Park Kraken
May 11th, 2003, 01:16:50 PM
The howling wind, the last bit of vestiages left over from a dying sandstorm, kicked up some dirt into the Stormtrooper's vizor. He wiped it clean, then continued to stand at attention as the commander of the search party interrogated the Jawa. The Imperial Search team was one of four such groups, each composed of 1 Chariot LAV, 10 Stormtroopers, and 2 Commanders. They were searching for the commander of a group of pirates that had come here, fleeing from an Imperial Strike Cruiser that had intercepted their vessel when it was raiding a Imperial Cargo Transport. The wreckage of the pirate vessel is even now being pulled into the Twin Suns of Tatooine, but three escape pod launches had been detected before the old Action IV ship had been destroyed by the Cruiser Tyranny.
As the stormtrooper stood at attention, the commander shot the Jawa, then an order came through the trooper's comlink, "Shoot the rest of the rodents, then destroy the Sandcrawler." Five minutes later, as the Crawler burned, the trooper fell in rank, and marched back to the shuttle. So far, nothing.........
Park Kraken
May 11th, 2003, 07:30:17 PM
The Stormtrooper looked out the viewport as the shuttle ascended into orbit. The Brownish waste of a planet known as Tatooine slowly shrank away as the shuttle headed into orbit, approaching the Strike Cruiser Tyranny. As the shuttle approached, a heated exchange took place between the cockpit of the shuttle, and what had to be the crew of the Strike cruiser. The shuttle aborted it's course as a wave of 6 TIE Interceptors swept past, heading for low orbit. As he turned around in his seat to get a better look, a sudden blast of energy shook the shuttle. Blue Ionization waves swept over the shuttle. The ship slowly stopped, then started to sink back into orbit. A trio of Y-Wings swept pass, bearing the insignia of the Krennon Pirates. Then, four of the six Interceptors that swept by earlier swept pass also, firing dual linked laser cannons. One of the three Y-Wings exploded under the stress of the accurate fire, the other two split into different directions. Then, the battle was lost behind him as the shuttle plummeted back into the atmosphere. He could hear swearing in the cockpit as the crew tried desperatly for a restart. They finally succeeded, but as he looked out the viewport, he knew they were going to crash anyways.
When he finally awakened, he was still in his seat. He nudged the trooper next to him, Private first class Harrol. He stirred, then sat up-right, fully alert. We made our way out of the shuttle, and glanced at our surrondings. We were surronded by miles, and miles of sand, except off in the distance, where the pitch glow of city lights shone brightly on the horizon. It was dark, after dusk. Someone tapped him on his shoulder. He swung around, bringing his blaster rifle to bear, only to find it was one of the cockpit crew. After a brief conversation, he explained that while the rest of the crew, and troopers went to find help, that he would stay behind to see if the two of us would awaken. After another conversation, we decided to try to find the others. We set off into the night, headed for the city...........
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