View Full Version : Interesting Chemistry (Wei, Neyasha, Char)

imported_Altered Beast
May 12th, 2003, 10:32:10 AM
The two Jedi come awake, unbound, in a room surrounded by ysalamir. In this place the Force is null, and that gives the alpha beast all the advantage it needs. Both Jedi are weaponless; the beast's servant is locking them away elsewhere.

"Ssssoo....you've fhhhhinally woken up. Nhhhow...let'sss beghhin."

May 12th, 2003, 10:56:24 AM
Neyasha having been awake for most of the trip, was still not able to come close to telling where they were, due to the noise of the weather, and her lack of contact with the ground. It didn't help that her head hit something along the way, knocking her out again.

Neyasha stand and looks around the room, assesing what the exits and any objects that may be able to be used as a weapon.

"Very well... We will begin... But if you go to tamper with my body in any manner, you WILL regret it, and I hope that when we leave we will get our things back..."

Wei Wu Wei
May 12th, 2003, 12:56:04 PM
Wei shook his head and removed his blindfold. He looked around and noticed all the ysalimir.

"Neyasha, pay close attention. These are ysalimir. They make the Force null in the area that they are in. Whenever you are near one you will not be able to use the Force in any way, shape, or form. Take a good look at these creatures, Neyasha. I do not want you to be ignorant when these things are concerned."

Wei was sitting in the corner, looking about himself, and relaxing. Nothing was happening yet that needed him to be on the alert, so he was resting up.

"So, when will you begin work on the chemical?"

Wei had come for the chemical, and that was what he was going to worry with at the moment. His Padawan already had her focus on what the beast might do to her.

Neyasha, please try to relax. Focus on the here and now. Focus on what is. And what is going on right now is we are unhurt and we are going to get that chemical for you. We will worry about the beast hurting us when he sets out to hurt us. Not before

imported_Altered Beast
May 13th, 2003, 12:14:31 PM
"Whhhen I ghhhet the fhhhormula."

Wei Wu Wei
May 13th, 2003, 12:49:18 PM
"OH!" Wei stood up to get into his pockets and his face turned the brightest shade of red the galaxy had ever seen.

"I forgot." Wei dug in his pockets and retrieved the formula and held it out for the beast to take. "Here it is. Sorry about that."

Wei's sat down again, and the burning his face felt began to go away. "Ok, now we wait," he said to Neyasha.

May 13th, 2003, 12:55:44 PM
Neyasha walks over to Wei, sits down next to him, with a small smiles on her face, not being able to stop herself from being slightly amused by Wei's embarasment. The smiles goes away quickly.

"Do you think that this Creature will let us go after it has completed the formula? I feal almost naked with out my blades."

imported_Altered Beast
May 13th, 2003, 09:32:12 PM
The beast takes it nonchalantly, studying over the list there. Flipping the page over, it reads the process, then balls it up and throws the page over it's shoulder and into the wastebasket on the far wall. It flips, hanging from a bar across the ceiling, fingers humming lightly over the keyboard of its mainframe.

"Ahhhhnd whhhat issss thissss fhhhormula mhheant to do? hhhYou mhhhentioned that it isssss an enhhhhancement. Ghhhive me the sssspecificssss."

May 13th, 2003, 11:09:31 PM
Neyasha looks up at the beast...

"You have no reason to know what it does, just folow the formula and it will work as it is ment to."

Wei Wu Wei
May 14th, 2003, 08:10:30 AM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "You have a good memory to throw the paper away after only looking at it once."

Then in a lower voice he said to Neyasha, "Why not tell him what your chemical does? If he understands what it's for, then it might help him to create that little mechanism you need to get the stuff into your bloodstream."

There was no sound of lecturing or reprimand in Wei's voice. Only curiosity. He honestly wanted to know why his Padawan had said what she said.

May 14th, 2003, 09:21:44 AM
Neyasha says quietly back to Wei..

"If he knows what it does than he will have an eayser time to change the forumla to have some nasty side effects... I can make the despencer.... I can also make the hormone but I don't have access to the equiptment to make the hormone."

imported_Altered Beast
May 14th, 2003, 11:10:25 AM
It laughs low, ears perking to their hushed conversation.

"hhhhIf I whhhanted to hhhurt you by injhhhhection, I would ssssimply have tied yhhhou to the table and shhhhot you full of quhhhickssssilver. hhhhI am a sssscientisssst, Jedi, and hhhhI am alwhhhaysss looking to imprhhove upon the work of otherssss. But ihhhf hhyou don't want the opportunithhhy to be even ssstronger, that issss yhhour decission to make."

May 14th, 2003, 12:08:56 PM
Neyasha looks back at the beast...

"If it is changed in any way it will not work. The hormone is made to interact with my alterations, and any other substance will be distroyed by my body and have no effect to my person. It is a symple interaction that does not need to be improved upon."

Wei Wu Wei
May 16th, 2003, 08:21:46 AM
Wei shrugged. "Go with what works, I guess."

Wei reached around the back of his head to scratch an itch that had formed there and noticed a small lump on his head.

"Well now. What's this?" Wei laughed. "I've got a small bump on my head. I'd take this moment to teach you about Force Healing, but our previous animals lesson is preventing me from doing so."

Wei chuckled. He was having a grand time.

imported_Altered Beast
May 16th, 2003, 11:24:42 PM
"Fhhhine, be like thhhhat."

The beast isn't at all impressed with Neyasha. She's so stuck up and full of herself to the point of being an annoyance. It's tempted to purposely screw her formula up, but such a thing would be infantile in its eyes.

"Hhhow does it work then? An injhhhection into the bloodsssstrream? Or the adrhhheeenal gland?"

May 20th, 2003, 12:40:46 PM
"It is injected into the blood stream."

imported_Altered Beast
May 20th, 2003, 07:42:09 PM
"One whhhhould hhope that you hhhave the contrhhhol to keep your strength in check..."

Even as it speaks, the Beast is programming two versions of the formula into the computer. It will make two sets. Neyasha's will be the control, and it's own will be the experimental one...it will see which does the better job.

Wei Wu Wei
May 20th, 2003, 09:06:47 PM
Wei sat in his corner, watching the strrange Force-nulling lizard's climb all over each other. One came up to Wei and looked at him, as though wondering what he was.

"Hello. I suppose you don't understand the scientific talk anymore than I do."

Wei chuckled. "Did you hear?" Wei continued on talking to the ysalimir. "Protons have mass. Did you know that? Caught me by surprise. I didn't even know they were Catholic."

Wei smiled for a second and then burst out into loud laughter at his own joke. He loved that joke. It was one of the funniest jokes he had ever heard. Wei held his sides and fell over. Wei's face grew red again and his eyes began to tear.

"I got a stitch in my side," Wei managed to wheeze before laughing even harder at how funny he sounded just a moment ago.

May 21st, 2003, 09:59:25 AM
Neyasha keeps a close eye on the Beast as the Beast is making her hormone. She glances over at Wei when he starts to laugh... then goes back to watching the beast. Her exprestion doesn't change but she starts to wonder how Wei could be having so much fun.

imported_Altered Beast
May 21st, 2003, 11:18:11 AM
The Beast is grinning as well.

"Whhhat he sssayssss issss trhhhue," it comments to Neyasha. "I hhhave obssserved them prhhaying with rosssarhhies under mhhhy microscope many a time."

Wei Wu Wei
May 21st, 2003, 01:13:32 PM
Wei grinned and clapped his hands. "Whoa, dude! Sweet!"

Even the beast could make a joke. Wei was beginning to think that the beast was not really a beast at all, but some other sentient species he had never seen before. Wei was slightly embarassed of himself about the view he had taken of the beast, but his laughter managed to hide it.

"See, Neyasha?" Wei said at last. "It's funny because mass is a unit of measure and mass is also a religious service performed by Catholics. And it is a Catholic practice to pray the rosary."

Wei raised an eyebrow. "You don't think it's funny, do you?" he said in exasperation.

May 21st, 2003, 01:31:56 PM
Neyasha Shrugs...

"I do not find language manulation funny. All that it is, is using a word in a diffrent context than what it was orginaly intended."

imported_Altered Beast
May 21st, 2003, 02:36:16 PM
The Altered Beast chuckles low.

"Thhhat lhhhack of emotion isss a weaknesss, nhhot a ssstrength. Emhhhotionsssss are powerfhhhul toolsssss when usssed cohhrrectly."

May 21st, 2003, 02:40:48 PM
Neyasha Arched an eyebrow....

"Well If the people that did this to me were still Alive, I would have asked you to explane that to them. But I killed them so that they could not make more children into things like me. They removed my emotion so They would not prevent me from killing."

Wei Wu Wei
May 22nd, 2003, 09:49:57 AM
"Ok, I think I finally understand. They did that so that you wouldn't get any ideas that what you were doing was wrong. Some people do it by removing feelings of guilt and such as that, and others corrupt a person's feelings. Imagine bringing up a child and teaching him that killing was just a game. It was fun, and no one really got hurt because it was only a game. That can be worse than having a robot at your disposal."

imported_Altered Beast
May 22nd, 2003, 10:58:04 AM
The beast can imagine it...a child assassin, bred to believe killing is a game...yes, YES! This simple-minded Jedi is a useful creature.

"Nhhhow..." it mutters, striking a key on the board, "...we whhait."

It turns its attention to another window on the screen, preparing a devilish experiment that would have its master rolling with demented laughter if he were alive.

May 22nd, 2003, 12:21:04 PM
Neyasha Nod to the Beast and turns to Wei...

"Not only did they teach a child that killing was fun, the also removed almost all emotion, so love would not stop the child from killing family, so that they would not feal sick at the sight of a dead body, so they would have no guilt to stop them from doing it again, so they would not fear the concquences of their actions, they left in a small amount of happiness and excitment so that the kid could injoy the thrill of the hunt. the also left in determination so the kid would not give up on a quest. Though as I have said before I am slowly getting my emotions back.

Wei Wu Wei
May 22nd, 2003, 01:22:12 PM
"That you are. I have sensed relief, impatience, anxiety, and determination coming from you."

Wei shifted in his seat. "So what is there to do while this thing is being made? And how long is it going to take?"

Not that Wei cared how long it would take, or what there was to do. Wei was content to just sit on his duff and get lost in his imagination for however long it took. Except for the hum of machinery and the movements of the ysalimir, there was not a single sound. Wei rather liked it.

imported_Altered Beast
May 22nd, 2003, 04:26:07 PM
"hhhIt whhill be a fhhhew hoursss, assss my machhhinesss are sslhhow to whhork at timesss...if yhhou would like, hhyou may tesssssst your mettle aghhainssst my brethren."

Wei Wu Wei
May 22nd, 2003, 09:06:55 PM
Wei looked up at the Alpha beast. "And what are they like?"

Wei thought it might make a good exercise, but he wanted to know what he was dealing with first.

imported_Altered Beast
May 24th, 2003, 11:04:22 PM
The beast laughs maliciously.

"Thhhey are lhhhike lesssser vhhhersssionssss of me."

May 26th, 2003, 09:50:39 AM
Neyasha looks at the beast...

"I Would rather make sure that you give me MY Hormone, instead of the experimental one at the same time."

imported_Altered Beast
May 26th, 2003, 02:21:30 PM
"Yhhhou, mhhhy bussssybhhodied frhhhiend, are a scientifhhhic nitwit whhithout a sssssemblhhhance of common ssssensssse. hhhhIf I ghhhive yhhou bhhhoth versssions, it whhhill rhhhuin the experhhhiment! hhhYou will ghhhet your infhhhhherior versssion, and one of mhhhy own creaturesssss whill get the other."

The Beast looks to Wei with a spiteful smile.

"Bhhhhefore you teach hhhher to ussssse the Fhhhorce, teach hhher to ussssse that misssfhhhiring, rattlhhing hunk of pathhhetic machinery shhhhe callssssss a brain."

May 26th, 2003, 02:31:18 PM
Neyasha rolls her eyes...

"Why would you give your creatures an altered version something that only works with because of MY alterations. All that it does is shuts off one of my alterations."

Wei Wu Wei
May 26th, 2003, 06:14:05 PM
Wei chuckled a little. "Well, obviously he's changed the formula around. Adaptation, that is changing to suit the situation, is a very important thing. But in the case of most sentient beings, we adapt things to suit our purposes. Such as..." Wei's mind began searching for an idea.

"Ok, here's an idea. Suppose I am taking a walk in the woods and I have a hiking stick with me. But suppose I have a friend who is shorter than I am, and he is having trouble walking. It would help him if he could use my walking stick. But my walking stick would be too tall for him to use. So I cut it down to a size that suits him."

Wei pushed up his glasses. "Therefore, it would not be entirely impossible for our friend here to take a formula that was designed for your use and change it so that someone else can use it. Just like I changed my walking stick so that my friend could use it."

imported_Altered Beast
May 27th, 2003, 08:47:30 AM
"Yhhour analhhhogy issss correct, ihhhf a bit ssssimplissstic. Nhhhow...are you going to ssssit hhhhere and whhhait the fhhhive hourssss for my equhhhipment, or whhhould you like to...hmhm...hhhhelp me tesssst an experhhhiment...?"

Wei Wu Wei
May 27th, 2003, 09:13:33 AM
Wei shrugged. He was quite content sitting where he was, but if the man needed help...

"What needs to be done?"

May 27th, 2003, 09:16:54 AM
"I will wait..."

imported_Altered Beast
May 28th, 2003, 07:18:59 PM
"All you hhhave to do issss prhhactice your evassssive skhhillssss," it says in response to Wei.

It ignores Neyasha; it has already dismissed her as being just as worthless as the failed Krayt that slugs around in the lower chambers.

Wei Wu Wei
May 28th, 2003, 10:10:30 PM
Wei raised an eyebrow. "Do I get to use the Force?"

Wei's already decided he's going to help, he just wants to know what he is and is not allowed to do.

imported_Altered Beast
Jun 2nd, 2003, 09:38:14 AM
"Nhhot at the ssstart. Once I hhhave the dhhhata I need, I whhhhill alloow the use of Fhhhorce."

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 4th, 2003, 08:33:41 AM
Wei shrugged and smiled. "Sounds good to me. When do we start?"

The Knight got up, and began to stretch. He'd need to be at his best for this little assignment.

imported_Altered Beast
Jun 5th, 2003, 06:46:33 AM
"Fhhholllow me...the bhhoth of you. I whhhon' lhheave one of hhhyou alhhone withh thhissss equhhipment."

It opens the door to the room and gestures to the Jedi.

"hhhYou go fhhhirsssst."

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 5th, 2003, 10:05:08 AM
Wei shrugged and went in, keeping a sharp eye out for the thing he was supposed to be dodging. He wouldn't be much help if he didn't even get the chance to dodge out of the way.

Jun 14th, 2003, 12:35:27 AM
Even though Neyasha doesn't like the sounds on this.... She goes with her Master.... Carefuly.

imported_Altered Beast
Jun 17th, 2003, 09:55:52 PM
To their surprise--well, Wei's surprise, Neyasha's expression has the Beast wondering about her emotion--it calmly shuts the door and leads them quietly down the hall, hands folded behind its back.

"hhhYou whhill fhhhhight a ssspecimen of mhhhine. hhIn life, hhhe wasss a Ssssith Mhhassster; whhhhe will ssssee what you mhhake of him. "

Jun 19th, 2003, 01:09:18 PM
Neyasha's exprestion doesn't change. She just follows her master.

Wei Wu Wei
Jun 19th, 2003, 08:13:24 PM
"A former Sith Master?" Wei chuckled a bit nervously. "How did you manage to get a hold of one of them long enough to do anything to him?"

Wei was impressed that this guy could stop a Sith Master.