View Full Version : Stretching his legs...(Open challenge)

Jess Rellon
May 13th, 2003, 11:22:54 AM
Jess Rellon looks around the dank surroundings, wondering why he took the job of patrolling this area of town.

Oh yes, he recalls, I needed money...Damn it.

Walking through a small alley way, Jess brings up the barrel of his assault rifle, switching on the light on top, his fledgling Force senses reaching out for any kind of danger...

"Next time, I'll go hungry then do this again..." he mutters to himself, searching.

Darth Uhlen
May 14th, 2003, 06:10:56 AM
A tall cloaked figure crouched on the rooftop of a nearby warehouse and watched the figure intently. One hand rested on the hilt of its weapon while the other was in a small fleshy puoch at the things side. The creature remained quiet and watched on, its dark eyes beginning to flare red.

Jess Rellon
May 14th, 2003, 06:18:47 AM
Jess feels something above him, turning to look. He brings the gun up, to use the light on the end of it. Frowning, he sees nothing.

"You're losing it, Jess." he says, going back to patrol.

Darth Uhlen
May 14th, 2003, 10:31:00 AM
Uhlen watched on as the young man continued to patrol the grounds below

Jess Rellon
May 15th, 2003, 03:16:04 PM
Try as he might, Jess couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him. Looking around, Jess slowly draws the needle gun he kept at the small of his back, keeping that in one hand, the rifle in the other.

"I'mn losing it," he tells himself again, continuing.

Darth Uhlen
May 18th, 2003, 02:02:20 PM
Taking his amphistaff out of his cloak he thumbed the igniton membrane and waited for his blood lust to rise to the point where he would not be able to stay silent anymore. His eyes began to glow, becoming a brighter and deeper red with each passing second.

Jess Rellon
May 18th, 2003, 03:36:23 PM
Jess's eyes begin to make out a faint red glow coming from above him. Spining around, Jess gives a curse in surprise.

"What the hell?"

Darth Uhlen
May 19th, 2003, 10:07:20 AM
Uhlen closed his eyes and let the force guide him away from where the man had seen him. He swiftly ran with force guided strength to another builiding opposite the man and waited, using the man's faint force aura to locate him.

Jess Rellon
May 19th, 2003, 04:50:30 PM
Jess clamps down on his fledgling Force sense, shaking his head as the thing disappears. Strapping his rifle to his back, he gives a ruefull smile.

"Must be imagining it."

Darth Uhlen
May 20th, 2003, 06:12:56 AM
Just then, a large heavily booted foot connected with the man's backside, sending Jess flying forwards into some trash dumpsters. The figure stood at its full 7'7'' height and stared at the trooper through hate filled (deep crimson red) eyes.

Jess Rellon
May 20th, 2003, 04:30:32 PM
Jess growls low in his throat as he gets up, pulling out a pair of SOCOM pistols, kneeling.

"Freeze!" he cries, keeping the pistols steady. "Who are you?"

imported_Corin Zetith
May 20th, 2003, 06:59:07 PM
Uhlen cracked his scarred and cut lips in a smile.

"I don't think it really matters does it? Uhlen cackled.

OOC: oops srry this is Uhlen

Jess Rellon
May 21st, 2003, 04:16:24 PM
{OOC: No prob. :)}

"fine. You will probably die like anyone else."

With that, Jess triggers a blast from each of his guns, the slugs rocketing out.

Darth Uhlen
May 22nd, 2003, 10:42:05 AM
Uhlen jumped with the aid of the force and flipped over the man's head. He landed a few feet away and sent a high roundhouse kick to the backside of Jess' head.

"Don't be so certain." Uhlen said as his eyes flared bright red again.

Jess Rellon
May 27th, 2003, 04:12:02 PM
With a flare of the force, Jess ducked down, though not fast enough. Catching the tip of the boot, he goes down, quickly rolling to his feet. Growling, Jess unleashes a barrage of blows.

Darth Uhlen
Jun 3rd, 2003, 10:17:50 AM
Uhlen smiled in satisfaction, engulfing the small tendrils of pain (if it even qualified as pain), as the man hit him all over his body. He caught the mans right hand with his left and used his own right to punch the man repeatedly in the face, finally he hooked Jess in the chin and released his grip. Jess flew backwards into the wall of a warehouse and slid to the ground. Uhlen laughed harshly and stood there, ready and waiting.