadin she had met when she had approached the Council about getting aid for her homeworld.

She will focus all of her attention on what she is doing when she gets back to her homeworld. Then she will worry about continuing her Jedi training after the Sith are gone, assuming of course that they manage to get the Sith to leave. One problem at a time is how you deal with things. Don't worry about the big picture, worry about one thing at a time, otherwise you will drown. For the most part, the trip has been uneventful so far. But mind you, they had just shown up in the system where her homeworld is. Only a few moments before they had come out of hyperspace and the planet is in sight. Soon, soon it will get difficult.

Dasquian Belargic
May 13th, 2003, 01:50:58 PM
Dasquian had sat silent for the majority of the trip – traveling in space crafts still made him feel queasy and uneasy, as was applicable to Aaron too, he noticed. None the less, he maintained a warm aura, and would smile encouragingly in the direction of whosoever should look his way.

He was very much looking forward to both helping his apprentice in liberating her people and in seeing Shandri and Shanaria at work in the field. So far he had only one experience with the two out on an actual mission, so this would be excellent character building work for them both.

In the back of his mind, of course, he could not forget that this was no simple training program – the lives and homes of people hung in the balance, and the trip was a deadly serious one; one which would need to be dealt with carefully.

Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2003, 02:30:08 PM
Shanaria was looking forward to see trees and grass again. Having been on Coruscant for only short time before this mission, she still had not stoped missing the nature of her home. Though this is not her home, it will be alot closer to home than Corusant will ever be.

Now that the planet is in sight, she can't help but think...

How can I help with this? I may have seen my family deal with the sith before, but I have always not had to do anything.

She can't help but think that her seat on this ship would have been better suted for a person with some knowlege in dealing with Sith.

May 13th, 2003, 02:55:50 PM
The trip was silent. No one wanting to speak. Perhaps they were all trying to stay focused, or perhaps it was nerves. For some, this was their first real mission. Oriadin sat on the ship with a confident, calm air about him. He'd been part of more missions recently and felt he was contributing more to the well being of the galaxy now. He sensed Shanaria's concern about the mission. That was understandable. He walked on over and sat beside her, resting his hand upon hers. He sent a calming feeling through the force and spoke softly and reasuringly.

--Be confident in yourself. Relax and feel the force around you. Dasquian is a good man and I know he wouldnt get you into anything your not ready for.--

He turned to face the group as a whole, but now aimed his talk towards Shandri.

--Perhaps we should discuss a plan. Do you know where the sith will be? You know the lay of the land better than any of us afterall.--

It was as much a way of getting the group to talk as actually figuring out a plan. If this was to be a sucess, teamwork would be needed, and since they were nearly there, this team would have to come together fast.

Shanaria Fabool
May 13th, 2003, 06:03:09 PM
Shanaria looks up at Oriadin smiles...

"Thanks... I'm sure I'll find some way to help... and I have no doubts that Dasquian will do his part well."

It doesn't sound like Shanaria has yet convinced herself that she will be helpful. She looks over to Shanrdi...

"Planing sounds like a good idea.. What do we have to work with?"

Shandri La
May 13th, 2003, 07:48:10 PM
She was seated nearby Aaron, more because she feels closest to him then anyone else on the ship right now. A small smile dances across her face as she looks at him, and then at the others. She goes through her head where everything is at home in her room. Right down to the extra pillow she keeps in the Treasure room, which just happens to be her room as well.

Looking at Oriadin when he started to speak, first to Shanaria, and then to her. Where will the Sith be?

"Unfortunately, I do not know where the Sith will be located, though I am going to take a guess here and say the palace. It seems like the logical spot to choose because it is the most secure spot on the palace. I am able to get in and out of the palace through secret entrances and exits. Also, I should be able to acquire us anything that we may need on the planet."

Shandri gets up and hands out datapads to everybody which has the mentioned maps on them.

"On these datapads is the location of important buildings and the major roads in the Capitol city. I have not marked any secret routes on them for several purposes.

It would be an idea to act quickly when we get down to the planet before the Sith have time to react to our presence. I want to prevent them from killing any more innocents on this planet.

It is not uncommon for ships to land in the surronding hills around the main city so I suggest that we land there. From there, I can lead us into the city, and there the citizens will do one of two things if they recognize me. They will either help us, or they will inform the Sith that I am here and try to prevent further suffering. Hopefully though, with the change of outfit, they will not recognize me."

Shandri takes a deep breath. She has obviously already put alot of effort into this as she looks around the group again. For a moment, she turns her gaze towards her homeworld, a planet of beauty and wonder. A planet that once was torn by the savages of war, and will see fighting once more. She turns her gaze back to the small group and forces a smile.

"If at all possible, don't kill the Sith. My ppl don't know how to handle unnatural deaths very well, and this time I am sure has been extremely traumatic for them. When they find out that we are here to help, they will give us their blessings. Some may even offer to help, though they know nothing of how to fight.

I have marked on the maps, areas that are best to be avoided due to certain elements which we don't need to deal with. Though if things get rough, it would be an idea to head there.

There are plenty of plants and parks around the city if the Sith haven't destroyed them."

Shandri falls silent again as she looks around the group, giving them a chance to ask any questions that they may have.

Kelt Simoson
May 14th, 2003, 05:01:38 AM
The darned Pate! thought Kelt has he stepped out from the ships toilet compartment a not so very pleasent smell following out the door which he quicky shut. A few waiting ship crew turned away and ventured back into there stations as Kelt made his way to the waiting group discussing a plan. He had listned to Shandris plan, read the data pad and thought on the situation a little before coming up with a question he thought needed to be answered.

' Miss Shandri, do you by any chance know how many Sith perhaps there are or maybe how many Sith it would require to take such a large community over, we may be talking anything up to 10, 15 possibly even 20 quite powerful Darksiders are we not?' He asked seriously but also with a kind smile. He asked the question on the grounds that the Jedi going needed to know roughly what to expect. A large group of Sith posed quite a horrible threat to the smaller group of jedi.

Shandri La
May 14th, 2003, 07:56:17 AM
"It does not take very many ppl to take over my homeworld. My ppl are a peaceful ppl, to a point where they don't care who rules them, just as long as our King remains the figure head.

As to the number of Sith on my homeworld right now, I've been told that there are only 5. Though there may be more, or there may be less since a bit of time has passed since I last heard how many Sith were there."

Shandri's hand moves up the gold necklace that she is wearing, which she always wears, and she grips it tightly, the only visible sign of how tense she is about this mission. What if they fail? What if her friends and Master get killed? What if the Sith already know that we are coming and are laying a trap for them right now? What if she gets captured and forced to tell the secrets of the Treasure? These are the questions she's asking herself as her gaze moves about the assembled group again.

Aaron Belargic
May 14th, 2003, 12:23:25 PM
Aaron looked over the map he had been given, planning out possible routes in his mind. When he looked up away from the pad he saw Dasquian looking directly at him, and for a moment the two brothers’ minds opened to one another as they silently conversed and discussed possible tactics. If there was one thing the two could do, it was confuse those who did not know them, and there was a chance this could be played upon whilst in the field.

He smiled, reassured of his strengths, and looked to Shandri. She seemed a little nervous.

“Everything will be fine…”

Shanaria Fabool
May 14th, 2003, 12:26:01 PM
Shanaria gets up and walks over to Shandri and places a hand on her shoulder when she sences the questions that Shandri is asking herself...

"We will do our best Shandri. If you worry your head off about things that Might happen, it will just distract you from what is going on. We will deal with what ever they have set up for us. And I doubt that they will expect a strike team of this size of Jedi, to come and save a backwater planet like this one."

Shandri La
May 14th, 2003, 01:18:57 PM
Looking up when Shanaria puts a hand on her shoulder, she forces a smile and nods her head slightly.

"I know everybody will do their best. It's best that I get my being distracted now while I have the time, instead of on the planet when I need my wits about me.

This planet has alot going for it, that is if the Sith haven't ruined it by now.

If anybody has any questions about what might be on the planet, please, ask. I'll answer them to the best of my ability."

Shandri looks back at Aaron and smiles again, thanking him silently for being here with her.

Shanaria Fabool
May 14th, 2003, 01:22:06 PM
Shanaria thinks for a moment...

"What kind of wild creatures will there be down there?"

Shandri La
May 14th, 2003, 02:05:55 PM
"I personally have never come across any wild animals back home, but I know that they are there. There's wild cats, bit wild cats. There shoulders come up to my waist from what I've been told. Really, there's alot of different kinds of wild animals, but most of them will leave us alone if we leave them alone."

Shanaria Fabool
May 16th, 2003, 11:13:24 AM
"Are there any birds that may cause problems for us or for them?"

Shandri La
May 16th, 2003, 08:52:36 PM
"No. The largest bird is at max, a foot long from tip of beak to end of tail. The most trouble they will be is if they decide to use us as a toilet."

Dasquian Belargic
May 19th, 2003, 05:28:40 AM
Dasquian chuckled quietly at Shandri’s and Shanaria’s conversation. The two seemed to be getting on well, having worked together a few times. Kelt, whom Dasquian hadn’t noticed at first, was sat opposite to Dasquian. The Knight nodded and smiled slightly to his friend before looking to the side out of the window once more – the planet below was drawing ever closer…

May 19th, 2003, 07:55:46 AM
Oriadin shared Dasquians light hearted laugh at the conversation. The tension was easing up now as they entered the plannets atmosphere. The ship shook gently upon entry and most tool the time to glance out the window to get a look of the plannet. Oriadin himself took great interest as he didnt get away from Courascant as often as some people.

Although this mission would be highly dangerous, especially since there was an unconfirmed amount of Sith to contend with, Oriadin looked forward to helping this lands people.

--Perhaps we should split into teams. All go off into seperate directions and get a feel for our surroundings. We're going in blind, and we're not even sure what we are up against yet. If we can maintain contact over our comm units and see what we can learn about where the sith are and how many we have to face.--

Oriadins suggestion was thrown open to all, but since he, Dasquian and Kelt were the knights, it would be their job to keep the padawans in line and make sure nothing went wrong.

Shandri La
May 19th, 2003, 08:12:13 PM
Turning to look at Oriadin as he throws his suggestion out to be discussed, she shakes her head slightly.

"I don't think that would be advisable. There may be interference on the planet that may prevent the use of comm units."

Shandri herself doesn't like the thought of splitting there number into groups. One thing she hasn't mentioned is the storms that can spring up quickly but figures that now would be the best time.

"This planet is known to have freak storms come up suddenly. We don't know why they do, but one thing we know for certain is that when these storms come up, comm units and other units similar to them become useless while the storm is happening.

That is one reason why I object to splitting up into groups. That and we have strength in numbers. I myself will be next to useless in a fight with lightsabers seeing as how I have none and the only weapon I carry is my small knife which I keep hidden. Also you might turn down a no exit alley where you might be ambushed by the Sith."

Shandri isn't trying to put more worry onto the group then there already is, but she feels a certain amount of responcibility for this group since it was her request that they come and help deal with the Sith.

May 20th, 2003, 03:05:00 AM
The fact that comm units might not work would certainly be a big problem with Oriadins plan.

--Yep, that would cause us problems. Although, if we do stick together as a whole group we are not going to get such a good idea of what we are up against. We might spot a couple of sith, challenge them, only to find out they say they are under attack and five more simply come from nowhere.--

Shandri La
May 20th, 2003, 07:38:49 AM
"But if we do split up and one group comes across all the Sith together, and one of the freak storms is happening, There is a good chance that you will be outnumbered and therefore, it may be easier for the Sith to kill and/or capture you.

But if we stick together, and do our reconnasance that way before we attack the Sith, we will have a better idea of what we are up against. We could even ask some of my ppl for any information in which they have."

Shandri throws the last bit in even though there is a risk to it. The risk is more to her then to the others. She throws a glance at Aaron, wondering how he will react to the way that she gets treated here and lowers her head for a moment, giving a silent prayer to the Angels that everything will go alright.

"If things are pretty bad down there, there is a certain phrase that needs to be said before a local will give any information to anyone, even to other locals unless they are family.

I know where I can go to get some rather up to date information on what's happening, and quite possibly where current locations of certain ppl are."

Shanaria Fabool
May 20th, 2003, 10:23:47 AM
"If we loose Comm contact we could always keep contact with The Force. I know I good enough that I can talk to somebody's mind over a LONG distance. Also if we are in smaller groups they may think that there are fewer of us than there really is. Shandri could also teach the rest of us the certain phrase that needs to be said before a local will give any information."

Shandri La
May 20th, 2003, 12:42:18 PM
"No, I don't think that would be a good idea using the Force to keep in contat with the various groups. The messages could be intercepted by the Sith and then they would know that there are more of us and they may think that may be more then us then there actually is. And not all of us know how to talk to others through their minds.

And I hesitate to teach others the certain phrase. I'll be in enough trouble as it is, I have no wish to be in even more trouble then I already am."

Shandri glances out a viewport and smiles as she sees the grean and blue of the planet, her home.

Shanaria Fabool
May 20th, 2003, 12:52:10 PM
"If there were two groups, and at least one person from each group could make a solid link than the sith could not intercept it. I'm sure that Aaron and Dasquian could easly do that.

The group that you are in could be the one talking to the people the other group could scout the woods. That way you wouldn't have to tell anybody else the phrase."

Shandri La
May 20th, 2003, 01:03:40 PM
A shake of her head says that she doesn't like the idea, but she looks to Dasquian to see what he thinks on this matter, hoping that he will side with her on this and not have the group split up. Plus, she doesn't like the idea that Aaron might be in a different group then her since Dasquian said that he will stay with her to make sure that she stays safe.

"I still don't like the idea of splitting up our group. We have more strength in numbers and if we split up, then the Sith will have an easier time dealing with us. Also, the Sith may be able to detect a solid link between two of our number, which may make them think that there are more of us then there actually is."

Shanaria Fabool
May 20th, 2003, 01:07:30 PM
Shanaria Shrugs and looks to the others for their opinon.

Shandri La
May 22nd, 2003, 08:15:12 AM
"There will be plenty of time to scout the woods while we make our way into the town. I do not suggest we take a direct route in because I do not know the current situation on planet here and I have no wish to lead us all into a trap."

Aaron Belargic
May 27th, 2003, 03:10:29 AM
“Perhaps my brother, Kelt and Oriadian could lead the groups? That way we’d be sure we had some strength in each of them,” Aaron interjected on the matter, somewhat late.

“And yes Shanaria is right… my brother and I do have a very strong mental link.”

Shandri La
May 27th, 2003, 07:33:51 AM
Frowning slightly, she shakes her head.

"Twins usually do have a strong mental link. It would be best in my opinion that we all stay together."

Shandri states her opinion again.

May 27th, 2003, 08:39:23 AM
Shandri had made it obvious she did not want the group to be split up, although Oriadin found it hard to understand why.

--Well, what if one of the Knights were to scout on ahead. Try to get a feel for what we're up against. A single person can move quicker and undetected than a group. If that person should be captured, then there are enough of us to launch a rescue mission.

If we stay together, not knowing who or what we have to face then we could be walking into a trap. If the whole group is caught, then that leaves us in a spot of bother. I would be happy to be the one to scout ahead if no one else wants to?--

It was a suggestion Oriadin was keen to hear the thoughts of the others on. Going blindly into a mission like this was a bad idea, he felt sure of it.

Shandri La
May 27th, 2003, 02:29:23 PM
Sighing slightly she looks around the group, realising that they will probably split up, at least with a person scouting ahead. She would volunteer herself to do the scouting while the others kept to a safe spot, but she has a feeling that at least the Knights would object to it. But on second thought, her knowledge of the area would make her a logical choice for the scouting since she's more familiar with the area then anyone else. She sighs a second before she speaks up again.

"What Lord Oriadin suggests is a smart idea, therefore, I put myself forward to do the scouting even though I am not a Knight. I can find my way around without a problem, and I am less likely to get lost.

Since I'm out of uniform, ppl will have a harder time recognizing me as the Guardian. I could also ask around to get a feel of the place while I'm doing the scouting."

Shandri has to try, though she has a feeling that she will be shot down rather quickly in being the one to do the scouting.

Dasquian Belargic
May 27th, 2003, 02:37:09 PM
“Shandri, though you are familiar with the terrain I must object. You are the key person within this group and without you we cannot navigate the planet or the secret access points you’ve mentioned. I defiantly think it would be prudent to have one of the Knights to scout ahead instead,”

Dasquian interjected, sitting up as he glanced about the group. He offered an encouraging to smile to Shandri, trying not to dishearten her.

May 27th, 2003, 03:37:19 PM
Oriadin nodded as Dasquian spoke.

--I concur with Dasquian here. Shandri, you are far to important to the people of this land to be put to any unnessesary risk. If you remain with the other Knights and padawans they will be able to protect you. You are the key to this mission.--

Shandri La
May 28th, 2003, 07:57:59 AM
A slight nod of her head acknowledges both Dasquian and Oriadin. Surprisingly though, she doesn't look disappointed about not being allowed to do the scouting.

"I have given you all maps on how to get around on the main streets and you can get to the palace since it is marked on the map. And without using the secret access points, it would make it harder, but it could still be done."

Shandri doesn't add though that the only reason why she's important to the ppl here is because she is the Guardian of the Treasure. But she's important the way an object can be important.

"But since it is your wish that I stay with the group, then I will."

Shanaria Fabool
May 28th, 2003, 11:53:57 AM
"The I request That I go as the scout into town. I could act like a normal visitor. I'm guessing that they get a number of visitors, because of shandri's comment...'It is not uncommon for ships to land in the surronding hills around the main city' I don't have any part of me that ID's me as a Jedi apprentice, and I never act like I'm anything more than a flirty young lady. My talent in mind inflitration would also be helpful. I could infiltrate the minds of the local animals to see what they have been seeing..... If they also think that this ship is that of just another visitor. They may ignore it and leave the ship as a safe place for us to use as a home base. "

Aaron Belargic
May 30th, 2003, 04:25:20 AM
“Whoever the scout is will be at risk of encountering the Sith before anyone else. We have to take that into account, especially since there is a chance they’re taking prisoners. I don’t doubt anyone here as far as mental strength goes, but if they were to capture someone they could find out that the Jedi are coming to help and call in further reinforcements,”

Aaron sighed uneasily. This was a difficult call to make.

Shandri La
May 30th, 2003, 10:49:19 AM
"Again another reason why I would be a logical choice. I'm a local here, and I can fit in alot better. Also, there is a less likely of a chance of me being termed a Jedi.

If you all are worried that I may be in danger, then somebody else could accompany me. It is not uncommon for a couple to be seen walking the streets together, or taking a stroll in the bushes."

Shandri voices this option for her being the one to do the scouting even though she has said that she will stay if it's the wish of the group. She just doesn't want anybody putting themselves into danger because of her, well anymore danger then they already are in.

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 03:22:04 AM
“Alright. If no one has any objections to the idea, I will accompany Shandri into the city to scout ahead.”

Dasquian felt a paternal need to protect Shandri with her being his apprentice, and also knew that Aaron would have rather it been his own brother doing the job than anyone else.

Shandri La
May 31st, 2003, 10:32:14 AM
With a nod of her head, she agrees to Dasqian coming with her to do the scouting. She was slightly hoping for Aaron so that the two of them would have a chance to talk in private again, but Dasquian will be fine. She can always talk with Aaron at another time.

"I'm agreeable Lord Dasquian."

Shanaria Fabool
May 31st, 2003, 11:06:27 AM
"One little thing that you might want to do well you are out there Shandri... STOP THE LORD/LADY STUFF.... Woudn't that give you away VERY quickly?"

Shandri La
Jun 2nd, 2003, 07:46:42 AM
"Yes Lady Shanaria."

Shandri takes a deep breath, knowing that it will be interesting for her on this mission. But it will prove to be worth while. If nothing else, she will get some on the field experience. But hopefully, they will succeed because if they don't, well that will mean that they have probably been either killed or captured.

At that moment, the pilot came back and informed the group of them that they had landed on the planet. She nods her thanks for being told and she looks at Dasquian.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 16th, 2003, 06:58:03 AM
Kelt had been quiet through most of the trip, clearly in deep thought. The Knight had been thinking of the up coming mission. Sith? Darksiders? It was going to be trouble ether way.

' Looks like its time to go m'lady...' He said bowing slightly to Shandri. Kelt took up his pack and his sword and slung them both over his shoulder and began to exit.

Shandri La
Jun 17th, 2003, 12:02:51 PM
Shandri shifts her position slightly as Kelt bows to her, and uses a title with her. She just nods in agreement to Kelt and rises from her seat, picking up her small bag and goes to follow Kelt out of the ship, eager to breath the fresh air of her homeworld again. Eager just to see her home.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 25th, 2003, 02:25:58 AM
Dasquian and Aaron followed side by side out onto the planets surface. Both surveyed the area and Dasquian commented on the fact that it was a very scenic place whilst Aaron seemed more concerned with keeping at Shandri’s side and asking her what the first order of action was to be – even though it had been explained prior, on the ship.

Shandri La
Jun 25th, 2003, 09:01:09 AM
Shandri spins around, a huge smile on her face because she's back home. Back home to free her ppl.

"Welcome to my homeworld."

Shandri turns to Aaron and smiles to him.

"First thing to do is get a bit of scouting done. We should also agree to meet back here if we get seperated or lost. But before I do any of that, I'm going to take a moment to enjoy just being back here."

Shandri adds silently to herself that this is likely to be the last time she ever gets to enjoy herself, and frowns slightly before going and sprawling out on a patch of grass while waiting for the others to come out.

Shanaria Fabool
Jun 25th, 2003, 10:45:56 AM
Shanaria walks out of the ship and gets a big smiles on her face, as she looks at all the plants and anamals...

"This is a nice looking planet... To bad the sith are here."

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 29th, 2003, 07:23:19 AM
Dasquian stood with his arms folded, watching the group. Aaron on the other hand was making his way over to Shandri, agreeing loudly with Shanaria that the planet looked wonderful. His twin’s mind was spreading out as far as it could reach to try and sense any danger, near or far – but he was having difficulty sensing any Darkside presences at all with all of the inferences created by the populace at large.

Shandri La
Jun 30th, 2003, 04:50:59 PM
She walks to the edge of the clearing where she stops and looks in the direction of the town. Of the palace, her home, but not her home. Her home had become the GJO, the Jedi had become her family. She closes her eyes for a moment before opening them quickly, a sense of urgency filling her being.

"We need to help them, and quickly."

Aaron Belargic
Jul 11th, 2003, 12:26:03 PM
“What? What’s wrong? What’s going on?”

Aaron was at Shandri’s side, eyes narrowed as he scanned out across what was before him. The people of Hallaera had the most uncanny eyesight, yet even still he could not pick up anything that would suggest immediate danger.

Shandri La
Jul 11th, 2003, 04:55:38 PM
"We have to go now. They are in trouble and if we do nothing, I fear that if we wait to long, there will be nothing for us to do. I can feel the fear of my ppl. The fear and the hatred."

Shandri turns to everybody else.

"Things are not well here. We need to act quickly, or not at all."

Shandri says this very simply, but with a tone that says that if they don't come with her, she'll do this by herself if she has to.

Shanaria Fabool
Jul 11th, 2003, 05:15:30 PM
"So What are we to do? Just run in there without finding out what we can about what's going on here?"

Shandri La
Jul 13th, 2003, 11:44:26 AM
"We can do something other then just standing here and talking about what we should do."

Aaron Belargic
Jul 23rd, 2003, 04:08:49 AM
“My brother and Shandri were gong to scout ahead, right?”

A nod from Dasquian.

“Well then you two set off now, and we’ll follow at a distance behind.”

Shandri La
Jul 23rd, 2003, 07:44:47 AM
Shandri looks at Aaron and smiles.

"Be careful when you're following. There are some unseen dangers around which if they catch you could mean your death."

She looks around the group.

"And that goes for all of you."

She turns to Dasquian before she turns to head off into the bushes towards the town, both happy and sad to be on her homeworld, but right now, she has no wish to worry others about what might happen after this is all over.