View Full Version : Night Strike (closed)

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
May 12th, 2003, 11:06:20 PM
A shadowy figure crept through a yard, sneaking around to the back door of a rich mans house, Jaas was on another of his Bounty hunts his mistress was always sending him on

He slowly crept of behind the guard that was standing infront of the door, before the guard could react the faster Cizerack had a knife in the his throut

Jaas grined as hid the body in a nearby bush that was growing by the door, he took the mans keys and unlocked the door which he opened slowly, not making a sound he crept through a hall way his blaster pistol with a silencer in his right hand and his knife in the other

He crept past a guard and made his way to a stair case where he climber it without a sound, as he reached the last step he could make out the sound of a couple men talking in a nearby room

as he made his way to where the sound was comeing from, the door to the room was heavely guarded by several guards armed with blaster rifles

Jaas knew that it was time for a big fight, he grined as he pulled out a small flash grenade, he threw the grenade into the middle of the group of guards a blinding flash lit the rooms

the guards screamed for back up as Jaas ran up to them and cut all of there throuts while they where blind

the noice caused the men in the room to become silent, Jaas could hear more guards comeing up the stairs, he put his knife and blaster pistol away and grabed a heavy repeader off the ground and aimed it at the top of the stairs

the forst guard made the mistake of poping his head out to far and got it blow off by the cizeracks gun.

Jaassuuvi Ageerrodarr
May 17th, 2003, 12:04:02 AM
Shots flew as the guards shots flew past Jaas's head, the cizerack quickly pulled out another flash grenade and threw it at the guards who where blinded by the flash giving Jaas time to shoot half they're group killing them, the rest of the guard took cover behind couch's low walls and some went back down the stairs

He fired shot after shot until his gun was out of ammo, he droped it and bulled out both of his laser pistols from his long trench coat he was wearing

he fired at the advancing guard killing three of them and taking another ones leg off, he ran into the room he had heard the mens voices coming from, once inside he saw three startled men on one corned trying to hide behind a sofa

Jaas closed the door and proped a chair agains the door knob holding it shut for a few minutes, he walked over to the men and grabed one of them a man with no hair and expesice looking garmet on Jaas held his feet of the floor by his shirt collar he got his face in the man face "wherrre jisss the monrjy jyou owe Ladjy Sssaphjirrre"

the mans face went pale as he figured the large cizerack worked for Lady Saphire who was a rich Cizerack who didnt like people who dont give her the money they owe her on time and often has Jaassuuvi go and kill them

"it-t-ts in-n-n t-t-h-he sssafe ov-v-ver there the combination is 69-86-99-45" he studered, Jaas droped him and walked over to the safe He could hear the guards planting small bombs on the door

Jaas quickly put the compination and the safe swung open,He grabed a bag from his coat and started to fill it with the money in the safe, then he walked over to the man and pointed one of his pistols at the mans head "the Ladjy sajysss goodbjye" he pulled the trigger and watched the man fall the the floor dead

the other men screamed as they're freind and business partner lay on the floor with a hole in his head, this convinced the men to never make Lady Saphire mad

Jaas remembering where he was quicky shot out the window and lept out it onto the first story roof and then to the ground, he ran of into the night his tail swished behinf him as he did so.