View Full Version : A Dark Shadow

Zereth Lancer
May 12th, 2003, 08:01:29 PM
Zereth walked down the street toward the B&G, he was clothed from head to toe in black clothing

He aproached the guard and handed over his twin swords, dagger, and blaster pistol

Zereth walked to up to an empty booth and sat down, a service droid rolled up and asked his order "I'll have a glass of red wine"
the robot left and came back shortly with Zereth's drink

He siped it slowly as He tried to remember his past which He could not remember.

Janus Riddyl
May 15th, 2003, 08:49:53 PM
Janus was walking around the Bar and Grill chatting a little with those he recognized and some he didn't. He stopped at a booth and looked at the pale, most likely Sith. "What brings you here? Can't be all the Jedi around."

Zereth Lancer
May 16th, 2003, 01:11:11 PM
Zereth looked up at the man that was speeking to him, He could sence the light side of the force in him

"I come here for a drink" he took another sip of his drink "why dont you join me for a drink Jedi?"

Janus Riddyl
May 17th, 2003, 10:23:18 PM
A drink with a Sith... Janus pondered the notion... why not? "Sure." He said and took a seat across the table. "So...I suppose your with the Sith order, or at least some faction of it."

Zereth Lancer
May 17th, 2003, 11:28:08 PM
Zereth smiled at the Jedi question "well you could say that im part of the order but i dont do much with it you see i dont have a master so im kind of a loner just doing my own thing, training myself and doing all those other sith things"

He smiled again "well if ask me i say you jedi are lucky, always having lots of freinds and family, but most if the sith i know are all angry and messed up and dont have freinds or any family , i guess thats what makes us different from you"

He sighed loudly as he remebered when he first came to TSO all angry and full of blood lust "i've never had family or freinds thats and to top that off i cant remember anything about my past"

Zereth stoped knowing he was saying to much and that the jedi probubly would'nt care any ways,

Janus Riddyl
May 18th, 2003, 09:48:46 PM
"Bad things happen to both future Jedi and Sith. It is how we react and deal with it that determines whether we go to the light or the dark." Janus said as he recalled his own difficulties. "I've had my own share of problems. Back home people don't like those who want to associate with the galaxy, my former people are very passive and isolated. I was disowned by my family and shunned from my homeworld because I belived in sharing what we have with the rest of the galaxy." Janus paused, "Not your stereotypical Jedi huh?"

Zereth Lancer
May 20th, 2003, 04:43:18 PM
"well theres one thing that seperates us the jedi are looked at as a people you can trust and depend on now when people look at the sith they think where all just a bunch of evil blood thirsty creatures devoted to evil"

Zereth let out a sigh as he remember being treated badly just becuase he was part of TSO

"but im not like that i joined the sith becuase they knew how i fell becuase most of them feel the same way, lost and hurt with no one to turn to the sith are that kind of people, sure they sometimes do acts of evil but im sure they have there reasons"

He sighed again not wanting to talk any more.