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Marcus Telcontar
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:29:36 PM
New Posting Guidelines

The new rules for this thread: There will only be one post per account. Preferably, it should be one post per person, but some people may not wish to divulge every characer they play. If you have any updates you need to make, edit your original post in this thread; Do not make a new post.

I have taken the liberty of editing several people's posts. If you feel they need to be changed, feel free to edit them again yourself.

Aside from this post, there is to be no discussion in this thread. It's simply "I am using this person for this character". If you need to speak with someone regarding a character pic, please PM them.

The rules are to try and keep this thread as concise and easy to navigate as possible.

From now on, all picture claims are to be done in this thread. Any new threads of such nature will be deleted. Having everything in one thread means that more people will see your post, regardless.

Remember: If you're trying to see if someone is using a specific person, the search feature works wonders.

Likewise, if this thread has fallen off of the first page and you cannot locate it, simply search for "Character Database" and you should have no trouble finding it.

Thanks for your cooperation,
the staff

One to remember when selecting character pics for avatars and sigs, its a first come first serve rule - ie if someone is already using say Guy Pearce in Memento, that person is the only person who may do so - unless they give permission.

I think what is okay is if you say used Viggo Mortensen from another of his movies, but not Lord of The Rings (That's very much taken :p ) because he looks radically different.

So just be careful in your selection and make sure someone hasnt claimed the partiular look first. \

Did I explain that okay?

Sanis Prent
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:33:22 PM
Its kindof an understood...but yes, definitely make sure you're using unique pics. Even if its the same actor/actress but in a different movie, they should look significantly different.

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:42:22 PM
Might be an idea to list who is taken

Aragorn - Lord of the Rings
Arwen - Lord of the Rings
Galadriel - LOTR
Gandalf - LOTR
Faramir - LOTR:TTT
Frodo : LOTR
Legolas : LOTR
Eowyn : LOTR

Leia : Star Wars
Obiwan : Star Wars
Count Dooku : Star wars
Threepio : star wars
Artoo : Star Wars

Guy Pearce : Memento

Neo : Matrix
Trinity : Matrix

Buzz Lightyear

This is only the ones I can remember - others are taken, so be careful. I'll try to get other people to list their claimed chaarcters to help people out.

I personally would regard 'warehousing' as not on. If you put a claim down for a look, then you should be using it.

Jul 4th, 2002, 11:50:42 PM
Pictures I have claimed:

Kain, from the Legacy of Kain games (it's my avatar for this account and I don't want there to be any confusion).
The Prophet from Warcraft 3.

Xazor Elessar
Jul 5th, 2002, 12:06:36 AM

Eowyn-LOTR (thanks for noting, Marcus )

AUGH, I can't remember who my other characters person is. Anywayz...I play Myra Storm as well, so whoever is in her sig and avatar (pretty darkhaird woman) don't use her. :lol

Xion Darksun.....well, haven't even gotten his account up here yet.

Anthony Scott -- J. Depp from Pirates of the Caribbean

Faith Scott -- MacKenzie Rosman from 7th Heaven

Xander Kama-Dead

Kaukauana-wolf companion....I cannot put a claim to any one wolf pic....they all look the same.

Danya Argent-Don't know who that girl is either, Jenny (Vegs, Das) made the siggy for me. Okay, I have just been informed that it is Shakira!!

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni- Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebop

Carmen Darksun - Mandy Moore

Well.....I think that's all of my characters.....if I remember some, I'll post it here! I have waaaay too many!

EDIT: Remembered one

Angel Moontears-Native American woman with really long black hair.


Myaad Seblatar (isn't me, it's my boyfriend) has claimed:

Maynard James Keenan from Tool and A Perfect Circle. :D

Also, Trent Ford from "How To Deal" is mine. ;) Michelle Branch is mine too. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 5th, 2002, 01:09:34 AM
Updated 07.17.03

<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=285>Arya Ravenwing:</a> Carrie Ann Moss/Trinty from the Matrix

<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=797>Gia Thorn/Van Derveld:</a> Milla Jovovich

<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=292>Darven Calmoarn:</a> Denzel Washington

various (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1484>My</a>) Lilaena De'Ville: (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=288>Cizerack:</a>) Razor, by ....I FORGOT AGAIN! I'll go look.

<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2131>Bette Davis:</a> Michelle Rodriguez

<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=287>Jax Ivanrue Tondry:</a> Haley Joel Osment

James Prent: (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3313>Todd:</a>) Helena Bonham Carter

<a href=http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2698>Senator Thareena:</a> Connie Nielsen

Dae Jinn
Jul 5th, 2002, 01:21:27 AM
Updated April 28th, 2004

Dae Jinn -- Asia Argento and Yuuhi Kurenai from Naruto
Kyashi Hatake -- Haku and eventually Itachi Uchiha, both from Naruto :)
Kaede Jinn -- Kyoko Fukada
Hana Forester -- Sakura from Naruto

Emily Rochette
Jul 5th, 2002, 04:31:04 AM
Drusilla - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Brittany Murphy - Don't Say a Word / Clueless / Girl, Interuppted / etc.

Espy - The Tenth

For Brittany Murphy, I'm heavily editting pictures, so run one by me if you want to use her.

...@_@ Leeloo's still around..?!

Chase Starwalker
Jul 5th, 2002, 08:35:29 AM
Darth Maul from Star Wars
and Anakin Skywalker fan art from Star Wars

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jul 5th, 2002, 08:52:09 AM

Mines too obvious:

LEIA!! ;) I have total dibs :D

imported_Lance Stormrider
Jul 5th, 2002, 09:01:11 AM
Strider Hiryu
Hayato-Plasma Sword
Cloud Strife- FInal Fantasy 7

Lady Vader
Jul 5th, 2002, 10:39:47 AM
Update: 11/11/2003

Character Accounts

AmazonBabe (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=119): Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy (sometimes also from comics & cartoons) from Batman & Robin
Angela Penkava (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2145): painting, artist unknown; Gabrielle Anwar (celeb pics and pics from The Three Musketeers)
Artoo (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1485): R2-D2 from SW
Aurrora Jaid (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=925): Catwoman from new age Catwoman comic
Azure Regalia (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=155): modified Storm from X-Men comic, also sometimes utilizing pics of Mystique from X-Men comic
Clive Jerrard (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=146): Michael T. Weiss from The Pretender
Coruscant Call Girl (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=275): blue Twi'lek from E1
Gethwyn Tajki (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1153): enchantress painting, artist unknown
Iesis (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=144): black panther painting, artist unknown
Jasseeri Arreearruu (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=145): modified pic by Charley (original artist, unknown)
Javus Parr (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1775): George Clooney from Ocean's Eleven
JungleCat (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1311): ME! :D
Kitty Anne Pryde (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=812): Katie Holmes from Dawson's Creek
Lady Vader (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=140): Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman (sometimes also from comics & cartoons) from Batman Returns
Mirax Terrik (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1254): Ashley Scott from Birds Of Prey
Nevlonniel Shadowmoon (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2840): Night Elf from WarCraft III
Raunkks (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=148): Barabel from SW
Sel'arra Daijo (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=269): woman with panther painting, artist unknown
Semloh Kcolrehs (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3429): Sir Basil Rathbone from the old movies of Sherlock Holmes
Shenraun (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=149): red dragon painting, artist unknown
Shianna Cloak (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=268): woman with wings painting, artist unknown
Sophia Harten (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1277): Famke Janson from Goldeneye
T'catnoc Terces (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=788): Kubaz from ANH
The Pride Mother (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=142): modified pic by Charley (original artist, unknown)
Tucta (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1719): Rancor from ROTJ
William Belargic (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3483): Orlando Bloom from Pirates Of The Caribbean: Curse Of The Black Pearl (and the upcoming Pirates Of the Caribbean 2 & 3)

Sock Puppets/Fun accounts

Freakazoid (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1862): Freakazoid from WB Freakazoid cartoon
Luke's Amputated Hand (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=272): Thing from Addam’s Family
Wakko (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1861): Wakoo from the WB Animaniacs cartoon

Nathanial K'cansce
Jul 5th, 2002, 01:33:05 PM
UPDATE 5/22/04

Vincent Valentine from Final Finatasy 7 and from Advent Children.

Johnny Depp - Any picture where he has a resemblence to Vincent Valentine. All other pics of him (such as anything from Pirates) you may use. And if you're not sure, just PM me with a pic of what you want to use, and we'll go from there. OThers who have bene using him as well, still do. Those who've talked to me know who they are.

Still call Raphael and Nightmare/Sigfreid from Soul Calibur I/II/Soul Blade. Though not sure if I'll be able to RP Lightheart... depends on if I can manage it with my other endevours.

Morgan Evanar
Jul 6th, 2002, 01:29:18 PM
I have Robert De Niro.

Morgan Evanar: Guy Pearce with short hair.

I have the guy who plays Nathan West (actual character name) from Space: Above & Beyond.

I have Johnny Depp in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

Kate Beckinsale. Mine.

Geist Laich
Oct 4th, 2002, 04:23:17 PM
Geist Laich- Altered Yoh Asakura of Shaman King
Angelica Shin- Satsuki of X
Ro McCloud- Fuuma of X
Guy Tao- Farfarello of Weiss Kruss/White Cross/Knight Hunters
Kinzoku Tsuchi- Lina of tempest (PC game)
Mai Zarifa- Lain of LAIN
Da-ku Etanial- Cho Hakkai of Saiyuki manga images only.
Giran- Brad Evans of Wild Arms 2
Mikl Shin- Bolt Crank of Eatman
Phanthom Pako- Patty Smith Breath of Fire 2
Mike Sheilds- Ryu Breath of Fire 4

Character pending (Name may be John dark or something along those lines)- Koji of Digimon Season 4.

Oct 5th, 2002, 04:36:58 PM
Jin Kazama [tekken 3, tag,4]- Dante Igniz.... and once upon a time Thanatos VanDerveld

Unknown [tekken tag] - Idolon Mortiferus

Ashley Illeus
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:22:32 PM
Fuu of Magic Knight Rayearth is now taken.

Teka Kenobi
Oct 16th, 2002, 02:01:00 PM
--Has come back--

Has locke from ff6 been taken (the new version) i dont think he has...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 21st, 2002, 10:02:44 AM
Wei now uses

Long from Bloody Roar

Citan from Xenogears.

Seii from X

Flet Shoudler uses Roger Smith from the Big O

Abel Kannan uses Wakka from Final Fantast X

Garmollo Apostate uses Anubis from Ronin Warriors

Sedate uses Android 16 from Dragonball Z.

Oishii Sakana uses Sogetsu from Samurai showdown.

Thank you for your time. Have a nice day

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 21st, 2002, 02:24:11 PM
Lemme do a big update

Sanis - All Brad Pitt, sans Interview with a Vampire, or Legends of the Fall. Pretty much, whenever he's got short hair.

Anbira - Count Dooku, from AotC (Coming soon, Russell Crowe - Gladiator)

Darth Vader - Darth Vader

Diego Van Derveld - (Mel Gibson) William Wallace from Braveheart

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta - Obscure Ctarl-Ctarl in Outlaw Star

Taataani Meorrrei - Aisha Clan Clan from Outlaw Star (Though others can and do use this character)

Marcus 4.0 - Guillium from Outlaw Star

Jackson DeWitt - Rudy, from movie of same name.

Yuran Fur'Dunn - Stephen from Braveheart

Baron Marco Van Derveld - Lord Nasher, from Neverwinter Nights

Captain Tyle - Captain Ronald Speirs from Band of Brothers

Private Neir - Private Albert Blythe from Band of Brothers

Dovi Jod - Lott Dodd from The Phantom Menace

Vargo the Hutt - Jabba the Hutt from RotJ (though others can and do use this pic)

Captain Joachim Fena - Sean Connery from the Hunt for Red October

Wolfgang Schreiger - Dr. Evil, from Austin Powers

Enol Dryad - Donnie Wahlberg from the Sixth Sense

Barnaby Wednesdaydale - Brick Top, from Snatch

Korge Jazzka - Nightcrawler, from X2

IMPLEMENT - SHODAN, from System Shock 1 & 2

Firekat - Aisha Clan-Clan's disguise from Outlaw Star

Commander Zemil Vymes - Max Payne (from Max Payne 2, not the first one)

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa - Hand drawn by s'Ilancy

Eluna Thals - Hand drawn by s'Ilancy, and Uma Thurman (the Bride) from Kill Bill

The Ace of Diamonds: Samuel L. Jackson from Pulp Fiction

Dan the Man: David Carradine (Bill) from Kill Bill

Sun Zao: Gordon Liu (Pai Mei) from Kill Bill

Mr. Happy: Jack Nicholson (the Joker) from Batman

Mandalore: Ricardo Montleban (Khan) from Star Trek II

Oct 29th, 2002, 08:55:05 PM
REvamp here.

Chance -> Edited Squall of Ff8 and KH

The guy who plays Van Sahn in Reign of Fire, as well as the dragon ^^;;

Lillian Snow
Oct 29th, 2002, 09:34:39 PM
Lillian Snow is Akane Kanezawa.

Titian Snow is Gaara of Naruto.

Kirrto McKavity
Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:56:57 PM
Hmm, may as well pull all my charas together then....

Kirrto McKavity - Zell Dincht (FF8) - Edited
Dante Igniz - Jin Kazama (tekken 3,4 and Tag) - Edited
Idolon Mortiferus - Unknown (Tekken tag)
Darius Van-Derveld - Iori Yagami (King of Fighters)

Rose Von Himmel
Nov 4th, 2002, 02:25:40 PM
Rose Von Himmel is Alice of "Rage of the Dragons" *I thinks that's the name*

Zoi Coer
Nov 6th, 2002, 07:40:00 AM
Joey of Yu-Gi-Oh is now taken!


Ishan Shade
Nov 10th, 2002, 11:52:30 PM

Ishan Shade (Falleen) - Prince Xizor.
Starr (H.R.D.) - All fan art pictures of Guri
X.I.M. (Krath War Driod) - Colossus of X-Men

Thank you.

Zela Anos
Nov 16th, 2002, 01:04:01 PM
Um, Ed of Cowboy Bebop and her dog *forgoted the name*

are in use now, you can use them but perferably if altered to extremes.

imported_Terran Starek
Nov 17th, 2002, 07:10:32 PM
Terran is Fronsac from Brotherhood(Samuel Libahn, I believe is his name)

Jeran is Eomer from LOTR: TTT

The Black Rider is a Ring Wraith

Aaron Vilnaldi is Giovanni Ribissi from Boiler Room

Kam Juren is Ice Cube from Three Kings

Arik Illian is the Black Panther from the comic

Zumari is Lawrence Fishbourne

Cal Younger is Gabriel Macht from American Outlaws (crappy movie, good character pic :P)

Vladimir Vin Niktu is Gerard Butler from Dracula 2000

Li Mu Sinung is Chow Yun Fat from Crouching Tiger and Bulletproof Monk (other Chow Yuns are open)

Christian Bale from Equilibrium is taken.

Detective Deric Rion is Micheal Chiklis from The Shield

Tom Cruise (with Permission from Dru) from The Last Samurai - Character TBA

Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones is taken for a future character.

Dec 17th, 2002, 07:53:02 AM
Kanon and Brad Evans of Wild Arms 2nd Ignition are taken.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Jan 26th, 2003, 08:25:30 PM

Jan 29th, 2003, 09:07:00 PM
You will not be getting these pictures away from me. Ever. Or at least not until I decide I wanna give 'em up.

Zeke--Hiten of Inu-Yasha, Boy Ranma of Ranma 1/2
Inu--Inu-Yasha of Inu-Yasha
Jhony-Johnny of Guilty Gear
May Peris--Cloudberry Jam of Guilty Gear
Shrin--Ky Kiske of Guilty Gear
Kwiet Ideya--Naruto of Naruto
Altered Beast--Demon of Inu-Yasha
Moxi Saska--Girl Ranma of Ranma 1/2
Old Man Saska--Mitsurugi of Soul Calibur

Dirjj Mordrai
Feb 4th, 2003, 03:13:01 PM

Dirjj Mordrai - Michael Biehn from Tombstone (aka Johnny Ringo booyah!)


Mikl Shin
Feb 6th, 2003, 10:15:05 AM
Milk shin (not related to any other Shin's) - Bolt Crank of Eat-Man

Celsius Snowtamer
Feb 18th, 2003, 02:22:34 PM
Combo of Orta of Panzer Dragoon Orta and Uranus of Bloody Roar.

Xander Caine
Feb 23rd, 2003, 10:38:08 AM
Alexander caine-Vicious from Cowboy Bebop

Ky Shin Wei
Mar 5th, 2003, 02:45:22 PM

Angelica Shin/Sonja Gealica -Satsuki of X, Nacy of R.O.D.
Tzujan "Ky" Shin Wei - Sasuke of Naruto (kid) Adult, I forget the guys name, Wei knows it.

Mar 17th, 2003, 12:46:44 PM
I have Jennifer Garner(Elektra) from "Daredevil"

Mar 17th, 2003, 09:32:54 PM
Now using Liz Hurley for Morrisa :)

Renesa Senaria
Mar 17th, 2003, 11:33:57 PM
Hinoto of x1999 now taken by me >D

imported_Grev Drasen
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:21:02 PM
Colin Farrell
Stephen Dorff
Til Schweiger

Figrin D'an
Mar 18th, 2003, 06:56:16 PM
I realized I never actually posted to this thread...

Humphrey Bogart and Qui-Gon Jinn have been officially claimed for... well... a long time now, by yours truely.

Cassidy Williams
Mar 20th, 2003, 01:27:44 PM
I be usin' Michelle Trachtenberg :D

Mar 22nd, 2003, 12:49:26 PM
Emotion is now M.O.M.O. of Xenosaga, not Iris of Megaman, that is all.

Mar 31st, 2003, 07:37:38 PM
Neepik - Cooler, DBZ

Seiko Kana
Apr 2nd, 2003, 01:33:23 PM
< Maria of War of Genesis 3 part 2

Jakura Sedare
Apr 4th, 2003, 12:16:18 PM
me-Chocolate of Sorcerer hunters

Sonzai Kurai
Apr 4th, 2003, 12:20:02 PM
Seras Victoria of Hellsing

Joanna King
Apr 23rd, 2003, 12:20:09 PM
I thought Brad Pitt was taken??

Anyway, if anyone uses Judi Dench they'll be tied to a chair and forced to listen to Bing Crosby, while being told that this is REAL music, not like the crap kids today listen to.

I mean it.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Apr 24th, 2003, 11:54:17 AM
Blade Ice (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=872) : Gambit X-men, Johny Noxville

Gerbo Lang (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1279) : wesly snips (blade and blade 2)

Jackson Mcgraves (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1407) : Nathan Fillion

Jason Dreggs: Jensen ackles and yes vega is aware I use it.

Unknown: arch angel from X-men, Daredevil

xSmokingmanx: Jason Statham

Nicky Huu: Lucy Lu

OW outcast: random alien pics as close to a duro as i can get.

Damon the shade: Darkman

Drizz: Hero as a ciz.

Nexus Barton: ADAM BALDWIN

Lisa Ripley: Sigorney weaver (alien 3)(NPC)

Dawn holly: Jennifer love hewit (npc)

Malick Rain: Omar Epps

Bo James - vin deisel

Cobra Don: Cobra Commander from GI Joe.

Allex Mcgraves: Benjamin McKenzie aka ryan from the OC

Mike Sheilds
Apr 25th, 2003, 09:37:17 AM
Ryu from Breath of Fire 3 and 4, is taken,1 and 2 are free base (cos they're hippies!).

Mai Zarifa
Apr 28th, 2003, 08:12:07 AM
Um, er, noone's using Lain right?

Sejah Haversh
May 2nd, 2003, 09:58:50 AM
Just a re-cap of all the characters I play, and the shining stars of stage and screen that portray them:

Sejah Haversh: A drawing I did.
J'ktal Anajii: Also a drawing I did.
Bhen F'shaar: Another drawing I did.
D'raaj A'arkantheil: Yet another drawing I did.
Karl Emmerich: Re-vamp of an old drawing I did.
Mervyn Wyrojii: Again, a drawing I did.
The Daisy: A seriously altered version of The Punisher.
Gibbon Meffoon: I have no idea who this geezer is, but he's funny looking.

Soon to appear might be Derrer Fortunov, but, we'll see...

Rinpoo Chuan
May 2nd, 2003, 01:26:42 PM
Rena Lanford of Star Ocean 2/Star Ocean EX/Star Ocean Blue Sphere.

May 6th, 2003, 12:48:34 PM
I dun think so, and Beat is now the main person from Gravitation, and Da-ku is Cho Hakkai of Saiyuki but Manga only.

Zasz Grimm
May 8th, 2003, 10:59:05 PM
Lasted updated November 10th, 2003

Zasz Grimm: Keanu Reeves ( Neo ) and ALL other pictures.
Cyriam Grimm: No longer under my control, but altered picture of Neo/Keanu
Kineas Grimm: Altered picture of Neo/Keanu

Nivram Draklar: Ben Affleck (Dogma, Daredevil, and a few others. It has been worked out with Sage.)

Andraq Novkar: Brandon Lee from The Crow and other Misc. shots.

Aejin Rahn: Michael Rosenbaum from Smallville and whatever other shots I can get my hands on that suit him.

Tirzak Kerr: An altered form of Boba / Jango's armor. Underneath Hugo Weaving from The Matrix / The Matrix Reloaded / The Matrix Revolutions. Perhaps from LOTR.

Michin Troval: An old claim, bringing back the character. Antonio Banderas from 'Interview with a Vampire'...also known as Armand.

Seven Maelsav: Brad Pitt from the movie 'Troy'. (Charley and I have spoken.)

NOTE / EDIT: Whenever I age Zasz, he shall be using Al Pacino from The Devil's Advocate (mainly)..and perhaps several other movies.

Guy Tao
May 9th, 2003, 09:59:18 AM
Farfarello, of White Cross, now taken.

Jared Mriad
May 9th, 2003, 09:37:40 PM
Jared: Michael from Angel Sanctuary and Rodney Rowland from The 6th Day.
Makoto : Wolf/German-Shepard Anthropomorph artwork by Den/Karabiner.

Leeloo Mina
May 10th, 2003, 03:29:11 PM
Leeloo Mina - Milla Jovovich from the 5th element

Mia - Bloodrayne from Bloodrayne(I looked through the thread... but if she's taken, let me know.)

May 10th, 2003, 09:38:40 PM
Tom Cruise from Interview/MI1 and MI2........Saurron
Stephan Dorff............................................. ...Gavin
Kurt Russel from Soldier/Big Trouble in Little China/ and the Escape movies............................................ .........Stathis Reslith


Wookie Senator from EP1 sig and name pendinghttp://panic.hopto.org/swf/saurron/wookie.jpg

And yes Sean is taken at least his older age pics

May 11th, 2003, 01:30:49 AM
Hera = Jamie Pressley

Estelle Russard = Claire Forlani

Kajeela Tarruurri = Sakura from Hyper Police

Morag Prime = Kerrigan from Star Craft

Geeda the Hutt = Jabba the Hutt in Drag.

Vera Ravencourt-Millard = Rachel Leigh Cooke from Josie and the Pussycats

Envoy Nissorinnah = Luminara Unduli Jedi Master Ep 2

Veneficus Initio = Angelica Houston

Dakota Gue = Pamela Anderson

Aspen Mathews from Fathom is used by Eve

Michael Wincott - Remkah

Demi Moore - Sam Riley -127th Krayt

Yarna from ROTJ - Ilyarna

Talisa Soto (Katana MK) /Geraldine McEwan (Mortiana form Prince of Thieves/Artwork rendition(yes 3 for 1) ;) - as Virrana;h Tei

Meryl Streep - Eliessa Corta

May 11th, 2003, 01:48:12 AM
Everyone knows that 'ARNOLD' is mockadane... all years and movie pics...


Navaria Tarkin
May 11th, 2003, 10:04:36 AM
Let's see

Don't use Aeryn, John or Chiana from farscape.

No Eliza Dushku

No Mara Jade

No Ashleigh from Scion

No Rogue either from the X-Men

No Callisto from Xena

No Ogre thingy from Warcraft I think it was...

I should mention to not use David Boreanz ..I believe that is how you spell his last name. The guy who plays Angel well, from Angel :)

Tis Nav's brudda

Alana Stormcloud
May 11th, 2003, 02:24:49 PM
Alana is royo art and Andy McDowel though that may change :)







Jaslin Fett I use Zam Wessel and Angelina Jolie From tomb raider it is a random siggie....

The rest are from Royo art :) I posted the links to my profiles if you wannna see who I am using thought it would be easier :)

Update.... http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2837

Used for my Ailla char :) http://www.strike9.com/file.aspx?path=/Alana/fullsize/allia.jpg

Now taken Keira Knightly from Pirates of the Caribbean... Or any other movie :) Revised Keira is now gonna be used by Amazonbabe My char pic for Kei is gonna be Anna Kournikova.....

Update for Alana Promotional picture from the up coming Movie Underworld now taken......

Sean Piett
May 11th, 2003, 05:52:08 PM
Lord Folken - Escaflowne

May 11th, 2003, 06:13:43 PM
Kariss - Nina Moric

May 11th, 2003, 06:16:29 PM
Jeri Ryan is used for Redeemer.


Lord Soth
May 11th, 2003, 07:01:10 PM
Soth Nuevole/ Nottingham & Darkness from "Top Cow Comic's"

Thayin Nuevole/ "The Mummy" I & II

Sliff the Sneak/ Frodo/ "LOTR" and future pic's of this Character

Juju Fett/ Jango Fett/ "SW Attack of the Clones"

Evangileen Starbreeze/ Luis Royo

Pandora Damaris/ *Used by Shrine Council/ Jennifer Lopez,"The Cell"

"Jonny Depp/Orlando Bloom" pic's from the up comming movie..."Pirates of the Caribbean"

imported_Ambrose Braeden
May 11th, 2003, 07:26:48 PM
Ambrose Braeden-brad pitt from interview with the vampire/Killian from Fathom comics, all pics/ Exar Kun, only 2 pics.

Eldorack-Mel gibson from road warrior, lethal weapon 2, ransom

Raymious-Clone of luke skywalker from the star wars comics

Lord Vali
May 11th, 2003, 08:36:15 PM
Silus Xilarian ----------Cole Hauser
Kaya Xilarian ----------Julia Stiles
Darren Caerdeth -----Benicio Del Toro
Naj Arilov---------------Janos Audron (LoK)
Fel Tarkenton ---------Richard Lewis
Vincent D'eshann-----Billy Bob Thorton
Mer Kunnon------------Chris Tucker
Reginald Hastings-----Vinnie Jones
Eric Vance---------------Vince Vaughn

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 11th, 2003, 10:10:34 PM
Lok s'Ilancy -- Peta Wilson
Kyryanu Nerrot-s'Ilancy -- Shirley Manson, lead singer of Garbage
Fenra s'Ilancy -- Claire Danes
Dharkharon s'Ilancy -- Alan Rickman
Nyah Torins -- Rhada Mitchell
Rhisa Meier -- Lori Petty
Gabriel Hyde -- Sam Niell
Yuri Moroketh -- Sarriss from Galaxy Quest
Jhyx -- Daxter
Roman Teeg -- Casper Van Dien
Nzambi -- Natasha Henstridge
Tai Maki Ori -- Kida from Atlantis
Fa'Rawn Lin -- Lacey Chabert
Arrukaa Deynarrusaa-- Aeon Flux
Morgan La Fonte -- Fairuza Balk

updated for now

Sage Hazzard
May 12th, 2003, 12:49:54 AM
Sage Hazzard - Tom Welling (all pics)
Syrius Cline - James Marsters (all pics, open to negotiation)
Vice Hazzard - Jack White (all pics)
Avolon Bisel - Ben Affleck (all pics, open to negotiation)
Kanon Krowe - Billy Zane (all pics, open to negotiation)
Jacen Himes - Deadpool (Oddball and me have it worked out, all pics)
Jesse Custer - Jesse Custer (Preacher Comic, all pics)
Chewnakka (Chewbacca, though use him if you want)
Max - Gold Astromech (Any R2-D2 pics doctored to make the blue into yellow/gold)
Mercery Oracle - Jason Lee (all pics)

May 12th, 2003, 06:03:05 AM
I use myself for this account.
Aspen Matthews from Fathom for Eve (thanks Hera)
Halle Berry for Eos Unari

May 12th, 2003, 10:40:09 AM
I got:
Satine--Tidus from Final Fantasy X and also using Shuyin from Final Fantasy X-2 (they look so much alike! :))

Pierce Tondry
May 12th, 2003, 11:29:51 AM
Pierce Tondry - Sean Patrick Flanery
Evil Hobgoblin - Adaptations of Spike from the movie Gremlins
Rigel Bismarck - Dominic Keating

Peter McCoy
May 12th, 2003, 02:02:18 PM
Update: December 9th, 2003

Taro Idol/Hugh Millitie - Marilyn Manson
Garrett Blade/Tel'Mah - John Lithgow, Malkavian vampire from White Wolf
Kal Jericho - Val Kilmer
Caine Korhal - Lance Henriksen
Nicholai Korhal - John Malkovich

May 12th, 2003, 02:46:27 PM
Gav: Stuart Townsend from "Queen of the Damned"

Young - Daniel Radcliffe from "Harry Potter"
Teen - Jake Gyllenhaal
Adult - Edward Norton

Janus Versa - Edited version of Jango Fett

Val Torre - Tom Cruise from "Minority Report"

Sol Blake - Josh Hartnett from "Black Hawk Down"

Hermes Spearman - Jonathan Price from "Tomorrow Never Dies"

Levi Argon - Hugh Jackman from "X-Men"

Jag Demarr - The Undertaker from WWE

Zadok Hans-Millard - Alan Rickman from "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"

Proctor Saggio - Chazz Palminteri

Hermes Eversor - Tom Felton from the Harry Potter films.

And for this account: Malcolm MacDowell from "A Clockwork Orange"

Nick Stahl is pwned.

May 12th, 2003, 03:54:52 PM
ReaperFett: Dougray Scott
Kam Dapp: James Marsden
Senator Vobb: Chevy Chase
Clay Streck: James Woods
Wagner: Dr Doom

May 12th, 2003, 03:57:34 PM
Oddball - Deadpool (Jacen Himes and me have it worked out, all pics)
Niklos Thorson (Oddball) - Eric Bana, Hank Pym (Ultimates), Captain Cold.


Lion El' Jonson
May 12th, 2003, 05:46:33 PM
Lion El' Jonson- Dark Prince Arthas from Warcraft III

Rhayne- Naru from Love Hina

Mu Satach
May 12th, 2003, 06:00:33 PM
<--- Yancy Butler

Laric Nworb
May 12th, 2003, 07:23:36 PM
Laric Nworb and Xau Ghin- both Iceman from X-Men
Southstar- Dez from Coal Chamber
Janus Riddyl- Angel from X-Men

May 12th, 2003, 10:04:31 PM
Rage - Andrea Corr

I had posted before about claiming Mark Dacascos outside of the Crow tv series and Brotherhood of the Wolf, but it got deleted.

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 12th, 2003, 11:16:35 PM

Dyzm: Some video game charachter, eh

Zakatiel: (Sieg) Lead hero from video game Chaos Legion

Sylos'delka: Male Blood Elves from Warcraft games

Vardlokkur: Any bald, bluish people with red eyes that look evil while standing in front of a crypt.

Others: (Sam and Max) (Lead Charachter in new PS2 version of Castlevania)

Updated: Demon Elf from WarCraft: The Frozen Throne

My one post.

Telan Desaria
May 13th, 2003, 04:16:35 PM
Grand Admiral Desaria - Neil Patrick Harris until I scan a picture of myself in uniform

Sarin Vorrann - Erwin Rommel

May 13th, 2003, 05:03:53 PM
Sasha Kovalev/Alexander Millard - Younger Sergei Fedorov (NHL - Red Wings) and Fedor Fedorov (Fed's younger bro)
Maxim Vasilijev - Jose Theodore (NHL - Montreal)
Kolarik - Ashton Kutcher (that 70's show/Dude Where's my Car)
Alexei Nabokov - older Sergei Fedorov
Tyler Younger - Will McCormack (American Outlaws)
Sebastian Kvasha - some guy my gf thought was hot from some ad

May 15th, 2003, 02:14:58 AM
Helios - Twins from the Matrix
Aegis Du' Caat - Solidus Snake
Ka' el Darcverse - Anakin Skywalker
Vaine - Akuma
Invictus - Tyr from Starship Andromeda
Silex Invictus - Joaquin Phoneix
Character Pending - Seraph: Matrix Reloaded

Seteth Morters
May 15th, 2003, 08:32:34 AM
Seteth Morters - Corey Taylor [stone sour - pics of him with mask on are still up for grabs]

Malakhi - Dani Davey [cradle of filth]

Skallos - currently Dante Rosetti's "Flaming June"

Helenias Evenstar
May 19th, 2003, 06:04:07 AM
Arwen (Helenias Evenstar) and Sauron (Venom), LOTR.

Chaos Alexander
May 19th, 2003, 10:26:30 PM
Verse Dawnstrider- Terry Bolgard (s/p) from Final Fight, Druid from Diablo 2

Chaos Alexander- Orphan, Yugo from Bloody Roar 2 on Up

Side Note: PM me if any of you Have any RL Ideas to use from my Chars. I was thinkin' on using Josh Hartnett, but he is taken now so I am all ears, thank you.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
May 19th, 2003, 10:29:13 PM
Daiquiri - Royo art/ Monica Potter

Denali Gue - Pamela Anderson

Brielle Acaana - Charlize Theron

Nasseeri Halleerraa - Une from Gundam Wing

Also, Id like to claim Julianne Moore and Howie Long

June (Friday the 13th :uhoh)

Id like to add Monica Potter to my list and Mr. Potato Head

.......also Josh Lucas.

(August 20th)

I didnt see that anyone had Charlize Theron (I did a search) so Im going to switch her for Emanuelle Seigner for my Watch char.

I also just mud wrestled Jenny for Drew Barrymore....and I won! :)

I ran a check (hope I did it right) and didnt find where the Olsen twins (Mary Kate and Ashley) were taken. I hereby claim them :)

Mona Sax from Max Payne 2

A new addition.....'Blue Mary' from one of the fight games (cant remember which) (12/13/03)

Mitara Sinar
May 21st, 2003, 04:56:59 PM
I Have Miss Granger from "Harry Potter"

Kyle Krogen
May 23rd, 2003, 04:15:42 PM
Tony Maxwell: Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh (TV)

Jezreal Darkshard: Mai from Golden Sun Game (GBA)

Zereth Lancer: Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden (X-BOX)

Kyle Krogen: Isaac from golden sun (GBA)

Cypher: MagaMan from Megaman network 3 (GBA)

Ragnarok: Sith Trooper from KOTOR (X-box)

Kane: Gollom/Smeagol from LOTR Trilogy (Movie)

Jassuuvi Ageerrodarr: KOTOR Artwork (X-box)

-Pics I stake a claim on- (I may drop a few)

Santaros (SP) and Felix from Golden Sun (GBA)

Noa Kaiba from Yu-Gi-0h (TV)

May 23rd, 2003, 10:09:00 PM
Fiend- Raistlin, Sydney from Vagrant Story, and LeGato from Trigun

Dios Kane- Xion from BR:PR, Lee from TK4

Isaac Paine- Auron from FFX

Odin Murk- Lizard from Soul Calibur

Valirion Thorn- Garuda from SF, random artwork

I do note that someone else said "by May 23" or something like that for Auron but I"ve had him for quite sometime now with Isaac :D

Siamano Wulve
May 29th, 2003, 09:51:05 AM
Betterman from Betterman Lamia

Adjerban the Interloper
Jun 1st, 2003, 10:24:55 PM
Luse of Poison Elves fame.

Reese Vortex
Jun 4th, 2003, 09:04:31 PM
Giselle Villard of 'Mystic' comic series or Brooke Langton.

Adriana Nakita
Jun 9th, 2003, 05:23:02 AM
Adriana Nakita- Jennifer Garner

Edit: I don't mind Taja as long as Neyasha doesn't mind, I don't like her with the red hair, personally, no offense

Faith Lerf - Jessica Simpson

Lady Mylia: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Jun 10th, 2003, 11:07:19 AM
Hi, I'm new here but I was told to post my pic choice here for my character. Its Jessica Alba. :)

If Shania Twain isn't taken, I'd like to reserve her for another character I have in mind.

imported_Taja Loraan
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:28:22 PM
Originally posted by Adriana Nakita
Adriana Nakita- Jennifer Garner

Meep. o.o; I kinda sorta just changed my avatar to Jennifer Garner from Alias, but just that picture (the one in my av), with the red hair... is that okay?

Other than that...

Taja Loraan ~ Talena Atfield, Lauren Lee Smith
Surpanakha ~ some dark faery thing
Torriana Marx ~ Rose McGowan
Soraya Taveres ~ Ana Beatriz Barros

Vittorio di Nocturne ~ Larva (Vampyre Princess Miyu)
Matt Eisen ~ Tripp Eisen

Sakoya Myst ~ Emma Watson (non-Harry Potter)

Abagael Zellan
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:31:22 PM
Woops...I got Jennifer Aniston :)

Finrod Ar-Feiniel
Jun 10th, 2003, 02:33:29 PM
<<<<<<<<<< This kid is also taken.


I have no clue who he is.

Jun 12th, 2003, 12:49:57 PM
Hi, my name is Moltar, and so is this picture that I am using.

Same thing with Pilot Akito

As for Firebird... Well, I'll leave that one for later.

Lady Uranus
Jun 12th, 2003, 01:50:27 PM
Sammi Cheng

Suzukai Seitou
Jun 20th, 2003, 12:15:58 AM
Suzukai Seitou: David Beckham

General Xaetrix
Jun 22nd, 2003, 04:00:50 AM
General Xaetrix = "DarkWillow" -Alyson Hannigan

Thomas Drake
Jun 22nd, 2003, 06:58:11 AM
Thomas Drake - Seann William Scott, all visages.

Ace McCloud
Jun 23rd, 2003, 09:08:50 AM
Vhiran Crescent I am Kyle Reese from The Terminator

Jun 27th, 2003, 11:28:19 PM
Beyonce Knowles of Destiny's Child is now taken. :D

Gyon Banex
Jun 30th, 2003, 10:51:09 AM
Ghost from Matrix Reloaded, Enter the Matrix and Matrix Revolutions (maybe?) is now taken.

Jun 30th, 2003, 09:45:32 PM
Jason Fox from Foxtrot as Hart, and this girl as Dove

Jul 1st, 2003, 06:36:36 PM
Kanji - draconian art by Dark Natasha, image (c) to DN, Using with strict permission. "Vincent" of Silent Hill 3 as human shape.

Chris Raynark - Colin Farrell - S.W.A.T Premire

Eli Krestoff - Peirce Brosnan from his 007 roles.

Dorian Gray
Jul 3rd, 2003, 09:04:15 AM
Laying claim to Robbie Williams now. :D

Kitty McQuade
Jul 5th, 2003, 09:26:33 AM
This is now my official character data post. Mods please delete all previous posts.

Claudia Black ... Soolin Anjhurin (Judith Vittet = Young Soolin)
Blix from Legend ... (a minion of chaos in service to Niamh & Donovan. Un-named. Future RP's only)
Jacqueline Collen ... (un-named)
Gigi Edgley ... Tirsa Krylana
Sam Healy ... Dathomir Witch
Jennifer Love Hewitt ... Ondine
Hudson Leick ... Sorsha Kasajian (Rebecca Kopacka=Young Sorsha)
Mimiru from .hack//sign ... Katlin
Kylie Minogue ... Niamh, daughter of Dasquian & Sorsha (Future RP's only)
Olivia Newton-John ... Magda
Mia Sara ... Vicet
Mira Sorvino ... Dameia Gallagher, Coruscant City Watch
Patricia Tallman ... Jhena Belitski, a Pilot/Mercanary
Marisa Tomei ... Indigo
Julia Volkova ... Tegan

Special NPC's (STORY-TELLING FORUM ONLY, meaning these characters exist only in flashbacks & closed storylines. They will never be encountered by other players on SWFans.)

Aughra from the Dark Crystal ... a Jedi Master of Soolin's Clan (un-named)
Christopher Lambert ... a Jedi Master of Soolin's Clan (un-named)
Peter Wingfield ... Roh, Soolin's Brother
Noah Hathaway ... Soolin's Padawan (un-named)
Jason Carter ... a Jedi Knight of Soolin's Clan (un-named)
Renee O'Connor ... a Jedi Knight of Soolin's Clan (un-named)
Mark Ryan ... a Jedi Knight of Soolin's Clan (un-named)

Bruce Payne ... Khordas, a Sith Master
Valentine Pelka ... Draegen, a Sith Lord
Clancy Brown ... Gault, a Sith Knight
Marcus Testory ... Sith Knight

Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa ... Chono
John Lone ... Garuda
Donnie Yen ... Horobi

Tom Baker ... Malak

UPDATE - Turning Lacey Chabert over to S'Ilancy by request.

Damien Steele
Jul 7th, 2003, 12:56:39 PM
I'm using Benji from Good Charlotte

Straffe Stormrider
Jul 8th, 2003, 09:05:34 AM
Trunks from Dragonball Z and GT

Satarel Castillon
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:27:01 AM
Adrian Paul for my char.

Radzyn Boomtown
Jul 10th, 2003, 03:29:37 AM
Mark Whalberg :D

Sene Unty
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:03:55 PM
I am using Olivier Martinez from Unfaithful....

Je'gan Olra'en
Jul 10th, 2003, 07:12:38 PM
Je'gan and Baracc Olra'en - Christopher Gorham
Gash- Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid
Minion Alghieri - Some Uruk-Hai or other

Eris Alexiel
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:11:12 PM
not sure if she's taken as of yet, if not, I claim Keira Knightley from Pirates for this nic.....

Vishalla Daoked
Jul 10th, 2003, 09:37:10 PM
Okay, I'm laying claim to pictures of Acorna from the fronts of novels by Anne McCaffrey. The pictures are edited slightly so if anybody wants to use the unedited pictures, please pass it by me first.

Jul 10th, 2003, 09:52:12 PM
Here we go...

I have been using almost all of these images for years now without issues really, but I should probably go ahead and post them here so that its official, and frankly, if someone else in this thread has already claimed them, too bad, because I may not post much, but every one of these images has been in use by me for longer than this thread has existed, and for more than one year, some of them more than three years.

I don't know all the names and some don't even have them, so here are the images I use and their likenesses are contained within each.


<img src=http://www.meras.org/cgi-bin/ogresig.pl>


<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/ogre/sshop/kashalla.jpg>


<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/ogre/sshop/eldrak.jpg>

Marc Tarkin:

<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/ogre/sshop/marc4.jpg>

Trace Sha:

<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/ogre/sshop/trace5.jpg>

Endo Freedoo:

<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/ogre/sshop/Endosig.jpg>

Commander Vanicus:

<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/ogre/sshop/vanicus1.jpg>


<img src=http://panic.hopto.org/swf/ogre/sshop/DJLS.jpg>

These are by no means all of my characters (like I would tell anyone all of them :p and this post would go on for days if I did), but these are the ones I care about the images for.

Anthony Scott
Jul 12th, 2003, 04:54:38 PM
I searched the forums to see if anyone was using a certain person, so that is why I am posting my claim of him here:

Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Caribbean -- because even though others may be using Depp, he doesn't look like himself in this movie.

He is mine, my own, my preciousssssss....... :D

Jul 13th, 2003, 12:33:50 AM
Patrick - my own pic.
I am also reserving Rob Zombie :).

Senator Kensington
Jul 15th, 2003, 10:29:12 AM
Senator Kensington - Geoffrey Bible

Sohei - Ninjas on Fire Logo

Alexi Hesith
Jul 15th, 2003, 11:22:21 AM
John Spencer as Leo McGarry in the West Wing

Jul 16th, 2003, 10:47:55 AM
Decided to hop back in this game...been out for awhile.

Callista - Denise Richards
Aurora Keaira - Femke Janssen
Lenore - Virginie Ledoyen

The Grammar Nazi
Jul 17th, 2003, 04:27:32 PM
I'll be using Bob the Angry Flower, you idiots. *scowl*

River Kincaid
Jul 20th, 2003, 03:13:33 PM
River Kincaid- Heath Ledger from Roar
Ry-Obi - David Gallagher from 7th Heaven
Hunter-Skye something from Mel Gibson's The Patriot

All taken now, thanks

imported_Jacali Danner
Jul 20th, 2003, 04:31:30 PM
Jacali Danner-Jennifer Finnegan
Quay'Na Rakai-Bobbie Eakes
Yasmin Le'Kray-Bobbie Eakes

Cordell Le'Kray-Jeremy Irons

Kes'la Bardo-Alicia Witt

Brat pack-Spice girls

Jerib Rakai-Hector Elizondo

Aramis Rakai-Bill Pullman

Jescenia Rakai- Mean old granny from 'Flowers in the Attic'

Rikki Van-Warren-Yuna off of Final Fantasy 10

Madame-Catherine Zeta-Jones

A'jorrah- Ali Landry

Angelina Kincaid-Elizabeth Shue

Dr. Hayden Radnor- Greg Vaughan

Dan-Luke Cortez- Fabio

Kelli Rakai-Wife from while you were sleeping with Bill Pullman

Cheyanne Rakai-Anne Hathaway

Grey Carver-Unknown

All taken....


All chars of The Dark Crystal----mine!!!

Vysten Ambre
Jul 24th, 2003, 11:18:46 PM
Laura Prepon from That 70s Show and other stuff is now taken.

Jul 29th, 2003, 05:17:51 PM
Updated list again:

Videl: Iria of the Zeriam animation

Sorreessa: Natsuki of Hyper Police

Hinata: Urumi Kanzaki of GTO

Eris Alexiel: Charisma Carpenter and Keira Knightly, not movie pics

Motssumi: Oni and Urd of Ah! My Goddess!

Renesa Senaria: Hinoto of X1999

Sonzai Kurai: Ceras Victoria of Hellsing

Raven Ryu: Adrienne Wilkinson(Eve/Livia of Xena)

K'uei Ketsu
Jul 30th, 2003, 10:17:26 AM
Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park

Ryan Pode
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:21:16 AM
Mister Pode will be using Aidan Gillen (Queer as Folk and Shanghai Knights) as well as Saito Hajime from Rurouni Kenshin.

Mister Lebron will be using Kevin Spacey from the Usual Suspects.

Dyrdre Lo
Jul 31st, 2003, 12:30:48 AM
Small change: Shuro from Ayashi no Ceres.

Azhure Darkstone
Aug 2nd, 2003, 10:44:16 PM
Ricky Martin, Zack from Dark Angel and Nicole Kidman are taken.

Azhure - Catherine Zeta Jones
Nieheine - Dawn (comic book)

Wylde Krymsin
Aug 4th, 2003, 05:50:30 PM
k, let's try this again. Switching from Bif Naked to Pink...

Aug 6th, 2003, 01:37:07 AM
Omen-The Unknowns from Deep Dive and Kingdom Hearts 2

Katina Van-Derveld
Aug 6th, 2003, 01:42:07 AM
I don't think I've already posted in here, but feel free to delete my post if I have.

I'm using pictures of both Katchoo from the comicbook Strangers in Paradise and Mini-May from the anime/manga Gunsmith Cats.

Jade Doment
Aug 6th, 2003, 08:28:17 PM
For Jade, I use these pics:

Stephanie McMahon-WWE SmackDown's General Manager
Trish Stratus-WWE Raw's Superstar/WWE Diva
Britney Spears-Pop Singer
Rose McGowan-Scream?, Jawbreaker, etc.

Am in the process of making a rotating sig with all 4 of them in it, so no one claim them, oky.

Also gonna use black pather pics, but I wont lay calim to certain ones, since its only a black panther.

Aug 7th, 2003, 11:18:12 PM

I got Auron from FFX, for my sig soon.

<----- And as you can tell. Any Ghostbusters.

Kelt Simoson
Aug 8th, 2003, 05:18:16 AM
This is my main List, please delete all others :)

Update: 3rd March 2004

Kelt Simoson (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1669) - Faramir, LOTR, TTT, ROTK - David Whenem

Reign 'Stratus' Ta'Orn ( - Cloud - Final Fantasy: Advent Children only, all other Cloud pics belong to Lance Stormrider

Leon Dagrelle, Commodore ( - Kevin Spacey

Sieken Kasstra ( - Jude Law

Sean Troy ( - Sam Fisher - Splinter Cell 1 and 2

Zachariah Darmok ( Severus Snape - Harry Potter Movies

Sam Corbett ( - Bruise Willis

Javier Enfer ( - Gary Oldman - Vamp, MGS2 - Sirius Black HP POA -

Ali Storm
Aug 9th, 2003, 11:30:23 AM
Edit- N/m about Amy Acker, tis the other female main char. of Sudeki.

General Tohmahawk
Aug 13th, 2003, 04:34:24 AM
Never made formal claims, now will do so for not so obvious characters. Obvious characters shouldnt need spelling out.

FMH - Using certain pictures of The Punisher, with permission of Sejah

Tohmahawk - Reverting back to Clint Eastwood from Pale Rider.

Chee - The Keymaker, Matrix Reloaded

Turbogeek - Some actor from Trainsspotting. Plays Bugbey or something.

Janitor - Vash the Stampede

Undefined character - Rose from Titanic aka Kate Winslett

Jarek T'chort
Aug 13th, 2003, 09:48:01 AM
Jarek Tchort = Robert Patrick
Admiral Hagen = Robert Duvall from the Godfather only
Luchs Fallder = Tom Skerritt
Danny = Edward Furlong in American History X
Stevin Lin = P. Exeter Blue of Deadsy
Hugo Masc = a green life cast of Drake from Aliens

Korbin Magikan
Aug 14th, 2003, 02:32:40 AM
Kevin Smith is being used

Aug 14th, 2003, 10:38:49 AM
:rolleyes changing Ice/Vampyre Dante to Geoff Tate

Aug 15th, 2003, 01:36:23 AM
*Points to his avtar.* :p

Ardath Bey
Aug 19th, 2003, 07:09:33 PM

Kharis: Mirko 'Cro-Cop' Filipovic (with some Fujita blood for effect. Heh.). Darksider possibly Sith.

Ardath Bey: Leatherface 1974

Nayala Palain
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:22:01 PM
I didnt see it taken But I also need to redo her sig...

Magdalena from the Darkness comics and Magdalena comics

Paegxis Pragmaa
Aug 30th, 2003, 10:25:33 PM
Xianghua, from Soul Calibur

Elise Wolfe
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:25:46 PM
Catherine Zeta-Jones (as Velma Kelly) from Chicago (I've talked with Azhure and I have her permission to use Catherine Zeta-Jones)

Asimov Savin
Sep 2nd, 2003, 06:30:11 PM
I got Kilik from Soul Calibur

Sep 3rd, 2003, 11:57:59 AM
Okay, I KNOW I should only have one post but......

Any screen names in <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31583>THIS THREAD</a> their images are now open except for these ones.

Brad Evans of Wild Arms (the only one who is actually listed, it's for an NPC), Rei of Breath of Fire 3 (NPC for Aki), Satsuki of X1999, Choko of Arc the Lad, Kenny of Beyblade, and Mara of Ah! My Goddess.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:24:44 AM
Yeah I am late but...

Rhianna Ravenloft - Heather Graham from From Hell I don't care if any one uses Heather as long as its from a different movie.

Lucidique - Some redhead posted as her current avatar. She isn't being used so I lay claim.

Razielle Shadana - Mia Kirshner from The Crow -City of Angels and other random Mia pics. & the chick from The Coven comic. Her name is either Colette or Fantom, but either way she is MINE!!!

Oh and for my sister who is lazy,

Jezebella Shadana - Oblivia is her comic chick and I think she has claimed Jen from the game Primal

Ishmel Rykov
Sep 6th, 2003, 07:30:21 PM
Alucard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Jezebella Shadana
Sep 9th, 2003, 03:20:19 PM
I have Sarah Brightman as well.

Jhoram Hyde
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:11:46 PM
Jhoram Hyde: The official theatrical '32 movieposter of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde directed by Rouben Mamoulian.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:08:35 PM
Please do not use the following:

Ryla: Norah Jones (any album cover/publicity/other incarnation)
Saccharine Jones: Judy Strangis as Dyna-Girl... not that there's much of a waiting list for her, mind you.

Thank you, and good night

Jolene Blalock (Otherwise known as Fett's Girlfriend) is taken. :)

Luo Vasst
Sep 17th, 2003, 09:37:26 PM
Dr. Eggman has been taken. I use the Sonic Adventure version, but if I can get some pics of Eggman from the Sonic the Hedgehog anime movie, I'll be using those too.

Sep 19th, 2003, 07:44:42 AM
Yeah, I'm using Drew Fuller as an avatar.
(and a drawing for my sig)

Jaina Tarvin
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:58:10 PM
I'm using Chyler Leigh.

I tried to consolidate but I just can't find my origonal post?
A little help maybe?

Sep 21st, 2003, 10:51:52 AM
Methuen von Karstein = Shane Brolly (kraven, underworld)

Archduke Laetto von Karstein = Bill Nighy (Viktor, Underworld)

Jaina tarvin = Chyler Leight (not another teen movie)

Codru-Ji = Drew fuller

Djinn = Criss angel

Lelden = Mark Wahlberg

Kaleb Naidel = Daniel Cudmore (colossus, X men 2)

Darth Screech
Sep 21st, 2003, 05:15:52 PM
Dustin Diamond :crack

Leten Snat
Sep 22nd, 2003, 05:37:02 PM
Michael Welch

imported_Darriann Sollak
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:05:38 PM
Darriann Sollak - Dash Rendar from Shadows of the Empire

Demek Jast - Duro from ANH

Rakkel Thunderwing - Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur 2

Travis North - Baron Soontir Fel from an EU comic by Dark Horse I think

Senator Jakenn Aursoni - Brian O'Halloran, aka Dante

L'Vek Darkivven - Jack Slate from Dead to Rights

Miryan no Trunks
Sep 23rd, 2003, 01:11:57 PM
My own art for MnT

Hive Guardian (H.R. Giger's fanart section) for Sl Enoth

Beramode, Diene, and Natalie from War of Genesis 3: Part 2, for Hina Amaterasu


Kolya Van-Metzger
Sep 26th, 2003, 02:48:18 PM
Andrew WK at the moment at least. If I change my mind, I'll warn you.

Tercia Atroce
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:43:56 AM
Some art by someone called malloreigh, and a model called Carolina photographed by Lostgirl. Both were found on deviantart.

Akamu Lucas
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:56:38 PM
Jack (or the Main Dude) of EVERY, and I do mean every, Harvest Moon game.

Galak Neeus
Sep 29th, 2003, 01:31:28 PM
Jim Carrey as the Riddler, but ONLY as the Riddler.

Master Yoghurt
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:15:20 PM
Yoghurt - Yoda
Admiral Ackbar.. as Admiral Ackbar (:rolleyes)

Taylor Millard
Sep 30th, 2003, 11:23:02 AM
Aurelias Kazaar- Michael Madsen

Taylor Millard- Anthony Hopkins

Maester Wargrave- Cerrunous from 'Dawn', Anthony Hopkins, and Kenneth Branaugh

Cyrus Haman- Joe Pantaliono from the Matrix.

Tomar- Jurgen Pronchow

Ned Stark- Hawk from Wing Commander

Elessar Stavit- Robert Russler

Tamara Freisen- Andrea Thompson

Iago Kent- Sean Bean

Lawrence Trent Millard- Jay Mohr, Geraint Wyn Davies

Vera Ravencourt-Millard- Rachel Leigh Cook

Boba Fett- Boba Fett (although Jango Fett pics are fine)

Tyrel Kiterix- Robert Redford

Monica Bellucci- Jaranda Piett-Tomar

Morewind- Walter Koenig

Michael Carlisle- Michael O'Hare

Duncan Wallace- Jerry Doyle from B-5

Dr. Henry Ignitio- Richard Biggs from B-5

Robbie Gee from Snatch and Underworld

TK-632- Stormtrooper and Kiefer Sutherland from '24'

Dominik Korvinus
Oct 5th, 2003, 09:08:05 PM
Brian Krause from Charmed is claimed. :)

Oct 5th, 2003, 11:18:23 PM

Ezra - Antonio Banderas - Deperado

Quinlin Torr - Shane West from LXG

Epona Rhi - Holly Marie Combs - Charmed

Katya Sabutai - Bridget Fonda - Point of no return

Taz Finch - D.J. Qualls

Izabell - Penelope Cruz

Gideon Kell - Russell Wong (any)

Alexi Darkmere - Alexa Vega (Spy kids)

Travis Fimmel from Tarzan is being taken for use :D

Ahhh thank you :D


Kierin Kuan - Kelly Hu

Mao-yin Kuan - Michelle Yeoh

Bastian Avante - Ralph Fiennes

Asher Torr - Anthony Geary

Taylor Millard
Oct 8th, 2003, 11:05:29 AM
Reposted so everyone will remember

The rules for this thread: There will only be one post per account. Preferably, it should be one post per person, but some people may not wish to divulge every characer they play. If you have any updates you need to make, edit your original post in this thread; Do not make a new post.

I have taken the liberty of editing several people's posts. If you feel they need to be changed, feel free to edit them again yourself.

Aside from this post, there is to be no discussion in this thread. It's simply "I am using this person for this character". If you need to speak with someone regarding a character pic, please PM them.

The rules are to try and keep this thread as concise and easy to navigate as possible.

From now on, all picture claims are to be done in this thread. Any new threads of such nature will be deleted. Having everything in one thread means that more people will see your post, regardless.

Remember: If you're trying to see if someone is using a specific person, the search feature works wonders.

Likewise, if this thread has fallen off of the first page and you cannot locate it, simply search for "Character Database" and you should have no trouble finding it.

Thanks for your cooperation,
the staff

Oct 11th, 2003, 04:27:19 PM
Sakura of Naruto and Nancy Makuhari/Miss Deep of Read or Die.

oh and can someone PLEASE delete my other posts?

Kaytor Surna
Oct 12th, 2003, 02:23:08 PM
OK here goes.

Kaytor Surna: See avatar. Girl that plays Joan in Joan of Ark (forgot her name)

Jana Silthron: Alexiel from Angel Sanctuary

Shina from Bloody Roar is taken

Alexia Kohaku: Erika from Underworld

Simene Dawnstrider: Female human blond from FFXI

I think that is it. I know I have a bunch of other but I forget them right now cause I dont play them often.

Ice War'Ning
Oct 18th, 2003, 12:35:11 PM
I'm using Zhang Ziyi from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.

Oct 22nd, 2003, 05:00:33 PM
Admin Post:

Here is a quick link to the text based version of this thread for easier thread searching.

Character Database - Text/HTML Style Format (archive/topic/29313-1.html)

Oct 25th, 2003, 04:44:13 PM
Ulric von Bek / Elric of Melniboné

Oct 30th, 2003, 01:22:33 PM
Using the new Sephy from Final Fantasy VII : Advent children. with some minor editing.:rollin :rollin :rollin

Davnon Starr
Nov 14th, 2003, 05:45:45 PM
Alright, I've said this one and I'll say it again. Here are the actresses/actors/characters I'm using.

Zatania-Alyssia Milano
Lorenzo-Dunno the kids name but he's one of the twins from 7th Heaven
Davnon-Jack from Wild ARMS

I used to have other characters but I let them drop. The reason why I reposted everything was cuz I saw someone a while ago use one of my celebs without asking my permission, but by that time I had dropped the character anyways. So that one time I didn't care but at least I've updated and now I can say "Don't copy meeeeee!" :p

imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 16th, 2003, 02:33:43 PM
Natia Elessar- Polgara the Sorceress and Damia, Rogue from X-men (movie)
Marga Alton-
Shandri La- A Terry Brookes novel and Being a Green Mother
Chelsea La- Highland Fling
Vista Alor- Naomi Wildman from Star Trek Voyager.

I'm also claiming Carrie-Anne Moss

Nov 24th, 2003, 01:12:42 AM
Dingo and Jehuty from Zone of Enders 2

Umeko Fangorn
Nov 24th, 2003, 08:12:07 AM
Choko of the Arc the Lad Series.

Ida Knoe
Nov 25th, 2003, 11:07:42 AM
I clame Skye McCole Bartusiak from Firestarter 2: Rekindled (2002) and Don't Say a Word (2001)

Lorani T'sava
Nov 25th, 2003, 01:22:06 PM
I'm claiming Emily Browning

Nov 30th, 2003, 02:48:18 PM
I've got:-

Gray -> Christian Bale

Van-> Benjamin McKenzie (Ryan, "The O.C.")

Dec 9th, 2003, 11:12:03 AM
Maria Grazia Cucinotta

imported_Ashe Sieris
Dec 20th, 2003, 11:16:02 PM
I claim Ashe from FFXII! (Gets it out before FFXII gets to be well known)

Jade Doment
Dec 21st, 2003, 07:17:52 PM
If no one has Shakira yet, Im claiming her for Jade.

Tis Dark Emerald Jade, btw.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Dec 21st, 2003, 08:26:47 PM
Originally posted by Jade Doment
If no one has Shakira yet, Im claiming her for Jade.

Tis Dark Emerald Jade, btw.

one of the Darkstriders has her, Jadey....

Danya Van Derveld
Dec 22nd, 2003, 10:48:36 AM
Sorry Jadey, I have her. *Hugz*

Dec 23rd, 2003, 02:04:01 PM
....Female Job Classes from Final Fantasy Tactics. All of them.

Slayn Cloak
Dec 27th, 2003, 02:21:45 AM
I have always used Kawrou nagisa for this acount; I've also used other neon genisis pics for other accounts.

rei ayanami

shinji ikari

Kiranna Sunrider
Dec 27th, 2003, 02:46:13 AM
I'm using Diana Meyer from Birds of Prey and any other time she has red hair.

Jark Folem
Dec 28th, 2003, 08:46:44 PM
Thomas Jane.

Jaiden Starslinger
Jan 2nd, 2004, 02:25:04 PM
My character is based on Beth Toussaint from her appearence in Star Trek: TNG. I'll be drawing my avatar though, so I'm not laying any real claim on her.

Xyver Khale
Jan 3rd, 2004, 05:59:51 PM
Gary Numan, claimed for Xyver.

Morlun from the Spiderman comics and Rudolph Martin, claimed for Xanatos.

Dante Imoralia
Jan 4th, 2004, 05:23:30 PM
k, I searched over and over, laying claim to Willem Dafoe for a future CHR. If you have him, please pm me and let me know. :D

Darth Viscera
Jan 7th, 2004, 01:24:11 PM
I've just ctrl-f'ed through the thread searching for "noble" and "denethor", and didn't find anything, so...

I claim Denethor (Return of the King, John Noble) for Darth Viscera.
This guy: http://www.lordoftherings.net/legend/gallery/images/rotk/image8.jpg

Demented old Kingly figures and DV are one and the same.

Kria'thn Ki
Jan 9th, 2004, 03:13:27 PM
Claiming the 'Spider Monkey Monster' - (Spykids2)

For the character Kria'thn Ki

Leon Dagrelle
Jan 14th, 2004, 06:50:03 PM
Kevin Spacey is now taken :)

Jan 14th, 2004, 09:34:54 PM
Well, I got the Pale Rider version of Clint Eastwood for Ezekiel Frost, Colossus for Draken Chakara, Adam Warlock for Artemis Ventrai, Mr. Hand from Dark City as Mr. Dust, and Poet from Rising Stars for Akrabbim.

Bari Wedoru
Jan 16th, 2004, 10:11:20 PM
Nicholas D. Wolfwood is reserved now, Thankya I luvya goodbye!

Jan 16th, 2004, 10:43:48 PM
Master Chief from Halo 1 and 2 is now taken.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 1st, 2004, 10:44:51 AM
Elric the Eternal Warrior is for all my Vampyre Dalamar character


Frank Frazzeta's Death Dealer for Tiberious Kinslayer, Golden eyes is the actor from highlander, Christopher Lambert.

Thats it hola

Feb 2nd, 2004, 11:09:30 AM
Trent from Freelancer by Microsoft Games. TAKEN!


Tiberius Anar
Feb 8th, 2004, 01:05:20 PM
Ian Richardson is now taken.

Johnny Spade
Feb 10th, 2004, 03:37:48 PM
Kack Mebuff - (custom art)
Core Mebuff - Mandalorian Warrior (from Bounty Hunter game site)
Ace Shipbuster - Ron Pearlman as Hell Boy
Johnny Spade - Vinnie Jones

Sam Corbett
Feb 16th, 2004, 02:47:29 PM
Willis taken, confirmed that Charley released him from use to :)

Harmony Cubel
Feb 22nd, 2004, 04:44:22 PM
Um, all other claims I have made as various characters are now free for use.

Harmony Cubel is being represented by Mitarashi Anko.

Thank you, and have a good day.

Figrin D'an
Feb 22nd, 2004, 11:26:04 PM
I'd like to claim Calo Nord from "Knights of the Old Republic."

Mar 4th, 2004, 12:16:32 AM
I was curious if anyone is using John Crichton from Farscape? Ben Browder..

I was told a while ago that someone was using him..but i dont see him around. So i was wondering if anyone is still using him or if hes up for grabs id like to use him....that sounded so bad :\

Oh while im at it im also laying official claim to my current Avatar Burnout.

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 5th, 2004, 09:31:14 AM
Reposted/Updated August 21st 2004

Aaron Belargic (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=968)
Orlando Bloom – Legolas Greenleaf - LOTR
Arriana Rezner (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=351)
Raelee Hill - Sik Sikozu - Farscape
Barton Henning (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3740)
Lewton - Discworld Noir
Daria Nytherciria (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3401)
Aribeth de Tylmarande - Neverwinter Nights, Tsianna Joelson - Varia - Xena Warrior Princess.
These are the only ones I will lay total claim to, since the others are obscure and most often heavily editted.
Darius Van-Derveld (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=473)
Tom Hardy
Dasquian Belargic (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=967)
Orlando Bloom – Legolas Greenleaf - LOTR
Dirka Burckharf, Sergeant (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3263)
Kate Winslet
Donovan (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3381)
Robert Addie - Mordred - Excalibur
Elena Van-Derveld (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1668)
Julie Delpy
Felix Flint
Ruper Grint
Hayes Muirso (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3050)
Matthew Good
Jamo Jakatta (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2801)
Seth Green
Lariat Van-Metzger (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3651)
Michael Sheen - Lucian - Underworld
Laithien Andvagor (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3721)
Keira Knightly - Pirates of the Carribean
Milligan (
Keira Knightly - Princess of Thieves
Nobei Knobs, Corporal (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2206)
Rowan Atkinson
Rick Wright, aka Captain Coruscant
Matthew McConaughey, Captain America
Salem Ave (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=910)
Raziel - Legacy of Kain
Synthia (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3468)
Kristanna Loken – TX – Terminator 3
The Ace of Clubs (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3752)
Chiaki Kuriyama - Go Go Yubari - Kill Bill
Tobias Mortiarty (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3191)
Jason Flemyng – Doctor Jekyll - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Vahid Hesam (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3887)
The Prince - Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Vega Van-Derveld / Jacob Nives (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=350)
Seifer Almasy - Final Fanasy 8, Scott Speedman - Michael - Underworld
Warlock (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=2470)
Moebius the Time Streamer - Legacy of Kain

Abbyka Laine
Mar 8th, 2004, 10:46:34 AM
I'm going to be using Thalia once I'm done with my signiture.

Sith Ahnk
Mar 8th, 2004, 08:25:16 PM
I'm stealing Chris Daniels, but I assume thats not a problem as you guys mostly use actors and or musicians, leaving wrestlers to me.


Mr Dust
Mar 10th, 2004, 09:37:27 PM
BTW, I'm also calling Tessai from Ninja Scroll (the first Devil of Kimon who could turn his body to stone) and Juggernaut from Marvel comics.

Mar 12th, 2004, 11:27:58 PM
I just searched every page, didn't see him taken so...

Peter Gallagher

Rasha Vill
Mar 15th, 2004, 04:10:28 PM
I claim Kim Smith (She is a model).

Kelt Simoson
Apr 9th, 2004, 09:04:38 PM

Update: May 23rd 04

Kelt Simoson (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=1669)
- Faramir, LOTR, TTT, ROTK - David Whenem

Reign Ta'Orn (http://www.swforums.net/forum/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=3995)
Garriet from Thief 1,2 and 3 (Sharing with Cozen)

Leon Dagrelle, Commodore (
- Kevin Spacey

Sieken Kasstra (
- Jude Law, Seriproth All FF, Dante from DVC.

Sean Troy (
- Sam Fisher - Splinter Cell 1 and 2/ Mr. 47 from all Hitman Series.

Zachariah Darmok (
Severus Snape - Harry Potter Movies

Sam Corbett (
- Bruise Willis

Javier Enfer (
- Gary Oldman - Vamp, MGS2 - Sirius Black HP POA -

Syriande Blue (
- Odds and ends of Highwayman pictures, Harrison Ford from Indiana Jones

Viosa ' The Meat King' Lemmens:
Sturrock of Hitman Constracts and Kingpin of Spiderman.
(Profile Not Included)

Reserved - Professor Lupin, Harry Potter - POE and Davis Thawlis in general.

Marcus Telcontar
Apr 9th, 2004, 09:21:07 PM
Update -

Marcus Elessar - Viggo Mortensen

General Tohmahawk - Clint Eastwood.

Robot - Robocop

The Preacherman - Art of Roland from the Dark Tower series

Typhoon - Vash the Stampede from Trigun

Force Master Hunter - The Punisher, movie version. Used with permission of sejah.

Using with permission Liv Tyler and Sauron. Somewhere

Illidan Stormcrow
Apr 10th, 2004, 12:06:17 AM
Illidan Stormcrow - Drizzt Do'Urden

Iziz - Random Jawa Pics

Julius Patton - Random TIE Pilot

Blair Taline
Apr 13th, 2004, 07:44:06 PM
Elisha Cuthbert (Signature and Avatar to come)

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 19th, 2004, 11:55:39 AM
I realize I should get this done now as an update :: thinks ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis/Navaria Tarkin/Daleethria - Eliza Dushku

I also have a random sig for Dale that depicts Priss Asagiri from BGC 2040, and some other painted picture. Don't really care about the painted picture really :lol, but Priss was the original look of Dale and went to use Eliza since they look similar.

Miranda Dunleavy - Ashleigh from Scion

Aliya Vahlshalynn - Rogue from the Comics.

Tirsa Krylana - Chiana/Gigi from farscape

Mara Jade - well Mara Jade from the comics

Vishan - Ben Browder

Oddly, everything is still the same o_O Cept for the Priss thing..Guess I needed to clarify again since Ben was brought up... see post 62 in this very thread for the original posting of these guys

Update - Amy Acker/Illyria is now being used

Apr 21st, 2004, 02:03:34 AM
Raevin Simone - Krista Allen

Seren Irreantum
Apr 21st, 2004, 08:17:58 PM
Seren Irreantum - Ioan Gruffudd

EDIT: I'd also like to claim Miho from Megatokyo, Mena Suvari, and also from Megatokyo, all female incarnations of Piro - Pirogoeth and so forth.

Apr 30th, 2004, 05:09:58 PM
Silvo Arkhan- Barry Pepper
Spada Elhow- Some Kel-Dor

May 4th, 2004, 05:30:15 PM
Dawson dude and me!

Adia Issoris
May 4th, 2004, 08:49:43 PM
Tori Amos.

Razielle Shadana
May 8th, 2004, 08:08:01 PM
Unless someone has her already, I'm working on using the Dark Elf from Lineage 2. ;)

imported_Jacali Danner
May 11th, 2004, 08:40:12 AM
Alright, I've done several thorough searches and have not found Oded Fehr, I'm now making my claim.

Jared Mriad
May 14th, 2004, 11:23:28 PM
Jared - Rodney Rowland

Makoto - that shepard-dog-dude

Future character pending some heavy development - the black werewolf from Van Helsing, I'm still working on this though.

Jake Snake
May 15th, 2004, 09:18:16 AM

Jake Snake-Tchéky Karyo who played Commodore James "Paladin" Taggart in Wing Commander

Redic Scott-Val Kilmer who played "Iceman" in Top Gun

Aurora Silvin
Jun 8th, 2004, 10:18:38 AM
I am using Lisa Ryder

Tanniquel Laroh
Jun 9th, 2004, 10:53:22 AM
Ok, I've checked the database and I haven't found her so I'm claiming Rebecca Romijn-Stamos

Jun 12th, 2004, 11:39:07 AM
I've cheacked as thorough as I can and have found him to be previously unused so I claim Victor Webster (a.k.a. Brennan Mulwray in "Mutant X").

Sarr Koon
Jun 18th, 2004, 11:02:28 PM
Plo Koon- See Avatar

The only Kel Dor there is pictures of...

Yurza Magus
Jun 22nd, 2004, 06:00:07 PM
Shade Magus: Vegitto from DBZ (Also I used one pic of Goku because of the resemblance)
Yurza Magus: James Van Der Beek, Zell from FF VIII
Jacen: Duo from Gundam Wing
Darth Alf: Alf
Kathrine: Alexis Bledel
Aevenon Cloak: Shinji Ikari

Jun 22nd, 2004, 06:25:43 PM
Keito - Meredith Salenger in The Journey of Natty Gann (Natty Gann)
Dillon - Gabriel Damon in Newsies (Spot Conlon)
Thelen - Joseph Mazzello in The Cure (Dexter)

Kieran Devaneaux
Jun 23rd, 2004, 09:49:22 PM
Kieran Devaneaux: Hand-drawn by a friend, based on my Hunter character in Phantasy Star Online; may use Christopher Lambert as Raiden, provided I get a bit of an eye job (Kieran is missing one eye).
Demon-Kieran: Ian McKellen as Magneto, and Darth Revan from KOTOR - seeing as he has not been claimed yet.
(Updated as of 8/20/04)

Live Wire
Jun 25th, 2004, 06:12:35 PM
Live Wire - Connie Nielson (lucilla from gladiator but I use all connie nielson pics)

Jade Fire (formerly Jadesfire4) - Andrea Parker (again all andrea parker pics)

Ariel Dalamar Mortis - Kirsten dunst (from interview with the vampire but as she ages I will be updating the pics)

Huntress - Huntress from the comics

Space Pirates (jeniver thiwen and len garyn) - link to picture to be posted later.

Jul 7th, 2004, 12:18:20 AM
Eastwood from Dirty Harry only.

Ket Van Derveld
Jul 23rd, 2004, 03:42:06 AM
I'll go through this one day completely, but I'm telling everyone right now...

I use Guile from Street Fighter 2 and i had laid claim upon any and all pics of Guile including jean claude's portrayal of Guile in the street fighter movie since 2000. I have been using him for 4 years now, and dagnabit, if anyone is using him right now, y'all better step off!!! ;)

But seriously, ask Ogre, or Dale, or Vega, or anyone from back in the day when this first started and they'll all say the same thing...

"Ket is Guile. End of Story."

heeheeeheee. :lol

Mr. Chambers
Aug 18th, 2004, 09:15:17 PM
James Caan. Very negotiable.

Cardinal Aiyalin
Aug 21st, 2004, 08:15:07 AM
I'm using Giselle Buchnen (sp?) for Beldarine and Angelina Jolie for Cardinal Aiyalin..

I know I've been gone for a little bit.. But I called dibs to those wayyyyy back in Jan of 2001.. So step off beyotches! :)

Aug 26th, 2004, 04:27:42 PM
Tear- Burnout from Gen-13 the comic

Jacen Parami
Aug 26th, 2004, 05:39:11 PM
I have another post around, but its essentially dud. I'll find and ditch it...these are my active characters:

New Republic:
Jacen Parami = Richard Dean Anderson
Kyle Raiden = Michael Shanks
Shelly Waye = Amanda Tapping
Malcolm Trippen = Corin Nemec
Senator Carter = Don S. Davis

Greater Jedi Order:
Alex = Justin Timberlake

Imperial Sovereignty:
Christopher Munro = Joe Flannagan
Shane Davis = Rainbow Sun Francks (NPC - sig purposes)
Michael Elliott = David Hewlett (NPC - sig purposes)

The last two are down there as "sig purposes", because I'm gonna use them in a few signatures - they're named NPCs, and part of Munro's "crew".

Aug 30th, 2004, 01:29:05 AM
Lexx = Havok / Alex Summers, Marvel comics.