View Full Version : Looks Can Be Decieving

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
May 12th, 2003, 03:02:30 PM
For as long as he could remember, which was much longer than most people, Finrod had been in foster care. The only thing he knew about his biological parents was that his father had been a strange man from a strange place (though no one had ever told him in what respect he was 'strange') and his mother had named him after a dream she had had. They'd fallen in love at a young age, gotten married, and then his mother had been widowed. Months later she found she was pregnant.

And then there was Finrod.

He hated his name. In fact he hated a lot more than his name, but that was the worst. He'd never met another Finrod and while other children were dreaming of being pilots, Finrod was dreaming of being a 'Sam' or a 'Bob'.

The boy was quiet as he walked into the recruitment center, He was quiet a lot of the time and looked decidedly out of place in his striped t-shirt and overalls. His fawn ears stuck out and his feet turned in when he walked but beside that Finrod looked to be a normal child, his white-blonde hair in a nondescript crew cut. Of course, as almost everyone knew, looks meant nothing really.

"I'd like to find out if I could be a Jedi."

The nine year old felt a little stupid talking to an empty room. But he'd come this far and he wasn't going to just leave

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2003, 04:05:26 AM
A hand tapped the boy on the shoulder.

“Would you really?”

The warm smile of the Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic was looking down at him.


Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:22:08 PM
Startled, Fin spun around, only to find himself greeted with a smile and a question. But he didn't answer right away because he was too busy staring at the man. The boy'd never had a chance to get out much, and never in his short life had he been met with a man who looked as this one did. Finrod found him fascinating, but all too soon realized that he was staring. Blushing a little, the child frowned.

"Well, I dunno for sure, Sir."

He cocked his head in a conversational manner.

"But it certainly seems like I should. I dunno why exactly it seems that way...it just does. But I know I want to, 'cause I'd like to be of use to people."

Fin sighed thoughtfully, and rather comically considering his young age.

"Does that make any sense or do I sound daft?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:32:53 PM
“It does indeed make sense,” Dasquian nodded and smiled to himself.

People in their youth were often so selfless without having deep insight into life and the perils therein. Perhaps this was why Jedi were recruited, normally, at such a young age – when they were free of the taint and residue life often left.

“Tell me, what is it that you think the Jedi do … to be of use to people?”

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:44:17 PM

Finrod began, approaching the question with his deepest sincerity.

“I ‘spect they do lo’s of things. I know they protect people, I’ve heard it nearly a billion times on the Holonet. And I suppose they do other things as well. But it’s hard for me to say exactly Sir…”

Fin shrugged apologetically.

“I’s not like my school has a book on the Jedi or anythin’…I’ve just had to make do on what I’ve heard. But I know I want to be one, if I’m alright and everythin’.”

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:48:20 PM
Empathy was present on the Jedi’s face as he nodded, listening to the boys words.

“Being a Jedi is to live a very difficult life … even for younger students, of your age, hardships are presented. Not everyone is as loving of the Jedi as some and many will try to harm you. Danger is ever present.”

Dasquian said this not to scare the boy off of the idea, but to educate him. Sometimes people would come looking for an exciting life and just a little word of warning coupled with a first encounter with the more difficult side of the Jedi life could turn them away from training.

Usually with younger more excitable minds this warning would go unheeded, but Dasquian felt this young boy had a deeper insight into his life and the workings of the world than was usually befitting of one so young.

“Do you think you would be able to live like this? And more importantly, would you want to?”

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 2nd, 2003, 12:55:37 PM
The boy didn’t answer right away, instead choosing to give the matter some thought. He didn’t worry about keeping the man waiting, knowing that this wasn’t like picking out sweets from a store; it was a matter that required thinking, as discerning as he could muster. After some time, Finrod slowly replied.

“Well, I know I could Sir. But I’m a bit muddled by the last bit. I don’t think I’d want to, but I don’t think that anyone would really want to live in danger all the time. I’d much rather be safe and sound, but I’d be willing to live like that, especially if I was doing some good.”

Suddenly Fin was worried that perhaps he shouldn’t have been so honest. Glancing up at the Jedi he bit his lip.

“Is it bad to feel that way?”

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:26:16 PM
“Not at all. I wouldn’t expect you to want to live on the edge … in fact if you had said you wanted to live with such danger I would have been quite worried,”

Dasquian smiled through saying this, which seemed to lessen the stern quality to his words whilst allowing them to remain serious.

“… What is your name?”

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:32:11 PM
The boy visibly flinched and looked at the floor. Oh how he hated this part! Fin lowered his voice a great deal and barely moved his lips, mumbling out the words. The result was quite incoherant.


He didn't seem to notice how jumbled his words were, and Finrod's embarassment prevented him from repeating it, or giving a last name.

"Do you need to know more, Sir?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:36:00 PM
“I’m sorry… I didn’t hear you there,”

Moments after speaking, Dasquian added.

“And if you don’t mind, I would like to know what your family have to say about your wanting to join the Jedi.”

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:44:54 PM


Glad to have a new question to answer, Finrod moved on quickly.

“Well, I guess my mum and dad would be awright with it. But I’m sort of in-between parents right now.”

He could see that his statement had confused the Jedi and Fin reminded himself that it did no good to only think the explanation; one had to voice it to avoid misunderstanding. Fin scratched an itch on his head nervously. He’d come across people who thought foster care was a plague.

“I’ve just been waitin’ for a new home to be lined up. Foster care, Sir.”

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:50:42 PM
“Well,” Dasquian replied, care not to address the boy by his name as he seemed strangely nervous about it.

“If you join the Jedi, it is likely that you would not need foster care. Since you will not be assigned a room of your own, you will have another Jedi living with you who will most likely look after you. Then again, if you would prefer foster parents, by all means we will not remove your freedom.”

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 2nd, 2003, 02:00:44 PM
“Oh I wouldn’t prefer foster parents Sir!”

Finrod blurted out quickly, any uneasiness about introductions wiped away. He looked up sheepishly, strangely satisfied about his sudden blurt; normally Fin was very subdued, preferring to sit in the background instead of stand at the forefront. It was a relief when little exclamations were emitted.

“Honestly, I wouldn’t. I’m just a burden there and I don’t do any good, ‘cept go to school. I’d much rather be a Jedi and stay here.”

He looked at Dasquian hopefully, and yet Fin had prepared himself for disappointment. He’d learned that it didn’t do to rise up and get excited about something if there was a chance it wouldn’t happen.

“Can I, Sir?”

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 02:19:53 PM
Seeing that enthusiasm alone would have been enough to convince Dasquian originally.

“You certainly can, my friend. I hereby welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order,”

When Dasquian spoke as he did now it was with great pride and authority in.

“It may be some time before you are assigned a tutor, however I can find you a room and someone to stay with in no time, I imagine.”

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 2nd, 2003, 02:30:16 PM
A wide, gap-toothed grin spread over the boy’s face. He tried to bite his lip and stop it (to seem more mature, of course) but it was no use; he was overjoyed. At least, he thought he was. Finrod had never been overjoyed, but certainly that was the word for this feeling.

“Oh my…thank you! Thank you Sir! Cripes!”

Fin was tempted to run about, so great was his excitement, but instead he clasped his hands together and tried to contain himself.

“Well, I guess I got a lot t’ do. I don’t think I’ll bother with collectin’ my stuff…it’s just a bunch of rubbish anyway. But…well, I’m not sure what to do now Sir.”

He shrugged, still smiling. Indeed, what to do next baffled him.

“Do I need to collect anythin’ before I can stay here? At my school, I had to collect the right books and all that lot.”

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2003, 02:37:08 PM
“Not unless you have anything you wish to collect. I would suggest clothes and such; however we can have those sent in by courier easily.”

Taking a few steps forward, Dasquian motioned with a hand that the boy should follow him.

“Come on. We can talk about it on the way to the living quarters (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29744).”