View Full Version : 'You will obey the laws of Thermodynamics!'

Nathanial K'cansce
May 12th, 2003, 05:39:00 PM
Homer Simpson has to be the greatest cartoon - tv - prime time character ever created, next to Stewie and Phil and Lil. In my narrow veiw, anyway. :p

Anywho, I just signed up for the Thermodynamics class up at the junior college I use to go to. They only offer the course during the summer, and I figure might as well get it out of the way. Starts the 27th of may, and goes till... about the 27th or so of June... Monday - Friday, 9 am to noon. I just hope the material covered isn't over my head. I have all the pre-reqs for it, but still... thermodynamics just sounds nasty.

Oh, and I also got accepted to SUNY Binghamton, the "IVY league" university for the SUNY schools. Harder than snot to get in.... I applied there last year, but didn't get accepted cause I was being lazy and refused to fill out their essay portion of the application. This year, since I'm transfering, there was no written portion. Ha! I beat the system! *does a jig*

Sanis Prent
May 12th, 2003, 05:56:41 PM
:lol I need to find you a copy of "Glory Glory Dear ol' Thermo". It was a gag song that all the engineers in my fraternity made our pledges sing. Alot of dark humor about that class. Good luck.

Nathanial K'cansce
May 12th, 2003, 07:50:47 PM
! I so wanna hear that gag song now.. :lol

Figrin D'an
May 12th, 2003, 09:52:01 PM
Originally posted by Darth Snack
Anywho, I just signed up for the Thermodynamics class up at the junior college I use to go to. They only offer the course during the summer, and I figure might as well get it out of the way. Starts the 27th of may, and goes till... about the 27th or so of June... Monday - Friday, 9 am to noon. I just hope the material covered isn't over my head. I have all the pre-reqs for it, but still... thermodynamics just sounds nasty.

*cackles evil laughter*

Oh, my friend... if only you knew what you were getting into... muahahahahaha!

okay... seriously...

That's a pretty small timeframe in which to compress a semester's worth of thermo, but I guess it can be done. It kind of depends upon the amount of the detail that the prof wants to get into. It could be fairly easy, or it could be pretty nasty. Most of what you'll discuss will be basic theory... maybe some simple practical application problems... just remember that, in all circumstances relevent to to what you'll be doing, things like matter, energy and heat cannot be generated or destroyed. They have to go somewhere, so every last microgram and millijoule must be accounted for in some way. If they aren't, you did the problem wrong. :)

Nathanial K'cansce
May 28th, 2003, 07:34:50 PM
:x *dead*

Already two days into it and I'm fried. These first sets of problems he had us do aren't to bad, but require a break time. It's more a matter of figuring out what I need to find to answer the problem, and how to obtain that answer. Couple that with making sure the units all match to what I'm s'pose to get. Stupid British Engineerin units screwing everything up! Least I don't have to deal with slugs. Heh. That conversion could get nasty.

That's a pretty small timeframe in which to compress a semester's worth of thermo, but I guess it can be done

4 credit hours... each day is a week's worth of material. 15 actual lecture classes. 3 Tests days, and 1 final day. *dies some more*