View Full Version : Home Coming Pt. 1 (Ezra)

May 12th, 2003, 03:40:11 AM
Kariss glided back into the house after feeding and fending off a few 'undesirables' in the village. The sword strapped to her back, she undid the strap and slid it off. She did a few practice swings with it, smiling to herself. Since Ezra had left her eight months ago, it has kept in constant company with her.

She quickly went to change into a pair of fitted shorts and a tank top, wanting to get some practice in with the sword before she called it a 'night' and slept the sleep of the dead. Tying her hair back in a ponytail, she padded softly back into the library. Closing her eyes, she seeked out Ezra.

I miss you, My Love. When will you come home?' She sent, laughing to herself as their conversations always started out like that. She paused, not getting her usual response from him. 'Ezra?'

Nothing. Kariss bit her lip to keep from worrying, mentally slapping herself for jumping the gun thinking something bad had happened. If it did, she would know it.

Going back to her practice, she closed her eyes and began her 'dance' with the sword, the blade 'swishing' through the air with grace and ease. She let her mind wander over the past eight months, feeling absolutely tortured and lonely without Ezra there with her. They had just realized their feelings for one another when he had to leave. She suffered through the lonely nights without him, turning her loneliness to the villagers, making friends with them, realizing why Ezra held them so close to his heart.

Continuing her practice, she let a single tear fall from her eye as she poured her broken heart into the 'dance', needing to rid herself of the energy she had worked up during that night's hunt.

May 12th, 2003, 03:56:32 AM
He heard her sending, and kept from sending back. He wanted to surprise her. He had finally gotten an ok to leave the premises of the fortress. He was descending to the mountain peaks of his home. He passed over Pandora city, then Tranquil came into view. He could see the sky starting to change hues as the sun was reaching out from under the horizon. He guided the Empress Marva into her spot in the ships bay and noticed the Shadowmoon there. He smiled and was filled with joy as he knew his lifemate was there. He set everything and walked down the ramp.

He strolled into the main chamber and got himself a glass of bloodwine. He sipped it and went to look for the love he left behind eight months ago. He heard some noises coming from one of the rear rooms. He carefully made his way down the hall and peered inside. There she was, in the library, looking as beautiful as ever. He wanted to rush to her side and hold her tight. But he stayed right where he was. As she finished her routine, he spoke.

"So this is what you been doing since I left hmm?"

He laughed as she whirled around and gasped in surprise. He leaned against the doorway and smiled at her.

May 12th, 2003, 08:25:08 AM
"Ezra!" Kariss whispered, staring at him leaning against the door frame. Laying the sword down on the couch, she ran to him, throwing herself into his arms. He laughed again and she didn't stop the flow of tears that appeared.

"I've missed you so. Please tell me I am not dreaming this?" She asked, her arms tightening around his neck as she placed kisses on his cheek. She pulled back, looking deep into his eyes. She suddenly grinned, kissing him with all the pent up emotion from the last few months of his absence. His arms tightened around her waist as they moved as one together to the couch, falling over the arm of it. Kariss landed on her back with Ezra on top of her and they began laughing.

"You truly are home, My Love?" She asked, fearing he may disappear at any moment. Her fingers came up to caress his eyebrows, then down along his cheeks and lips.

May 12th, 2003, 09:47:29 AM
Looking at her, he smiled. Gods how he missed her these past months. He closed his eyes as she touched his face. He missed the familiar feel of her hands.

"Im home, but for a short time. I was allowed to leave to see you for a bit, we dont know yet if it's trully safe for me to wander around. I flew here under the total security of my cloaking abilities. But I don't care. I wanted to see you, touch you."

He looked on her lovingly, And he could see she missed that immensely. He leaned in to kiss her and then left a trail to her neck. He lingured there and could feel her breath catch. Then he slowly lifted his head and smirked. Tilting his head to the side to expose his neck.

"Ladies first my love."

May 12th, 2003, 09:54:39 AM
Eyebrow raised, she returned his smirk with one of her own, her hand coming up to run over his exposed neck.

"You tease." She whispered, her fangs lengthening in anticipation.

Kariss kissed the spot on his neck, feeling him shudder. She laughed softly, then sunk her teeth into his skin, moaning as the familiar taste flooded into her mouth. Her eyes fluttered closed and she drank. Her arm that was wrapped around his neck tightened and she brought up a bare foot to stroke his clothed calf.

Not wanting to take too much from him, she pulled away, licking the pin prick holes closed. She looked up into his face, smiling wantonly as her hands drifted underneath his shirt.

May 12th, 2003, 08:45:07 PM
As her hands touched his skin, He bent down and took some of her blood also. Slowly pulling away from her, He got up and scooped her into his arms. He kept his eyes locked onto her's as he navagated his home. He didnt need to see where he was going. He knew the place blindfolded. He walked to his chamber door and pushed it open with his foot. He descended the stairs and into the sleeping area with the look of promise coming from his eyes.

"Later tonight Kariss, I will take you to a special place. A surprise if you will. But for now, we need to make up some missed time."

Her laughter was music to his ears, He would make this stay more pleasant for them both. And memorable. He had to leave her again and hopefully this time he wont be gone for long.

May 12th, 2003, 09:55:39 PM
Kariss curled up next to him, loving the feeling of him being home with her...where he belongs. She knew he was going to leave again and soon. He didn't exactly when, it was in how he acted. Like he would never see her again after this visit. That saddened her and she wrapped her arms around him, stroking his hair.

"What is this 'surprise' you have for me, My Love?" She asked, placing a kiss on his lips, nipping the skin with her teeth softly. Her eyes glowed and she stretched, moving her body closer to his.

May 12th, 2003, 10:14:15 PM
He turned onto his back, letting her rest on his chest. His arms went behind his head.

"Well, tonight we take a trip. We'll take ShadowMoon and see something I have only seen once, when I was a child. I want to share it with you."

His finger traced her cheek, then her jawline. His beautiful Kariss. She was back in his arms, and for a short time. But it was what was allowed till the situation cooled off some. Then he would be home more often.

May 13th, 2003, 08:41:56 AM
She smiled at him, placing a kiss on the hollow of his neck.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Kariss asked, moving to slide off of him and get dressed. "I would like to see this place you speak of, Ezra."

May 13th, 2003, 09:17:47 AM
Grabbing her hand he pulled her back to him.

"In due time Kariss. I dont want to get up yet. "

He held her tight. No, the trip could wait a bit, His need to hold her couldn't.

May 13th, 2003, 10:48:16 AM
Kariss laughed softly, snuggling back up to him as they lay there in each other's arms. She sighed, thinking eight months away from each other was just too long. How she wanted to go back with him when he had to leave. She shook her head, bannishing any negative thoughts for now, she just wanted to enjoy being with Ezra right now.

May 13th, 2003, 09:01:49 PM
In his leather jumpsuit and trench, he called for her to hurry. She was busy making herself presentable to him and he shook his head, she was perfect in everyway, she didnt need to do that, but he let her go anyway. That was just his way. He got himself a glass of Tylosian Rum and sipped it. Watching the night sky from the special polarized window he had. During the night it became clear as water, during the day it darkened to almost opaque black with enough to just let you view the sun without getting harmed.

He looked upon the town below, soon he would go amoung them and say hello. He missed them alot too.

May 13th, 2003, 11:07:06 PM
Kariss ran the brush through her hair one last time, then ascended the stairs, the skirt of the dress she wore flowing behind her. She had hoped Ezra would like what she wore. Normally wearing skin tight leather or vinyl, Kariss wanted to surprise him in the white, off the shoulder gauze dress and sandals.

She made her way to him, her breath catching in her throat as she waited for him to turn around and notice her. He looked so handsome there, looking out the window to the village they protected together.

"Ezra." She whispered.

May 13th, 2003, 11:37:26 PM
Ezra turned to face her and his eyes lit up. A sense of being proud came over him. His beauty was standing in front of him and looking more beautiful than he could ever imagine. He set the glass down and walked to her. Standing in front of her he softly caressed her cheek, a smile playing on his face. She could tell he really loved what she wore....and he was very much proud of her.

"Kariss......youre so ....... so...... Beautiful."

The last word came out in a husky whisper. His eyes taking in her beauty, how she shined right now. His lifemate.....his love.

May 14th, 2003, 08:34:50 AM
Kariss suddenly felt all thumbs as they stood there and she quickly looked down, a little embarrassed.

"I was hoping you would like it, Ezra." She smiled, taking his hands in her own. "I wanted to look beautiful for you tonight."

Her hands released his and made their way up his chest to stroke his neck softly, then went up to entertwine into his hair. Suddenly grabbing handfuls at the nape of his neck, she smirked, forcing his head lower to her's, where her lips just barely hovered over his.

The tip of her tongue came out quickly to wet her lips as looked deeply into his eyes. She could see his need there for her and she smiled seductively. Leaning in, she softly licked his bottom lip, then bit it gently.

"We better go before it gets to late, My Love." Kariss said seductively, slowly moving out of his reach.

May 14th, 2003, 09:00:16 AM
At first he couldnt move, couldnt speak. Then a smirk appeared, and then a chuckle. He shook his head playfully at her.

"Ohhh ho hoo......now who's the tease?"

She laughed as she turned and began to walk fast from him as he walked after her. Then they broke into a run both laughing as he chased her to the waiting ship. She laughed musically as he caught her near the craft. He held her in his arms as he remotely worked the ramp to the Shadowmoon. Then both walked up hand in hand. Ezra sat in the pilot's seat as she sat next to him. He busied himself with the controls and then they were off.

He began to set jump coordinates. And then looked at her, a smile again played on his face. Seems thats all he did when around her. Then he hit the jumpdrive and the stars blurred out and the ship zipped out.

May 14th, 2003, 09:24:54 AM
She smiled over at him as they made the jump. A question came into her mind and she turned to face him.

"Ezra," She said, "What is really going on? Do not tell me you are just helping out a friend. I know there is more to it and I do not want you to hide anything from me."

May 15th, 2003, 12:42:51 AM
He stayed silent for a while, then spoke to answer her. He felt ashamed at what he was about to tell her. He didnt want to disappoint her in anyway, but he felt he just might with this piece of news.

"Kariss, I have decided to help someone whom you would not approve of. I dont know why I am doing it , but I am. And doing so may have placed myself in a huge hole."

He kept his eyes forward, and then looked to her. She had the look of "well?" playing in her face. And he scrunched his eyebrows not wanting to say who. But he did anyway.


Was the only word out of his mouth. And inwardly he cussed as he turned away from her and stared out the viewport. He wanted to see what she was doing, how she reacted, but he couldnt bring himself to look at her. How she must be angry at him, or his feared "disappointed in him".

May 15th, 2003, 08:38:59 AM
Kariss felt the shock wave through out her body as she sat there staring at Ezra, the name Hera echoing over and over in her mind. She slowly turned away from him to stare out into space as she was realizing that Ezra truly had put his life on the line for the Sith Mistress. The Master would not be happy about this.

"I need a few minutes alone." Kariss whispered, getting up from his side to move into the back of the ship. She leaned against the wall, her mind racing.

'What were you thinking, Ezra?' She thought to herself, knowing Master Saurron would find this horrific.

Kariss let out a deep breath, moving away from the wall. Wrapping her arms around herself, she paced the length of the ship. To be honest, Kariss had always admired the Sith and her friend Daiquiri. The run in she had with the two of them before won her respect of them.

Looking back towards the cockpit, she let out a sigh. Making a decision, she walked back to Ezra. Sitting down, she placed her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it. He would not look at her and she knew he was thinking she was disappointed in him.

"Ezra," She said softly. He would not turn around and she began to speak again, damning her existence for the rest of eternity. "Ezra, take me with you when you leave again. I will help what ever it is you are doing for Hera. My allegiance for you is stronger than any other."

May 15th, 2003, 10:05:20 PM
He finally looked at her, his expression a bit surprised. He didn't think she'd ask that of him. It was bad enough he may go down, but to bringher with him was unthinkable. He couldnt take hewr down with him , he loved her that much.

"Kariss, although your request touches me dearly, I cannot take you with me yet."

He held a hand up to her as she was about to protest that statement.

"I said "yet" did I not? I want you with me dearest, but right now I have a hard time as it is fitting in around there. They are very paranoid of having me there and I dont really blame them. I am also trying to step lightly around Hera right now, she wasnt too happy on seeing me arrive with Daiquiri and Remkah, and wasn't too keen on knowing I needed to stay for a while with them."

He set the auto pilot on and kneeled in front of her, touching her sweet face.

"I promise you my love, once things are straightened out, I will be home with you more. I will be here with you. Of course I will leave for a month or two, to help them out, but I will reside with YOU. I promise you that. Please believe me Kariss."

He stayed there looking at her, locked in her gaze.

May 16th, 2003, 12:26:25 AM
"I do not know what to believe anymore, Ez." Kariss whispered, shocked he did not want her to go back with him. Just speaking about joining with Ezra and Hera sealed her fate with Master Saurron. She herself would have to seek refuge from now on.

Turning away from him, she let out a quiet sigh and watched the stars pass by them. Kariss closed her eyes for a moment, then shook her head.

"You realize what I have just done, Ezra?" She asked, turning back to look at him.

May 16th, 2003, 01:19:28 AM
"I do not know what to believe anymore, Ez."

His expression was of "what the frell?" His hand fell slowly from her face. He couldnt believe what he just heard. He had just said he'd be home once the situation had cleared itself and now she turns the table over on it's end.

"You realize what I have just done, Ezra?"

His expression changed yet agian. This time there was none, his signature look....blank. Yet his eyes spoke volumes. He was very much hurt by her reaction. He slowly stood up and turned, headed to the rear. He stopped, turned to face her and answered her.

"Do you forget who you're talking too? You spoke it Kariss.. There was an odd silence between them. ...I have done it."

He finished the sentence and went to the rear cabin and shut the door behind him. He leaned against one of the counters that was installed in there. Tilting his head down he closed his eyes and let the frustration ebb into the counter he gripped. He loved Kariss fiercly and to hear her doubt him, was a stab to the heart.

May 16th, 2003, 07:58:36 AM
Kariss shook her head, got up and followed Ezra, slamming the door open that he had closed. She walked up to him, her hands on her hips and eyes glowing.

"Ez, I started it when I stayed behind to protect Daiquiri and her unborn child. Since then, neither Gavin nor Master Saurron trust me as far as they could throw me. "

Kariss moved closer to him, her hands coming up to rest on his chest. She leaned her forehead against his cheek, letting out a heavy sigh.

"I love you, Ezra Darkmere." She whispered. "That is why I am so torn up about this whole thing. I have never loved anyone as much as I do you. What we have is amazing, My Love."

Kariss paused, then admitted her greatest fear.

"I just don't want to lose you."

May 16th, 2003, 08:22:51 AM
He turned around and wrapped his arms around her tightly. He closed his eyes and just about held his breath.

"No, I havent forgotten that my love.... he whispered to her. ....And you will never lose me. Not unless you tell me to leave your side."

He pulled back and looked at her, the hurt still in his eyes.

"And I love YOU Kariss. I am sorry I disappointed you. Things must be smoothed out with Hera first. She must fully trust me before I can ask that you come along with me. For the time being, you will be safe at the retreat, They dont know about it, and they never will. It was the only place I could be alone at. Trust me, you are safe there my love. I wuoldnt have left you there if you weren't. But soon, if you give me the time, will I have you with me."

May 16th, 2003, 08:27:52 AM
Kariss nodded, smiling up at him with love in her eyes.

"You did not disappoint me, Ezra." She whispered, her hands going under his shirt to stroke her nails over his skin. "You never have."

She purred, leaning into him as she kissed him, tentively at first, then after she bit his lip, she deepened the kiss as his arms tightened around her.

May 16th, 2003, 10:48:03 PM
They held that kiss for a few minutes. Then he slowly broke away. Leaning his forehead against hers, his eyes closed. He held her tight. Smoothing the hair which fell down her back, deep breaths. He moved his head slightly, to feel her skin on his. Inhaling her scent, the familiar fragrant that made him smile.

May 18th, 2003, 02:53:38 PM
Kariss pulled back from him to look into his eyes and she smiled at him.

"Shouldn't you be getting back to the controls?" She asked, nuzzling his neck. She nipped at the tender skin, feeling him shudder from it. She grinned, fighting the urge to sink her teeth into him. She would save that for later....much later....

May 19th, 2003, 12:26:45 AM
He chuckled softly, and nodded.

"Yes, yes I should."

He made his way back to the chair and checked the coordinates. They were almost there. He kicked his legs up on th console and leaned back. Closing his eyes, he started to drift off in a little nap.

May 22nd, 2003, 10:37:41 AM
Kariss laughed and followed Ezra to the front of the ship, running her hand over his hair as she moved to sit next to him. She was excited to see this place he was taking her to. As much as she loved her new home, she was feeling a bit confined and his offer to show her something new peeked her interest.

Kariss glanced at the monitors infront of them and raised her eyebrows as one started to beep noisily.

"Um...Ez..." She began as he opened his eyes. He looked at her and she pointed to the annoying beep. "I think it is telling us we're there."

May 22nd, 2003, 10:45:50 AM
Sitting upright, he pulled the lever that worked the hyperdrive. The stars slowed thier spinning to become points of light again. He angled the Shadowmoon to the distant planet. It had a ring of shimmering light. He pointed to its neighboring moon, indicating thts where they were headed.

"What Im about to show you only happens every fifty years. I seen it twice....as a kid. Its nothing too amazing, but it is a sight to see."

As the ship approached, Kariss could see the ring was made of ice and crystals. they looked like jagged stars all caught up in the gravitational pull of the planet.

May 22nd, 2003, 04:53:24 PM
Kariss' jaw opened in awe at the spectacle infront of her. She scooted to the edge of her seat, her hands going to the console infront of her.

"It is beautiful, Ezra." She said in a breathy whisper. She reached over to take his hand in her's, loving that he wanted to share this with her. "Thank you, My Love. I will never forget this."

May 26th, 2003, 08:37:12 PM
"It is beautiful, Ezra. Thank you, My Love. I will never forget this."

Ezra started to chuckle, and her face showed confusion at his response to her honestly meant "thank you". He waved a hand to calm any questioning his laughing.

"No my dearest, this is not it. It is part of the spectacle I want to show you, but the ring is not the total picture."

He winked at her as he checked his scanners and brought the Shadowmoon to a halt. They were now just sitting in space, facing the ring oif crystals.

"Kariss, look there! watch that area....any second now my love."

As she watched the section of the ring he pointed to, she could barely make out a small asteroid coming in, then a caliedescope of light and twinkling particles as the rock and crystals collided. They looked like fireworks. He now smiled to her.

"THIS is what I wanted to show you."

He reached over and caressed her cheek, leaning in to kiss her tenderly. Then pulling her to his lap as she leaned back and his arms wrapped around her. They both watched the event, she more closely and intensely as she had never seen anything like it.

Jun 6th, 2003, 09:53:17 AM
Feeling a little embarrassed at first, she ducked her head for a moment and then brought it back up in time to see what Ezra had truly wanted to show her.

Kariss snuggled closer in his lap, her eyes wide in awe at the spectacle going on infront of them. A soft smile played on her lips as she watched. Her fingers played absently in his hair at the nape of his neck. Letting out a deep breath, she turned around to look at Ezra for a moment, taking in his eyes.

"Thank you, My Love." She whispered against his cheek.

Kariss slowly kissed the length of his jawline before capturing his mouth with her own in a deep kiss. She felt his arms tighten around her and she unknowingly sighed again, her body melting against his.

Jun 7th, 2003, 04:17:49 AM
His arms held her close, and he was lost in that kiss. He didn't know how long they had kissed and frankly he didn't care. He hadn't seen her in eight months and missed her to death. The thought of her had kept him warm on those cold lonely nights. Seeing her now was what he needed. Being with her would keep him sane for the next string of lonely months ahead.

He broke away to smooth her hair as he whispered to her.

"Kariss, my dark angel..... what would I do without you? When I feel I would go crazy from being away from you, we find each other again and you keep me sane. It's hard for me right now with this situation, but I will perservere....I will overcome this. And then we'll have eternity."

He glanced downward and then turned his eyes back to hers. A look of guilt and pain in them.

"I wish it didn't involve making you hurt as we are apart. And for that I am trully sorry. If you are patient we will be happy I promise. "

Jun 7th, 2003, 09:43:23 AM
Kariss let out a deep sigh, resting her head against Ezra's chest. She did not want to hear talk of his leaving again so soon. Her fingers still holding onto the the hair at his neck, suddenly grinned. Moving her head up, she kissed him, biting his bottom lip carefully as she moved on his lap to straddle him. She could feel his slight shock and she soflty chuckled, nibbling her way down his neck to her favorite spot, the soft skin of where his shoulder and neck meet.

Kariss felt her fangs lengthen in anticipation and she let out a low growl. She heard a whispered warning from Ezra, as if he didn't want her to do it, but she ignored him and sunk her teeth into his tender flesh, her eyelids fluttering close as her mouth filled with the hot liquid. Her arms tightened around him, wanting to memorize this moment forever.

Jun 7th, 2003, 09:52:38 AM
His hand came up to grasp her hair. And his eyes rolled back as she took from him. He mumbled in the ancient language of his people, something incoherant. The fingers of his other hand curled over her hip. The only word audible enough for her to hear was "Lumia", the vampyric word for "love".

Jun 7th, 2003, 10:24:26 AM
Kariss shuddered, pulling away from him to look into Ezra's eyes, a few droplets of blood left purposefully on her bottom lip and chin. Her eyes glowed brightly from having fed from him and she smiled wickedly.

Reaching up, she moved her hair away from her neck, baring it for him. She saw his eyes darken and Kariss began to shake from needing to feel his teeth at her neck.

"Drink, Ezra." She whispered, almost pleading.

Jun 7th, 2003, 10:32:34 AM
Ezra reached up and curled his fingers around the back of her neck. Looking into her eyes, she could see the intensity there. He brought her forward and sunk his fangs into her neck a little roughly this time. He held her close as he took his fill, a low barely audible growl coming deep from within.

Jun 7th, 2003, 10:42:46 AM
Kariss snuggled closer to him, her arms comping up to encircle his neck as he drank. She shuddered at the viciousness at which he took from her, an excitement growing inside of her as she fought back the tortous memory of her attack so long ago. With each decade that passes, the memory fades a little more, but stays with her none the less to torture her when she least expects it

Jun 8th, 2003, 09:43:55 AM
His eyes flew open as an image burned slightly into his mind. He stopped suddenly, and pulled away. His eyes blinking as he looked into hers. A look of shock came over him. Had he really reminded her of that attack?


He whispered as he began to apologize. Never in his wildest dreams, had he ever wanted to do that.

"....Gods, please forgive me."

Jun 8th, 2003, 10:37:10 AM
Kariss brought her fingers up to lay them gently on his lips, quieting him. She shuddered again, this time from the pure excitement he gave her. She placed a gentle kiss on his forehead before whispering,

"It is something I live with, My Love. It is like it will not go away, no matter how hard I try to forget. It is almost like he is somewhere, waiting......"

Kariss didn't finish, just leaned her forehead against his and closed her eyes.

Jun 8th, 2003, 10:45:49 AM
He held her to him, gentle, yet firmly. His eyes closed as their foreheads touched.

"Only way he could be waiting Kariss is if he survived the fight we had. And I don't think he did. I'm almost possitive he didn't........but I'm still sorry for bringing that memory up."

He thought of that night. The two vampyres had fought to the death. And Ezra was the one to walk away alone from that.....or did he? To think the vampyre he fought, his one time friend, could still be alive and plotting some kind of revenge......no....he did die....he wouldn't ...couldn't be alive to come and hurt his beautiful Kariss. He wouldn't dare.

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:11:15 AM
Kariss pulled away and looked deep into Ezra's eyes, catching the doubt he had about Kragen's death and she froze as a gasp caught in her throat.

"Ez...he is dead, right?" She said, shaking at the sudden idea that her attacker, his friend, the one thing that terrified her the most, may still be alive.

"No wonder the memory still haunts me, Ezra." Kariss whispered, her tear filled eyes meeting his. She closed her eyes, feeling the tears fall to her cheeks. She shook her head as she layed her head on his shoulder, needing to feel his arms wrapped around her, his strength.

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:21:49 AM
Again he held her close. This time more firmly than the last. She needed to feel protected, and he would give her that, till his last breath he would. He cursed himself for not making sure he checked. He was young and brash back then and thought the scoundrel dead. Now, he knows he mayhave been mistaken. That fiend was out there, plagueing his beloved with nightmares. If he came...IF he came....would be the biggest mistake he could make. And somehow Ezra knew he was stupid enough. It wouldn't be long till his old friend came calling.

" Kariss, do not worry about Kr... He paused as he almost spoke the man's name. ... I mean him...If he is still living and wants to come for you, I will meet hiom face to face and fight him till my last breath leaves my body. I won't allow him to touch you beloved. "

He spoke softly into her ear as she clung to him.

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:27:11 AM
Kariss clung to Ezra, not wanting to let him go. She knew he meant every word he breathed just now. She moved her head a bit to look at him, her lips just barely hovering over his own.

"I know he's out there, Ez. I know he's going to come." She whispered. "But right now, I need you more than I ever have. Let's not talk of that monster until later."

Kariss kissed him hotly, then pulled away to run the tip of her tongue over his bottom lip before getting out of his lap. She walked to the door of the cockpit, turning to look over her shoulder. Without saying a word, she continued walking to the single sleeping quarters of the ship.

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:35:43 AM
He stood up as she passed through the rear cabin door. He stood up and watched the remaining crystal explosions. He looked back to the door and smiled. He hit the auto pilot on and the ship began its homeward trip. He opened the door and stood there smiling at the woman who waited for him. His most precious possesion, His lifemate.......thing is , she could say the same for him. Closing the door behind him, knowing it'll be sometime before they were home. And time is what they had alot of at the moment....so why waste it?

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:49:48 AM
Kariss let out a contented sigh, turning over onto her stomach to watch her lifemate catnap. She smiled, closing her own eyes to drift off somewhere between sleep and awake, her mind open.

Images assaulted her mind at once. Images of Kragen ripping her neck open with his teeth, of his hands roaming her body as he drank from her, fuzzy images of Ezra and the hatred on his face as he fought his friend before she gave in to the blackness.

A voice suddenly appeared and her eyes snapped open, staring wildly at the wall as it spoke and Kariss knew at once who it was.

'Karissssss....it has been a long time, hasn't it?' It echoed in her mind. 'I've kept my eye on you, you've done me proud. Your coupling with Ezra was a surprise, though. I'll take care of that.....soon.'

Kariss shut her eyes, trying to block out the mental assault he was doing. Letting out a cry, she sat up and covered her ears with her hands, rocking back and forth.

"Ezra!" She cried out, turning her wide eyes upon him.

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:59:25 AM
Sitting straight up, the thin blanket that covered them thrown off, Ezra was crouched on the bunk they shared. His eyes had a wild look, his chisled body tense and he was ready to defend them. Then he turned to Kariss and found her with her legs up to her chest and her hands over her ears, like a frightened child. He slid easily over to her and wrapped his arms around protectively. Smoothing her dark hair as his other hand occasionally caressed her cheek.

"Shhhhhhhh my love.....twas only a dream you had.....I'm here now....Shhhhh"

He knew right away what had happened as he held his lifemate. Kragen had revealed himself. Violated her most private of moments, and Ezra's face became an ice cold mask of anger. How dare he do this to the woman he loved. He vowed to himself that Kragen would pay.....even if he had to give up his hiding place to find him.

Jun 8th, 2003, 12:07:21 PM
Not being able to stop shaking from the shock of learning that Kragen was coming for them, she turned her head up to look at Ezra, her eyes wide and frightful.

"Ez," She whispered, "Y-you know it wasn't just a dream. He's coming for us...for me." She shook her head, dizzy from everything that has happened. "Why now, Ezra? After all of this time, why reveal himself to me in this way?"

Jun 8th, 2003, 12:13:27 PM
"Because he thinks it a perfect time.'

He looked at her, his face still hard in anger. He slowly shook his head and touched her softly, a true contradiction of what he felt right now as always with Ezra....ever so confusing....but seemed the only one who really understood him was her.

"I won't let him harm you...... He may come for us, but he will die."

Then Ezra embraced her again.....the thought of himself dying along with Kragen appeared. That could very well happen, and he would face it if that meant for Kariss to live.

Jun 8th, 2003, 03:47:53 PM
Kariss nodded, wrapping her arms tightly around Ezra. She tried as hard as she could to put up blocks in her mind to keep Kragen out, but she didn't know how long they would hold.

"Ezra," She whispered, reaching for him, pulling him back down to the bunk with her. "Hold me, please. Make me forget right now."

Kariss' eyes searched his before she kissed him softly, lovingly. His arms tightened around her, as they lay with each other on the bunk, her fingers absently stroking his arm.

"Just when we get over one obstacle, another one is thrown at us, huh, Ez?" She laughed sarcastically.

Jun 8th, 2003, 11:27:01 PM
He looked at her with his signature smirk. As she made that comment.

" And like every other obstacle, we will beat it beloved. He won't be an exception to the rule. I will defeat him, I will protect you...." he looked into her eyes as he finished what he was saying. "....Kariss, I would die for you. I would at the cost of my life protect you from harm."

He held her again and stroked his hand through her long hair. Nuzzling his cheek against hers.

Jun 9th, 2003, 07:30:01 AM
Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she slowly shook her head against Ezra's.

"I would never ask you to do that for me, My Love." She breathed. "But you must know, I would do the same for you."

Kariss let out a sigh and snuggled, if possible, closer to him. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to relax against him. She felt the affects of dawn coming over her body and knew that they must sleep. She looked quickly up at Ezra to find him smiling down at her. Her eyelids grew heavy from the sleep of the dead and she allowed herself to succomb to it as she soflty whispered Ezra's name.

Jun 9th, 2003, 09:43:19 AM
Laying there with her in his arms, he smoothed her hair, as she started a rhythmic breathing. He used the force to call the sheet he had thrown off earlier. Then covering both of them, he held her really close.....then connected with her mind and as he fell asleep , took her with him into one of his dreams.

Jun 10th, 2003, 07:55:18 AM
Kariss took her first breath of life the following evening and quickly opened her eyes, sitting up. She looked around frantically, then realized they were still in the ship and were docked back at home. She let out a sigh of relief, turning to face Ezra. She smiled, reaching out to touch his cheek as he slept on.

Moving off the bunk, she dressed quickly and made her way off the ship. She was taking a casual stroll around the hangar when she felt a powerful shove in her mind that brought her to her knees.

'My Karisssssss.....I'm coming for you. The two of you will be a welcome addition to my family.'

And as quickly as Kragen appeared, he was gone. Kariss ran her hands through her hair, then stumbled as she got up to run back to the ship, to the safety of Ezra's arms.

Jun 10th, 2003, 09:38:25 AM
He was sitting up on the bunk, reaching for his clothing which was drapped over a nearby chair when she flew into his arms again. He started to laugh thinking she was glad to see him finally awake till he felt her trembling and heard her whimper.

" Kariss? ........ Kariss??? What's wrong sweetheart?"

He tried to lift her chin so he could see her face, but she kept it hidden as she clung to him. Only one thing could've done this....Kragen. He smoothed her hair, whispering it would be alright...and it would.

"Shhhhhh.....your ezra is with you now my love. Shhhhhhh."

Jun 11th, 2003, 07:35:48 AM
She could not control the trembling as she clung to him, the words Kragen spoke echoing over and over in her mind.

"Ezra." She whispered, moving away from him to look at him. "If he knows where I am, then he knows of your hiding place. You are no longer safe here. You should go back to Shadow Faene and I'll go underground to sleep until he is gone."

Kariss got up, wringing her hands together worriedly. She glanced back at Ezra, watching as he slowly got dressed, his eyes never leaving her's. She opened her mouth to say something when out of no where she got the sickest feeling in the pit of her stomach and a cold chill crept down her back. Her eyes grew wide.

"Oh gawd no......." She cried out, feeling faint at the thought of Kragen finding them so soon. Kariss took a step towards the wall to steady herself, but she collapsed, the stress of it all too much for her.

Jun 11th, 2003, 08:55:07 AM
He had just gotten his leather pants on when she walked to the wall and collapsed. He was right there in a blink of an eye to catch her. He placed her on the bunk, and walked out of the cabin to use the comm. Someone he hadn't talked to in a long time appeared on the screen. They stared at each other for a while. Then the soft female voice broke the silence.

"What do you seek in the house of Darkmere?"

He smiled and almost laughed at the old family question.

"I seek sancturary."

The beautiful angelic face on the screen smiled and her fawn colored eyes glistened with tears of happiness at the sight of her brother.

"It's been so long Ezra. I've missed you alot dear brother."

"I've missed you too my sister. I need.......a favor from you. I know I haven't been in touch for years and that I don;t deserve to ask of you....

She cut him off in mid sentence.

"What is it you ask of me brother?"

"I ask for you to come protect someone important to me. Someone I want you to meet."

She nodded.

"And who is this person Ezra?"

"She is my lifemate."

Her face took on an expression of surprise.

"Ezra.....you took a wife?"

"Yes Iza I have."

She started to laugh a musical laugh, one he hadn't heard for a long time.

"Give me the coordinates of where you are and I will come."

"Sent and coded. Can't wait to see you sister."

She waved at him.

"Cant wait to see you too brother. And my new sister."

The screen went blank and he got up to get Kariss. He picked her up and carried her into the retreat. Placed her in their chambers and set about getting things set for Izabell.

Jun 12th, 2003, 07:49:00 AM
Kariss woke immediately, sitting up in a frantic rush. Her eyes, she looked around, taking a minute to realize where she was. She calmed herself, seeking out Ezra. Kariss smiled when she located him and moved off the bed, walking softly on bare feet to find him.

Ezra was in another chamber, softly whistling. Kariss smiled at him, walking over to wrap her arms around his waist from behind.

"What, may I ask, is making my lifemate so happy?" She asked, kissing the back of his neck.

Jun 12th, 2003, 08:22:22 AM
He stopped his whistling and leaned back against her, his arm coming up to caress her face.

"Other than you? We're having company."

He turned to face her when she faultered in her stance.

"No my love, someone special to me is coming. Someone I've been wanting you to meet."

He smiled and held her. Softly kissing her, What had Iza said? Taken a wife? Im human tradition thats what he had done he guessed. Kariss was afterall, his wife. Which made him smile even more.

Jun 12th, 2003, 08:30:11 AM
Kariss smiled, cupping his cheek with her hand and looking into his gorgeous eyes. Kragen momentarily forgotten.

"When is 'she' coming?" Kariss asked with a knowing smirk. She knew he was talking about his sister. She had heard of Izabell, but never had the pleasure of meeting her all this time. She tilted her head to the side and smiled at Ezra.

"I'm ravenous, My Love. We need to feed. Can we spare a trip to the city?" She asked, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth, thinking of Kragen.

Jun 12th, 2003, 08:35:46 AM
"Soon ,you will meet her soon."

Then he thought at her next question. He too was a bit hungry, and he didn't feel Kragen to be near, so.....they were safe at the moment.

"Yes darling, we can go to Pandora to eat. It's nightfall already, want to go now?"

He asked as he made his way to the entrance of the retreat.

Jun 12th, 2003, 08:41:17 AM
Looking down at her bare feet, Kariss grinned, flying past him out the door, laughing heartily. She could feel Ezra close behind her as the appeared quickly in Pandora. The night mist grew thick around them and Kariss closed her eyes for a brief moment, taking in the stillness of it all.

Movement to her left caught her attention and she knew immediately it was her next intended. Winking at Ezra, she flew to the thug's side, tackling him to the ground. He didn't put up much of a fight as she sank her teeth into his neck, drinking hungrily from him.

Done, she quickly snapped his neck, wiped her mouth and slinked her way back to Ezra's side, her arms wrapping around his neck as she brought his head down to meet her's in a blood-tinged kiss.

Jun 12th, 2003, 08:52:54 AM
He stayed in the kiss for a bit, savoring the coppery taste along with it. She did know how to turn him on. He broke away and caressed her cheeks with his thumbs.

"Now it's my turn to satisfy the hunger."

With that he moved slowly down the alley. Taking a turn he found his meal. A streetwalker holding anothe rup for her money. Gusee she couldn't find a buyer for the night so decided to take the other's, But at knife point. He appeared right behind her which made the one being robbed, faint. As the knife weilding wench turned Ezra struck. Holding her up against the wall he quelled her struggle with the embedding of his fangs. As he finished, he twisted his head and ended her life. Letting her fall, he walked back to Kariss and returned the favor in kind.

Jun 12th, 2003, 08:57:04 AM
Kariss enveloped him in her arms as he strolled back to her and she couldn't help but grin wickedly. The taste of blood mixed with the kiss, she let out a sigh, letting her body melt against his.

"Let's get back home before Izabell arrives." She whispered in his ear before softly nibbling on it.

Jun 12th, 2003, 09:03:40 AM
Looking down at her he nodded as he smoothed her hair.

"Yes, let's go back. She does have the knack of quick arrivals. Who knows, she couldv'e been in Tranquil as she replied to my communication."

The both laughed and headed back to the hidden retreat.

Jun 12th, 2003, 05:05:35 PM
Feeling totally satiated, Kariss stretched lazily on the couch, turning her eyes towards Ezra. She watched him lovingly for a moment, her eyes taking in everything about him. She couldn't think of a time anymore where he was not on her mind, even when Jamina was in the picture.

Kariss suddenly grew nervous, wondering what Izabell would think of her. She bit her lip, her eyes glancing nervously away from Ezra to the window. She let out a sigh, standing to quietly move back to their chamber to dress.

Jun 12th, 2003, 09:15:30 PM
Kariss had headed to the main chambers and was halted by the faint scent of roses. As she turned to face the rear of the main hall, she seen a shadowy figure make its way closer. A woman of striking beauty and strong resemblance to her lifemate appeared with a equally beautiful smile gracing her.

The figure stood there taking Kariss in and with an approving nod smiled at her. She held out both hands to Kariss, beckoning her to come quietly.

Jun 12th, 2003, 09:20:33 PM
Kariss, feeling Izabell's acceptance of her, walked quietly to stand infront of Ezra's sister, taking the offered hands. She had to smile. The Darkmere's were definately quite the lookers!

"Welcome, Izabell." Kariss whispered quietly. "Your brother will be happy to see you."

Jun 12th, 2003, 10:07:46 PM
She embraced Kariss tightly, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

" I am pleased to meet you Kariss. I finally have a sister."

She breaks away from the embrace to take her in again.

"And a looker to boot. Ezra chooses his wife well. You are turned are you not?"

She asks her while she walks with her to where Ezra is laying with his eyes closed.

" I see you take care of my brother well Kariss. He looks healthy."

Jun 12th, 2003, 11:31:05 PM
Kariss couldn't help but blush at Izabell's last comment. She grinned cheekily at her.

"I try." She said in a staged whisper, then sombered.

"I take it your brother has not told you of my history?" Kariss asked, knowing full well Ezra kept their history private, only volunteered when necessary.

"Yes, I am turned...almost a hundred years ago." Kariss sighed, her eyes drifting over to Ezra's peacefull face. She didn't know why, but she was compelled to fill Izabell in on exactly how she and Ezra met, all the way up until her arrival, watching Izabell's face closely.

Jun 12th, 2003, 11:41:04 PM
She nodded at what Kariss explained to her. Her and Ezra meeting was very interesting and it did sound like her brother to save her. She also furrowd her eyebrows at the mention Kragen.

"Kariss, you needn't worry so much. We Darkmere's take care of our own. And you are family now, I will stand with you my sister. As for my asking about you, you see.....Ezra and father had a very big disagreement a long time ago. About his life as a vampyre. Ezra is as you know, different from your average vampyre. He carries more heart than he is given credit for. My brother, I love him to death for the way he is. Mother misses him, I miss him. Father never talks of him anymore. And it pains me to see that. Ezra is so much more than father looks at. I know you know Kariss, or you wouldn't love him as you do."

She held Kariss's hand as she talked.

"Ezra hasn't been home since I was a little girl. And I am now of age. He missed so much."

She looked over at her brother who lay there breathing softly.

Jun 13th, 2003, 07:35:28 AM
Kariss smiled, squeezing Izabell's hand as she talked. She reflected on a moment, after Ezra had turned her. The two of them had been inseperable and through the decades, she had found Ezra to be not a normal vampyre. She had ran into one, maybe two like him after she had left his protection. They were a rare breed.

"I appreciate the offer of protection, Izabell." Kariss smiled, her love for Ezra shining through her eyes. "It is hard for me not to be afraid, though. Especially when Kragen contacts me when I least expect it."

She thought of his last message to her and she shuddered violently. Wrapping her arms around herself, she offered half a smile to Izabell.

"Let's announce your arrival to Ezra, shall we?"

Jun 13th, 2003, 08:45:45 AM
"Why? the both of you make enough noise the whole of Tranquil is probably up too."

Came the voice from over the back of the couch. Izabell was there in a heartbeat hugging her brother, his laughter echoed in the main hall.

"Izabell.....you've grown. "

"Not the little girl you left long ago am I?"

"No, you aren't. But I am very happy to see you."

His sister hugged him again.

"What do you think of Kariss?"

"I like her Ezra, You have chosen well. I can tell she takes care of you well. Mother would be proud."

" Yes, but father wouldn't be."

"You know his thoughts on turned ones and relationships with us."

"All too well.....it doesn't happen."

He caught Kariss's quizzical look.

"I'll explain later.'

Jun 13th, 2003, 03:47:07 PM
Kariss swallowed the big lump forming in her throat.

'Great, his father doesn't liked turned one's...especially getting involved with one.' She thought to herself.

Kariss shrugged her shoulders, sending to Ezra that he will indeed tell her everything later. As he and Izabell talked, Kariss slipped from the room to give them the privacy they so needed for their reunion. Wrapping her arms around herself, she walked out into the garden in back, wishing she had a family to call her own. A family that could meet Ezra and Izabell. She grimaced, knowing her mortal family had long passed on. Her deepest regret was not letting them know she was still alive...well...in different sense. To their knowledge then, Kariss had just up and disappeared.

Letting out a shallow sigh, Kariss continued to walk through the garden, taking in the blooming flowers, the tranqil trees. She smiled, closing her eyes and lifting her face up into the night sky, letting the moonlight shower her pale skin.

Kariss' eyes snapped open as she felt the same intense feeling she had before. Kragen.

'What do you want?' She sent to him.

'Very good, My Lovely.

'Do not call me that.' Kariss hissed.

'You look lovely tonight, Kariss....good enough to...well, how should I put it...eat?' She heard him laugh, a deep, unnatural laugh. She shuddered, then something inside of her snapped and she screamed into the night,

"If you think you can have me, then come and get me you blood sucking parasite."

'My, my, Kariss. You do have a temper after all. I like that. Love has made you soft, you realize that, don't you? Oh yes, you will see me......'

Kariss let out a scream of annoyance, hating the fact that what Kragen said was true, since she and Ezra have been as one, she had grown soft. She would have been running back to Ezra, but she needed to stand her ground with Kragen...or die trying. A sadisctic grin appeared on her lips. Yes, the old Kariss was back.

Jun 13th, 2003, 09:55:11 PM
He had felt the change in Kariss and felt the pressence of Kragen. He had gotten up and headed for his lifemate. He had stepped outside and seen her. She had this look about her he hadn't seen in a long time. And it made him smirk.

' That's my Kariss '

He thought to himself.

Jun 13th, 2003, 11:26:11 PM
Kariss felt Ezra's presence behind her and she turned around to face him, the smile still on her face. She slinked her way to his side, standing up on her toes to run her tongue over his cheek. She grinned, then turned around to look up into the night sky.

"He's near, My Love." Kariss whispered, leaning her back against Ezra's chest, her head tilting back on his shoulder. She turned her head just a bit, nipping his jawline with her teeth.

"Where is Izabell?"

Jun 14th, 2003, 09:23:13 AM
She walked out to join them. Her red velvet gold trimmed dress billowing in the gentle breeze.

"I am here Kariss."

She came up to the other side of her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Iza looked out and around. As if searching.

"He is getting closer. "

Jun 14th, 2003, 02:11:31 PM
Kariss smiled at Izabell's presence, noting her style of dress. She looked down at the billowy dress of her own and groaned inwardly. She excused herself, throwing over her shoulder if she was going to fight, she would be dressed for it. She could here Ezra laughing softly and then the low murmurs of the Darkmere's talking as she walked away.

Making her way into the chamber, she quickly shed the feminine dress and walked naked to the closet. Kariss stood there for awhile before her eyes lit up. Grabbing the red vinyl halter-style catsuit, she quickly slid into it, loving the way it molded to her curves. She pulled on her black knee high length boots and strapped them, then went searching for her black gauntlets and tied them in place on her arms. She ran her hands through her hair, then ascended the stairs to the library, where she left her sword. The harness slipped over one shoulder and under the other one and she sheathed the sword, securing it in place, but easy enough to take out if needed.

Kariss grinned in satisfaction, turning to make her way back out into the garden. If Kragen wanted a fight, he was going to get one.

Jun 14th, 2003, 06:16:08 PM
He turned to see his, how did Iza say it? 'wife'?.... yeah, his wife come walking out in an outfit that would make a dead man rise. His eyebrows arched and his signature smirk appeared. The old Kariss was definately back and he didn't know till then how much he had missed her.

Embracing her, he kissed her with more passion then he had before and smiled at her when they broke away.

"I must say my love, I am very pleased to see this. You have found yourself again and I found that I had missed her so."

Izabell watched from a several feet away smiling at them. Ezra ran his hand over Kariss's face and then caressed her cheek with his thumb. Chuckling as he was loving this moment. Seeing her true self, the one he had fallen for quite a while ago and never realized it .

Jun 14th, 2003, 06:39:32 PM
Kariss tipped her back and let out a throaty laugh, hugging Ezra tightly. She nipped at his neck playfully, feeling him shudder next to her. Pulling away, she looked into his eyes.

"Yes, I have missed her as well." Kariss agreed. "But remember, you helped make this Kariss. So, I don't want to hear any complaining from you, 'Master Darkmere'."

She watched as Ezra's eyebrows shot up at the use of her nickname for him when she had been irritated by him during her first years as a vampyre. It had always dripped of sarcasm when she said it.

The air suddenly grew chilly and Kariss stiffened in Ezra's arms. Izabell was next to them in a flash. The three of them stood there, alert for anything.

Jun 14th, 2003, 09:11:26 PM
Ezra released Kariss from his embrace and started to pace around the area. He was ready for anything. Then came a low laughter from what seemed all around them. Ezra was turning in circles trying to pinpoint it, but couldnt.

"Damn him....where is he??"

Jun 15th, 2003, 12:02:56 AM
Kariss watched her lifemate pace the grounds like a caged animal and a primal instinct came over her. If Izabell hadn't of been there....no, she wouldn't think those thoughts right now.

'Well hello again, My Lovely. You look ravishing.'

Kariss groaned in annoyance, leaning up against the wall of the house.

'I told you not to call me that, Kragen. She spat venomously at him. 'These mind tricks grow old. Are you too chicken to show yourself to us?'

'Chicken, I am not, Karisssss.......'

Kariss felt something like the brush of a hand on her hair and she whirled around, drawing her sword, the loud 'shink' of the metal echoing through the night.

'Do that again and they'll be pulling your fangs out of your nu...'

"Ah, ah, ah....that isn't very lady like, is it, Kariss?"

Kariss jumped, the voice no longer in her head. She heard him loud and clear, but he was still no where to be found.

"Kragen, show yourself." Kariss demanded, her hands clutching the sword tightly. She took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly, closing her eyes. She searched for him, but the mental path he used was no where to be found.

Kariss felt a coldness on her cheek and her eyes snapped open, watching in disbelief as Kragen materialized before her, his face just a mere inch away from her's, his steely eyes capturing her's, holding the gaze.

"My lovely." Kragen whispered.

Jun 15th, 2003, 11:31:21 AM
Izabell had seen his face appear. And she was waiting for him to fully become whole. Once he did that, she'd pounce him. She had seen her brother turn quickly and was now running over to his wife as her protector should. She smiled at the way they both looked after each other. If she could only find that too she'd be very happy.

"Come face us mogur!"

She said loudly, using the insulting word of the ancient language.

Jun 16th, 2003, 07:19:48 AM
Kariss heard Izabell's shout, but she and Kragen stood toe to toe staring at each other. She couldn't move and it seemed like she couldn't breathe. Those black eyes bored into her's, holding the promise of evil to come.

She felt her body starting to tremble and she snapped again. With a yell, she brought one hand up to Kragen's chest and pushed him roughly away from her. The sword came up and she aimed it at his heart with one hand. Kragen looked at her, then at the steady hand at which she held it. When he looked back at her, she winked at him and a slow, evil grin appeared.

"You are not taking me, nor my family, Kragen." Kariss said through clenched teeth.

Jun 17th, 2003, 09:06:02 AM
A gutteral sound and then a louder yell as Ezra attacked. The two were a blurr to Kariss as he went careening into Kragen. The two tumbled along the ground in a tangle of flailng limbs and bared fangs. Neither gaining the upper hand, just your old run of the mill brawl.

"You made the worst mistake next to attacking Kariss all them years ago Kragen!!!"

"How so Ezra"

"You came back."

And with that the two old friends went at it.

Jun 17th, 2003, 10:21:09 AM
Lowering the sword, Kariss watched dumbfounded as the two rolled around on the ground hissing and sniping at each other. She knew she would find this funny later on. She quickly looked up at Izabell to find her watching intently. The two of them were ready to pounce if need be.

"Leave a piece of him for me, My Love." Kariss called out. "I've got a score to settle myself."

Jun 18th, 2003, 02:37:16 AM
At her words, Kragen had laughed.

"Do you think me that weak my dear? I shall show you otherwise'

Ezra snarled as Kragen jumped off of him. He stood to face the intruder and flicked his wrists to produce the Cerseas. Kragen also brandished two blades of his own. They squared off and then rushed in at the same time. The blades clashing with a loud resounding ring and sparks. They pushed each other off and then ran in blades a blur. More sparks and ringing as they got into a fury. They danced around arms swinging and slashing. The melee a spectacular sight to behold. Two weapons masters going at it. A slash, a kick....a hack and a punch. blocks and parrys.

Even Izabell was frozen in place watching.

Jun 18th, 2003, 07:19:48 AM
Everything was happening in slow motion infront of her, it seemed. Her heart was in her throat as she watched Ezra and Kragen. Her grip tight on the sword, she took a step closer towards the two.

Kariss suddenly felt it should be she who was fighting Krage, not Ezra. Looking down at her sword, then back up at the two, she brought the sword up to her shoulder, holding it like a javelin. With yell, she threw it at the two of them, smiling when it hit it's mark...the wall between Ezra and Kragen. They froze immeditely, staring at the shining blade suddenly between them. In a voice she hardly recognized as her own, she said,

"Ezra, this is my fight."

Jun 18th, 2003, 03:41:15 PM
Ezra stepped back from his fight, as the sword embedded itself in the wall adjacent to them. He nodded to her and was placinghis twin daggers back into his arm holsters when Kragen attacked him like the coward he was. both blades slashed Ezra on the side and neck, then he stabbed one into his back as his other hand held him by the chin.

' Never turn your back on an enemy idiot.....even if he is an old friend....hehehahahahaaaa.'

Ezra grasped at his throat as his blood poured out. Falling to his knees as Izabell ran over screaming. He looked at Kariss with an apologetic expression and fell backwards.

Jun 18th, 2003, 03:50:31 PM

She cried out as her brother slumped back. She was there holding him on her lap, as she sobbed. The dark blood coming from his neck made her choke on a gasp. She began to mumble words and she held her hand against the gaping wound. The blood stopped flowing and she watched as Kariss was frozen in place by the sight of her lifemate hanging in the balance like this.

"Take him now my sister!! Exact your anger on that Mogur !!"

She spat at Kragen and he laughed.

Jun 18th, 2003, 08:57:26 PM
Kariss watched in disbelief as Ezra sunk to his knees. Izabell was there in a flash holding him, tending to his wounds. Her cry of revenge snapped her out of her trance and Kariss turned to face Kragen, the whole her eyes turned pitch black, reaching a new hatred, a new hunger she had never reached before...until now.

She could see the momentary shock on Kragen's face and grinned at him. Walking with her head high, she reached him, grabbing her sword and pulled it out of the wall.

"Sister, get my lifemate back inside." Kariss said, her voice dangerously low.

She and Kragen stood staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Kariss fed on the image of him striking Ezra, fueling her hatred.

"Kragen, you will die tonight." She hissed.

"You pathetic turned, I will not die. You will, My Lovely....not before I have the pleasure of you myself." Kragen smirked.

"That, you will not have." Kariss spat. She took a few steps back, raising her sword between them. Kragen grinned at her, raising his own daggers. "Shall we dance?"

Kragen was the first to strike and Kariss spinned out of his way, dropping down to one knee while tripping him with her extended leg. He fell to the ground and let out a yell of frustration. Kariss stood up quickly, charging Kragen. They met with a flurry of strikes, the clanging of metal meeting metal echoing through the night. With the speed only of a vampyre, their moves grew quicker and quicker until they were just a blur.

Kariss went to move left the same time Kragen moved right and he struck her in her side with a dagger. She cried out, moving away from him.

"First blood, My Lovely. And if I remember correctly, sweet tasting it was." Kragen smiled lecherously.

Kariss had had enough of him. Pretending to be weaker than she really was, she lowered her sword and swayed a little. Kragen approached her, his fangs bared. Kragen grabbed her by the back of the hair, tilting her head back to expose her neck to him.

"I'm going to have the pleasure of you first, then your sister and finally, the pleasure of killing your lifemate." He whispered against her skin.

"Not if I kill you first." Kariss said. She reached up just as Kragen sunk his teeth into her neck, the very spot that was scarred from him before. She grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back, crying out in sheer pain as his teeth ripped her neck open. His eyes widened in surprise at her strength and she forced him to his knees infront of her. She roughly pulled his head back and her blacked out eyes stared into his.

"I told you that you would die tonight." She whispered, lowering her mouth upon his. "May that be the last thing you enjoy."

"Karissss....don't do it............." Kragen started.

Kariss let out a hiss and sunk her teeth viciously into his neck, taking into her the very life of him. He weakened and fell limp in her arms. Before she got the last of his blood, she moved away from him, letting him drop to the ground. She twirled the sword with her hand and grinned suddenly, swinging it around to seperate his head from his body. Watching as it rolled away, she took her sword and jammed it into Kragen's chest, piercing his heart...just in case.

Kariss stumbled a few steps, suddenly drained from the experience. She turned to walk to the porch, wanting to sit down but instead collapsed only a few feet away, feeling herself lapse deeper and deeper into sleep like state.

Jun 18th, 2003, 10:49:07 PM
Izabell had her hand on Ezra's neck, tears wet her cheeks. She finally had found her long lost brother and now faces the chance of losing him again, this time forever. She sobbed as she applied pressure to his wound. She didn't know how deep the cut went, but it bled and looked bad.

"Please Ezra, open your eyes...*sob* Brother, open your eyes."

His eyes slowly opened halfway and she sobbed even more. He smiled weakly his face blood splattered. She smiled back and touched his cheek with her free hand.

"Ezra. Stay with me. Don't close your eyes. Ezra.....Ezra!"

His eyes began to close and his head canted to the right.

"Kariss!! KARISS!! gods, someone help me ..*sob* "

Jun 19th, 2003, 07:27:22 AM
Deep in Kariss' mind, she could hear the torture in Izabell's voice, could feel Ezra slipping away from them both. It was hard for her to move. She knew she was healing in a new way. Taking Kragen's blood, she had absorbed his powers as well.

Kariss fought through the blackness, fought through the haziness to reach her family. Izabell's cry for help pushed her over the edge and she woke with a startled gasp, sitting up quickly. Though a little dizzy, she got up as fast as she could and stumbled over to Izabell and Ezra. She looked at her sister with still blacked out eyes and whispered,

"You have done well, my Sister. Now it is my turn."

As Izabell moved away, Kariss weakly took her place, moving Ezra's head onto her lap. She lightly slapped his cheek, calling his name.

"Ezra! Ezra, My love. You will not leave us, My Lifemate."

She watched as his eyelids fluttered just a little and knew what she must do. She brought her wrist up to her mouth and sliced it open with her teeth. Shifting Ezra's head, his mouth fell open slightly and she held her bleeding wrist to it, watching as the drops fell onto his lips and into his mouth.

"You must drink, My Love. I am not done with you, you cannot leave me."

Kariss ran her other through his bloodied hair and a sob escaped her lips. Her shoulders shook with sadness as she let the hot tears fall from her eyes.

"Please don't leave me." She whispered.

Jun 19th, 2003, 08:58:43 AM
He could feel the life giving liquid enter him. As it began to flow within, he could feel another set of hands wrap his neck, and cover the stab wound. He began to move his lips in silent speak and heard Kariss's sweet voice encourage him. He took a deep breath in between swallowing, and his eyes fluttered halfway open. She placed her wrist to his lips and he began to drink.

"That's it my love, drink....you arent going anywhere without me."

He heard Kariss's disembodied voice in his head. He took what he could, which was a little more than enough, and a smile appeared on his blood splattered face. He felt a hand running through his hair, and a soft kiss placed on his lips. He tried to return the kiss but didn't know if he did. He tried to speak the words ' I love you ' , but didn't know if it came out. He felt the wounds start to heal now, and he gave into the darkness which called him again. His breathing now rhythmic and not as shallow.

Jun 19th, 2003, 11:47:25 AM
Izabell put her arm around Kariss's shoulder. And helped her stand.

"Come sister, you must refill what he has taken. Where do you hunt on this planet? I take it from the vacinity of the village and how peaceful it seems, my brother leaves it alone. Tell me where you search for prey and I will take you there."

She brushed some stray hair from Kariss's face. She liked Kariss from the moment she'd seen her. Her brother had chosen wisely and it showed in her actions just now.

Jun 19th, 2003, 01:12:01 PM
Kariss could barely stand. Ezra had taken too much from her and she swayed lightly. Her skin turning transparent, she knew she had to feed and soon. The blood on her own skin was like a beacon in the night against her paleness. Her hand went up to her neck, finding the wound halfway healed.

"Take Ez to our chamber....." Kariss whispered. "He needs to heal there."

Kariss saw that Izabell was about to argue, but she turned to look at her, pleading with her with her eyes.

"Take Ezra down, please Izabell."

Jun 19th, 2003, 04:35:41 PM
She nodded to Kariss And quickly took Ezra down the stairs. She emerged at Kariss's side and helped her up. Smiling at her as Kariss turned to look. She urged her brother's lifemate to walk and led her to the hanger where a speeder awaited.

"Kariss, tell me where you hunt and I will help you. Ezra is fine now, but you must refill what you lost sister. Please tell me where you hunt."

She helped Kariss into the speeder and looked at her waiting for her to answer. Her eyes pleading for Kariss to speak.

Jun 19th, 2003, 09:25:46 PM
Too exhausted to even speak, Kariss sent her thoughts to Izabell, slumping in the seat of the speeder. They took off as quickly as Izabell could to the city.

The thought of feeding made her get out of the speeder with Izabell's help and she wasn't picky that night. It may even take two that night. Kariss looked around, finding what she wanted. Two street punks hassling an elderly lady.

"Perfect." She whispered.

Izabell glided to them, drawing their attention away from the other woman. She led them to where Kariss was.

"What do we have here?" One of them asked, rubbing his hand along his jaw as he leered at Izabell. His eyes caught Kariss and they widened at her appearance. He grabbed his friend's shirt and yelled, "L-let's get out of here! Those two are vampyre's!"

They turned to run, but Izabell blocked them and Kariss, running on pure fumes now, leaped at the one that spoke. She grabbed him from behind and sunk her teeth savagely into his neck. Her finger nails dug into his skin as she shuddered from the strength she was starting to feel as she fed.

Yanking her head away, she dropped him to the ground and closed her eyes for a moment. Her body began to hum and she could feel herself healing. Opening her eyes, she looked at Izabell.

"Next?" She smiled.

Izabell shoved the other one towards her and Kariss quickly fed on him, dropping him like his friend. Wiping her chin and her mouth, Kariss laughed softly.

"Thank you for your help, Izabell." She said softly. "If you hadn't of been there, Ezra and myself would have been no more."

Kariss walked over to her new sister and hugged her tightly. She suddenly grimaced, remembering how she looked.

"I'm sorry, Izabell. I ruined your beautiful dress." Kariss spoke sadly, looking down at her own blood covered clothes.

Jun 20th, 2003, 03:56:28 AM
"Shhhh, It's quite alright Kariss. It's blood, it matches the velvet material."

She laughed as she looked at the blood red dress.

"You can hardly tell. Now, let us get back to see how your lifemate is doing."

With that she hooked her arm around Kariss's and walked them to the speeder. They sped back and into the hidden hanger. She walked with Kariss to the chamber door and opened it. Below in the candle lit room, Ezra could be seen on his back, paler than usual and arms to the sides. He was on his back, and his head canted to the right. He looked peacful.

"Go to him Kariss. He needs you. As you need him now."

Jun 20th, 2003, 07:06:34 AM
Kariss looked over at Izabell, then smiled as she kissed her cheek. Watching as she left, Kariss then turned and headed for Ezra. She curled up next to him, wrapping an arm and a leg around his body. Stroking his hair, she smiled at him.

"I wish you could have seen me at there, My Love." She whispered, speaking of her fight with Kragen. "I would have done you proud."

Kariss felt the weight of sleep hovering over her and she finally gave in, needing the blackness to heal her body one hundred percent. She reached up, placed a soft kiss on Ezra's cheek and murmured something about a bath when they woke. Placing her head on Ezra's chest, Kariss closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Jun 20th, 2003, 09:58:28 PM
His eyes slowly opened and his vision was blurry. As it slowly focused, he was staring at his ceiling. He felt a pressure on his chest and looked to see Kariss asleep. He brought his hand up to caress her face, and smooth her hair. Smiling, he wrapped his arms around her and held her.

"Meh sehkah....meh lumia."

He whispered in the ancient language, which meant My savior....my love. She had saved him again from the clutches of death. What would he do without her? His father would never approve of them together he knew that. She being "turned" and he of pureblood. The elders of the council frowned upon such a union, after what happened in the old days. But he didn't care. She gave him what others feared to give or could not give him. And she gave it without much more than wanting the same in return which he gave unselfishly. Kissing the top of her head, he watched her sleep, knowing he would be awake till she woke up. He smiled and burned the image into his memory.

Jun 20th, 2003, 10:32:35 PM
Kariss stretched languidly, slowly opening her eyes to find Ezra watching her. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of him healed and she let out a laugh and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him to her tightly.

"My Love." She whispered against his neck.

Kariss realized neither of them had cleaned up from the night before and must look a fright. At that moment, she didn't care. Seeing Ezra smiling at her was all that mattered.

Reaching up to caress his cheek with her fingertips, she placed a soft kiss on his lips, leaning her forehead against his. Soft whispers passed between them and Kariss lightly kissed his nose.

"You scared me out there, My Love." Kariss said, turning serious on him. She opened her mind fully to him, sending him the replay of last night, watching his face, gaging his reaction.

Jun 21st, 2003, 12:57:44 AM
" I'm sorry Kariss. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I didn't think he'd sink to the level of a coward. I thought I wasn't going to see you Kariss, I thought my time had come."

He held her close.

" What would I do without you? "

He breathed in the scent of her hair, and nuzzled against her forehead. Showing her how much he loved her. Those words echoing in his thoughts.. Meh sehkah....meh lumia. He wonderd if she picked that up, he didn't bother hiding it.

Jun 21st, 2003, 01:07:57 AM
'Meh sehkah....meh lumia.' Echoed in her mind over and over. Kariss didn't know what it meant, but it had to be good for Ezra to keep telling her that.

Kariss pulled away and smiled tenderly at him. She got off the bed without saying a word and disappeared into the next room, leaving Ezra puzzled. From out in the bedroom, the sound of running water could be heard. Kariss stood by and watched the antique, claw foot tub fill with water and she stripped out of her soiled clothes.

'Are you going to just stay there or are you going to join me, My Love?' She sent to him.

Kariss took a step into the warm bath and utterly moaned aloud at how good it felt. She ducked her head under the water quickly to slick her hair back. Letting out a sigh, she closed her eyes and threw her legs over the side of the tub.

Jun 21st, 2003, 01:30:39 AM
She didnt need to ask twice, He was already there. He was enjoying the feel of the water around him, the feel of his lifemate whom sat in front of him leaning back against him while he held her. The scent of the candles that lit the place. Her soft caress as she held his arms with her hands. The kisses stolen here and there. The loving whispers they shared. All the things a loving couple enjoyed.

" Did you want to know what those words meant?"

She nodded and turned her head to look up at him as she leaned back in his arms.

"Very well...meh sehkah...meh lumia. It means, My savior.....my love."

He looked at her and smiled. Then kissed her forehead.

"Lumia, you made me proud out there. You have shown me again why I have chosen you..... My dark angel."

Jun 21st, 2003, 11:06:49 AM
Kariss suddenly hugged him, the movement causing some water to splash over the sides. They sat there for awhile, just holding each other. She placed soft kisses on his neck and shoulders, then pulled away to look at him.

"Ez, when I thought I was losing you last night, " She began. "I reached a new level of hatred, of...of...well..I never felt like that before. All I wanted to do was rip Kragen apart limb from limb."

She ducked her head for a moment, as if ashamed at how she had felt. Swallowing a hard lump in her throat she looked back at him and grinned suddenly with a viciousness Ezra had yet to seen from her, her eyes on the verge of blacking out again.

"I liked it, Ez. I loved the feeling of being on the edge of going over and not being able to control it. I would have ripped him to shreds if I hadn't of lost so much blood myself."

Jun 21st, 2003, 11:22:39 AM
He looked at her with a bit of concern. He knew she was one to dance on the edge, and knew the dangers of doing so. He captured her chin with his thumb and index finger.

"Kariss, you must be careful of that side of you. There are things about my family and their duties you don't know of yet. And that feeling you got could stir some trouble with that. Just be mindful of it when you feel like losing control..... I have proven twice I would give my life to protect you...I will do it against my family too."

He rested his chin on her shoulder as he thought back to the day he had that fight with his father. Not wanting to become a pack member had infuriated him, and that cost them both.

Jun 21st, 2003, 11:45:33 AM
"You won't have to do that, My Love." She whispered. "I would not jeapordize what we have. Just the thought of losing you, anyone harming you...I couldn't take it, Ezra."

Kariss snuggled closer to Ezra, her fingers making circles on his chest.

"I would do anything to protect you, you know that." She sighed, reaching up to kiss him thoroughly. His arms tightened around her slick body and she murmured softly against his mouth.

They stayed in the bath a little while longer, holding each other close, the realization that they had almost lost each other the past night weighing heavily on them. Kariss turned to look at Ezra and smiled.

"We need to find Izabell. I feel guilty leaving her alone for this long. She needs to see that we are both fine."

Jun 21st, 2003, 04:06:46 PM
He reluctantly released his hold on her. She scooted forward and he got out of the water and made his way to the outer room. He returned with a small towel wrapped around his waist and held another in his hands. He gestured for her to get out, and as she stepped out, he wrapped the huge towel around her and embraced her. They kissed once more and they chuckled as she again explained about his sister waiting for them.

"My sister will be fine. I dont get to spend much time with you and I want to spend as much as I can before I have to return. I can't wait till I can bring you with me. Then I wont be lonely any more over there. As I am sure you get the same way too."

He held her close and then walked with her to dry off and get into a new change of clothing.

Jun 21st, 2003, 04:11:13 PM
Kariss watched him walk away, feeling suddenly lonely as if he was not there at all. He was right, she did suffer from terrible loneliness when he was away. Letting out a sigh, she followed him into the other room and grabbed a soft pair of leather pants and a halter top. Quickly donning them, she padded barefoot to Ezra's side, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I know you don't get to spend too much time with me, My Love." She replied, "But you have not seen Iz in such a long time. Spend time with her as well. You two have missed so much. Take the opportunity to get to know your sister all over again."

Kariss placed a kiss on his soft lips and then ascended the stairs in search of Izabell.

Jun 21st, 2003, 04:25:03 PM
Izabell was standing at the huge black window, running her hand along the solid glass. She had been up for a while and knew the two were spending time together. She was drinking a glass of bloodwine and was in a royal blue silk dress with a gold belt. She turned to see Kariss and smiled.

"I see you've rested some, you look good Kariss. And I take it from your smile that my brother is well also."

She laughed and walked over to Kariss.

"You must tell me what that window is for, It's odd to have a window in a Vampyres home."

Jun 21st, 2003, 04:33:42 PM
Kariss smiled at her, leaning against the window.

"Ezra is doing great, Izabell. He'll be up in a few minutes." Kariss turned to look out the window for a moment. "Ezra had this window made. It lets in the sunlight without hurting us so that we may stay up for awhile watching the sunrise."

Kariss remembered the first time he had shown that to her and her eyes started to tear up. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked back at Izabell.

"It is a beautiful sight, Izabell. You should see it before you rest tonight. I had forgotten how amazing a sun rise could be until Ezra showed it to me."

Jun 21st, 2003, 09:44:55 PM
Walking up behind the two, Ezra puts his arms around both of their shoulders and smiles at the window.

"You should see it Izabell. It's like nuthing you ever experienced."

He kissed both on their cheeks and went to the bar to pour some bloodwine for himself and Kariss. Handing the glass to Kariss he took a lond drink and smiled at Izabell.

"So Iza, what have you been up to? You know, I always wanted to see you and mother. But I know father doesn't want me to return."

Jun 21st, 2003, 10:51:11 PM
Kariss took the drink from Ezra, watching as he and Izabell began to talk. When his father was mentioned, Kariss took her leave. She wanted the two of them to talk by themselves. They deserved it, her life mate or not.

Kariss smiled at them as she left the room, walking out on the patio that lead into the garden in which she fought Kragen the night before. She let out a sigh, moving to sit on the steps. She closed her eyes, her mind going back to how she changed when she fought him. She had never felt anything like that before. Never had anyone dared try and take Ezra away from her, either. She knew what would happen if someone tried again, or even if someone dared to harm anyone or anything she loved...it would be worse than last night.

She opened her eyes, turning to look up into the night sky, loving the way the full moon cast it's bright light over everything. She smiled softly, thinking of Ezra. She hoped one day things could be smoothed over with his father.

Jun 22nd, 2003, 04:48:46 AM
She looked down saddened at what he had said. Although what he said was true.

"Ezra, he does love you. He's just.....prideful, he cant say he's sorry. But I have seen him look at a picture of you and then stare out the window for a time. If you could come back....."

He cut her off with a "no" and she didn't pushg anything further.

"You two must make amends brother before it's too late."

"Izabell, I wasn't the one who was impossible to deal with or hardheaded to talk."

"I know Ezra, but cant you be the better man?"

She walked over and hugged her brother. He hugged her back and she smiled.

"I miss you and mother misses you too. Please reconsider."

[I]"I'll think about it."[I]

That made her smile and feel glad.